
Explain what is meant by “common law” and the importance of the doctrine of precedent. Explain what rights are attached to the ownership of shares when becoming a shareholder. Mention and explain under what circumstances an offer may come to an end.

Business Law

Question 1) Explain what is meant by “common law” and the importance of the doctrine of precedent.
(10 marks)

Question 2) Mention and explain under what circumstances an offer may come to an end. (10 marks)

Question 3) Explain what rights are attached to the ownership of shares when becoming a shareholder
(10 marks)


Write an essay explaining the impact of Covid-19 on the American economy.

Impact of Covid-19 on the American economy

Include at least 4 quotations, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase into the essay from at least 3 credible sources to support the thesis statement and provide an opposing argument paragraph. Include the works cited page at the end for any resources used.

Explain the author’s main argument and how the author draws on historical evidence to advance that argument. What do you think is an important limitation of this secondary source? How does the history found in the secondary source seem to connect to a broader idea, theme, debate, or issue in history?

Scholarly secondary source.

Your paper should briefly introduce your paper’s topic or question and provide a statement. In a
paper of this size, your introduction and thesis statement should appear on the first page, in the paper’s first

Your paper should show that you reasoned through the evidence in a fair-minded way. In other words you
should state (paraphrase) what your evidence says and not what you wish it said or you think it should say.
You need to state the evidence fairly, even if you think it wrong or offensive.

Your paper should use evidence to answer the historical question. You need to explain how the evidence
answers the question. The easiest way to figure this is to think through your evidence and argument using
one or more of the key concepts for this course.

Your paper should develop and organize your thoughts clearly and logically. Use paragraphs and topic
sentences. Outlining is a necessary, but not required, step in writing a well-organized paper. Paragraph
organization and the use of topic sentences is essential.

Your paper should draw a conclusion that addresses the paper’s chief topic or question and that states your
answer to the question or your contribution to the topic.


Submission to Blackboard Learn: uploaded Word document

Typewritten, double-spaced

Length – Times New Roman, 12 pt., 500-750 minimum

Citation – Chicago (Turabian), MLA, or parenthetical page citation


The source for this assignment is a scholarly secondary source. A scholarly source includes footnotes or endnotes
and is authored by an expert in the field. In your essay, explain the author’s main argument and how the author
draws on historical evidence to advance that argument. What do you think is an important limitation of this
secondary source? How does the history found in the secondary source seem to connect to a broader idea, theme,
debate, or issue in history? Support your explanation and evaluation with specific evidence from the scholarly work
under examination.

Discuss whether you think a “carrot” or “stick” approach is more effective for you personally (or for a business you are involved with), or whether neither is truly the best way to motivate. Give your reasons and experiences as to why.


In your own words discuss whether you think a “carrot” or “stick” approach is more effective for you personally (or for a business you are involved with), or whether neither is truly the best way to motivate. Be sure to give your reasons and experiences as to why. Have you seen effective and ineffective uses of either technique in advertising, persuasive emails, marketing campaigns, etc.?

Remember to reference another source discussing something around this topic that you find interesting or useful. Don’t forget to properly cite both in-text and as a reference in APA format.

What is your opinion on He Jiankuis work? Do you think it is problematic? What are some positive and negative consequences of experimenting on human embryos? What opportunities come from editing a germ line?

Designer babies

Start your research first by watching these podcasts about the pros and cons of creating designer babies. Keep in mind that experiments have been done with human embryos.

next, watch the videos below about researcher He Jiankui’s research and work with the CRISPR method:


-What is your opinion on He Jiankuis work? Do you think it is problematic? Support your answers with the reasons why you think that way and use your answers to the following questions to help you write your response

– What are some positive and negative consequences of experimenting on human embryos?

– What opportunities come from editing a germ line?

– What social implications might come with editing a germ line (DNA that will be passed down for generations)?

– Could this encourage social exclusion in the future?

– Could this contribute to a socio-economic divide in the future?

He Jiankui stated “enhancing IQ, selecting hair/eye colour is not what a loving parent does. That should be banned.”

Decide – Do you think there should be a line draw between being able to alter medical traits and physical traits? How should the scientific community select which traits are available for editing and which should be banned?

What are the similiarities and differences with Intimate Partner Violence and Domestic Violence? When did IPV become so prevalent? Do you agree with the films findings and can you support it with documentation? Have you, or someone you know, ever been a victim of IPV or DV? Did you ever ask yourself, “Why don’t they just leave”?.


Review Intimate Partner Violence (Links to an external site.) and Why Women Do Not Leave Film (Links to an external site.). What are the similiarities and differences with Intimate Partner Violence and Domestic Violence? When did IPV become so prevalent? Do you agree with the films findings and can you support it with documentation? Have you, or someone you know, ever been a victim of IPV or DV? Did you ever ask yourself, “Why don’t they just leave”?.

Write clearly, concisely, and appropriately using APA 6th Edition, correct English, grammar, punctuation, usage, sentence structure and vocabulary. Your essay should be 3-5 pages in length and should be submitted through Turnitin using the assignment link. Review the rubric below.

Create a philosophical statement on your beliefs about classroom management. This should include a description of what you believe to be your teaching style.

philosophical statement/management plan

* Create a philosophical statement on your beliefs about classroom management. This should include a description of what you believe to be your teaching style.

* Create a Welcome Letter to students’ families. Be sure to:

• Introduce yourself

• Let the families know how excited you are to have their child in your class

• Let them know what their children will be learning

• Inform the parents about your communication plan for the year and how you will be sharing information with them.


Explain the importance of ongoing curriculum evaluation, why it is important, and for whom it is important. Describe how to apply evidence-based nursing concepts, theories, and best practices to improve curriculum development.


Create a 15 page curriculum evaluation that incorporates the curriculum analysis and course design you created for Assessments 1 and 2 (see attached). You will use the work you completed for Assessments 1 and 2 as parts of this assessment. Combine Assessments 1 and 2, and add a section about curriculum evaluation. The evaluation you create should flow smoothly as one cohesive document. When combining the previous assessments, make revisions based on feedback you received from faculty. Consider curriculum evaluation and address the following:

• Explain the importance of ongoing curriculum evaluation, why it is important, and for whom it is important.

• List criteria that are important to consider in curriculum evaluation.

• Explain how and why pilot testing can be used in curriculum evaluation.

• Provide examples of both short-term and long-term curriculum evaluations for process improvement, and explain why both types are necessary to curriculum development.

• Describe how to apply evidence-based nursing concepts, theories, and best practices to improve curriculum development.

• Identify the appropriate accreditation body for a selected curriculum and describe appropriate accreditation evaluation criteria.

o For example, a school of nursing might be accredited by CCNE or ACEN, whereas a hospital staff development program might be accredited by JCAHO, HFAP, or others.

Additional Requirements

To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements:

• Written communication: Written communication is free from errors that detract from the overall message.

• APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.

• Number of resources: Cite a minimum of five resources that are not included in the resource activities for this assessment.

• Length of evaluation: 15 typed double-spaced pages, excluding the title page and the reference page.

• Appendix: Included appropriate material from Assessments 1 and 2. The appendix will not be included in the page count.

• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Obama wasn’t offering those students as a role model, so what was her purpose in mentioning them at all? would her speech have been less effective if she had mentioned that part? stronger?


Obama briefly narrates her time as a dean of a prestigious university where many students came from privileged backgrounds. Obama wasn’t offering those students as a role model, so what was her purpose in mentioning them at all? would her speech have been less effective if she had mentioned that part? stronger?

Write an essay Telling us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them in our College.

No citation for college admissions essay

Students in Arts and Sciences embrace the opportunity to delve into multifaceted academic interests, embodying in 21st century terms Ezra Cornell’s “any person…any study” founding vision. Tell us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them in our College.*