
Prepare a 400 word initial post that briefly describes how the last 20 years of computer technology and Internet development have affected daily life through the lens of one specific cyber crime.

Computers and the Internet

Prior to beginning work on this discussion read The History of Computing in the History of Technology ( It is recommended that you also review The Modern History of Computing ( website. Review the instructions for both the initial post and guided response sections and research at least one additional scholarly source, in addition to those required, to support their statements.

Prepare a 400 word initial post that briefly describes how the last 20 years of computer technology and Internet development have affected daily life through the lens of one specific cyber crime. Choose one of the cyber crimes listed below to use as the focus of your description.

Identity Theft
Online Predators
Internet Fraud
Piracy-Intellectual Property Theft
Computer Intrusions
Within this description, explain how computers and Internet technological advances have created a fertile ground for criminal activity.

What recommendations would you make to parks departments, to increase or decrease dogs parks and where should they be located.

SWOT Analysis Essay Pape

Each essay should include an Introduction that is a brief history of the topic or trend, where it came from and why it is important. Then sections for each topic, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats followed by a conclusion on your thoughts of the trend/topic and how it may or may not work in a department. For a maximum grade each section should include a number of examples and how those examples support that section.

Example: Increased demand for Dog Parks

Introduction (Brief history) – less open space, more condo/apartment living, desire for companion animals to be in public space…
Strength – Opportunity for dogs to get outside and be part of their owners’ life.
Weakness – Take public land opportunity away for other uses
Opportunity – Previously undesired or unused lands can be more easily converted to dog parks (drain and flood areas).
Threats – Endangered species may prevent more dog parks, i.e. nesting birds and their fear of predators.
Conclusion – what recommendations would you make to parks departments, to increase or decrease dogs parks and where should they be located.

How would one describe the leadership style and competencies (or lack thereof) illustrated in this case by the hospital executives? What do you see as the primary leadership challenge of this case?

Discusion board

Recently, an 850 bed private acute care hospital planned a 14 – week department – by department roll out of CPOE based on a customized system specifically designed for the facility, following the example of 2 other major healthcare systems in Boston and Utah, respectively. Physicians were informed by executive management their continued employment was contingent on use of the system. Within a few weeks of rolling out the system at an estimate cost of $34 million, physicians and other members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team expressed numerous complaints regarding the efficacy of the system amid their concerns for patient safety.

Among the issues were the difficulties physicians experienced with ordering medications, tests and supplies. A patient with cardiac failure did not receive prescribed medications until the physician verbally told the registered nurse to do so despite having electronically placed the order; a patient who reserved a walker did not receive it until 3 days after the physician posted the order and an infant was given local anesthesia 24 hours earlier than prescribed. Despite many reports of similar incidents, hospital executives decided that these were “inconveniences” that carried no permanent injury and posed no serious threat to patient safety and they focused on trying to “fix” the computer software.

The problems faced by staff continued to mount; physicians complained that it was a very lengthy process to order medications thus reducing time to spend with their patients to deliver direct beside care. Nurse managers and project coordinators complained that they were unable to place orders during the admission process which delayed services. Additionally, the clerical staff did not use the system for scheduling as instructed, instead, they continued to manually schedule and make phone calls to relay scheduling information to personnel. Computerized coding and charge captures were also underutilized. Approximately 2 months after the implementation of CPOE System, more than 400 physicians confronted hospital executive administrators in a revolt to drive the halt of the system until problems were addressed and corrected. The parent company of the hospital suspended the system indefinitely in a spectacular fashion that grabbed the national headlines.

What went wrong with the Implementation of This Hospital’s Electronic Health Record (EHR)?

The concept behind CPOE in EHR is quite simple: instead of writing orders for medications, laboratory tests, diet orders, etc. on paper, physicians input these into a computer. The software computes the orders to standard dosing recommendations check for allergies, drug interactions and alert physicians to alternatives and potential problems… As early as 2003, the Los Angeles Times (2003) reported that when planned and implemented properly, medication errors and the incidence of “lost” orders were reduced by 60-80%, so what went wrong with this facility’s implementation process?


1) How would one describe the leadership style and competencies (or lack thereof) illustrated in this case by the hospital executives?

2) What do you see as the primary leadership challenge of this case?

3) If you were hired to recalibrate this process describe 5 ways in which you would effectively lead the change from manual records to EHR with CPOE.

4) Optimized leadership is focused on long term outcomes to meet internal and external environmental needs of an organization. Once the implementation was successfully “recalibrated”, describe 3 major imperatives that you as a leader would drive to ensure long term success of a newly implemented EHR.

What are the core problems and challenges presented in the case study? Describe at least 3 Management practices used by Accenture in the IT transition process from 2001 to 2008. Pretend that you are the CIO of Accenture – What decisions do you need to make beyond 2009? Does the case reveal any issues that the author might not have recognized or wrote about?

Case Digest : Accenture IT transformation

Answer the following questions as part of your Case Analysis:

What are the core problems and challenges presented in the case study?

Describe at least 3 Management practices used by Accenture in the IT transition process from 2001 to 2008.

Pretend that you are the CIO of Accenture – What decisions do you need to make beyond 2009?

Does the case reveal any issues that the author might not have recognized or wrote about?

Design and implement a statistical analysis plan for assessing the reliability and validity of an instrument used to collect health outcome data. Design and implement a statistical analysis plan for nursing, psychosocial, epidemiological, or medical data using principles of statistical inference appropriate to the problem.


Chapter III. Methodology.

Study Design.

Chapter III should begin with the study design, and whether the project will be quantitative, qualitative or a combination. It should be sufficiently detailed to enable others to understand the step-by-step account of what will be done, in what order, how and by whom.

Population and Sample.

In this section, provide a summary of the sample and the population from which the sample is drawn. A description of their defining characteristics and the procedures used to recruit them should be included.


In this section, describe the *instruments that were obtained or modified for this project. Surveys or questionnaires designed by others should be valid and reliable and credit should be cited for the original authors, as well as any permissions obtained to use the instrument/s.

University MSNaHP to develop a new questionnaire, survey or other data collection


Data collection. Outline in detail the methods that will be used to collect information. Describe the procedures that will be used to collect the required data from participants. In short, list all activities needed to gather information for the project (including IRB approval and assurance of confidentiality) and describe each activity in enough detail so another competent researcher could duplicate the project.

Data analysis.

Describe how data will be scored and analyzed; identifying appropriate statistical methods . If the proposed project is to employ qualitative methods, identify the ways in which the data will be processed and analyzed.


A brief summary of the chapter may be included in this section.

Appraise the contribution of statistical inference to clinical problem solving in evidence based practice.

Evaluate the results of a statistical analysis of nursing, psychosocial, epidemiological, or medical data using principles of statistical inference appropriate to the problem.

Evaluate the contribution of effect size, confidence interval, p value, and power to the critical appraisal of scientific and clinical evidence.

Design and implement a statistical analysis plan for assessing the reliability and validity of an instrument used to collect health outcome data.

Design and implement a statistical analysis plan for nursing, psychosocial, epidemiological, or medical data using principles of statistical inference appropriate to the problem.

Explain in your own words how these three elements help to bring out the Commedia dell’arte style within the production. Also, talk about the set design, the music, and the costumes, as well as the directing, and the overall production as a piece of art.

One Man, Two Guvnors

You are now going to write a review of the production. For your review, please concentrate on the physicality of the show, the obvious “over-the-top” acting, and the breaking of the fourth wall. Explain in your own words how these three elements help to bring out the Commedia dell’arte style within the production. Also, talk about the set design, the music, and the costumes, as well as the directing, and the overall production as a piece of art.

Write three to four pages, double spaced paper, following MLA format.


According to what you heard in class and the arguments presented in the articles, were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers?

Were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers?

This is for my United States History I. According to what you heard in class and the arguments presented in the articles, were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers?

The essay should include: a creative, exciting title, an engaging opening sentence, a strong introduction that summarizes the arguments of the authors, choose a side on the issue and states several reasons in support several body paragraphs, each of which explain one of these reasons, and, a clear conclusion that agrees with your introduction and reiterates your statement.

The essay must be no less than THREE and no more than FOUR pages long; 12 point font Cambria; double-spaced with one-inch margins—no other lengths or formats will be accepted. CHANGE DEFAULTS IF NECESSARY. The only source to be used for this assignment is the reading posted on Canvas.

Differentiate between the 2 types of budgets, providing an example of the type of business or company that would benefit from using a flexible budget. Also Provide support for your business selection and include the advantage for using a flexible budget over a static budget.

Week 4 Discussion

Budgeting is a tool used by management for performing the functions of planning, coordinating, and controlling operations of a business. Our textbook, Managing Accounting Concepts, describes 2 main types of budgeting: static budgets and flexible budgets.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Differentiate between the 2 types of budgets.
Provide an example of the type of business or company that would benefit from using a flexible budget.
Provide support for your business selection and include the advantage for using a flexible budget over a static budget.

Per the FARs, define what a contract is, and explain the elements of a contract. What is the difference between “Common Law” and “Administrative Law”? Why do we have a contract negotiation process?


Per the FARs, define what a contract is, and explain the elements of a contract. Additionally, what is the difference between “Common Law” and “Administrative Law”? Finally, why do we have a contract negotiation process?

A few helpful links:

Define the terms from the text that are depicted in each video. Describe the actions/scenes in the video and how the terms are acted out in the scenes. Discuss how they apply to your life (examples).

social influence

Pick three of the videos you watched in the Ch 7 modules and describe/define the terms from the text that are depicted in each video (use quotation marks if necessary and reference your source!).

Describe the actions/scenes in the video and how the terms are acted out in the scenes.

Discuss how they apply to your life (examples).