
Where do you think the United States Marine Corps would be today without the contributions of Boyd and the push toward maneuver warfare? What are some recommendations for ensuring that these ideas and their importance do not get lost over time?

Maneuver Warfare Theory and Practice in the 21st Century

Colonel John Boyd played a crucial role in not only exposing the United States Marine Corps to facets of maneuver warfare, but also provided a well-researched and articulated foundation to build the Corps’ warfighting philosophy upon.

Where do you think the United States Marine Corps would be today without the contributions of Boyd and the push toward maneuver warfare?

What are some recommendations for ensuring that these ideas and their importance do not get lost over time?

After reviewing the arteries and veins structure, discuss their functions, and then share with your fellow students the location, structure, and role of blood capillaries.

The arteries and veins structure

After reviewing the arteries and veins structure, discuss their functions, and then share with your fellow students the location, structure, and role of blood capillaries. Respond to two other students with a quick analysis of their initial post.

Students are encouraged to study the structure and function of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins.

Response 1

Blood is carried through the body via blood vessels. An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, where it branches into ever-smaller vessels. Eventually, the smallest arteries, vessels called arterioles, further branch into tiny capillaries, where nutrients and wastes are exchanged. Capillaries come together to form venules, small blood vessels that carry blood to a vein, a larger blood vessel that returns blood to the heart.

Arteries and veins transport blood in two distinct circuits: the systemic circuit and the pulmonary circuit. Systemic arteries provide blood rich in oxygen to the body’s tissues. The blood returned to the heart through systemic veins has less oxygen, since much of the oxygen carried by the arteries has been delivered to the cells. In contrast, in the pulmonary circuit, arteries carry blood low in oxygen exclusively to the lungs for gas exchange. Pulmonary veins then return freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart to be pumped back out into systemic circulation. Although arteries and veins differ structurally and functionally, they share certain features.

Different types of blood vessels vary slightly in their structures, but they share the same general features. Arteries and arterioles have thicker walls than veins and venules because they are closer to the heart and receive blood that is surging at a far greater pressure. Each type of vessel has a lumen a hollow passageway through which blood flows. Arteries have smaller lumens than veins, a characteristic that helps to maintain the pressure of blood moving through the system. Together, their thicker walls and smaller diameters give arterial lumens a more rounded appearance in cross section than the lumens of veins.

Prepare an essay that describes some childhood event that you consider to be an important influence in your life. Explain the circumstances surrounding the event, who was involved, and what your reaction was at the time that it occurred.

Childhood Influence Paper – How growing up in Italy as an American military child, influenced my personality and love of language learning.

a.–Prepare an essay that describes some childhood event (must have occurred prior to age 16) that you consider to be an important influence in your life.

b.–Explain the circumstances surrounding the event, who was involved, and what your reaction was at the time that it occurred.

c.– Include how you feel this event contributed to the development of who you are today.

d.– You may write this paper in the first person.

e.– Research the topic using the EFSC online journal databases or library resources to locate current (last 10 years) peer reviewed journal articles related to your topic.

f.– Must use a peer-reviewed journal, not a webpage article or magazine. No websites ending in .net, .com or .org allowed.

Write the conceptual definitions of the variables or factors based on the theory that will inform your Proposal. Explain how will you use the theory to explain the subsequent findings and draw conclusions from the results based on the theory.


Writing Assignment 6: Write and Submit Theoretical Framework and Annotated Bibliography for Midterm Project Proposal

Theoretical Framework Guidelines:

Conduct a search of the literature for theories and examine various theories to determine what might be appropriate to help you examine the problem you will investigate in your proposal. Then, write a 2-page description of your theoretical framework including databases searched and Boolean terms.

•Select the theory that you will use to guide and direct the proposal process.

•Review literature on studies in which the author/s used this theory base

•Write the conceptual definitions of the variables or factors based on the theory that will inform your Proposal.

• Explain how will you use the theory to explain the subsequent findings and draw conclusions from the results based on the theory.

Proposal Writing Style and Composition:

Note: Theoretical Framework must follow APA format and be written in the future tense with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, in scholarly language (accurate, balanced, objective). Your writing must be clear and precise, and avoid redundancy. All statements must be specific, topical sentences clearly written for paragraphs, bridges established between ideas with smooth transitions between sections. Assignments must be logically and comprehensively organized, using content- specific subheadings where appropriate. Citations are to be included for the following: direct quotations, paraphrasing, facts, and references to research studies, and in-text citations are found in the reference list. Please conclude (end) your theoretical framework with a brief paragraph summarizing the key points relevant to your proposal.

Annotated Bibliography Guidelines:

A bibliography is a works cited list. An annotated bibliography is one that contains a short paragraph of notes on each text. The general purpose of annotated bib is to encourage careful, critical reading of your sources. They help you to establish a narrow focus on the literature, to build a strong grasp of your research before you begin building the full project. Be sure to review the sample annotated bibliography before beginning, to get a sense of the formatting.

Submit an annotated bibliography of the 10+ sources you plan to use within the literature review for your midterm project (due week 8), using the following guidelines:

You must include all 10+ research sources that you’ll be using in your proposal, with a full citation and short paragraph for each.

The short paragraph should include 2-3 sentences summarizing the research source and 2-3 sentences explaining how the work will be used in your literature review.

All citations should be formatted according to current APA guidelines.

Create a two-page summary of the text in APA format. Choose three to four key ideas to discuss in the paper connecting the concepts throughout the book.

The First Days of School Summary

After you have read The First Days of School, you will create a two-page summary of the text in APA format. This summary should provide evidence of concepts learned throughout the text (Units A – E). Choose three to four key ideas to discuss in the paper connecting the concepts throughout the book. Each key idea should have a well-developed paragraph devoted to them (including references) in the paper. The last paragraph (or two) of the paper should be a reflective paragraph discussing how the key ideas can be used effectively in the classroom. The paper should be written in APA format (title page, body, reference page).
Requirements: The paper should be written in APA format (title page, body, reference page).

Identify three pieces of important information we learn in the exposition, three plot points for the rising action, the climax, two plot points for the falling action, and the two pieces of information for the conclusion.

The Management of Grief

“After reviewing pages 75-83 in the Norton (which cover plot) and “The Management of Grief” on 478-90 complete the Plot Diagram handout (linked above). Map out the plot of the short story by identifying the elements of the story that correspond to the Freytag’s Pyramid labels on the handout. You can legibly handwrite or type your responses. If you have trouble with the formatting, you can type a detailed list addressing all of the following requirements rather than trying to add text boxes on the pyramid.

Identify three pieces of important information we learn in the exposition, three plot points for the rising action, the climax, two plot points for the falling action, and the two pieces of information for the conclusion. The aforementioned points do not need to be complete sentences, but you must provide specific page numbers for each point you identify. For the conflict, provide two complete sentences: identify the conflict in one and then provide an explanation of why you believe that to be the conflict in the second.

Focusing on one video you viewed, explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the patient in the video and why it was the treatment of choice. Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the patient.

Comparing Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy with Other Approaches

Reflect on humanistic-existential psychotherapeutic approaches.

Then, select another psychotherapeutic approach to compare with humanistic-existential psychotherapy. The approach you choose may be one you previously explored in the course or one you are familiar with and especially interested in.

The Assignment

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected.

Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP.

Focusing on one video you viewed, explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the patient in the video and why it was the treatment of choice. Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the patient.

Support your response with specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.

Is the industry attractive in terms of profitability (think about each of the five forces)? How does the external environment influence your company’s intended and/or realized strategies?

Strategic Management

Apply Porter’s five forces model to the consumer electronics industry. Is the industry attractive in terms of profitability (think about each of the five forces)? How does the external environment influence your company’s intended and/or realized strategies?Strategic Management

Address these questions in an essay. Your essay should be within 3 pages (double-spaced, 1 inch margin). Organize and state your ideas clearly. When relevant, make sure to back up your judgment with strong, clear logic and evidence (data, example, quote, etc). If you make assumptions (e.g., about your company’s competitors), state them clearly.

Discuss the general lessons about evidence that can be gleaned from the hierarchy of sources you’ve composed. In other words, what qualities should one look for in a research source? What makes certain sources more credible and appropriate than others? What sorts of sources should you avoid when crafting research assignments?

Discussion board

Imagine you work in an urgent care clinic, and for one of your graduate classes you’re writing a research paper on the financial impact of the Affordable Care Act. During the research-gathering process, you weigh the value of the following sources of evidence:

1- Personal observations gathered over two years working at the clinic

2- Workplace data obtained from your direct supervisor at the clinic

3- Meta-analysis of 30+ hospitals in 7 U.S. states, published in peer-reviewed article

4- Case study of hospitals in one Alabama county, published in peer-reviewed article

5- New York Times article on ACA

6- Report issued by Dept. of Health and Human Services regarding national ACA compliance

For your discussion forum post, rank all of the above sources from most valuable to least valuable to your research paper. Then, compose two brief paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: Explain the reasons guiding your ranking of the sources. If you believe any sources are of equal value, or that additional information is needed to assess any source(s), be sure to explain this as well. (Assume all were published recently, i.e. publication date should not be a significant factor here.)

Paragraph 2: Discuss the general lessons about evidence that can be gleaned from the hierarchy of sources you’ve composed. In other words, what qualities should one look for in a research source? What makes certain sources more credible and appropriate than others? What sorts of sources should you avoid when crafting research assignments?

When you provide a posting, please be sure to use the “Add New Discussion Topic” button (to start a new thread). To comment on a posted answer, please use the Reply link. Once other responses have been posted, comment on at least two other student’s posting in substance.

Given the focus of this course and this particular module, what is the fundamental basis for the expectation that the U.S. will continue its economic leadership over China? Specifically, what educational model provides the best basis for that and why?

China vs US for economic/political dominance

China is regularly viewed as the greatest threat to the U.S. economic hegemony in today’s world. With this in mind, produce a reflective comparison of China and the U.S. in terms of social/political/economic systems. Given the focus of this course and this particular module, what is the fundamental basis for the expectation that the U.S. will continue its economic leadership over China? Specifically, what educational model provides the best basis for that and why?