
Define the state characteristics that you think deserves to be the focus of your paper. Define which characteristic you wish to focus on in answering how the history of state formation impacts that characteristic or characteristics you chose.

History of a state’s formation and its  impact on character?

Define the state characteristics that you think deserves to be the focus of your paper. A state character can potentially be its regime type, sovereignty, territoriality, governance institutions, economic structure, security structure, its relationship with the population, etc.

As such, we leave it up to you to define which characteristic you wish to focus on in answering how the history of state formation impacts that characteristic or characteristics you chose. Our recommendation is that you should spend a little time in your assignment justifying why the character you chose is an important/defining feature of the state, before you delve into a substantive discussion on the impact of history on it. Due to the length of this assignment, we further recommend that you focus on one or two characteristics and draw from various examples and cases that support your overall argument.

Findings, results, arguments and conclusions. Compare or contrast this work with another you have cited.

An annotated bibliography citations

The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that non-family living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of non-family living.

Include one or more sentences that discusses or presents:
The authority or background of the author.
Intended audience and level of reading difficulty.
Bias or standpoint of the author.
Theoretical Framework/political stance/ School of thought.
Findings, results, arguments and conclusions.
Compare or contrast this work with another you have cited.
Explain how this work illuminates or is relevant to your policy.
We will be going over a wide variety of policies during the class this semester. A few examples of some policies that you might chose are social security, unemployment insurance, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Section 8 Housing Assistance, Medicare or Medicaid. This is not a list of all the policies that are available this is just an example of a few. Feel free to reach out if you are unsure if something you would like to choose is appropriate and we can discuss further.

Compare and contrast the two different statements the poets are making in these poems about the role of man and Nature. Compare and contrast each poet’s use of the first person point of view and its tone in these two poems.

Please choose three of the following questions and respond to them in at least one full page each.

Essay Question 1: Although written over a hundred years apart, Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” and Yeats’ “Leda and the Swan” are both poems that reflect on particular moments in time and meditate on their historical significance. For Wordsworth, the moment was the beginning of the social revolution in France, and for Yeats it was the aftermath of the First World War (compared to the Trojan War—the subject of the poem). Compare and contrast the two different statements the poets are making in these poems about the role of man and Nature.

Essay Question 2: Both of Whitman’s poems, “O Captain! My Captain!” and “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” and Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” rely on the first person point of view—the strength of the individual voice that we, the readers, hear in the poem. But the voices are very different from one another. The voice we hear in Whitman is energetic and forceful—the punctuation we see most often is the exclamation mark—or, if there is a question mark, the question is rhetorical, and Whitman quickly answers himself. In “Prufrock,” however, the questions are different: “Do I dare/Disturb the universe?” “And how should I presume?” Compare and contrast each poet’s use of the first person point of view and its tone in these two poems.

Essay Question 3: The Death of Ivan Ilyich and The Metamorphosis are similar in that each focus on a main character in a very realistic writing style. We, the readers, see the daily events, no matter how trivial, of these characters’ lives. The difference, though, is that Tolstoy has presented a brutally honest portrayal of real life while Kafka has presented a surreal portrayal—men never actually transform into bugs. But the main point of both is to make a comment on the social norms of the times. Compare and contrast the social statements that each author makes in these works.

Essay Question 4: Ghalib’s sacred version of “I’ve made my home next door to you” and Yeats’ “The Second Coming” both portray a god in a very nontraditional way. Ghalib casts his god as beloved person who torments worshippers, and Yeats portrays Jesus as a “rough beast.” Compare and contrast how these portrayals support the message in each poem.

Determine key principles underpinning population-based prevention of ill health including scientific and ethical considerations for population-based disease screening.


1.2 Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

•Critically analyze and evaluate the application of the principles of epidemiology in the context of public health and social action

•Critically analyze, compare and evaluate a range of epidemiology study designs and their appropriate application to public health practice

•Critically appraise, analyze and evaluate the role of chance, bias and confounding in current literature where epidemiological data are significant

•Assess, quantify and compare the risk of health related outcomes in populations and population subgroups

•Demonstrate critical understanding of alternative evidence based approaches in the planning, delivery and evaluation of existing and new public health interventions

•Determine key principles underpinning population-based prevention of ill health including scientific and ethical considerations for population-based disease screening.

What is assessment? What role does assessment play in the field of MFT? How will assessment be integrated into your professional identity and practice as a couple and family therapist?

Assessment in Marriage and Family Therapy

What is assessment? What role does assessment play in the field of MFT? How will assessment be integrated into your professional identity and practice as a couple and family therapist? Read Lavee and Avisar (2006), “Use of Standardized Assessment Instruments in Couple Therapy: The Role of Attitudes and Professional Factors,” and discuss your own attitudes and professional factors that influence your views of assessment. What role does assessment play in your future career as a couple and family therapist?

Did the author use appropriate methods for this study? If not, why? What recommendations do you have? Did the author’s use and interpretation of the evidence in the article lead you (the reader) to the same conclusion? If not, why?


Read the articles in your assigned folder and choose one article to complete your assignment on. Use

the instructions and the rubric below to complete the assignment.

The paper must be written in APA format with proper citations and referencing. It should support

clear, organized, concise thoughts with minimum to no spelling errors. Maximum number of pages for

this assignment is 2.

1. Introduction

a. Summary of the author’s purpose and main points

2. Critique of Methodology

a. Did the author use appropriate methods for this study? If not, why? What recommendations do you have?

b. Did the author’s use and interpretation of the evidence in the article lead you (the reader) to the same conclusion? If not, why?

3. Discussion of theory applied in the article

a. What theoretical basis was used in the article?

b. How was it applied to nursing practice?

c. How was it applied to nursing research?

4. Usage of this article as a nurse practitioner

a. As an APRN, how would you utilize the article in your current or future practice?

b. Does the evidence of this article support the theoretical bases used?

c. What questions or recommendations would you make to the author?

d. Why is this article important to nursing practice?

Explain how Tom’s shoes applies (some of?) the 9 aspects of the shared value purpose playbook.

Tom's shoes

Research the company online. Explain how Tom’s shoes applies (some of?) the 9 aspects of the shared value purpose playbook. USE SUPPORTING EVIDENCE from the company’s website to support your arguments. Is there anything else that TOM’S could do to increase shared value?


Do you think we have too high an expectation for our presidents? Why do we expect our presidents to do so much? Have we ever had a president who has successfully met the public’s expectations? Or does it take time out of office for the public’s opinion of the president’s performance to change?

Paraphrase from J. David Barber:

The president is the first political office children recognize. The president helps people make sense of politics. Congress is a tangle of committees; the bureaucracy is a maze of agencies. The president is one man trying to do a job – a picture much more understandable to the mass of people who find themselves in the same boat. Furthermore, he is the top man. He ought to know what is going on and set it right. So when the economy goes sour, or war drags on, or domestic violence erupts, the president is available to take the blame. Then when things go right, it seems the president must have had a hand in it. Indeed, the flow of political life is marked off by Presidents: the “Eisenhower Era,” the “Kennedy Years.”

We do seem to expect a lot from our presidents. Why is that? We elect them and give them a report card after their first 100 days in office. The expectation that they should be able to fix the economy or solve an international crisis in just a few days seems to be something dreamt up from a Hollywood screenplay. Do you think we have too high an expectation for our presidents? Why do we expect our presidents to do so much? Do the journalists share the blame? Do the presidents themselves? When they run for the office they make sweeping promises that fail to consider the constrictions of the office, but then every candidate for every office does that – even the local dog catcher. Where does Congress or the Courts fit into the public perception of the presidents’ power? Do different presidents’ have different powers? Furthermore, when we consider our expectations of the office, are we imagining a president living in an older era? If we factor in the new globally connected and socially connected world, must we re-evaluate our expectations as to whether presidents can accomplish their agendas? Is there anything that can be done to make a president more successful in achieving his promises?

Have we ever had a president who has successfully met the public’s expectations? Or does it take time out of office for the public’s opinion of the president’s performance to change? For example, people are re-evaluating the presidency of George H.W. Bush. The public and historians are concluding that the Bush I Administration was one of the better administrations in recent history.

If I admire the beauty of the natural world as if it’s a series of landscape paintings, I’m making a mistake, according to Carlson and Callicott. Why do they think my aesthetic experience is misguided?

Aesthetic experience

If I admire the beauty of the natural world as if it’s a series of landscape paintings, I’m making a mistake, according to Carlson and Callicott. Why do they think aesthetic experience is misguided?

Explain how that initiative shifts the focus from the individual person to population health. Explain why understanding and incorporating a focus on social determinants of health is vital to affecting population health.

Shifting Toward Population Health

Healthcare administrators direct and coordinate medical services in facilities such as hospitals, public health agencies, and managed care organizations. In order to accomplish this directive, healthcare administrators need to be current on mandates, health initiatives, and population health programs. This requires the exploration of a variety of resources on health initiatives and public health programs.


Choose a federal or state initiative that focuses on population health .
Explain how that initiative shifts the focus from the individual person to population health
Evaluate the importance of shifting from individual health to population health
Consider discussing how you, as an administrator, could collaborate with other healthcare disciplines to ensure the success of the initiative you selected
Explain why understanding and incorporating a focus on social determinants of health is vital to affecting population health.