
In essay form, present an overall summary of Chapter TWa Within your summary, use at least 7 terms from below

Conception to delivery

In essay form, present an overall summary of Chapter TWO Within your summary, use at least 7 terms from below. In your essay,  bold print, underscore, or use all caps with your selected terms. (6 points)





Fetal alcohol syndrome


Geno type



Germinal period

Embryonic period


en Embryo


Age of viability

Apgar scale


Respond with at least 3 substantive statements on two of your classmate’s essays (1 point).

Once again, bold print, underscore, or use all caps with your selected terms within your essay. Dace your discussion rio’it under — ‘Reply
(1 point)

Write a rhetorical analysis essay judging how successful or unsuccessful the author is in achieving his or her purpose.

Conception to delivery

This essay must be a rhetorical analysis essay over the acceptance of the novel peace prize by Martin Luther king jr. Rhetoric meaning the art of using language to persuade. Use
For this essay you will judge how successful or unsuccessful the author is in achieving his or her purpose.

Demonstrate critical examination and analysis, explaining the role of the chosen health care agency in relation to U.S. health care delivery, including the agencies impact on health and wellness.

Affordable Care Act

1. Your PowerPoint presentation should identify and describe major components, responsibilities, and the current structure of the chosen health care agency.

2. Your presentation should demonstrate critical examination and analysis, explaining the role of the chosen health care agency in relation to U.S. health care delivery, including the agencies impact on health and wellness.

3. Your presentation should demonstrate critical examination and analysis regarding major public health challenges facing the healthcare delivery system, and an explanation of possible future directions for the chosen health care agency to address them.

4a. Finally, you should provide a detailed and well-developed explanation of what was learned, which includes specific applications/relationships to the field of public health; and 4b. An analysis of relevant resources utilized and/or needed for U.S. health care delivery changes to occur.

2), clear, objective, engaging, and contain both audio narrations throughout and relevant visual images throughout. This presentation should reflect the highest quality work and effort you turn in this session. While there is no minimum or maximum length required, most comprehensive attempts come in about 25-35 minutes in length.

Critically discuss the role of ethics, environment and sustainability for a business and their implications on company performance and strategy.

Answer the questions (Managerial accounting)

Q1: Critically discuss the role of ethics, environment and sustainability for a business and their implications on company performance and strategy. (8 marks)

Note: It is expected that students actively use external sources such as latest reports,academic and business articles, books, news etc. Minimum 8 sources for each question. You are also encouraged to use company examples to support the discussion.

Q2: Choose one option from the following:

Option 1: Critically discuss the role of management accounting for managers in key areas decision making and how its role is changing in 21st century in managing and running a company. (8 marks)

Note: It is expected that students actively use external sources such as latest reports, academic and business articles, books, news etc. Minimum 8 sources for each question. You are also encouraged to use company examples to support the discussion.

Option 2: Critically discuss the impact of AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning, automation, smart systems and blockchain on the industries and their wider implications on a society. (8 marks)

Note: It is expected that students actively use external sources such as latest reports, academic and business articles, books, news etc. Minimum 8 sources for each question. You are also encouraged to use company examples to support the discussion.

Q3: Critically discuss key steps involved and relevance of strategic management framework for a business. Use a company example to apply 5 steps accordingly (8 marks)

Note: It is expected that students actively use external sources such as latest reports, academic and business articles, books, news etc. Minimum 8 sources for each question. You are also encouraged to use company examples to support the discussion.

What are the patient safety implications and outcomes within organization where a strong or weak patient safety culture exists?

A scoping review:

Patient safety implications and outcomes within organisation where a strong or weak patient safety culture exist.


What are the patient safety implications and outcomes within organization where a strong or weak patient safety culture exists?


  1. To undertake a literature review that considers policy, research and the grey literature in relation to patient safety culture and its implications for healthcare organisations.
  2. To critically review what are the characteristics of an organizations with good patient safety culture and poor patient safety culture.
  3. What are the factors that drives and hinders the implementation of a good patient safety culture?

How did the government handle the drug crisis in California? With the ongoing war on drugs, how did the California government step in and handle this widespread problem? How were the communities within the state affected? How did police forces intervene in communities of color relating to drug use?

Digital storytelling project

This is the main question of the group for a digital storytelling project which we will do later and we are doing individual research papers for it now.
– How did the government handle the drug crisis in California? With the ongoing war on drugs, how did the California government step in and handle this widespread problem? How were the communities within the state affected?

This is the question that needs to be answered for this paper:
How did police forces intervene in communities of color relating to drug use?

Explain how WWII served to bring the United States out of the economic distress known as The Great Depression.

The Great Depression.

Explain how WWII served to bring the United States out of the economic distress known as The Great Depression.

For full credit, answers must be written at a college level and in your own words. Do not simply copy the textbook. Be sure to answer the question completely.

Identify police response to domestic violence, the link between childhood victimization and future delinquency, and create a portfolio up to 8 current scholarly research articles on your chosen topic.

Literature Review

For this assignment, you will identify a specific research area (narrowed by two variables) within Victimology (For example, you might identify police response to domestic violence, the link between childhood victimization and future delinquency, etc.) and create a portfolio up to 8 current (within past 15 years) scholarly research articles on your chosen topic.

The project will have two parts as follows:

For this assignment, you will submit Part 2 of your Research/Literature Review Assignment. Write a literature review which synthesizes the current research from your Week 3 portfolio of articles

Write clearly, concisely, and appropriately using APA 7th Edition, correct English, grammar, punctuation, usage, sentence structure and vocabulary. Your essay should be up to 5 pages in length and should be submitted through Turnitin using the assignment link. Review the rubric below.

Construct a 3 to 5-year strategic plan that is related to a specified health care organization of your choice. The organization may be not-for-profit or for-profit. Complete a SWOT analysis.

Analyze the components involved in strategic planning

Objective of assignment is to analyze the components involved in strategic planning (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) for various healthcare organizations in the U.S. Assess decision making skills utilized by health care managers for strategic planning processes necessary in a competitive marketplace.

Part 1:

Construct a 3 to 5-year strategic plan that is related to a specified health care organization of your choice. The organization may be not-for-profit or for-profit. Complete a SWOT analysis, and include the following:

1. Internal strengths are related to resources and capabilities that effectively and efficiently allow an organization to accomplish its stated mission. Write out and discuss 8 to 10 strengths that you consider the highest priority for the organization of choice.

2. Internal weaknesses are related to deficiencies in resources and capabilities that hinder an organization’s ability to accomplish its mandate or mission. Write out and discuss 8 to 10 weaknesses that you consider the highest priority for the organization of choice.

3. External opportunities are outside factors or situations that can affect your organization in a favorable way. Write out and discuss 8 to 10 opportunities that you consider of highest priority for the organization of choice.

4. External threats are outside factors or situations that can affect your organization in a negative way. Write out and discuss 8 to 10 threats that you consider of highest priority for the organization of choice.

Part 2:

In the health care industry, change occurs quickly and many times without warning. In an effort to address such changes, contingency planning is a key step in the strategic planning process. Contingency planning follows a 7-step process to achieve maximum effectiveness. Assume that you are formulating the contingency plans for an outpatient surgical center.

Identify the 7 steps in the contingency planning process, and explain how each step will be addressed for the surgical center.

Be sure to provide a properly cited response that includes references.

Analyze a particular character from one of the stories in this unit. In your essay, you may examine how point-of-view and tone contribute to the overall development of that character, or you may want to discuss the character’s motivation for his/her actions. Discuss the significance of symbolism or the significance of the journey in “A Worn Path.”

Unit 2: “The Rocking Horse Winner,” “Everyday Use,” and “A Visit of Charity”


Compose a critical analysis essay on one of the topics below. Your essay should be well developed, unified, coherent, and grammatically correct. Refer to the Grading Criteria for MCC English Classes in the First Day Handout for this course. Required length: Approximately 2 pgs (not including Work Cited)

Create a statement and back up your claim with support/evidence from the text. Support should contain clear, specific examples from the story or stories you are analyzing, as well as documentation for all text references. Include at least two quotations from the story in each body paragraph of your essay.

Follow MLA format: Use size 12, Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins; double space.

Include a Work Cited page. It is not included in the two-page length requirement; it should appear on a separate page at the end of your paper.


  • Analyze a particular character from one of the stories in this unit. In your essay, you may examine how point-of-view and tone (or setting, conflict, imagery, symbolism, etc.) contribute to the overall development of that character, or you may want to discuss the character’s motivation for his/her actions.


  • Discuss the significance of symbolism or the significance of the journey in “A Worn Path.”


3). Symbolism in any work from Unit 2.


4.) Using any of the works from Unit 2, analyze a chosen theme.