
Describe and discuss your thoughts on “free will” as that term is used in psychology and give at least 2 reasons for your thinking. Describe and discuss your thinking about the potential positive and negative influence of video games, television and other media on people’s behavior. Provide examples that illustrate your thinking.

B.F Skinner and Albert Bandura

1) B.F Skinner and Albert Bandura both studied how people learn and both devised theories based on their research and observation, but they came to somewhat different conclusions. For this assignment you will need to do all of the following:

a) Describe the concept of “free will” and discuss how Skinner and Bandura thought about the concept.

b) Describe and discuss your thoughts on “free will” as that term is used in psychology and give at least 2 reasons for your thinking.

c) Describe and discuss your thinking about the potential positive and negative influence of video games, television and other media on people’s behavior. Provide examples that illustrate your thinking.

d) Describe how you would apply at least one concept of Skinner’s and one concept of Bandura’s together to change one behavior of your choice (e.g. increase exercise, stop smoking, increase studying, etc.)

Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational. Of FIU’s core values, which value resonates most with you and why?

Statement of Purpose

A document of no more than two pages outlining your objectives for pursuing this degree program (FIU’s Master of Science in Human Resource Management (MSHRM) program)(choose one of the following):
Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational.
Of FIU’s core values [creativity, rigor, diversity, team, integrity, and global community], which value resonates most with you and why?

Describe the company’s Ethics and Social Responsibility and how the concept of Triple Bottom-line is reflected in the company’s philosophy, mission, and actions.

The Belgium Brewing

Purpose: Recall the different theories of ethics, models of social responsibility, strategies for responding to ethical issues, and elements of triple bottom-line.

Conduct an internet research on New Belgium Brewing to expand on the information you gathered from the videos.
Applying the theories, concepts and principles discussed in Module 3, describe the company’s Ethics and Social Responsibility and how the concept of Triple Bottom-line is reflected in the company’s philosophy, mission, and actions.

What does the document reveal about life at the time it was written? Aim for two or three observations and use specific evidence from the document.

The Question:

What does the document reveal about life at the time it was written? Aim for two or three observations and use specific evidence from the document.

Primary Source
“‘No Negroes Allowed’: Segregation at the Front in World War I

What have been some positive experiences with BYOD? What have companies found that has made this a good idea? What are some of the budget savings that companies have experienced? Are there any “pleasant surprises” or side-affects that have been obtained? What good “tips/best practices” have successful companies used to make this a good undertaking?

Bring your own Device (BYOD)

Remember that you are writing these papers from an auditor’s perspective asking the question, “How would I test these IT controls?” This will be part of your critical thinking grade.

1. FACTS: Present the FACTS about BYOD in business today. How many companies have adopted these ideas in part or in full? What are the predicted trends for the future of BYOD?
In expressing your answer, evaluate based on the following:
– How does BYOD fit into client’s needs in light of regulations and security baselines?
– What policies need to be established and enforced to ensure confidentiality, Integrity, and availability?
– How would an organization monitor and test compliance with regulatory guidelines?

2. POSITIVES: What have been some positive experiences with BYOD? What have companies found that has made this a good idea? What are some of the budget savings that companies have experienced? Are there any “pleasant surprises” or side-affects that have been obtained? What good “tips/best practices” have successful companies used to make this a good undertaking?

3. NEGATIVES: What problems have companies had with BYOD? What are some of the negative aspects of BYOD? Have there been problems that were not anticipated? Has there been any negative influence on the IT budget process? What are some areas of networking and security that are causing issues or potential problems? Are there instances where BYOD has jeopardized the regulatory compliance of organizations? Provide examples and what problems should have been addressed?

4. AFFECT ON IT (and other) AUDITS: Have there been any negative consequences on the auditing of data and information? What are some problems for companies that might be anticipated with the storage and retrieval of business records from devices they do not own? What are some of the unique challenges that auditors might face in the future as the trend of BYOD continues to grow?

Were the studies an appropriate number of people? Were their samples representative of the population you would like to target? Were the correct evaluation methodologies utilized? Were there any issues in the way data was collected in these studies?

The name of the Disease

Define the disease/condition
Etiology and contributing risk factors
Prevalence in the United States
Racial/ethnic differences among those impacted
Impact of disease/condition on the US economy via direct (e.g. medical costs) and indirect (e.g. loss of productivity) costs
Purpose of paper: Examine either a novel treatment protocol or prevention strategy that would be beneficial to pursue
Note: Novel treatment protocols can include the use of new medications or medical equipment. This can also include health education techniques such as the use of community health workers, e-interventions, school-based programs, workplace wellness programs and others.
Body: Conduct a literature search to identify scholarly articles providing evidence for the efficacy of your proposed treatment protocol. Present a summary of your research findings.
Note: You should include a minimum of three research studies to support your thesis statement.

Strengths and limitations of the studies you presented
Were the studies an appropriate number of people? Were their samples representative of the population you would like to target?
Were the correct evaluation methodologies utilized?
Were there any issues in the way data was collected in these studies?
Thoughts in regard to what future research in this field should focus on
Is more research needed to confirm efficacy of this treatment option?
Do you see an opportunity to expand the current literature in a different manner?
This is your opportunity to share your thoughts and informed opinion on the issue!

Describe the perspective of Gerhard Lenski. Write about the perspective of Leslie White. Describe and discuss the perspective of Alvin Toffler. Compare the three perspectives to show how they are, or may be, similar.

A Comparison of Three Perspectives on the Evolution of Technology Mei Quoran

Your essay should include five paragraphs, as follows:

Paragraph 1 is your lead paragraph. It will contain an overview of what you have to say in comparing and contrasting the perspectives of Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler with respect to the evolution of technology.
Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, are your body paragraphs.
In your essay, use paragraph 2 to describe the perspective of Gerhard Lenski.
In paragraph 3, you’ll write about the perspective of Leslie White.
In paragraph 4, you’ll describe and discuss the perspective of Alvin Toffler.
Paragraph 5 is your summary and conclusion. Here, you’ll compare the three perspectives to show how they are, or may be, similar. You’ll contrast the three perspectives to describe how they’re different. You’ll end this process–and your essay–by expressing your view as to which of these theorists (one or more) offer the most useful insights into the evolution of technology, in your opinion.

What were three main causes or sources of this new integration of Eurasia? What were three important consequences or effects? What made these causes or sources and consequences or effects so important?

The great classical cultures of Eurasia

Write an essay that answers the following question.

The great classical cultures of Eurasia created separate identities but each of these cultures also contained important elements that other peoples adopted. In the classical and post-classical periods (600 BCE to 1450 CE), the peoples and cultures of this vast area had consistent and enduring interactions. What were three main causes or sources of this new integration of Eurasia? What were three important consequences or effects? What made these causes or sources and consequences or effects so important?

When you discuss the important consequences or effects of developments you identify or what we can learn from parallel worlds, do not extend your discussion beyond the year 1450. For instance, do not discuss their significance for life today. The shape of the current world is beyond the scope of this class. The Final Exam in HIS 233 tests your mastery of course content and this course ends around the year 1450, so your discussion of important consequences or “take-aways” needs to end around that year as well. The nearly 570 years since 1450 (which is the time period covered by HIS 234) have had more impact on the nature of the modern world in any case.

You can only use sources from the book, Human Journey: A Concise Introduction to World History Volume 1, 2nd Edition By: Reilly, Kevin.

Research the 2000 and later Fortune Global 1000 company lists and identify an effective leader and an ineffective leader (Chief Executive Officer or president of an organization).

Research Project:

Final Submission (PLG1), you will need to complete an assessment of two leaders. You will select two historical leaders – one who was known for making a positive contribution in a leadership role, and the other who made a negative contribution in a leadership role (one effective leader and one ineffective leader). Leaders from the following organizations cannot be selected for this project: Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, and Virgin.

Research the 2000 and later Fortune Global 1000 company lists and identify an effective leader and an ineffective leader (Chief Executive Officer or president of an organization).

Create a post that includes:

The CEO’s or president’s name and organization and why you selected them.
A brief summary (50 words or less) of the direction you would like to take with this project.
Please review the information on the Research Project guidelines for detailed instructions for the research paper prior to selecting your chosen leaders. Choose this individual carefully, as this selection will form the basis of assignments in this course.

Describe the event from in an ‘official’ or ‘neutral’ way. Describe the event from each group’s perspective. Explain how the perspectives are different and why. Comment on the significance of perspective in understanding history.

Comparative Analysis

Understand the complexities of history by comparing the experiences of two different groups involved in the same historical event.
• Student protestors and military members involved in the clash in Tiananmen Square, China
• Jewish settlers and Palestinian people in Israel
• South Koreans and Americans in South Korea or South and North Koreans

Choose an historical event after WWII. It can be one covered in class or one of your choosing.
*note your topic should not be the same as the topic for your major essay.
1. Describe the event from in an ‘official’ or ‘neutral’ way.
2. Describe the event from each group’s perspective.
3. Explain how the perspectives are different and why.
4. Comment on the significance of perspective in understanding history.