
Present your view on the subject of diversity and self-expression in contemporary art. Choose one artwork that symbolizes, in your opinion, the diversity of 20th-21st Century art. Discuss how the work appeals to different populations and/or represents different layers of society.

M4D 20th – 21st Century Art

Our major discussion is dedicated to diversity in 20th-21st Century Art. During this session, we have explored the Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, Neoclassical, and 20th-21st Century Art styles. The Renaissance originated in a relatively small region of Western Europe—Italy—and was accessible to aristocracy and the ultra-wealthy. The Baroque style was mainly inspired and sponsored by the Catholic Church, which gave the world masterpieces by Caravaggio and Rembrandt. The era dominated by the Romantic and Neoclassical aesthetics was in part inspired by sentiments of the Industrial Revolution, as well as by rejection of such, respectively; so the thematic subjects in this era were more down-to-earth in comparison to the ones that preceded them.

However, up until the end of the 19th Century, art was commissioned and dominated by the so-called “elite.” This situation dramatically changed at the turn of the 20th Century, in which the explosion of different styles, as well as the appearance of artists from various backgrounds and demographics, was celebrated. For instance, Pop Art instantly appealed to and became accessible to the large masses beyond the circle of the traditional art connoisseur.

In this Discussion,present your view on the subject of diversity and self-expression in contemporary art. Choose one artwork that symbolizes, in your opinion, the diversity of 20th-21st Century art.

Provide an argument supporting your choice by discussing one or more of the following: style, origins, thematic elements, or the background of its creator.
Discuss how the work appeals to different populations and/or represents different layers of society.
You may want to start by considering works by Banksy, Frida Kahlo, or members of the Harlem Renaissance movement, among many others.

Do you agree with Charles Price argument that even with its historical limitations, the idea of the social contract can contribute to the struggle against racism (or sexism, homophobia, and other social pathologies)

Social contract

Contemporary social contract theorists such as Charles Price argue that even with its historical limitations, the idea of the social contract can contribute to the struggle against racism (or sexism, homophobia, and other social pathologies). Do you agree?

What are the major issues faced by the Muslims of India? Why the Muslims of India face oppression despite being the largest minority group and a major part of Indian population? What is the role of Indian Media in promoting antagonism against Indian Muslims?

Muslims in Minority

First focus on defining minorities and whether Muslims are qualified to be a minority or in reference to different factors, what are the major issues faced by the Muslims of India, why the Muslims of India face oppression despite being the largest minority group and a major part of Indian population, what is the role of Indian Media in promoting antagonism against Indian Muslims, why the muslins of India do not form a strong resisting movement against the government. The Research objective is to access the major issues faced by the Muslim Minorities in India, to explore the major causes for Hindu oppression against their largest minority group, and to analyze the role of Indian Media in promoting antagonism against Muslims Minorities.

• References: Hussain, S. Abid. 1965, “The Destiny of Indian Muslims”, Asia Publishing House, London, UK. Khalid, Iram. 2013, “Pakistan-India Conflicts: An Application of Crisis Decision Making”, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Mallick, Shahzana. 1994, “Hindu Revivalism and the Indian Muslims”, Quaid-e Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health‐illness continuum. Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750‐1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following:

Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN‐prepared nurses.
Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.
Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health‐illness continuum.
Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Compare and contrast the main theories, research methods, debates, and controversies in the field. Show how your research fits in and how you will build on, challenge, or synthesize the work of others.

Intimate Partner Violence Faced by Women with Disabilities in British Columbia

Need a literature review of 850 words

o Demonstrate your familiarity with the existing research in the field in relation to the theoretical/conceptual frameworks you selected.
o Compare and contrast the main theories, research methods, debates, and controversies in the field.
o Show how your research fits in and how you will build on, challenge, or synthesize the work of others.

What is an ethical dilemma that you have faced in your work or what is an ethical dilemma that you have seen in the media? How was the ethical dilemma addressed?

Ethical Dilemma Paper

Write a 5-page paper (not including Title Page and References pages) that discusses your ideas and beliefs about each of the following:

What is an ethical dilemma that you have faced in your work or what is an ethical dilemma that you have seen in the media?

How was the ethical dilemma addressed?

What ethical principles (APA and AASP) apply to the situation? Cite specific ethical codes that apply.

Knowing what you know now, would you have addressed the ethical dilemma in the same way or not? Why?

What do you see as the biggest challenge for you in working with athletes/performers and practicing sport psychology?

Explain how you have used research and development (RD) to avoid creating a product too far ahead of its time, or a product that lags behind market requirements. Explain why you chose either a single product strategy or a multiple product offering.

RD CT 5 MGT481

Analyze and apply the Capsim Mini-Case Study entitled “RD.”

Your Capsim company makes electronic sensors. You are fortunate because you have information on your customers’ performance requirements and how they may shift with time. Not many companies have that advantage. Address the following in your paper:

Explain how you have used research and development (RD) to avoid creating a product too far ahead of its time, or a product that lags behind market requirements.

Explain why you chose either a single product strategy or a multiple product offering.

How could a balanced business-model be used to benefit a RD team and company leadership?

What lessons will learn from you this experience that would allow you to more effectively use RD in the future?

Why is promoting our company so essential? Discuss traditional (print, broadcast) and non-traditional (digital) marketing campaigns and strategies.

Promotional Channels (IMC)

Why is promoting our company so essential? Our company is CVS.

Discuss traditional (print, broadcast) and non-traditional (digital) marketing campaigns and strategies.

What history is live in these media? What assumptions are these media grounded on? Who do these narratives serve? What work are these narratives trying to do/what is their “goal” (if they have one)? What (or who) is missing/silenced from this story?

Critically response

Written Assignments: You will write 2 critical responses (1-2 pages, 12-point font, double spaced) based on the assigned texts, films, and our class conversation. In each of these essays, pair a film we have watched in class with a text we have discussed, and to use these materials to assert an original position. You will also be asked to incorporate outside source(s) that critically engage with the subject matter—these can be scholarly works such as books or peer-reviewed articles, or other media such as films, songs, or artwork.

Questions you can ask of your materials might include: What history is live in these media? What assumptions are these media grounded on? Who do these narratives serve? What work are these narratives trying to do/what is their “goal” (if they have one)? What (or who) is missing/silenced from this story? Do not simply summarize the reading or describe the plot of the film.. I’ll attached two-three readings from my class you will have to choose two among those and the third one have to be any other source that can go with the topic.

What is encumbered real estate? What does title clarify? What’s a Cap rate? Be thorough in your discussion of all the inputs.  How does this differ from Discounted Cash Flow analysis?

Finish the question

SHORT ANSWER (20 points each, 100 total): PICK FIVE (5) OF TEN (10), AND ANY MORE FOR UP TO 20 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS).

My goal for this part is not to determine if you can “parrot” answers, but rather to see how you have advanced in thinking about “risk and opportunity”.  Write legibly, as I will not grade what I cannot read.  Evaluate these statements.  You will be evaluated by the comprehensiveness and clarity of your answers.


  1. React: Prop At 1% ad valorem, the tax appears to be an out sized discussion for such a small operational cost.


  1. React: The most critical aspects of a lease for a shopping mall are the annual base rent and the pass-through of CAM charges.


  1. React: The due diligence process for a property is a legal exercise and is not of much concern to the business people making the investment. Don’t forget a breakdown of key aspects.


  1. What is encumbered real estate? What does title clarify?


  1. In a profitable transaction when you are selling a property, what is true about the going in and exit cap rates? Assume cash flow is the same throughout.   Why?
    1. There is no necessary correlation between profitability and these cap rates
    2. The going in cap is equal to the exit cap
    3. The going in cap is higher than the exit cap
    4. The going in cap is lower than the exit cap


  1. React: Reducing a tenant’s monthly rent by $100 every month is a wise investment in landlord tenant relationships.


  1. What’s a Cap rate? Be thorough in your discussion of all the inputs.  How does this differ from Discounted Cash Flow analysis?


  1. React: The financial pro forma for a property represents the financial performance which will be realized by the property, and as such reflects the risks of the investment.