
Identify differences and similarities in accounting rules (IFRS) and principles (U.S. GAAP), and conclude which financial reports (based on GAAP or IFRS) closely approximate real value in assets (MBA-ACCT).

Bao, Lee and Romeo Summary

Comparison of U.S. GAAP vs. IFRS Study: Using resources for comparisons of U. S. GAAP with IFRS the student will write a research paper to compare the U.S. GAAP with IFRS in terms of impact on balance sheet items and income statement items. For the purpose of assurance of learning, the student will receive two scores based on:

(1)A2S1: the quality for the analysis of IFRS accounting principles compared and contrasted to U.S. GAAP (MBA-INTERNATIONAL);

(2)A2S2: the ability to identify differences and similarities in accounting rules (IFRS) and principles (U.S. GAAP), and to conclude which financial reports (based on GAAP or IFRS) closely approximate real value in assets (MBA-ACCT).

(3)A2S3: the ability to correctly understand and use the term “earnings management” in U.S. GAAP and IAS using statistical models (MBA-QANT).

Present and discuss evidence supporting the correlation between certain personality traits and being indecisive.

Personality Traits Linked to Indeciviness

Present and discuss evidence supporting the correlation between certain personality traits and being indecisive.

Who are different types of people, and how are they different in terms of their attitudes and behaviours? What are the causes of their actions? How can you affect their behaviour and make it better?


Pandemic Related Consumer Problems
This assignment asks you to apply your advanced knowledge of consumer behavior to the current issues of the global pandemic. You have 2500 words (plus any appendices and works cited) to produce a professional report that: (1) identifies and then elucidates the problems around pandemic through consumer, environmental, organizational, and/or industrial analyses, and then (2) proposes a creative solution to correct the problem that is justified by a thorough consumer behavior analysis which uses a variety of appropriate theoretical perspectives. The assignment relies on applying your advanced knowledge of customers to a real issue. Your identified problem and proposed solution should focus on at least one element of the marketing mix (i.e., Price, Product, Promotion, or Place).
You need to analyze the issues that have been happening and then produce the case, supported by consumer behavior theories and concepts that can help to overcome the issue. For example, it could be on the panic buying at the beginning of the lock downs even though retailers assure there will not be a supply problem or people who refuse to have vaccination because of various news they choose to believe even though scientists and world health organization support vaccination. Who are different types of people, and how are they different in terms of their attitudes and behaviors? What are the causes of their actions? How can you affect their behavior and make it better?
Two important questions to keep in mind are: how elaborate the issue you are analyzing and how realistic it is in terms of your approach to overcoming resistance and implementing it. The detail here is critical.

Please follow the sections below in your report, as marks will be allocated as follows:

Report Section Title Executive Summary Report Section Description A short section that introduces the principle issues, outlines the conclusions from analyses, and details the main recommendations. Allocated Marks 10% (approx. 100 words) Consumer Analysis Provide a critical consumer analysis using CB concepts and 40% (approx 1000 words) theories from discussions in class and independent academic literature research (not textbooks!) of why and how customers behave as they currently do. Marketing Plan & Implications Present your proposed solution that states a resolution or opportunity justified by CB theories and concepts. Also, provide critical 40% (approx 1000 words) projections of how consumer behavior will change after the implementation. Marketing Implications, Budgeting, and Limitations Provide critical analysis of the marketing strategy issues and problems with the implementation of the proposal and include other supporting information (e.g., budget, implementation plan, evaluation plan, etc.) 10% (approx. 400 words)

Discussing how you, as an administrator, could collaborate with other healthcare disciplines to ensure the success of the initiative you selected. Explain why understanding and incorporating a focus on social determinants of health is vital to affecting population health.

Shifting Toward Population Health

Healthcare administrators direct and coordinate medical services in facilities such as hospitals, public health agencies, and managed care organizations. In order to accomplish this directive, healthcare administrators need to be current on mandates, health initiatives, and population health programs. This requires the exploration of a variety of resources on health initiatives and public health programs.

Choose a federal or state initiative that focuses on population health – choose a topic that interests you
Explain how that initiative shifts the focus from the individual person to population health
Evaluate the importance of shifting from individual health to population health
Consider discussing how you, as an administrator, could collaborate with other healthcare disciplines to ensure the success of the initiative you selected
Explain why understanding and incorporating a focus on social determinants of health is vital to affecting population health.

Identify the power resource you selected for use in your practice and advocacy. Explain the resource you selected. How does this power resource work to influence decision makers? Why is this power resource more appropriate for your approach to practice and advocacy than others?

Power in Social Work Practice

For this Discussion, you will identify power resources (including person-to-person, substantive, process, and procedural) that you can use to influence decision makers and secure the adoption of a policy proposal.

Post a brief description of why it is important for social workers to be familiar with power dynamics when working with decision makers. In your description, address the following:


Post a brief description of why it is important for social workers to be familiar with power dynamics when working with decision makers. In your description, address the following:

Identify the power resource you selected for use in your practice and advocacy.

Explain the resource you selected.

How does this power resource work to influence decision makers?

Why is this power resource more appropriate for your approach to practice and advocacy than others?

Describe the ethical issues or concerns in using the type of power resource you selected.

Clearly identifies three leadership qualities/strategies/ theories utilized by the primary leader when making decisions.


1. Clearly identifies three leadership qualities/strategies/ theories utilized by the primary leader when making decisions.

2. Provides the specific outcome of using each quality/strategy/theory. Clearly identifies one additional Biblical leadership quality/strategy/theory not discussed in the case that Welch could have utilized.

3.Provides the anticipated outcome of using this quality/strategy/theory.

How is absorbance affected by the influence of enzyme concentration, temperature, and pH, and inhibition on enzyme activity.


How is absorbance affected by the influence of enzyme concentration, temperature, and pH, and inhibition on enzyme activity.

Write a persuasive speech on why eating too much red meat is detrimental to one’s health.

Eating Too Much Red Meat is Detrimental To One’s Health

This is a persuasive speech on why eating too much red meat is detrimental to one’s health. It should be 8 power point slides with bullets only and not sentences on the slides. Should be MLA format with 3 references. Should have accompanying notes for the slides. The notes should be in sentences.

Do you agree with the speaker in the video that algorithmic censorship can influence social movements? How so or why not?

Course: Sociology

Watch the video How online social movements translate to offline results and answer the questions below.

Think about the influence of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Do you agree with the speaker in the video that algorithmic censorship can influence social movements? How so or why not?

Identify the purpose, audience and audience needs for preparing images. Basic principles of copyright and image usage. Knowledge of basic design elements and image composition.


Indicative Content
Identify the purpose, audience and audience needs for preparing images (LO1).

Basic principles of copyright and image usage (LO5).

Knowledge of basic design elements and image composition (LO2).

Knowledge of image resolution, size and formats (LO5).

Understanding the Photoshop Interface – Key features and functionality (LO3).

Importing, exporting, organising and saving images (LO5).

Knowledge of layers and masks (LO4).

Working with selections and transformation of images (LO4).
Retouching and colour correction techniques (LO4).

Knowledge of type, drawing & painting and filters (LO4).

Preparing and outputting images for web, print and video (LO5).

In this module you will have the opportunity to reflect upon how the module content supports
and enhances employability/career development.

You will find full details of how these Learning Outcomes will be assessed by this assignment in
the marking rubric at the end of this brief. You should read this as it explains how submitted work
achieves certain grades. It will be useful in preparing your assignment as well as in
understanding your feedback.