
Discuss the differences between a public and a private limited company when it comes to selling shares. Explain what rights are attached to the ownership of shares when becoming a shareholder. Elaborate on the procedure that must be followed for distribution of dividends

Business Law

Answer the following questions in detail. Give definitions of the key terms with in-text references in Harvard style.

Ques 1) In relation to company law:
a) Discuss the differences between a public and a private limited company when it comes to
selling shares (10 marks)
b) Explain what rights are attached to the ownership of shares when becoming a shareholder
(10 marks)
c) Elaborate on the procedure that must be followed for distribution of dividends (5 marks)


Ques 2) With respect to Employment Law and termination of employment:
a) Discuss how a contract of employment may be terminated. (15 marks)
b) Explain the difference between wrongful dismissal and unfair dismissal. (10 marks)

What are the two main considerations in the decision whether or not to release one who is arrested while their case is pending? What is the main unfairness in the use of cash bonds while cases are pending? What other options have been created to limit the use of incarceration while still exerting some level of control over the defendant?


  1. What are the two main considerations in the decision whether or not to release one who is arrested while their case is pending? What is the main unfairness in the use of cash bonds while cases are pending? What other options have been created to limit the use of incarceration while still exerting some level of control over the defendant?


  1. What is the basic purpose of pretrial diversion? What advantage would this have over using correctional services post-conviction? Give an example of how pretrial diversion might be used.


  1. In a sentence or two, describe the meaning of each of the five generally accepted purposes for imposing criminal sanctions.


  1. What is the difference between determinate and indeterminate sentencing? What advantages are afforded by each?  What are the pros and cons of using a sentencing guidelines system?


  1. What did John Augustus and Alexander Maconochie have in common in their overall philosophy about justice, and in the resistance that they faced? What innovations eventually occurred based on the ideas of each?  In what main ways might we say that the ideas of Augustus have gotten lost along the way? Give examples.


  1. Describe the main goals and procedures of probation supervision. Upon what does probation rely to get probationers to do what they are supposed to do?  What is meant by a technical violation of probation?  Give an example.  Why are technical violations seen as being closely related to probation officer discretion than are new arrest violations?


  1. What is meant by specific (also called special) conditions of probation?” Give three examples of typical special conditions of probation. What benefits are gained in using special conditions of probation?  In what ways might the overuse of special conditions of probation result in inordinately high probation violation rates?  Explain by using an example.


  1. What is the single main purpose of the Presentencing Investigation and Report (PSI)? Why has it traditionally been considered a main example of individualized justice? At what point in the criminal justice process is the PSI used? Describe the main components of the PSI.


Answer: The single main purpose of the PSI is


  1. What goals and ideas led to the creation of parole in the late 1800s? What is the basic philosophy supporting parole? Identify some main factors (three would be good) taken into consideration by Parole Boards in considering whether parole should be granted?


  1. Identify important ways in which parole is different from, and also similar to probation? What is the significance of the fact that being granted probation or parole is a privilege and not a right? How does this basic idea of a privilege and not a right change once someone is placed on probation or parole?


  1. Make an argument as to why parole should be abolished, or at least seriously limited. Then, make an argument for why parole should be supported.


  1. Identify four due process rights that were given to those on probation and parole in matters of revocation, stipulated in laws from the late 1960s and early 1970s. How does the standard of proof required on the part of the state in revocation hearings differ from that required in regular criminal proceedings?


  1. What main points do we learn from the “Outside the Gates,” (Jean Sanders) and the “Ex-offender” articles in the packet (Week 6) about that which is needed for successful reentry from prison? (Two or three main points from each.)

. Explain whether the leader’s style is transactional or transformational. What type of leadership characteristics does the leader demonstrate? What aspects of servant leadership does the leader exhibit?

Prominent leader

Research a prominent leader, living or deceased, who you admire. Explain whether the leader’s style is transactional or transformational. What type of leadership characteristics does the leader demonstrate? What aspects of servant leadership does the leader exhibit? Provide relevant examples to support your claims.

Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment for each clinical model selected.

 Altered Ventilation and Diffusion and Altered Perfusion

Select one clinical model illustrating altered ventilation and diffusion and one model representing altered perfusion. Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment for each clinical model selected.

● Demonstrates an understanding of concepts with supporting statements and rationales.
● Post includes original thoughts, opinions, and ideas for all questions asked.
● Post includes in-text citations and corresponding reference with support from required textbook.● Initial post word count met requirement of at least 250 words.

Can a person be called just or generous if they don’t enjoy acting justly or generously? Explain how Aristotle would respond to this question making reference to his views about happiness and the “moral virtues”. Do you agree with his account? Defend your answer.

Contemporary Moral Issues

Minor Essay Assignment

Write a 1000-word essay (about 3-pages if typed and double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 pt font) in answer to ONE of the following questions:

1) Can a person be called just or generous if they don’t enjoy acting justly or generously? Explain how Aristotle would respond to this question making reference to his views about happiness and the “moral virtues”. Do you agree with his account? Defend your answer.

1) It is often said that “you can achieve anything you set your mind to”. Explain how Epictetus would view this statement, making particular reference to his advice to behave in life as you would at a banquet. Do you agree with his account? Defend your answer.

2) What would Aristotle or Epictetus say is the appropriate response to a situation in which a robber puts a gun to your back and demands that you hand over your money and other valuables? If you are writing on Aristotle, explain making reference to his views concerning the “moral virtues”. If you are writing on Epictetus, explain making reference to his advice to keep your “moral purpose in harmony with nature”. Do you agree with the account of the philosopher you are addressing? Defend your answer.

Conduct a search for recent ( within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and /or efficiencies, such as ” the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”



(a) Review and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

(b) Conduct a search for recent ( within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and /or efficiencies, such as ” the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”

( c) Identify at least 4 PEER-REVIEW research articles from your research.

(d) For information about annotated bibliographies, VISIT

Did you expect your score to be high or low? Any surprises? Are your stronger or milder points an asset? Does the self-assessment scale or rating accurately describe a trait, characteristic, behavior, cognition, or another aspect of your leadership? If so, which one(s) and why?

leadership self-reflections

As a individual with a higher leadership potential. Consider the questions below and compose a 200-word minimum reflective perspective summary about your results. Use the self-assessment document you completed from the textbook as your guide.

Did you expect your score to be high or low? Any surprises? Are your stronger or milder points an asset?
Does the self-assessment scale or rating accurately describe a trait, characteristic, behavior, cognition, or another aspect of your leadership cognition? If so, which one(s) and why? If the self-assessment is inaccurate, then how do you account for the difference between what it measures and your leadership style?

Based on the result of this self-assessment, do you need to make a change in a leadership behavior or cognition (way of thinking) that will improve your skills and make you a better leader? How would you start to make this change? If no change is needed, then how do you plan to use the information from the assessment?

Your self-assessment summary should be a comprehensive and well-organized analysis that clearly relates the self-assessment measurements and results to your personal leadership style, traits, characteristics, behaviors, and cognition. The analysis should be clear and logical. It should be grammatically sound and free of spelling errors. This is one of many leadership self-reflections in this course.

Oxendine resided in your community, would appropriate services be available for her? Describe, in detail, at least two specific community resources in your area that would likely benefit Ms. Oxendine. What type of services are provided by those resources, and why did you select them?


Write an SBAR Note to summarize Ms. Oxendine’s current health state for the report to the nurse receiving the patient on the inpatient unit.

2. Consider Ms. Oxendine’s potential healthcare needs for discharge. Include the following in your 1-2 paragraph response:
If Ms. Oxendine resided in your community, would appropriate services be available for her? Describe, in detail, at least two specific community resources in your area that would likely benefit Ms. Oxendine. What type of services are provided by those resources, and why did you select them?
What specific resources or services would you have liked to provide for Ms. Oxendine but were unable to locate in your community? Provide the names and website addresses (URL) for the two specific resources you selected for Ms. Oxendine.

How long is a day for Jupiter’s equatorial clouds? What temperature is thought to exist in the core of Jupiter? What is the height of the cliff on Miranda (small moon of Uranus)? What moon of Saturn is shaped like a walnut (with a giant equatorial ridge)?

 Chapters 9 and 10

[1] Short Answer Questions (10 points; 1 point for each lettered subheading):

(a) How long is a day for Jupiter’s equatorial clouds?

(b) What temperature is thought to exist in the core of Jupiter?

(c) What is the height of the cliff on Miranda (small moon of Uranus)?

(d) What moon of Saturn is shaped like a walnut (with a giant equatorial ridge)?

(e) How many Earths would span Jupiter’s largest storm (the Great Red Spot)?

(f) Which planet has a mysterious hexagonal pattern of clouds surrounding its north pole?

(g) Which planet has an extreme spin axis tilt (axis lies within 8 degrees of the plane of orbit)?

(h) What planet has an average density less than water?

(i) What planet has the strongest magnetic field in the solar system?

(j) What moon (of what planet) exhibits active geysers of liquid Nitrogen?

[2] Long answer exercise (10 points)
Discuss in some detail three unique features of Titan, moon of Saturn (not its size).

[3] Long answer exercise (10 points)
Explain all the causes and conditions that heat Europa’s interior, resulting in an ocean of water under a
thick ice sheet. Europa’s ocean is potentially a habitat for alien aquatic life!
FYI: Similar processes are thought to cause Io’s active volcanoes.

[4] Long answer exercise (10 points)
Why is Triton (the largest moon of Neptune) spiraling in toward Neptune?
Why will Triton never collide with Neptune. (Explain thoroughly).

[5] “Two Sentence Answer Questions (10 points; 2 points for each lettered subheading):

(a) What causes the Cassini Gap in the rings of Saturn? See figure 929.

(b) What causes the Kirkwood Gaps in the asteroid belt?

(c) Describe Oumuamua’s trajectory.

(d) What evidence supports the speculation that Enceladus (a moon of Saturn) might harbor life.

(e) Describe the strange behavior of Saturn’s coorbiting satellites: Janus and Epimetheus.

[Extra Points] Long answer exercise. (8 points)
Where are the Greek and Trojan asteroids located? Draw a diagram. Why are there asteroids in these
locations? (See Canvas/Pages/(11) Greek, Trojan, and Hilda asteroids) (See Figure 1021 page 333).

Explain the hydrostatic equilibrium within a star. If a star were to accumulate more mass from say gas transfer from a close binary companion star describe in detail the way the mass receiving star would respond in order to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium? How would the donor star respond to maintain equilibrium?

Chapter 11 and 12

[1] Short Answer Questions (10 points; 2 points for each lettered subheading):

(a) What is the temperature of the Sun at its surface?

What is the temperature of the Sun at its core?

(b) What type (frequency) of photon is generated at the core of the Sun.

How long between the polarity reversals (pole flips) of the Sun’s magnetic field?

(c) How long does it take the Sun to Rotate once around at the equator?

How long does it take the Sun to Rotate once around at the poles?

(d) The Sun generates energy by fusing what into what?

Approximately, how much longer before the Sun swells and cooks Earth.

(e) How long does it take the radiant energy generated in the Sun’s core to migrate to the surface
of the Sun?

How many Earths would line up end to end across the diameter of the Sun? Do not google it!
(Hint: Divide the radius of the Sun by the radius of the Earth in the same units). Voila!

[2] (10 points)
Describe thoroughly the Proton – Proton chain of fusion by which the Sun generates radiant energy
through the production of 𝛾- ray photons deep in the core. Show all the steps.
Hint: This question is answered for you completely in animation 11.1 page 383.

[3] (10 points)
Explain the hydrostatic equilibrium within a star. If a star were to accumulate more mass from say gas
transfer from a close binary companion star describe in detail the way the mass receiving star would
respond in order to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium? How would the donor star respond to maintain

[4] (10 points)
Describe a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
What is plotted vertically?
What is plotted horizontally?
Because of Wein’s law, what is (equivalently) plotted horizontally?
Where are the largest radius stars located on an HR diagram?
Where are the smallest radius stars located on an HR diagram?

As you progress along the main sequence from the lower right to the upper left:
How does stellar mass change?
How does stellar life expectancy change?

[5] (10 points)
Two stars orbit with period of 915 days. They are separated by 6.05×10^8 km. What is their combined
Hint: See Astronomer’s Toolbox 12-4 page 412.
Hint: 1 𝑎𝑢 = 1.5 × 10! 𝑘𝑚.
(show all work)

[Extra Points] (5 points)
Use the inverse square law for light intensity to find the luminosity for the star Antares, given that its
known distance from parallax measurements is 170 parsecs, and its intensity measured at Earth is
8.4 × 10″!𝑊/𝑚#.

1 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑐 = 3.086 × 10$% 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠

Hint: See Canvas/Modules/Chapter 11 and 12/Standard Candles and the Inverse Square Law.

𝐼 = 𝐿

How many times more luminous is Antares than our Sun?

[Bonus Extra points] (5 points)
Sirius (A) has white dwarf companion star Sirius (B). The system is known to have a semi-major axis of 20
au and a period of 50 years. Doppler shifts show that at any given time Sirius (B) moves twice as fast as
Sirius (A). What is the mass of Sirius (A)? What is the mass of Sirius (B)?
Hint: conservation momentum requires that 𝑚&𝑣&= 𝑚’𝑣’. Solve for the ratio of the masses.
Kepler’s third will yield the sum of the masses of the two stars. Together you can find the mass of each