
Discuss the roles of the knight in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” In what ways do the actions and thoughts of these knights challenge the traditional image of the knight as honorable and courageous?

Knight vs Knight

Discuss the roles of the knight in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” In what ways do the actions and thoughts of these knights challenge the traditional image of the knight as honorable and courageous?

Write an essay Comparing and contrasting the political thinking of Machiavellis “The Prince” and Hobbes “Leviathan”.

The Political thinking of Machiavelli and Hobbes

Comparing and contrasting the political thinking of Machiavellis “The Prince” and Hobbes “Leviathan”. Use only these two works as references, I will add citations and material from our course literature to it afterwards.

What are your thoughts associated with any aspect of these topics in relation to any of the discrimination news pieces shared?


Most probably you will find examples of OVERT discrimination. But we should also talk about more subtle forms of organizational and interpersonal discrimination as well in this forum.

2. NOTE: Reflection on content within at least one piece from the News and Views page – or an example of employment discrimination you bring into the discussion is required in this forum.
Why do I ask you to seek out an example or a perspective on employment discrimination? Using an example will help us apply what we’re learning this week.

Discuss any week 7 topics in relation to the samples of what is currently occurring in the workplace. Below are some topic suggestions.

What are your thoughts associated with any aspect of these topics in relation to any of the discrimination news pieces shared?

1. overt interpersonal discrimination – or – overt organizational/institutional discrimination
2. subtle discrimination – or – subtle organizational discrimination
3. hiring and big data
4. laws or initiatives that work to address discrimination (and particularity at this time government/politics and laws)
5. change needed to reduce discrimination in the workplace

What are the demographics for this population, and/or how pervasive is the problem? Identify if this is a simple or complex trauma and why. Are there particular groups who are more vulnerable? What are specific diversity factors identified as contributing variables to consider? What factors of the trauma are most influential in the severity of symptoms? What is the range of reactions to this trauma?

Analysis of Trauma Population

This paper requires students to do library research on one form of trauma that people experience. Forms of trauma include, but are not limited to: assault, accidental injury, exposure to war, rape, life threatening illness, natural and biological disasters, domestic violence, child sexual or physical abuse, kidnapping, torture, and threats to one’s life or physical well-being.


Discuss the consequences of the type of traumatization you have chosen as the focus of your paper. What tends to happen to people who experience this form of trauma? You are looking to describe the consequences of this type of trauma for the urban individual, family, community, globally, or culture with the application of the influence of diversity factors in the experience of this form of trauma on micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What are the demographics for this population, and/or how pervasive is the problem?
  • Identify if this is a simple or complex trauma and why.
  • Are there particular groups who are more vulnerable?
  • What are specific diversity factors identified as contributing variables to consider?
  • What factors of the trauma are most influential in the severity of symptoms?
  • What is the range of reactions to this trauma?
  • What communities and systems could be impacted and/or involved?

Include at least 6 references from the professional literature; 4 of these must be from current professional journals in social work, psychology, psychiatry, or other closely related fields. Internet sources may be used in addition to these 6 sources. Use APA format to cite all references. This section should be 4-5 pages in length.

Why do you think there is value in understanding and studying the natural sciences when considering not only the impact of science on the global community, but to each of us individually?

Short Answer 8

It is important to think about your obligation as a citizen in today’s society. You need to understand the science behind issues that impact you and other people on this earth every day. Answer the following questions:


How can being a more scientifically informed member of society benefit you and your community?

Include the title of the TED Talk that you chose to watch (from the options provided in the module Reading and Resources area, see below titles) as well as one point made by the speaker to support your response.

Why do you think there is value in understanding and studying the natural sciences when considering not only the impact of science on the global community, but to each of us individually?


What is the goal of your design? Who are you building this product for? How will users interact with your design? How will it impact the life of your target users?

Media design

Define what for and what your final project will be. In doing so, answer the following questions in as much detail as possible:

What is the goal of your design?

Who are you building this product for?

How will users interact with your design?

How will it impact the life of your target users?

Feel free to further elaborate on the rationale for your product, but at the very least, these questions should be answered.

What informs Paul’s writing in this passage; does he draw on OT, relevant traditions/backgrounds, and why? How does he seek or influence his readers, any other conceptual connections that the audience could make, or is he making?

Apostle Paul’s Call and Conversion; Galatians 1:13-17

Kindly be sure to use academic at least three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles. So in your writing, brings these types of ideas into this paper; What informs Paul’s writing in this passage; does he draw on OT, relevant traditions/backgrounds, and why? How does he seek or influence his readers, any other conceptual connections that the audience could make, or is he making? What is the text saying concerning the thesis?

On what form would the gain or loss originally be reported? What is the amount of gain or loss on the sale? What amount of the gain or loss is subject to ordinary tax rates?

Antoine sold the following stock in 2020. ABC, Incorporated, is a § 1202 qualified small business (QSB).

Asset Cost Acquired Sale Price Sale Date
ABC, Incorporated, 150 shares $ 108,750 01/10/2009 $ 139,500 04/30/2020
DEF, Incorporated, 124 shares 21,700 11/15/2016 16,120 02/28/2020
GHI, Incorporated, 62 shares 21,700 03/31/2019 19,592 08/30/2020

Complete the chart.
After netting, what is the total gain or loss?
If Antoine is in the 37% tax rate bracket, at what rate is the net gain or loss taxed?

In 2020, Rosalva sold stock considered short-term for a gain of $1,200 and stock considered long-term for a loss of $3,530. She also had a $3,160 short-term loss carryover from 2019 and a $1,445 long-term loss carryover from 2019.

What amount will be shown as a short-term gain (loss) for 2020?
What amount will be shown as a long-term gain (loss) for 2020?
How much of the loss is deductible in 2020?
What is the amount of long-term carryover to 2021?


Jake purchased a $195,000 crane for his construction business. He sold the crane for $165,000 after taking $109,200 of depreciation. Assume Jake is in the 35% tax rate bracket.

On what form would the gain or loss originally be reported?
What is the amount of gain or loss on the sale?
What amount of the gain or loss is subject to ordinary tax rates?

How does the concept of servant leadership or stewardship differ from traditional leadership philosophies, does it affect quality in an organization or company, provide an example of a pros or cons.

lesson 9 Discussion Man4520

In your own words, how does the concept of servant leadership or stewardship differ from traditional leadership philosophies, does it affect quality in an organization or company, provide an example of a pros or cons.

Define El . Explain each component of El . Explain the Mayer and Salovey El model . Explain El in everyday life (cognftive abilities, social functions, and work performance) e. What is the relation between El, leadership, climate and organizational performance? Explain

Emotional Intelligence

Research Paper on Emotional Intelligence
Read attached articles on Emotional Intelligence for the Research Paper:
1. An El-Based Theory of Performance by Daniel Goleman
2. Emotional Intelligence: Implications for Personal, Social, Academic and Workplace Success
by Marc A. Brackett, Susan E. Rivers and Peter Salovey

Research Paper Questions:
a. Define El
b. Explain each component of El
c. Explain the Mayer and Salovey El model
d. Explain El in everyday life (cognftive abilities, social functions, and work performance)
e. What is the relation between El, leadership, climate and organizational performance?
f. What are the implications of El and higher education? Explain