
Compare market conditions with the company’s performance for the last few years. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the company’s performance, such as interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank monetary policy changes, or other market conditions relevant to the company you selected.

Shareholder Analysis.

Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider political, environmental, currency (money), global economics, and government influences on economic conditions. Certainly include the impact of Covid on your company.

Compare market conditions with the company’s performance for the last few years. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the company’s performance, such as interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank monetary policy changes, or other market conditions relevant to the company you selected.

Analyze year-over-year performance from the last few years. Consider key metrics or ratios such as trailing PE ratio, forward PE ratio, price to book, return on assets, and return on equity in your conclusions.

Describe the organization, including the type of business. Create the business case. Determine why funding is needed for the company. Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, loans, equity, venture capital, etc.

Signature Assignment: Financial Plan

Prepare a financial plan for the organization that you select for your business plan.

Describe the organization, including the type of business.

Create the business case.
Determine why funding is needed for the company.
Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, loans, equity, venture capital, etc.
Evaluate the requirements of each of the funding sources that you plan to use.
Analyze the risks that are associated with each funding source.
Decide which sources are the best fit for your company based on the requirements of each. Justify your decision.
Estimate the cost of capital for both short-term and long-term funding sources. Research current estimated APRs for your selected sources of funding. Create a table or chart to display this information.

Estimate direct costs, including capital, marketing, labor, equipment, and inventory/supply costs.

Prepare a budget that includes starting balances, monthly costs, loan/investment payments, cash flow projections, and required revenue.

Create a profit-and-loss statement for a 3-year period. Provide a revenue forecast, stating realistic assumptions, such as growth per year, in your projections.

What did you learn about your topic.Jyour text from this process? Did you pursue a tangential idea? Deepen or extend an original idea? Change your perspective on the topic? Realize that you are really interested in another topic altogether?

cmi 515 strategic planning module 7

Now reassemble your writing. You can paste your original writing (with highlights) into this document, if you wish, and then paste the newly revised writing to follow those sections. This exercise can serve as a starting point for revising the entire Section 1, too. Reflect upon your revision process:

1. What did you learn about your topic.Jyour text from this process?.
2. Did you pursue a tangential idea? Deepen or extend an original idea? Change your perspective on the topic? Realize that you are really interested in another topic altogether?
3. Do you plan to replace your original section with the one you developed using hoisttinj? Why or why not?

Add: details, examples, statistics, quotes, vivid language
Adapted from The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook. UNL, 2006
Remove: tangents, words / sentences that don’t make sense Move: words / sentences that fit better in another spot Substitute: vivid words for everyday words. “showing” for “telling”‘

Describe, elaborate, and summarize the key contents of the videos, and conclude in the last paragraph what are the hard lessons that can be learnt, and reflect upon how these crises could have been better handled, avoided and how to prevent similar crises from recurring in the future.

Asian Financial Crisis

Watch the (2) videos above and write a reflection.

Carefully watch and capture the essence of the videos, describe, elaborate, and summarize the key contents of the videos, and conclude in the last paragraph what are the hard lessons that can be learnt, and reflect upon how these crises could have been better handled, avoided and how to prevent similar crises from recurring in the future.

Note: The reflection will be checked by “turnitin”.

List all of the facts relevant to deciding whether Douglas Bauer was the factual and legal cause of TC’s classmate’s gunshot wounds. In your opinion, was this a crime or a tragic accident? Defend your answer.

State v. Bauer

Do some online research about this case and the difference of causation within criminal law versus causation in torts.  Insure you do not use any opinion sources online. You should use research-based academic articles or sources. This paper needs to be written based on factual, data-supported information, not your opinion or any other opinions that are prevalent online.

Your assignment

You may use material from your textbook and that you find from online, academic sources. For this first writing assignment, I expect you to use the guidelines I have set up above to write this short paper addressing these questions:

List all of the facts relevant to deciding whether Douglas Bauer was the factual and legal cause of TC’s classmate’s gunshot wounds.
Summarize the majority opinion’s arguments
Summarize the dissents arguments
Summarize other facts or information you found online.
In your opinion, was this a crime or a tragic accident? Defend your answer.

How does the video define “rational” and “irrational” thinking? Describe the theory’s strengths and weaknesses. Create a real life crisis/dilemma/confrontation and describe, including the self-defeating thoughts that could lead to an inappropriate response.

Application of REBT

In a well-developed paper, reflect and respond to the following themes/questions (minimum 200 words per question). Use your own words. Do not “copy and paste” from Internet sources. No specific

1. How does the video define “rational” and “irrational” thinking? Provide an example.

2. Describe “self talk.” Provide an example.

3. The Wikipedia link describes 4 core irrational beliefs. Provide a brief description of each, and include examples.

4.Describe the theory’s strengths and weaknesses.

5.Create a real life crisis/dilemma/confrontation and describe, including the self-defeating thoughts that could lead to an inappropriate response, then use the ABCDE model, as demonstrated in your text, to dispute the irrational thoughts, and replace with rational/effective thoughts.

What theory of mind, of thought, of perception, of interaction between the world and the subject perceiving it, do these poems propose. Develop your ideas using specific poems as test cases, and by offering clear close analysis of key elements in those poems.

Sharon Olds and Frank O’Hara

Sharon Olds and Frank O’Hara offer two takes on a conversational, almost confessional style. Choose one poem from each and use the compare-contrast form to work out not only how each poet engages with the form and how their different or similar approaches help you read the other.
Olds’ and O’Hara’s poems offer windows into the mind of the speaker. (In each case the speaker seems mostly consistent through the works.) What theory of mind, of thought, of perception, of interaction between the world and the subject perceiving it, do these poems propose. Develop your ideas using specific poems as test cases, and by offering clear close analysis of key elements in those poems.

In what ways did European colonialism and/or imperialism shape the world as we know it today? What effects did colonialism and imperialism have on the non-European nations and peoples who were the targets of colonization and imperialism?

World history final paper

Prompt #1:
​Thomas Carlyle wrote in 1840: “Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here. They were the leaders of men, these great ones; the…creators, of whatsoever the general mass of men contrived to do or to attain; all things that we see standing accomplished in the world are…the result, the practical realization and embodiment, of Thoughts that dwelt in the Great Men.” This has come to be known as the “Great Man” theory of history—the idea that all historical change has occurred because of the actions of “great” individuals. More recently, many historians have focused less on individuals and more on groups, movements, or social classes to explain why things change.
This course covers a series of massive, far-reaching changes in the world as we developed from the medieval period to our present-day, modern society. What do you think is the primary cause or “driver” of change? Great individuals, as Carlyle suggests? If so, which individuals do you think have been most effective at causing change, and which character traits, abilities, or other factors do you think make certain individuals so effective? Or, do you think that change is more often accomplished by groups (social classes, political movements, religious organizations, or even armies)? If so, which groups do you think have been most successful at changing the world, and why?

Prompt #2:
​Consider the terms colonialism and imperialism. This description by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy may be helpful: “Colonialism is a practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one people to another. One of the difficulties in defining colonialism is that it is hard to distinguish it from imperialism…Like colonialism, imperialism also involves political and economic control over a dependent territory. The etymology of the two terms, however, provides some clues about how they differ. The term colony comes from the Latin word colonus, meaning farmer. This root reminds us that the practice of colonialism usually involved the transfer of population to a new territory, where the arrivals lived as permanent settlers while maintaining political allegiance to their country of origin. Imperialism, on the other hand, comes from the Latin term imperium, meaning to command. Thus, the term imperialism draws attention to the way that one country exercises power over another, whether through settlement, sovereignty, or indirect mechanisms of control.” Peoples who were never actually colonized could still be affected by the power dynamics of imperialism—consider the case of China in the 19th century. Consider also that imperialism could be political, economic, or even cultural. In what ways did European colonialism and/or imperialism shape the world as we know it today? What effects did colonialism and imperialism have on the non-European nations and peoples who were the targets (some might say “victims”) of colonization and imperialism?

Why was it your favorite topic? -Learning about how planning early can set you on a course for being financially secure later in life. How have you applied what you learned to your real life?

My Favorite Life Skill Topic is Retirement.

Why was it your favorite topic? -Learning about how planning early can set you on a course for being financially secure later in life. How have you applied what you learned to your real life? Exploring Roth IRS

Use two sources other than the textbook to show what else you have learned about this topic and how this information is related to your personal circumstances.

What does he say about the ways culture is used to perpetuate inequalities among different classes or genders? How do you understand concepts such as ‘cultural capital’ and ‘symbolic violence?’ What is the role of the intellectuals and sociologists in social reproduction?

1) In the film “Sociology is a martial art” Pierre Bourdieu discusses some of his most influential ideas. What does he say about the ways culture is used to perpetuate inequalities among different classes or genders? How do you understand concepts such as ‘cultural capital’ and ‘symbolic violence?’ What is the role of the intellectuals and sociologists in social reproduction?

2) The film “Smyrna: The Destruction of a Cosmopolitan City – 1900-1922” tells the story of the collision of two nationalisms, the Greek and the Turkish nationalism. How is culture – religion, language, habits and customs – operationalized/used to fuel hatred and nationalistic fervor? Discuss any other historical examples, or ongoing nationalist conflicts you might be aware of.

3) Conflict Theory explains how laws are not applied evenly across the population or are designed to serve the political and economic interests of the ruling classes. How does the film 13th help us to better understand this theoretical approach? Use examples drawing from the documentary

4) Contrast the “culture of poverty” argument and structural explanations for poverty. Using occupation and occupational change as your mobility criteria, view the social mobility within your own family and explain why you think people in your family have moved up, moved down, or remained at the same status level.

5) Dependency theory states that as long as peripheral nations are dependent on core nations for economic stimulus and access to a larger piece of the global economy, they will never achieve stable and consistent economic growth. Drawing from the film The End of Poverty? present some examples that further support this theory.