
Write this paper as a guide explaining Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans.

Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans

Write this paper as a guide explaining Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans. Include the following: Functional Behavioral Assessments Behavior Intervention Plans The Law as it pertains to disability and discipline Teaching coping and self control for behavior management. Include landmark cases such as Honig v. Doe (1988), Community Consolidated Sch. District #93 v. John F. (IL), and others. Use the source

Discuss the case, the investigation process, data recovery, securing the evidence and chain of custody. Explain the types of software you would use to complete the case.

Computer related crime

Submit a one page outline with your proposed term paper title, thesis statement, and an outline of the subtopics you will cover in your paper. Provide at least 3 references in APA format showing you have been successful in finding resources for your topic.

The outline is for a 4-6 page term paper on a computer related crime which can be solved by using computer forensics. You must detail the procedures used in discovering and investigating the evidence. Discuss the case, the investigation process, data recovery, securing the evidence and chain of custody. Remember to explain the types of software you would use to complete the case. You may use the cases noted in the book for guidance or may use one of your own. When writing the term paper you must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources cited and referenced using APA Style formatting in the paper.

Summarize the results of the sales volume and variable cost volume variances computations based on the comparison between the master budget and the flexible budget.

Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting Concepts.

This scenario puts you in charge of preparing a budget for the Redmond Management Association annual public relations luncheon.

Read the scenario in the textbook and complete the activity below.

Use Excel—showing all work and formulas—to complete the following:

Prepare a flexible budget.
Compute the sales volume variance and the variable cost volume variances based on a comparison between the master budget and the flexible budget.
Compute flexible budget variances by comparing the flexible budget with the actual results.

Create a 6- to 8-slide presentation for the budget committee meeting. Complete the following in your presentation:

Summarize the results of the sales volume and variable cost volume variances computations based on the comparison between the master budget and the flexible budget.
Summarize the results of the flexible budget variances computations based on the comparison between the flexible budget and the actual results.
Justify the favorable or unfavorable budget variances.
Since this is a not-for-profit organization, address why anyone should be concerned with meeting the budget.
Make recommendations for what can be done differently to stay on budget for future luncheons. Provide specific examples to support your recommendations.

Define community-oriented policing (COP). Describe the pros and cons of COP. Provide a minimum of two cited examples of COP. Define problem-oriented policing (POP). Describe the pros and cons of POP.

Week 7

Problem-Oriented Policing and Community Oriented Policing

Over the last several decades, police agencies have been working to gain the respect and the cooperation of the communities they serve. There are two main strategies police use: Problem-Oriented Policing and Community Oriented Policing.

Write an 800–1,050-word essay, include the following:

Define community-oriented policing (COP).

Describe the pros and cons of COP.

Provide a minimum of two cited examples of COP.

Define problem-oriented policing (POP).

Describe the pros and cons of POP.

Provide a minimum of two cited examples of POP.

Identify some of the challenges that police departments may face when attempting to implement COP and POP.

In your opinion, which would be more cost-effective and why?

Format your work consistent with APA guidelines and include a title and reference page. Cite a minimum of three reliable sources within the body of your paper using in-text citations where appropriate.

Describe how air pollution can impact the commons. What were some of the major events where air resources were finally recognized as a commons needing protection.

Tragedy of the Commons

The pollution of the atmosphere has been called a “Tragedy of the Commons.” Read the Tragedy of the Commons article located at the following link or in the attachment to this assignment. Describe how air pollution can impact the commons. What were some of the major events where air resources were finally recognized as a commons needing protection.

Your response should be 2-3 pages not counting references or the cover sheet .There should be at least three scholarly references.

Explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

QUANTITATIVE research studies

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two QUANTITATIVE research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – PART II” document (SEE ATTACHMENT) to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.

Use the practice problem and TWO QUANTITATIVE, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment (order #631953 and #633541) to complete this assignment.
In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

How does a college education increase one’s human capital? Why does the downward-sloping production possibilities curve imply that factors of production are scarce? In what ways are the bowed-out shape of the production possibilities curve and the law of increasing opportunity cost related?


1. How does a college education increase one’s human capital?

2. Why does the downward-sloping production possibilities curve imply that factors of production are scarce?

3. In what ways are the bowed-out shape of the production possibilities curve and the law of increasing opportunity cost related?

4. What is the relationship between the concept of comparative advantage and the law of increasing opportunity cost?

5. Suppose an economy can produce two goods, A and B. It is now operating at point E on production possibilities curve RT. An improvement in the technology available to produce good A shifts the curve to ST, and the economy selects point E. How does this change affect the opportunity cost of producing an additional unit of good B?

6. Could a nation’s production possibilities curve ever shift inward? Explain what such a shift would mean, and discuss events that might cause such a shift to occur.

7. Suppose blue-eyed people were banned from working. How would this affect a nation’s production possibilities curve?

8. Evaluate this statement: “The U.S. economy could achieve greater growth by devoting fewer resources to consumption and more to investment; it follows that such a shift would be desirable.”

9. Two countries, Sportsland and Foodland, have similar total quantities of labor, capital, and natural resources. Both can produce two goods, figs and footballs. Sportsland’s resources are particularly well suited to the production of footballs but are not very productive in producing figs. Foodland’s resources are very productive when used for figs but are not capable of producing many footballs. In which country is the cost of additional footballs generally greater? Explain.

10. Suppose a country is committed to using its resources based on the reverse of comparative advantage doctrine: it first transfers those resources for which the cost is greatest, not lowest. Describe this country’s production possibilities curve.

11. The U.S. Constitution bans states from restricting imports of goods and services from other states. Suppose this restriction did not exist and that states were allowed to limit imports of goods and services produced in other states. How do you think this would affect U.S. output? Explain.

12. By 1993, nations in the European Union (EU) had eliminated all barriers to the flow of goods, services, labor, and capital across their borders. Even such things as consumer protection laws and the types of plugs required to plug in appliances have been standardized to ensure that there will be no barriers to trade. How do you think this elimination of trade barriers affected EU output?

13. How did the technological changes described in the Case in Point “Technology Cuts Costs, Boosts Productivity and Profits” affect the production possibilities curve for the United States?

Explain what is meant by the opportunity cost of a choice. What is the approximate dollar cost of the tuition and other fees associated with the economics course you are taking? Does this dollar cost fully reflect the opportunity cost to you of taking the course?


1. Why does the fact that something is scarce require that we make choices?
2. Does the fact that something is abundant mean it is not scarce in the economic sense? Why or why not?
3. In some countries, such as Cuba and North Korea, the government makes most of the decisions about
what will be produced, how it will be produced, and for whom. Does the fact that these choices are made
by the government eliminate scarcity in these countries? Why or why not?
4. Explain what is meant by the opportunity cost of a choice.
5. What is the approximate dollar cost of the tuition and other fees associated with the economics course
you are taking? Does this dollar cost fully reflect the opportunity cost to you of taking the course?
6. In the Case in Point essay “The Rising Cost of Energy,” what would be some of the things that would be
included in an estimate of the opportunity cost of preserving part of northern Alberta Canada by
prohibiting heavy crude oil extraction? Do you think that the increased extraction represents the best use
of the land? Why or why not?
7. Indicate whether each of the following is a topic of microeconomics or macroeconomics:
a. The impact of higher oil prices on the production of steel
b. The increased demand in the last 15 years for exotic dietary supplements
c. The surge in aggregate economic activity that hit much of Asia late in the early 2000s
d. The sharp increases in U.S. employment and total output that occurred between 2003 and 2007
e. The impact of preservation of wilderness areas on the logging industry and on the price of
8. Determine whether each of the following raises a “what,” “how,” or “for whom” issue. Are the statements
normative or positive?
a. A requirement that aluminum used in cars be made from recycled materials will raise the price of
b. The federal government does not spend enough for children.
c. An increase in police resources provided to the inner city will lower the crime rate.
d. Automation destroys jobs.
e. Efforts to improve the environment tend to reduce production and employment.
f. Japanese firms should be more willing to hire additional workers when production rises and to
lay off workers when production falls.
g. Access to health care should not be limited by income.
9. Your time is a scarce resource. What if the quantity of time were increased, say to 48 hours per day, and
everyone still lived as many days as before. Would time still be scarce?
10. Most college students are under age 25. Give two explanations for this—one based on the benefits
people of different ages are likely to receive from higher education and one based on the opportunity
costs of a college education to students of different ages.
11. Some municipal water companies charge customers a flat fee each month, regardless of the amount of
water they consume. Others meter water use and charge according to the quantity of water customers
use. Compare the way the two systems affect the cost of water use at the margin.
12. How might you test each of the following hypotheses? Suggest some problems that might arise in each
test due to the ceteris paribus (all-other-things-unchanged) problem and the fallacy of false cause.
a. Reducing the quantity of heroin available will increase total spending on heroin and increase the
crime rate.
b. Higher incomes make people happier.
c. Higher incomes make people live longer.
13. Many models in physics and in chemistry assume the existence of a perfect vacuum (that is, a space
entirely empty of matter). Yet we know that a perfect vacuum cannot exist. Are such models valid? Why
are models based on assumptions that are essentially incorrect?
14. Suppose you were asked to test the proposition that publishing students’ teacher evaluations causes
grade inflation. What evidence might you want to consider? How would the inability to carry out
controlled experiments make your analysis more difficult?
15. Referring to the Case in Point “Baldness and Heart Disease,” explain the possible fallacy of false cause in
concluding that baldness makes a person more likely to have heart disease.
16. In 2005 the Food and Drug Administration ordered that Vioxx and other popular drugs for treating the
pain of arthritis be withdrawn from the market. The order resulted from a finding that people taking the
drugs had an increased risk of cardiovascular problems. Some researchers criticized the government’s
action, arguing that concluding that the drugs caused the cardiovascular problems represented an
example of the fallacy of false cause. Can you think of any reason why this might be the case

Discuss: What does equilibrium price represent? What factors cause equilibrium to change and why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy? After reading about price ceiling and price floor, do you think the government should control the level of prices for products that are really important such as gasoline

Equilibrium price

1. Provide examples of a variable that affect the supply curve and a variable that affects the demand curve (You must refer to the determinants of demand and supply in your textbook)

2. Think of a product or service that use in your everyday life or workplace. Describe how the supply or demand of this product might be changed. Which of the main categories of demand and supply factors presented in your textbook are involved?

3. Discuss: What does equilibrium price represent? What factors cause equilibrium to change and why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy? After reading about price ceiling and price floor, do you think the government should control the level of prices for products that are really important such as gasoline (read about price ceiling and price floor in your textbook before answering this item)

Describe the different levels and what the card holder will receive at each of those levels. Name at least three “perks” a consumer/holder will receive IF they sign up for the program as a meeting planner or just a guest.

Hotel Loyalty Programs

Hotel Loyalty Programs are great for marketing and promotions!  It has been proven to boost growth and does not cost the company that many marketing dollars.  Everyone loves giving aways and it increase sells by selling more.

Tracking customer tends for Market Research is helpful as well  and the most important thing is it makes customers happy – so why not!  The best thing about the program is once it is up an running it pretty much runs itself!

Here are eight reasons why loyalty programs are imperative for marketing…

  1. It has been proven to boost growth
  2. Not as expensive as you think to a company.  Giving away a product that a person is buying more of, great idea!
  3. Reputation
  4. Increase sells by selling more…double points day or if you spend $X then you get more points
  5. Market Research – track customer favorites, where they spend their money, etc…
  6. It makes customers happy – so why not!
  7. You can provide in store or digital rewards or both!
  8. Once the program is up and running it stops being work

Now that we understand more about loyalty programs from our lecture on leading the competition and the above let’s discuss the benefits of this type of program to both the holder as well as the company.  Answer the THREE following questions directly into the chat box (do not attach a word document) by Wednesday of this week.

  1. See the list of hotel loyalty programs below – Going by the first letterof your FIRST name research the hotel’s loyalty program give a 3-5 sentence detailed description of that company loyalty program.  Describe the different levels and what the card holder will receive at each of those levels. (DO NOT COPY AND PASTE from the website)

Hilton Honors Program       A-E

IHG Rewards Club             F-I

Marriott Bonvoy                 J-M

World of Hyatt                   N-Q

Wyndham Rewards          R-U

Omni Select Guest           V-Z

  1. Name at least three “perks” a consumer/holder will receive IF they sign up for the program as a meeting planner or just a guest.
  2. Name at least two reasons why a loyalty program benefits the hotel?

By 11:59 PM, Saturday of this week come back and respond to at least TWO peers of this week by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with rationale, challenging a point of discussion, or making a relationship between one or more points of the discussion to at least TWO peer before the due date.