
How do you identify yourself in terms of Ethnicity? Consider the textbook definition of Ethnicity. Are there occasions or situations in which you are more likely to display your Ethnicity? Yes/No, explain you reason(s).

Multiple Choice Questions

•Read the Chapter on Ethnicity and Whiteness Chapter 5 •Listen to the course Video/Audio •Read the additional reading “Color-Blind Racism”

Respond to the following discussion questions. Be sure to address the questions concisely. Respond to one post with meaningful feedback. Not directly responding to the questions or not responding to a post will result in full points deducted. Read the questions thoroughly.

1. How do you identify yourself in terms of Ethnicity? Consider the textbook definition of Ethnicity. Are there occasions or situations in which you are more likely to display your Ethnicity? Yes/No, explain you reason(s). (These questions are based on the definition of Ethnicity).

2. Is it possible to construct meanings for racial ethnic categories that value and celebrate them all? Explain your response in detail and with an example

Write a blog post for other geography students and researchers, introducing them to cultural geography. Draw on the academic literature throughout to help the reader orientate themselves into the world of cultural geography.

Cultural Geography

Imagine you have been asked to write a blog post for other geography students and researchers and you want to introduce them to cultural geography – its key concepts and approaches. Use at least one example either that we have explored in class or a unique example from your previous studies or personal experiences/interests. Make the piece as engaging as possible, and you can use a couple of images to illustrate your discussion. Draw on the academic literature throughout to help the reader orientate themselves into the world of cultural geography.

The purpose of this essay is for me to get a sense of your engagement and understanding of the course so far. Doing this assignment will help you get a solid grounding in key concepts used in cultural geography, which we will then further explore in the second section of our course after the study break.

How do you envisage being able to apply your knowledge, skills and understanding to enable clients’ needs and expectations to be met and how will you incorporate the functions associated with the provision of a quality, professional practice to those customers.

Business/Marketing Plan

Assume you are now a mortgage broker and you are either working as an independent contractor, or are self-employed or about to open a franchise. Assume you have two other staff members working with you. Their roles are your choice.

Using the template we have provided as a guide, prepare a basic business/marketing plan outline for your business, for the next 12 months, incorporating the following activities:

– Developing professional relationships

– Networking

– Prospecting for clients

– Marketing ideas

– Client retention

Guidelines –

1. You must type your marketing/business plan ie. construct it as a document on your PC and save either as a doc or pdf file. A minimum of 4 typed pages is expected.

2. You will not need to provide any budgeting estimates for the purpose of this Exercise but you are welcome to do so

3. You will not be judged on your typing or word processing ability

4. The marketing plan template we have provided is for guidance only – you do not need to provide information for all of the points outlined unless you feel they are relevant and you do not need to follow the template we have provided if you already have your own business plan document or template to follow

5. You will not be judged on your skill as a marketing expert but on the evidence of your understanding of the points below

6. If you still feel unsure where to start with your business/marketing plan, then you should Google this to get a feel for what different plans can incorporate. We want to know what strategies you would use in order to succeed as a broker.

Points you must cover –

 How do you envisage being able to apply your knowledge, skills and understanding to enable clients’ needs and expectations to be met and how will you incorporate the functions associated with the provision of a quality, professional practice to those customers.

 How do you envisage you will develop, nurture and maintain professional relationships with clients, colleagues and other referrals in order to complete work tasks, further the reputation of the organisation or your company, as well as the profession generally, and improve long term relationships and sales.

 How do you envisage you will establish contact and then build rapport both in your own industry and within other finance industries incorporating sales and presentation skills as well displaying an industry-knowledge of regulations, disclosure and selling.

 How do you envisage identifying and contacting potential client prospects through use of networks, leads and research skills.

Research, define and explain overhead costs. Research examples of different companies or government agencies.

Overhead Cost

Research, define and explain overhead costs. Research examples of different companies or government agencies. You can use the course materials, library or the web, but make sure to reference and cite all your sources.

Does the media portray young people as criminals? Are media representations of terrorism an exaggeration? Has the covid-19 pandemic caused an increase in drug use amongst young adults in the Uk ?

5 minute powerpoint presentation of dissertation proposal on a criminological and sociological subject

– Does the media portray young people as criminals?

– A discourse analysis of how the coronavirus has shaped crime

– Are media representations of terrorism an exaggeration?

– The role of corruption in facilitating illegal underground activity

– Has the covid-19 pandemic caused an increase in drug use amongst young adults in the Uk ?

You can choose one of these topics for the presentation or anything you come up with which is based on criminology and sociology.

The powerpoint should be a total of seven slides. This is the order that the slides should be in and the content of each slide:

* A clear statement of purpose:what are you researching and why ?

* What you have found in your literature review

* Literature gaps

* Potential research questions

* How you’re going to answer this/these question(s), I.e. methodology

* Challenges with conducting this research

* Bibliography


What sources would you need to build your case? What fundamental information do you need? What opinion leaders in this debate would you look to in solidifying your argument? What are the weakest aspects of the position outlined by the author? How might those weaker arguments help you prepare a counterargument?

Fundamental positions

The author has presented the fundamental positions for this perspective in the debate. Outline the strengths and
weaknesses of each perspective

If asked to begin forming an argument for this position, what sources would you need to build your case? What
fundamental information do you need? What opinion
leaders in this debate would you look to in solidifying your argument?

What are the weakest aspects of the position outlined by the author? How might those weaker arguments help you prepare a counterargument?

What additional Talking Points could you add to support this position?

Using Durkheim’s concepts explain how the basis of social cohesion in modernity has evolved from mechanical to organic solidarity.

Durkheim’s concepts

Using Durkheim’s concepts explain how the basis of social cohesion in modernity has evolved from mechanical to organic solidarity.

Describe the dynamic nature of human occupation considering the three constructs of the Model of Human Occupation: person, environment, and occupational performance. Define the elements that make up habituation (habits and roles) considering its influence on occupational performance.

Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)

  • Understand the Model of Human Occupation and its application to occupational therapy.
  • Describe the dynamic nature of human occupation considering the three constructs of the Model of Human Occupation: person, environment, and occupational performance.
  • Understand how humans engage in occupations by examining the components of the person construct: volition, habituation, and performance capacity.
  • Explain the key aspects of volition (e.g., values, interests, and personal causation) and how therapists apply these concepts in practice.
  • Define the elements that make up habituation (habits and roles) considering its influence on occupational performance.
  • Describe the features that you would consider when examining performance capacity (e.g., client factors, skills, subjective lived experience) in terms of the Model of Human Occupation.

What is the definition of price discrimination? In what instance is it illegal to do so? Then, provide two examples of price discrimination. In each case, explain why the monopolist chooses to follow this business strategy.

Price discrimination

What is the definition of price discrimination? In what instance is it illegal to do so? Then, provide two examples of price discrimination. In each case, explain why the monopolist chooses to follow this business strategy.

Write an essay explaining why, for example, amino acids leave the blood through the arterial end, and organic wastes enter it via the venous end.

Capillary bed

A capillary bed (made of numerous capillaries) has an arterial and venous end. Exchanges of nutrients, gases, and wastes between blood and interstitial space in opposite directions occur specifically at these so-called ends.

Write an essay explaining why, for example, amino acids leave the blood through the arterial end, and organic wastes enter it via the venous end.
(Don’t exceed 800 words.)