
Given that each civilization existed hundreds (or more) years apart from each other, what do similarities tell of cultural commonalities; what do differences tell of cultural differences between the three civilizations? Is there any evidence to suggest that each civilization had similar beliefs of moral behaviors?

Ancient Law Codes

You must write a paper about all three of these law codes, in which you subject the readings to critical thought and analysis, including your conclusions from that analysis. You must compare, contrast, and critically analyses EACH of the three readings. Your analysis should include the following points (iun no particular order):

a.) What does each reading tell you about the culture, concerns and cultural beliefs of the civilization which created each law code?

b.) Given that each civilization existed hundreds (or more) years apart from each other, what do similarities tell of cultural commonalities; what do differences tell of cultural differences between the three civilizations?

C.) Is there any evidence to suggest that each civilization had similar beliefs of moral behaviors?

d.) What do the types of punishments given in each law code tell of how each civilization viewed that status of humans and the value of human life?

e.) Discuss the meaning of differences between economic and physical punishments.

Write at least 5 evidenced and edited pages that respond to the following statements “… the United States economy continued to be dominated by thriving and independent family farmers, small scale manufacturers, and/or “mom and pop” retailers.”

Midterm essay

Using at least 4 assigned course readings, write at least 5 evidenced and edited pages that respond to one of the following statements.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries (through the 1920s):
1. … the United States economy continued to be dominated by thriving and independent family farmers, small scale manufacturers, and/or “mom and pop” retailers.

What is the premise of the film? What are the goals of the film makers? What do they hope to learn? What do the people they interview know about the Amistad? What is their understanding of the impact of the slave trade in their lives? What about Colonization?

Films analysis

Ghosts of Amistad by Tony Buba is based on Marcus Rediker’s The Amistad Rebellion: An Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom (Penguin, 2012). It chronicles a journey to Sierra Leone in 2013 to visit the home villages of the rebels who captured the slave schooner Amistad, to interview elders about local memory of the incident, and to search for the long-lost ruins of Lomboko, the slave trading factory where their cruel transatlantic voyage began. The filmmakers rely on the knowledge of villagers, fishermen, and truck drivers to recover a lost history from below in the struggle against slavery, and to explore the African origins of the heroes of the Amistad incident.

Possible Questions to consider:

1. What is the premise of the film? What are the goals of the film makers? What do they hope to learn?

2. How do the locals receive the film makers? How are they able to make connections along their journey?

3. What do the people they interview know about the Amistad? What is their understanding of the impact of the slave trade in their lives? What about Colonization?

4. How does this film and the Amistad provide connections between slavery, Africa, and African culture?

Explains what personal consumer debt in America is. What kind of personal debt do Americans have?

American Consumer Debt

Compose an Academic Report that explains what personal consumer debt in America is. Answer this question: what kind of personal debt do Americans have? Think about the different categories of debt the average American experiences and report objective, reliable information that shows readers what this looks like in our current American society. The focus should be informative

How does the new bride prepare for her life as an officer’s wife at Fort Tejon? How does she describe conditions at Fort Tejon during her time there? How does Tillie see those already living in California, including Native Californians?

Army Bride Goes West

Read Jane Apostol’s An “Army Bride Goes West” about Matilda McKee, the bride of a military officer stationed in California in the 1860s. Answer the following questions in a typed, double-spaced document. Each response should be numbered to reflect the question answered and about a paragraph in length.
How does the new bride prepare for her life as an officer’s wife at Fort Tejon?
How does she describe conditions at Fort Tejon during her time there?
How does Tillie see those already living in California, including Native Californians?

How does BYOD fit into client’s needs in light of regulations and security baselines? What policies need to be established and enforced to ensure confidentiality, Integrity, and availability? How would an organization monitor and test compliance with regulatory guidelines?

Bring your own Device (BYOD)

Topic: Bring your own Device (BYOD) is a trend that organizations are implementing. They are allowing (encouraging) employees to access company records and data from personal mobile devices and machines that the company does not own. Some companies are not supplying computers to their employees and are relying on employees to access company information on their own devices.

Written Assignment: Prepare an analysis of the subject using the information below as a guide. The paper should be in the 2300 – 2500 word range. You might not answer every sub-question, but your paper should be organized along the four major categories below. Be sure to footnote all direct quotes and facts. You also need to have a separate “Sources” page at the end of the report that documents the items that you used as a reference. You are required to have at least 3 sources for the paper. (Wikipedia or other “open source” websites are not an appropriate academic source for this class.)

Remember that you are writing these papers from an auditor’s perspective asking the question, “How would I test these IT controls?” This will be part of your critical thinking grade.

1. FACTS: Present the FACTS about BYOD in business today. How many companies have adopted these ideas in part or in full? What are the predicted trends for the future of BYOD?
In expressing your answer, evaluate based on the following:
– How does BYOD fit into client’s needs in light of regulations and security baselines?
– What policies need to be established and enforced to ensure confidentiality, Integrity, and availability?
– How would an organization monitor and test compliance with regulatory guidelines?

2. POSITIVES: What have been some positive experiences with BYOD? What have companies found that has made this a good idea? What are some of the budget savings that companies have experienced? Are there any “pleasant surprises” or side-affects that have been obtained? What good “tips/best practices” have successful companies used to make this a good undertaking?

3. NEGATIVES: What problems have companies had with BYOD? What are some of the negative aspects of BYOD? Have there been problems that were not anticipated? Has there been any negative influence on the IT budget process? What are some areas of networking and security that are causing issues or potential problems? Are there instances where BYOD has jeopardized the regulatory compliance of organizations? Provide examples and what problems should have been addressed?

4. AFFECT ON IT (and other) AUDITS: Have there been any negative consequences on the auditing of data and information? What are some problems for companies that might be anticipated with the storage and retrieval of business records from devices they do not own? What are some of the unique challenges that auditors might face in the future as the trend of BYOD continues to grow?

How would you apply this knowledge to your life today? Include your grade, supported with evidence.

Anything Before 1782

This is an individual assignment. Create an assignment demonstrating that you have gained knowledge on any person, event, aspect, or idea on US history from 1600 to 1782.

You will create the assignment. Then do the assignment demonstrating knowledge of the person, event, aspect, or idea.

Finally, answer this question: How would you apply this knowledge to your life today? Include your grade, supported with evidence. This is the first time you will be grading your work. You might want to also use those questions I posted in the Announcements section to guide your response.

Identify the elements of the mise-en-scène that seem to be contributing the most to your emotional response. Does the use of light in the movie or clip call attention to itself? If so, describe the effect that it has on the composition in any shot you analyze.

Django Unchained

Answer at least 4 of the questions below.

1. How do the setting and the scope of the narrative complement the other elements?

2. Are the plot events presented in chronological order? What is the significance of the order of plot events in the movie?

3. Keep track of the major and minor events in the movie's plot. Are any of the minor events unnecessary to the movie overall? If these events were not included, would the movie be better? Why

4. As you watch the film or clip, be alert to the overall design plan and mise-en-scène and to your emotional response to them. Are you comforted or made anxious by them? Are your senses overwhelmed or calmed by what you see on-screen?

5. Identify the elements of the mise-en-scène that seem to be contributing the most to your emotional response.

6. Does the use of light in the movie or clip call attention to itself? If so, describe the effect that it has on the composition in any shot you analyze.

7. Note the type of movement (movement of figures within the frame or movement of the frame itself) in important shots. Describe as accurately as possible the effect of that movement on the relationships among the figures in the frame.

8. Does the movie's design have a unified feel? Do the various elements of the design (the sets, props, costumes, makeup, hairstyles, etc.) work together, or do some elements work against others? What is the effect either way?

9. Was achieving verisimilitude important to the design of this film or clip? If so, have the filmmakers succeeded in making the overall mise-en- scène feel real, or verisimilar? If verisimilitude doesn't seem to be important in this film or clip, what do you suspect the filmmakers were attempting to accomplish with their design?

Does the sound in the movie as a whole help develop characterization? If so, how does it do so?
In the movie overall, how is music used? In a complementary way? Ironically?

Does the use of music in this movie seem appropriate to the story?

Do image and sound complement one another in this movie, or does one dominate the other?

Does this film use silence expressively?

In this movie, do you hear evidence of a comprehensive approach to sound—one, specifically, in which the film's sound is as expressive as its images? If so, explain why you think so

Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN‐prepared nurses. Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Lading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750‐1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following:

Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN‐prepared nurses.
Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.
Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health‐illness continuum.
Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Describe your analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. Explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.

Financial Engineering to Enhance Shareholder Value

An 8 slide presentation to your staff describing your analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence-base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.