
What does someone need to know in order to best understand an issue and what sort of conclusion(s) does that understanding suggest would be best to draw?

15 Dollar Minimum Wage

The English word research comes to us from the Old French cercher “to seek, which reminds us that the point of research is to find answers. Research is not about justifying the idea you already have; it is about testing that idea and potentially discovering better ones.

With that in mind, this assignment asks you to consider multiple arguments on a particular issue (you can pair research projects with class discussions, or propose your own topic) and answer a relatively plain question: What does someone need to know in order to best understand an issue and what sort of conclusion(s) does that understanding suggest would be best to draw?

The question is plain, but not simple. In order to answer it you will need to do a fair bit of reading in order to see as many possible perspectives as possible. Then you’ll need to use reason and logic to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of those positions and finally, you’ll need to use your sense of all that to develop, explain, and support your position.

You can pair your research projects with the two non-textbook reading units that we’ll examine this semester, or you choose your own topics. Be careful, regardless of whichever approach you choose. Too broad or too narrow a claim will put you in trouble from the start, so think carefully about the argument you can make well in the space you have.

Identify three possible witnesses and provide their contact information.

Team prosecuting a homicide

Suppose that you are part of the team prosecuting a homicide. The defense has announced that it will argue that the defendant was insane at the time of the crime. You are now seeking experts to testify that the defendant was legally sane at the time of the crime. Search for expert witnesses, using the following link:

Identify three possible witnesses, providing their contact information.

What do the themes tell you about the specific values and beliefs of medieval society? How do the themes of sacred & secular literature differ or are they so closely bound together that it is impossible to separate them?

Literature of the early and late middle ages

Look at 3 selections from the Readings in “The Humanities Culture, Continuity, and Change 3rd edition, Ch. 8-10”. Reading 8.5 From Augustine’s Confessions, Reading 9.1 Surah 47 Muhammad, and Reading 10.4 Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias

Discuss how this literature reveals some of the major themes and concerns of the early and late middle ages.
Cite specific lines from the works to discuss, explain, or support your assessment of what the literature is doing and what it reveals to you as a reader.
What do the themes tell you about the specific values and beliefs of medieval society?
How do the themes of sacred & secular literature differ or are they so closely bound together that it is impossible to separate them? Explain & use examples.
How is the problem of good vs evil represented in some of these stories and through the characters?

why do some snails have these and others don’t? whats the general function of them? which snails have them generally? which family? which species in this family? what is their function in this species

Reproductive ecology of “a snail species”

Provide diagrams for each of the “special accessory”

why do some snails have these and others don’t?
whats the general function of them? which snails have them generally? which family? which species in this family? what is their function in this species.
Where is this “special accessory” made in the snails.? any special organs?

Find a proposed standard from the current or prior year that is related to this course in the FASB Codification system. Prepare a 2-3 page summary of the FASB proposal highlighting what changed, why, and the potential impact on the financial statements and disclosures.

IA II week 2 excell

Find a company’s financial statements, using the EDGAR database. Use Excel to create an applicable supporting schedule and financial statement(s) that would provide an example of the application of the proposed standard you selected for the company you selected. Ex. if the standard you found included a different method to recognize revenue you would create a worksheet using that proposed change to revenue recognition and then show how that change would affected the financial statements of the company you selected from EDGAR.

Writing Assignment

Find a proposed standard from the current or prior year that is related to this course (liability and equity-type transactions only) in the FASB Codification system. Prepare a 2-3 page summary of the FASB proposal highlighting what changed, why, and the potential impact on the financial statements and disclosures.

Library Assistance
Link to Keiser’s elibrary resources:
PowerPoint instruction on how to use the Keiser elibrary: Keiser Slide show Library-Orientation-login-and-navigate-lesson1.pptx Keiser Slide show Library-Orientation-login-and-navigate-lesson1.pptx – Alternative Formats
Guidance on how to log in and use the Keiser elibrary: KU Library login guide2014October3.pdf KU Library login guide2014October3.pdf – Alternative Formats
How to cite work from the library: How to cite work from the library.docx How to cite work from the library.docx – Alternative Formats
This link helps with APA format:

Describe in details/drawing the conceptual design and identify the type of interface it would be. ◦ Taking user-centered design approach describe the prototyping methods you would select.

Interactive design for healthcare

Sample Exam Question (1)

  1. You have been asked to design a smart home device for patients with dementia. Dementia is defined by the WHO as a syndrome in which there is deterioration in memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities. The device has the potential to control any other smart devices in the home. ◦ Describe in details/drawing the conceptual design and identify the type of interface it would be. ◦ Taking user-centered design approach describe the prototyping methods you would select.


Sample Exam Question (2)

  1. Conduct a cognitive walkthrough to know your average step count per week in your health app.


Sample Exam Question (3)

Boston-based app development company Wizdy, cofounded by Nikita Virani (Questrom’14), has created a game for iPhones and Androids called Wizdy Pets that secretly educates kids about how to manage their asthma symptoms, as well as how to identify the warning signs of an impending attack. You have been asked to evaluate it. Describe two evaluation methods that could be potentially be used? And discuss the advantage and disadvantages of both.

What is the effect of concentration of Phosphoric Acid and Volume of Acetic Anhydride on the Synthesis.

Analysis of Aspirin

Effect of concentration of Phosphoric Acid and Volume of Acetic Anhydride on the Synthesis and Analysis of Aspirin

What it does? Who is the sponsor? What’s the purpose of the bill? What are the bill’s main points? How does the bill work to solve the issue?

Bill summary

For brief summary of a bill: 1. What it does? 2. Who is the sponsor? 3. What’s the purpose of the bill? 4. What are the bill’s main points? 5. How does the bill work to solve the issue?

Write a business plan for the acquisition of a gaming licence which should include corporate social responsibility policy, responsible gaming polic, anti money laundry policy Financial and marketing plan.

Business plan

Write a business plan for the acquisition of a gaming licence. The business plan should include corporate social responsibility policy, responsible gaming polic, anti money laundry policy Financial and marketing plan.

Define key terms that are part of this topic. What are the best arguments on the other side of your issue? What are your conclusions based on the research you did and the most convincing arguments.


NOTE: As you put this together, are you following the critical analysis process that we emphasize in critical reasoning? That is, fairly considering all research before reaching a conclusion.

Introduction: Includes background information on your topic. Define key terms that are part of this topic. Give background information on why this topic is how something has changed or developed from an earlier time to its current form.
Arguments that support one position (2-3 paragraphs)
Rebuttals (What are the best arguments on the other side of your issue? (2-3 paragraphs)
Applicable rhetorical devices or fallacies commonly used in debating this topic.
A statement of your conclusion (as the researcher) on the issue (What are your conclusions based on the research you did and the most convincing arguments.
Minimum 5 research references in APA format, and in-text citations in your paragraphs.
“The Purpose of this Essay: The goal of this paper is to construct a fair-minded, unbiased, analytical analysis of a topic in a comprehensive essay.