
What types of art are featured here? What kinds of art are not represented here? How does the organization feel to you? Did you feel comfortable in this space—why or why not?

Art Question

Hunt: During Visit

  • Find the works of art you selected within the museum. Set a timer for one minute and observe: What do you see? Write down three observations each (just notes, not full sentences).
  • Find a third work of art that interests you anywhere in the museum. Complete the same process.

Questions: After Your Visit

– The notes from each of the paintings with the painting name included.

– Choose one work and answer: How does this relate to what you’ve learned about the Italian Renaissance?

– About the museum generally: What types of art are featured here? What kinds of art are not represented here? How does the organization feel to you? Did you feel comfortable in this space—why or why not?

The Guerrilla Girls created provocative posters using appropriated images and confrontational text. Create your own provocative poster.

Guerilla Girls

44 unread replies.44 replies.

Watch this video introduction to the Guerrilla girls.

Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum? was an early poster created by the Guerrilla Girls in order to bring attention to racial and gender inequalities in the art world. Go to the Girls’ website Guerrilla Girls (Links to an external site.) to see more examples of posters and other mass media “ads” they made.

  • View at least ten different poster designs.
  • Think about: Which are the most effective? Which are the least effective? Why? Which is the most artistic? The least artistic?
  • Then: Guerrilla Art. The Guerrilla Girls created provocative posters using appropriated images and confrontational text. Create your own provocative poster. Appropriate an image from the textbook or online or draw one. You can put a gorilla mask on the figure if you like or reference the Guerilla Girls in another way. Incorporate research or factual text to address an issue of race, class, or gender.

Base your response on the author’s conversation in the assigned book and, as an add-on, you can tie in lectures, multimedia, and your own personal experiences, stories, and examples.


A. Assignment Overview

Total 30 Points

You’ll be graded on your ability to provide a copy of the written transcript of your recorded interview.

*No external sources. Base your response on the author’s conversation in the assigned book and, as an add-on, you can tie in lectures, multimedia, and your own personal experiences, stories, and examples.

Define Strategic Thinking. List the three ways in which companies formulate strategy. Explain any one rule of strategic thinking.


Q1- Read the article at the following link.…


  1. Define Strategic Thinking.
  2. List the three ways in which companies formulate strategy.
  3. Explain any one rule of strategic thinking.


Q2- Watch the video at the following link.


  1. List the five forces of “Porter’s five forces” industry framework.
  2. Illustrate Porter’s five forces industry framework through a local example.


Q3- Watch the short video at the following link


  1. Describe Business Model.
  2. List the nine building blocks of the Business Canvas Model.
  3. Explain any one building block of the Business Canvas Model along with an appropriate example.

Determine if the suspect stole this virtual technology and if so where were you able to find it and what was on the device.


Scenario Description

We have reason to believe that the suspect has stolen a sensitive piece of virtual technology from CyberX. This virtual technology belonged to a group of OSINT professionals who worked for CyberX and the suspect was a part of there team. From what we were told this virtual technology was used to replicate a mobile device but that was the extent of what they could share. Your job is to determine if the suspect stole this virtual technology and if so where were you able to find it and what was on the device. Best of luck and lets hope we can find what has been stolen.

Select an article or podcast that seems interesting and relevant. Prepare a 1- to 2-page, double-spaced summary of the article/podcast that you chose.

Insights on New Product Development

Product Development and Management AssociationLinks to an external site. Click “KHUB” in the upper right corner of the home page menu. Select an article or podcast that seems interesting and relevant. Prepare a 1- to 2-page, double-spaced summary of the article/podcast that you chose.

Based on the information provided below and discussed in class, prepare a 3 – 4 page report outlining recommendations for preparation and maintenance of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application.

RGA 6101 Therapeutic Product Development Spring 2023 Quarter

Based on the information provided below and discussed in class, prepare a 3 4 page report outlining recommendations for preparation and maintenance of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application.

Background Information:
Submission of an initial IND and ongoing IND maintenance, perhaps more so than most activities in drug development, require a high level of teamwork and collaboration. IND preparation is a prime example of how a diverse range of skill sets and expertise is necessary in drug development, as its contents include clinical, nonclinical, manufacturing, and administrative sections.

The IND allows a Sponsor to initiate and conduct clinical studies of investigational drugs in the United States. It allows a pharmaceutical company to negate a federal law set forth in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and ship an unapproved drug across state lines for clinical trials. Importantly, the IND should provide FDA the data necessary to decide if a new drug and clinical trial pose a reasonable risk to clinical trial participants.
Getafix Pharmaceuticals is a small pharmaceutical company developing a compound it hopes to market someday for treating Alzheimer’s disease. With nonclinical studies completed, planned, and ongoing, GMPcompliant manufacturing underway, and a phase I clinical study protocol drafted, it is planning to submit an initial IND submission to FDA for its lead compound within a year. With limited resources and expertise, the company has requested your help as a Regulatory Affairs Consultant.

Outline operational and strategic considerations Getafix should take into account when preparing to submit its initial IND to the FDA. Within your plan, provide a brief introduction describing the indication and currently available treatment. Indicate whether you would recommend a PreIND meeting with FDA, and if so, describe the contents of required meeting material and potential goals of the meeting. Describe documentation required for initial IND submission and ensure Getafix understands the necessity of IND maintenance throughout drug development. Justify your recommendations by referencing applicable regulations from 21 CFR and advice from FDA Guidances and ICH Guidelines.

As the course proceeds, reflect on how what you learn in each class could be incorporated into a strategic regulatory plan that helps to guide a pharmaceutical company through various aspects of the drug development process.

Demonstrate your ability to utilize course concepts and incorporate case studies in producing knowledge through cultural criticism in writing.

Closing Lecture Remarks

Understanding capitalism’s influence over our everyday lives and not just the historical past is a lifelong endeavor most of us may be discouraged to undertake. Even so, this does not limit the role and impact of capitalism over our lives, decision-making, and prospects about what comes next for us as individuals, households, nation, and the world.

So much of our own circumstances are engrained in class differences produced by capitalism and it’s initial primitive accumulation through colonization and imperialism. In fact, who is eligible for citizenship and the path for each is different depending on your economic class under capitalism. For example, a Mexican millionaire can automatically qualify for U.S. citizenship when they make a million-dollar investment in the U.S. Meanwhile, a Mexican citizen may work all their adult lives in the U.S. paying taxes and contributing to their local community but be denied citizenship for crossing the border without proper documents.

Takaki casts Mexicans in A Different Mirror as immigrants, but that is not entirely true. Immigrants come from Asia, Europe, and Middle East. The indigenous populations of North America can hardly be described as immigrants. The notion of nations, however, turns many indigenous tribes and people who are natives into “immigrants” equatable to Europeans who came on ships. This example of who is assigned as an immigrant is another example of hegemony and its tremendous influence in the way we interpret knowledge and language to reproduce social relations that maintain elite rule and dominance.

Now is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to utilize course concepts and incorporate case studies in producing knowledge through cultural criticism in writing.

Who is the person that made this speech? What were his goals? What were the consequences of this speech in Iran?


Primary Source:Ayatollah Khomeini speech criticizing Capitulation Law

Discussion questions: Who is the person that made this speech? What were his goals? What were the consequences of this speech in Iran? This post must be at least 175 words in length addressing straightforwardly the discussion question. See attached article and cite quotes from it.


Think of one of your ongoing relationships in which conflict plays a larger or more harmful part than you would prefer. Which conflict management strategies from this chapter are you willing to put into use in that relationship?

English Question

Write 3 paragraphs about the following topics:

1. Some conflict throughout history has spread perniciously, as the cancer model might suggest. Have you personally experienced such enlargement of conflict in a group? If so, what factors do you believe contributed to the situation? At what point did normal friction among the group’s members turn into a more harmful form of conflict?


2. Think of one of your ongoing relationships in which conflict plays a larger or more harmful part than you would prefer. Which conflict management strategies from this chapter are you willing to put into use in that relationship?