
Research the zero trust model. Write a report that describes the following: How zero trust incorporates least privilege access through role-based access control (RBAC) and/or attribute-based access control (ABAC).


Zero trust is a security stance for networking based on not trusting any users, devices, or applications by default, even those that are already on the network.

The zero trust model uses identity and access management (IAM) as a foundation for an organization’s security program.

For this assignment:

  1. Research the zero trust model.
  2. Write a report that describes the following:
    • The purpose of zero trust and what differentiates it from other security models
    • An overview of how zero trust works in a network environment
    • How zero trust incorporates least privilege access through role-based access control (RBAC) and/or attribute-based access control (ABAC)

Use a challenge presented in a media simulation, Analyzing Tools to Collect Data, to determine your ability to make the right choices when it comes to using technology tools to collect data.

Applying Technology Tools to Collect Data

Collection of reliable assessment data on student learning and engagement using appropriate technology tools (6-10 pages).

Using data for instructional decisions requires that you use valid and reliable data. Ensuring validity and reliability in your data means that you have to use the right tool for the right reason at the right time.

For this assessment you will use a challenge presented in a media simulation, Analyzing Tools to Collect Data, to determine your ability to make the right choices when it comes to using technology tools to collect data.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following competency and assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency: Apply technology tools to collect valid, reliable assessment data on student learning and engagement.
Articulate the strengths and weaknesses of technology tools for quantitative and qualitative data collection.
Describe the process to choose technology tools for data collection supported by research and best practices.
Apply one quantitative data collection tool to collect valid, reliable assessment data on student learning and engagement.
Apply one qualitative data collection tool to collect valid, reliable assessment data on student learning and engagement.

View the Riverbend City media simulation linked below to use as the context for your assessment:

Analyzing Tools to Collect Data | Transcript Attached
Once you have completed the simulation (transcript of simulation attached), imagine yourself as one of the 8th grade teachers at Madison Middle School who is collecting data to answer the question presented by your school principal. Complete and submit the following components:

Articulate the strengths and weaknesses of technology tools for quantitative and qualitative data collection. Briefly annotate the characteristics of at least two qualitative and two quantitative data collection tools. (Walk through the different technology tools available to collect data, what they can do, what they cannot do, and whether they might work for your particular needs—formative assessment or summative assessment data collection, quantitative or qualitative data, et cetera.)
Describe the tools you chose and the process you used to choose the right technology tools for data collection to answer the questions. How is your decision supported by research and best practices to choose the right data collection technology?

Apply at least one qualitative and one quantitative data collection technology tool to collect valid, reliable assessment data on student learning and engagement. Submit cleaned up data that is ready to be analyzed.


Provide a cited definition of artificial intelligence for the reader. Explain what AI is currently being used for and what researchers are working on for AI for the future. Discuss concerns regarding artificial intelligence.

Discussion essay

Provide a cited definition of artificial intelligence for the reader.
Explain what AI is currently being used for and what researchers are working on for AI for the future.
Discuss concerns regarding artificial intelligence.
Provide a conclusion about what we, as a society, should do about artificial intelligence.

Be at least 1000 words long (you can have more).
Use at least three sources in the essay – these sources must be explicitly referenced and cited in-text. (You may use more.) Have a works cited page – all sources must be put on the works cited page.

Select an article from the Saudi Digital Library related to the course content. Read the article and understand the key points. Discuss how they are related to the local Saudi virtual management styles and procedures.

E-commerce Department

In this assignment you need to do the following: (Due by Week 3)

  1. Select an article from the Saudi Digital Library related to the course content
    1. You can refer to the course syllabus for help.
  2. Read the article and understand the key points
  3. Write a summary of the article (250-300 words)
    1. Use your own words. Do not copy and paste from the article.
    2. Your summary must be a stand-alone piece of work
    3. Be clear and up to the point.
    4. State the main points of the article.
    5. Discuss how they are related to the local Saudi virtual management styles and procedures.
  4. Upload it to the assignment link on Black Board
    1. Use this template
    2. It should be done during week 3

Present an example of each main point discussed. Explain your reaction to the points discussed (this portion of your posting should be at least 120 words in length).

Discussion 8

Read the following article Why we must talk about the Asian-American story, too.pdf or watch the following video:

Links to an external site. and fully discuss two main points presented within the article or video.

To successfully complete this activity, you will need to:

  1. Discuss two main points presented within the following video:
  • Links to an external site. or article: Why we must talk about the Asian-American story, too.pdf
  • Present an example of each main point discussed.
  • Explain your reaction to the points discussed (this portion of your posting should be at least 120 words in length) In explaining your reaction be sure to include one of the following:
    a. Your thoughts on the points presented and an example other than what is in the reading
    b. Present additional evidence to support the main points you selected for discussion and a web link to the evidence provided
    c. Present evidence that allows us to see the main points selected for discussion from a different point of view
  • Respond to at least one of your fellow classmates’ postings. The response provided should be at least six sentences in length and must directly address the points your fellow classmate made. In responding to your fellow classmate’s posting, you must do one of the following:
    a. Provide additional evidence to support the points made within your fellow classmate’s discussion
    b. Present a question that challenges a point made within your fellow classmate’s discussion
    c. Respond to a question that a fellow classmate asked in a posting.
  • Your postings may be either written or in the form of a video. If you create a video each video should be approximately 2-3 minutes in length.

Write two hypotheses that make sense (based on previous lit) and are interesting.

Psychology 301 lab 9

Objectives for Lab 9:

1. Write two hypotheses that make sense (based on previous lit) and are interesting.

  • Hypothesize a group difference
  • Hypothesize a correlation

2. Correct any mistakes on your survey in Qualtrics

3. Collect data via Qualtrics

All the step and how you can create are list in the below document

Discuss the visual source’s use of rhetorical appeals, devices, strategies, and the optional argument style. Don’t forget about formal elements like metaphor, personification, irony, symbolism, etc. that you think are relevant.

Writing Question

Sources: Two: one will be your visual source, the other will be the company/ brand/ organization website.

Purpose: Communication exists in mediums outside of the written word. Just like a written text, a visual text communicates meaning on a deeper level beyond merely the literal. For example, photographs, print advertisements, posters, paintings, and movies all convey messages.

Audience: Your audience for this assignment is your instructor and your classmates. Therefore, your tone should be academic and more formal than if you were speaking to a friend. However, when writing the analysis, you need to focus on the Target Audience for that particular visual prompt.

Visual Source Parameters: Click on the links on the “Visual Source Suggestions” document to get an idea about what kinds of advertisements make good material for this assignment. Please feel free to choose one of the commercials given on the list—all of these have plenty of brand research available about them.

If you want to select your own visual source, then here are some guidelines:

  • Choose either a television commercial or music video for which you can easily find the brand/ creator mission statement and purpose as given on their website.
  • Length should be at least 1 minute long (1-3 mins is a good length. 30 seconds is too short).
  • Source must be from within the last 5 years.
  • Make sure you choose wisely with your source. You need to choose something that has enough content to sustain a 3–4-page analysis.

In your paper, you need to accomplish the following:

  • Discuss the visual source’s use of rhetorical appeals, devices, strategies, and the optional argument style. Don’t forget about formal elements like metaphor, personification, irony, symbolism, etc. that you think are relevant.
  • Analyze how the visual source effectively or ineffectively represents what the brand claims to stand for.
  • Give specific visual examples that support your claim.
  • Important things to consider: For example, Who seems to be the targeted audience? If you have chosen an advertisement, then what product or service is being advertised?


Prepare a sales point memo for a past public equity offering for your “client” company or another energy company if you have trouble finding an S1 or S3 registration statement for your “client” company.

Business Question

Northern oil and gas

Prepare a sales point memo for a past public equity offering for your “client” company or another energy company if you have trouble finding an S1 or S3 registration statement for your “client” company. This document generally provides a summary/overview of an upcoming public equity offering that is used to educate the salesforce and trading department about the offering.

Identify and explain logistics definitions and concepts that are relevant to managing the supply chain. Identify how organizations can use supply chains to compete in terms of time, cost, quality, and sustainability.

MGT322- Logistic Management

2.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify and explain logistics definitions and concepts that are relevant to managing the supply chain.
  • Identify how organizations can use supply chains to compete in terms of time, cost, quality, and sustainability.
  • Explain how supply chains are structured.

2.2 Action Required:

  • Watch the short video at the following link

2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • What is inbound logistics and outbound logistics?

2.4 Instructions

  • Answer the question in the test your knowledge section.
  • Post your answer on the discussion board using the discussion link below

What are some reasons that both technology improvement and technology diffusion exhibit an S-shaped curve?

Management of technology

What are some reasons that both technology improvement and technology diffusion exhibit an S-shaped curve?