
Of the four agreements laid out by don miguel Ruiz in his book? Which one do you think is the most important? Why?

The four agreements

Essay prompt: of the four agreements laid out by don miguel Ruiz in his book? Which one do you think is the most important? Why?

What are the Weight gain recommendations for pregnancy for a woman of normal weight, overweight, underweight? What are the consequences of not gaining enough weight during the pregnancy? What are the consequences of gaining too much weight?

Nutritional needs during pregnancy’s

1. What are the Weight gain recommendations for pregnancy for a woman of normal weight, overweight, underweight? What are the consequences of not gaining enough weight during the pregnancy? What are the consequences of gaining too much weight?

2. What are the specific vitamins and minerals that need to be supplemented during pregnancy? Why?

3. What specific nutrients other than vitamins and minerals that need to be considered during pregnancy: ie.. water requirements, protein, fiber

4. Consider Tanya: Tanya is a 31-year old woman who is currently with a BMI of 28-a bit overweight. She is in her second trimester. Answer the following questions:

-how many calories should Tanya have?

-what should she makes sure she eats

-how much weight should she gain during this trimester

-what should she avoid eating?

Finally, make sure you use at least 3 sources and provide APA references for those sources. Also, use the sources w/in text and use in-text citations.

Discuss the three of the most prevalent healthcare fraud and abuse issues in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  What regulatory and governmental efforts are in place to reduce fraud and abuse?

Discussion 9 G

Locate an article which addresses the prevalent healthcare fraud and abuse issues in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  Discuss the three of the most prevalent healthcare fraud and abuse issues in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  What regulatory and governmental efforts are in place to reduce fraud and abuse?


Support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. Post your initial response early and check back often to continue the discussion.


You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

What claims does the author make and how does she support that claim? In other words, what is she trying to teach us about her experience, about her world? Why? What is her purpose for doing so?


For this formal essay, you will analyze the visual and verbal language of the graphic novel Persepolis. In order to construct a strong analysis, you must first situate Persepolis in a particular rhetorical context. You will need to explain to your reader what a graphic novel is, who the author is, who the author’s intended audience is, and the social and cultural background of the story the author is telling. You will also need to explain what themes and broader lessons you will focus on that you think the book is expressing. You will use the supplementary readings/videos and your own research to help provide context and explain concepts throughout your analysis.

There are two approaches you can take to this analysis:

1. You can focus on two or three visual elements and analyze how they are used throughout the novel (use of color, lines, or borders, for example). Make sure to connect these visual elements to a broader theme or objective you see taking place throughout the story.

2. You can focus on a particular section of the book (say, about 2-3 pages) and explain the visual elements at play in that section. Make sure you connect that section to the broader context and themes of the book.

In order to expand on those ideas in an analytical way, you’ll focus on visual and verbal elements of the story that underscore those themes and highlight those contexts you describe above. You may answer the following questions through your analysis:

• Why does this graphic novel look the way it does? This will require description and explanation of book’s design: visual images, colors, etc.; word choices; layout and arrangement, etc.

• What kind of background does she provide her audience? What does she know about her audience that helps her decide what to include and what not to include throughout the story?

• What claims does the author make and how does she support that claim? In other words, what is she trying to teach us about her experience, about her world? Why? What is her purpose for doing so?

In order to get deeper into your analysis, you will need to use some of the source material we covered in relation to Persepolis. You’re also welcome to use any other sources you looked up while you were reading, as long as you found them to be credible sources.

Why are the employees deciding to unionize? What are the mandatory bargaining subjects? Other than wages and hours, what are five other terms and conditions of employment? What are permissive bargaining subjects that will be negotiated?

Unit 7 Case Study

The employees at your organization have formed a union, and the bargaining process now begins. Write a case study in which you analyze the situation. First, begin with background information about the negotiation, and make certain to address the areas below.

Identify the state where the organization is located. Is the state a right-to-work state? If yes, explain what this means. If no, explain what this means. Why are the employees deciding to unionize? What are the mandatory bargaining subjects? Other than wages and hours, what are five other terms and conditions of employment? What are permissive bargaining subjects that will be negotiated? List at least five.
Second, you need to select members of your bargaining team. You will select four supervisors who were identified in the Unit VI Lesson.

Discuss why you selected each supervisor, and compare/contrast their conflict management styles. Each supervisor must have a different conflict style. Explain how each supervisor can contribute to conflict resolution strategies used during negotiation.
Third, explain the two collective bargaining strategies, and identify which one you will recommend your team to use. Explain and support your rationale.
Finally, what will you propose happens if a labor management agreement is not reached by your team and the employee representatives?

What is the tone of the review? Is it humorous, serious, pessimistic, optimistic? Something else entirely? What makes you say that?

The Anthropocene Reviewed.

1. “Googling Strangers” by John Green from The Anthropocene Reviewed.
2. “Kentucky Bluegrass” by John Green from The Anthropocene Reviewed.
3. “Canada Geese” by John Green from The Anthropocene Reviewed.

1. Complete The Anthropocene Reviewed Reflection 1

2. Answer the following five questions in one document (must be a Word file or PDF). Please number each question clearly.

The Anthropocene Reviewed Reflection 1First, take a few minutes to reflect on what you listened to and/or read for this week. Next, pick one review to focus on and provide thoughtful and thorough answers to the following questions. The answers should be, roughly speaking, at least 3-5 sentences (more isn’t a bad thing!).

1. What is the main point of the review? It might be to inform, to inspire, to persuade, to change your perspective, or something else entirely.

2. What is the tone of the review? Is it humorous, serious, pessimistic, optimistic? Something else entirely? What makes you say that?
Consider the following definition of tone: “Tone in writing refers to the writer’s attitude toward the reader and the subject of the message. The overall tone of a written message affects the reader just as one’s tone of voice affects the listener in everyday exchanges” (Ober 88).
Tone reveals the author’s attitude about a subject or topic to their reader. It can be delivered in different ways, like through word choice, punctuation, and sentence structure.
It’s similar to when you’re talking to someone in person. Your facial expressions, vocal pitch, and body language might convey a certain tone that informs the language you use in conversation.
By using the right tone in your writing, your readers can better understand your emotions regarding a topic. It’s a signal to your reader about how your writing should make them feel. Your tone might be delightful or sarcastic, lighthearted or aggressive, among other types of tones, all through your writing.

3. What is one section of the review that stood out to you and why? In your answer, provide a quotation for this section and explain why you think this quotation is important.
4. Where do you see ethos, pathos, or logos in the review? Again, provide a quotation for where you see an example of ethos, pathos, or logos and explain if you think John’s use of this rhetorical appeal is effective or not and why.

5. Look back at what you wrote for number one. Do you think the review effectively accomplished its main point? Why or why not? Do you find it persuasive? Why or why not?

How does employee motivation, or the ability of healthcare managers to motivate employees, contribute to overall performance at the individual and organizational levels?

Week 3 discussion question

Part 1
A happy employee is a productive employee, right? Maybe. Maybe not. Can a leader really motivate an employee or can the manager only create the environment for the employee to be motivated? Substantiate your post using at least one research article.

part 2
How does employee motivation, or the ability of healthcare managers to motivate employees, contribute to overall performance at the individual and organizational levels? Substantiate your post using at least one research article.

What influences an individual’s definition of health? How does lifespan development influence an individual’s definition of health?

The Impact of an Individual’s Health Definition on Health Promotion

What influences an individual’s definition of health?

How does lifespan development influence an individual’s definition of health?

Write a two-page proposal identifying a significant quality issue that you will research for this project. Describe the quality issue to be addressed. Examine previous attempts to address the issue.

Quality Benchmark Proposal

Read the instructions and rubrics for the entire Quality Benchmark Project before starting this assignment. They will provide you with an overview of all three components.

write a two-page proposal identifying a significant quality issue that you will research for this project. Your paper should include a title page and a reference page. Be sure that you address each requirement. Use headings to differentiate each topic area. In your proposal, provide the following information:

Write an introduction to the Quality Benchmark Project.

Describe the quality issue to be addressed.

Provide background information on the issue.

Examine previous attempts to address the issue.

Describe the areas of assessment that the nurse should expand on? Explain your rationale? How should the nurse respond to the mother’s concern about her son playing soccer? Describe how the mother of this 9-year-old boy can foster his development?


A 9-year-old boy is bought to the clinic by his mother for a school physical exam his mother is concerned because the child wants to join the school soccer team this year. During physical examination, the nurse discovers since last year there has been an increase of 2″ in height and a 10-pound weight gain. Otherwise health history is unchanged from the previous year. The young boy tells the nurse that he rides his bike more now than last year because he has a new best friend to go riding with.

Describe the areas of assessment that the nurse should expand on?
Explain your rationale?

How should the nurse respond to the mother’s concern about her son playing soccer?

Describe how the mother of this 9-year-old boy can foster his development?