
Discuss one of the problems described in the article. How could the correct allocation of human resources helped solve some of the problems in this case?

Lesson 9 Discussion

Discuss one of the problems described in the article.
How could the correct allocation of human resources helped solve some of the problems in this case?

What are some of the main issues with the SDGs? Can you think of others as well?

Public health

Read the abstracts of these 3 papers and come prepared with an answer to this question: What are some of the main issues with the SDGs? Can you think of others as well?



How do recent trends in state subsidies and college prices affect your understanding and interpretation of this paper? How do what we have learned of the for-profit sector influence your reading of Winston? In particular, does it surprise you that there are so few for-profits among four-year colleges?

Referee report

1. The importance/motivation/background of the issue: the economic realities of higher education. How knowing the economics behind higher education will help us in framing proper policies, and in assessing the impact of various trends in financing, enrollment
2. The conclusions of the paper, and its contribution. What do we learn from reading the paper, in particular about the nature of a highly selective university.
3. How do recent trends in state subsidies and college prices affect your understanding and interpretation of this paper?
4. (Brief) How do what we have learned of the for-profit sector influence your reading of Winston? In particular, does it surprise you that there are so few for-profits among four-year colleges?
5. How does your understanding of these peer effects – based on your reading of the assigned chapter and the class discussion – help you in critically analyzing what Winston is saying?
6. How do you think online learning might complicate the picture?

Compare and contrast two items that have been changed by technology over time. Choose something that has been adapted by human progress or technology. Highlight differences and similarities between the two items.

landline phones and cell phones

This assignment asks you to compare and contrast two items that have been changed by technology over time. Choose something that has been adapted by human progress or technology. Highlight differences and similarities between the two items. Finally, advocate one of these items over the other. Possible ideas might be:

If we factor in the new globally connected and socially connected world, must we re-evaluate our expectations as to whether presidents can accomplish their agendas? Is there anything that can be done to make a president more successful in achieving his promises?

The president

The president is the first political office children recognize. The president helps people make sense of politics. Congress is a tangle of committees; the bureaucracy is a maze of agencies. The president is one man trying to do a job – a picture much more understandable to the mass of people who find themselves in the same boat. Furthermore, he is the top man. He ought to know what is going on and set it right. So when the economy goes sour, or war drags on, or domestic violence erupts, the president is available to take the blame. Then when things go right, it seems the president must have had a hand in it. Indeed, the flow of political life is marked off by Presidents: the “Eisenhower Era,” the “Kennedy Years.”

We do seem to expect a lot from our presidents. Why is that? We elect them and give them a report card after their first 100 days in office. The expectation that they should be able to fix the economy or solve an international crisis in just a few days seems to be something dreamt up from a Hollywood screenplay. Do you think we have too high an expectation for our presidents? Why do we expect our presidents to do so much? Do the journalists share the blame? Do the presidents themselves? When they run for the office they make sweeping promises that fail to consider the constrictions of the office, but then every candidate for every office does that – even the local dog catcher. Where does Congress or the Courts fit into the public perception of the presidents’ power? Do different presidents’ have different powers? Furthermore, when we consider our expectations of the office, are we imagining a president living in an older era? If we factor in the new globally connected and socially connected world, must we re-evaluate our expectations as to whether presidents can accomplish their agendas? Is there anything that can be done to make a president more successful in achieving his promises?


If asked to begin forming an argument for this position, what sources would you need to build your case? What fundamental information do you need? What opinion leaders in this debate would you look to in solidifying your argument?

Canada Should Be More Active in Diplomacy with North Korea

The author has presented the fundamental positions for this perspective in the debate. Outline the strengths and
weaknesses of each perspective.

If asked to begin forming an argument for this position, what sources would you need to build your case? What
fundamental information do you need? What opinion
leaders in this debate would you look to in solidifying your argument?

What are the weakest aspects of the position outlinedby the author? How might those weaker arguments help you prepare a counterargument?

What additional Talking Points could you add to support this position?

Explain how that initiative shifts the focus from the individual person to population health. Evaluate the importance of shifting from individual health to population health.

Shifting Toward Population Health

Healthcare administrators direct and coordinate medical services in facilities such as hospitals, public health agencies, and managed care organizations. In order to accomplish this directive, healthcare administrators need to be current on mandates, health initiatives, and population health programs. This requires the exploration of a variety of resources on health initiatives and public health programs.

The term population health was introduced in 2003 by Dave Kindig and Greg Stoddart who defined the term as “the health outcome of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2018, para. 1). Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, Clarke, and Horowitz (2016) argue that the only way to improve the total health of the United States is to shift our focus from healthcare that is reactive to healthcare that proactive and promotes health and wellness. We spend a lot of time treating and focusing on a patient’s disease/illness and spend little time focusing on the conditions that contribute to the disease/illness. For that reason, it is important to understand social determinants of health (SDOH) and how they factor into the comprehensive picture of population health (Zangerle, 2016).

Post a single 3- or 4-paragraph response that addresses the following prompts (your Instructor will notify you of the due date):

Choose a federal or state initiative that focuses on population health – choose a topic that interests you
Explain how that initiative shifts the focus from the individual person to population health
Evaluate the importance of shifting from individual health to population health
Consider discussing how you, as an administrator, could collaborate with other healthcare disciplines to ensure the success of the initiative you selected
Explain why understanding and incorporating a focus on social determinants of health is vital to affecting population health.

Discuss professional objectives and explain how your past experiences have contributed to defining those objectives.

Supervisor experience

Prompt: Discuss professional objectives and explain how your past experiences have contributed to defining those objectives.

If the submarine is able to travel with a horizontal speed of 40km/h, calculate the dynamic pressure at various points on the submarine’s surface. Estimate the required thrust (force) that the engine needs to generate to maintain this speed if the propeller (5-m diameter) rotates at 100rpm.

Design project for fluid mechanics

1. Objectives Preliminary design of a submarine that can operate with the water depth of H=40m — 100m in the Pacific Ocean. The submarine is a thin structure consists of a layer of steel with separate rooms. The most important rooms are:

1) Flood tanks; 2) Engine Room/Reactor; 3) Storage/Weapon room; and 4) Crew/Officer room. In this class, we focus mainly on designing the Flood tank where the water is pumped into and out of the submarine to descend or ascend.

2. Materials The submarine needs to accommodate a crew of 20 people to travel in a month uninterrupted. It needs to carry a weapon load of 2,700 kg. The steel density is chosen to be 8.05 g/cm3. The reactor weight is 100 tons. The engine is 20 tons in weight.

3. Requirements Using the system of choice (manual,, tinker cad), calculate and design the submarine. Please show all design computations that must cover the following: a) Room dimensions/ Wall-thickness, material density; b) Free-body diagram analysis; c) Static balances; d) Dynamic analysis.

A. Calculate the total loads of the submarine. Calculate the buoyancy force acting on the submarine with your design.

B. Please show your designed system for the dimensions of the submarine, the sizes of the rooms

C. Calculate force balances using free-body analysis for the hydrostatic pressures for critical points on the submarine surface (head, middle, tail etc).

D. In the case of emergency (engine stalls), what is the maximum sinking velocity? If the engine fails, and pumping is required to push water out of the Flood room, what is the maximum ascending speed?

E. If the submarine is able to travel with a horizontal speed of 40km/h, calculate the dynamic pressure at various points on the submarine’s surface. Estimate the required thrust (force) that the engine needs to generate to maintain this speed if the propeller (5-m diameter) rotates at 100rpm.

Explore the pros and cons of the IMT. Discuss visual function vs. functional vision as related to this technology, and discuss how to maximize visual efficiency for everyday life when one of the patient’s eyes has an IMT and the other eye does not. 


The question:

Explore the pros and cons of the IMT. Discuss visual function vs. functional vision as related to this technology, and discuss how to maximize visual efficiency for everyday life when one of the patient’s eyes has an IMT and the other eye does not.