
State and classify your research question and list at least five (5) bibliographic items, each with its annotation.

ECON7950 Research Methods in Economics

Assessment 1 Annotated Bibliography

Instructions and Marking Criteria

An annotated bibliography is a list of research source (i.e., a bibliography) on a particular topic of research, accompanied by a brief commentary on each entry. The commentary provides a summary and evaluation of the entry relative to the topic of research. It can be used as a tool for researchers to gain an overview of the literature background at the early stage of their research projects.

Your Task
Your task is to create an annotated bibliography on your chosen research question. In your submission, you should:

  • 1. State and classify your research question; and
  • 2. List at least five (5) bibliographic items, each with its annotation.

(You can list more than five items if you want.) Regardless of how many items you list, you will be marked on the overall quality of your bibliography. However, if you list n<5 items, your marks will be scaled by n/5.

Critically examine the main issue/s raised in the selected article, using both academic theories, and empirical evidence to either agree or disagree with the topics discussed by the author/s.

HRM7505- Human Resource Development

Critically examine the main issue/s raised in the selected article, using both academic theories, and empirical evidence to either agree or disagree with the topics discussed by the author/s. Each group will summarise their work should not exceed 1,500 words and have 10 minutes to present their findings and 5 minutes for questions.

Describe how a phishing attack works. Explain the role of the spam email, domain name, and website in the phishing attack. Identify and describe the four basic techniques for arranging an enterprise’s Internet point of presence.

Week 7: Internet Services & Email and The World Wide Web

  1. Describe how a phishing attack works. Explain the role of the spam email, domain name, and website in the phishing attack.
  2. Identify and describe the four basic techniques for arranging an enterprise’s Internet point of presence.
  3. Explain how the Web browser authenticates a server that uses SSL. What is the impact on business and our social lives?
  4. Explain the operation of server-side scripts and client-side scripts. How are they the same? How are they different?

What Amendment is the most important in your life and why? What U.S. Amendment do you feel is “under protected” that should be protected. Just say, “no” if you do not feel that there is such Amendment. If you could implement a new Amendment into the U.S Constitution, what would it be and why?

GOVT2305 questions

Instructions FOR ALL QUESTIONS :

1.Your answers must be at least FIVE full and complete sentences for each question. You will be tipped on grammar, spelling and sentence structure as well as fully answering the questions.

QUESTION 1 : What is the Supremacy Clause? Provide at least one example of when you think the Supremacy Clause should be used. Povideat least one example of how you think the Supremacy Clause was poorly used? For example, think of a time when the U.S. Government mandated a federal law where all states had to follow and you totally disagreed with the new mandate. Why do you disagree with this mandate?

QUESTION 2 : What Amendment is the most important in your life and why? What U.S. Amendment do you feel is “under protected” that should be protected. Just say, “no” if you do not feel that there is such Amendment. If you could implement a new Amendment into the U.S Constitution, what would it be and why?

QUESTION 3 : Some political leaders are most concerned with public opinion while some lean more heavily on their own judgment than on popular sentiment. Which do you believe is more appropriate in a democracy?

  • a)Political leaders should be most concerned with public opinion and should govern according to mass policy preferences.
  • b)Political leaders should be less concerned with public opinion and should govern based on their judgment.

QUESTION 4 : Should the Democratic and Republican parties have a national primary instead of a state-by-state system to select their party’s presidential nominees? Why or Why not? Be detailed in your your response.

QUESTION 5 : Should we get rid of the electoral college, or change the way that it operates (using the Maine or Nebraska models)? Why or Why not? Be detailed in your response. Make your initial post responding directly to the question.

QUESTION 6 : 1.Discuss two powers of the president that you agree or disagree with. Provide details why you agree or disagree with these powers?Should powers be added or removed to the president’s power? Why or why not?Do you think there is a power abused by the president? Why or why not?

Which option should you choose? (calculate the present value of future savings).

Financial economics

Value of the house 500,000. You are using a 30-year mortgage. Also, you are putting down 20%. (Please show your work)

You have two options:

  • a. Mortgage rate of 4.5% with no points.
  • b. Mortgage rate of 4.35% and 1.5 points.

Which option should you choose? (calculate the present value of future savings)

Prepare a two-page outline of what will be contained in your final project. Provide the references you plan to use (at least 10).

Public Health Question

Assignment: Prepare a two-page outline of what will be contained in your final project. Provide the references you plan to use (at least 10).

Use this link to prepare the outline:…

Here is the instructions on the paper the outline is needed for:

Prepare your final Disaster Response After Action Report

All disasters will impact healthcare operations at some level. Therefore, from the lens of a Healthcare Administrator CEO / COO overseeing the operations of the healthcare enterprise, located in the region or location of the natural or man-made disaster with the advantage of a retrospective view of the disaster response, in at least 25 pages, determine what went well, what were the challenges, and how could the response have been improved.

What role does emotional intelligence play in leadership? Find a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed empirical research articles that will help you answer your question.

Emotional intelligence and leadership – what role does emotional intelligence play in leadership?

1. Think of a question related to the topic of leadership; it can be anything that your group is interested in as long as it is related to leadership.

2. Find a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed empirical research articles that will help you answer your question.

3. Synthesize and summarize the findings derived from these empirical articles in the form of a short report (maximum 1200 words, not counting references or the cover page)

The report should begin with a brief introduction to the topic/question, which may include a definition, an outline of why this is important for organizational functioning, the impacts that it may have on employees and the organization as a whole, etc.

4. Include a list of references using a partial APA 7 style

Compare your top 5 strengths to the Four Domains of Leadership chart. Of the four domains of leadership, where do your strengths fall? What are your one or two biggest areas? Do the findings surprise you? What does this say about you as a leader?

The Four Domains of Leadership

Refer to your StrengthsFinder results and the 3610 Leadership charts file in D2L.

  1. Compare your top 5 strengths to the Four Domains of Leadership chart. Of the four domains of leadership, where do your strengths fall? What are your one or two biggest areas? Do the findings surprise you? What does this say about you as a leader? Answer in 5-8 complete sentences.


  1. Of the leadership theories we discussed in class (you can also look at the theories in the leadership chart on D2L), which two concepts most match your leadership strengths? Consider both your Top 5 strengths and your dominant domains of leadership discussed in question 1 to formulate your answer. Answer in 5-8 complete sentences.


  1. Of the five styles of leadership represented in the Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid, which style is most in line with your leadership strengths? Please explain using an example of how you would use your leadership style in the workplace. Answer in 3-4 complete sentences.

What is the thesis of the critical review? Does the thesis appear in the introduction? Does your partner present an evaluative thesis, as he or she should? Does the thesis avoid personal feeling or belief? What reasons does your partner provide in the thesis?

Peer Review

Part 1: Use the following questions to guide your review of your partner’s essay. Write your name (reviewer’s name) and your peer’s name (writer’s name) in a Google Doc/Word Doc. Your comments will help your partner gain a new perspective that will inform the reflection and revision processes.

 Part 2: You should complete a self-review with the same questions.

Part 3: Compare PARTS 1 and 2. What did you notice that your peers didn’t notice and vice versa? Look at each point (1-7) for this exercise. How will you resolve each difference you notice?


Turn in all parts on BB.

Parts 1 & 2: (Provide complete-sentence responses.)

  1. What is the thesis of the critical review? Does the thesis appear in the introduction? Does your partner present an evaluative thesis, as he or she should? Does the thesis avoid personal feeling or belief? What reasons does your partner provide in the thesis? (There should be some reasons.)

Below are two example thesis statements, one is effective and another is weak.

  1. an effective, strong thesis: Although “N” site has made steps in a positive direction, such as in the new tools to interact more with other users now and to keep some data private, “N” site has not kept up with important technological advances and innovative changes to social media, such as developing a user-friendly phone app and limiting the content that floods the newsfeed; therefore, “N” site falls below average, making it a site users should avoid.
  2. an ineffective, weak thesis: “L” site has great features because people can post whatever they want to their profile, but I don’t think people should use it because it is not fun and is the most boring.


  1. Are the criteria listed one at a time in their own paragraph? What are the criteria?


  1. Comment on the criteria. Has your partner presented objective criteria? To what extent do the criteria appear to be unbiased? To what extent does your partner reveal his/her bias? (Remember NOT to rely on personal taste or preference.)


  1. Do the paragraphs discussing the criteria and evaluation begin, as they should, with the identification and definition of the given criterion? (Refer to the sample paragraph with my revisions in the previous deadline’s folder if you need clarity on what exactly this looks like.)


  1. How does the writer show the points, rather than just tell them? What are the specific examples/pieces of evidence the writer uses to support the thesis? List multiple examples.


  1. Is the review convincing? Why or why not?


  1. Offer a suggestion for how your partner can improve his/her evaluation.


Which player is the best of the 4? What information from the distributions allows you to make that determination? Which player is the worst of the 4? What information from the distributions allows you to make that determination?

Writing Question

Wordle is a popular word game that can be played on the web. Players get 6 tries to guess a 5-letter word of the day. With each guess, players can see how many letters guessed are present in the word and how many of those letters are in the correct spot.

After each game, players are provided with their statistics, which are depicted in the graphs you see below. The graphs depict frequencies of correct guesses. For example, if a player gets the word correct in 3 tries, the total in the 3 column increases by 1; similarly, if a player takes all 6 tries to get the word, the 6 column increases by 1.

Over time, then, the Wordle application tracks the number of guesses it took for a player to correctly guess the word of the day, With that information in mind, look at the 4 player distributions and answer the following questions.
Which player is the best of the 4? What information from the distributions allows you to make that determination?
Which player is the worst of the 4? What information from the distributions allows you to make that determination?
Are any of the distributions normal? Are any of them positively skewed? Negatively skewed? Which ones and how do you know?
If you were to really dig in, what descriptive statistics would you be able to calculate and report by looking at these distributions?

You may earn up to 5 points for a complete, accurate, and thoughtful response to all 4questions. You should write approximately 2 sentences per item.