
How can the teaching in question be found in or derived from the deposit of faith? Where is it in Scripture? Where is it in the fathers? Is the teaching implied by another teaching?

What the Church holds

What the Church holds . . .
The topic of the paper (what the prospectus is laying out) should be able to be formulated in the form, “The Church teaches that . . .”; So it should be a specific proposition that the Church holds, (e.g., “Mary is mother of God” or “Mary was conceived without original sin”) rather than a general topic (e.g., Mary). You should be careful, as you write your paper, to be sure it stays on topic.

As part of showing what the Church teaches, the paper should explain any difficult or easily misunderstood phrases in the teaching. (e.g., if one is explaining that “Mary was conceived without original sin” it would be helpful to explain briefly the Church’s understanding of original sin).

Here is a good place to bring up Magisterial statements that actually show, in the Church’s own words, what the Church teaches.

Also, the Church’s teaching is often most clear when it is rejecting or condemning theories that it holds are incompatible with the faith. The Church is often happy to let theologians hold their theories and tends to only offer definitive teaching when someone advances a theory that the Church holds is error. So, in clarifying what the Church holds, it is often just as important to look carefully at what the Church doesn’t hold. So consider any related condemned positions.

Why the Church holds it . . .
Whatever the Church teaches, she teaches because she holds that it is somehow connected to the deposit of faith. So how can the teaching in question be found in or derived from the deposit of faith? Where is it in Scripture? Where is it in the fathers? Is the teaching implied by another teaching?

As you write your paper, be sure to stick to the purpose of the paper: Explaining clearly what the Church teaches, and why it teaches what it teaches. I have found that students sometimes treat these papers as opportunities to explore their personal musing on life, the universe, and everything. Such musing may or may not have much value, but in either case sharing them isn’t the purpose of the paper.

Also be especially careful to be precise and accurate in describing the Church’s teaching. This is not the place for sloppy paraphrases that kinda-sorta give the general idea. This the place for precision of language.

As to sources,

In order to complete the assignment, the paper must actually make use of five sorts of sources:
(1) at least one relevant patristic source
(2) at lease one relevant passage of scripture
(3) at least one relevant magisterial source
(4) any relevant passages from either the Catechism of the Catholic Church or the Roman Catechism (I expect that you will find at least one)(5) at least one relevant and approved systematic work of theology.

‘Relevant’ should be taken to mean that the specific passage being used directly relates to the topic of the paper.

When you work with children who have hearing loss, what are the two or three consequences or effects of the hearing loss that you think have the biggest impact on the child’s life? Do you think that children with hearing loss are being adequately served in the area where you work?


1. What is your role in working with children with hearing loss, or more specifically, what are your duties that involve children with hearing loss?
2. When you work with children who have hearing loss, what are the two or three consequences or effects of the hearing loss that you think have the biggest impact on the child’s life?
3. Do you think that children with hearing loss are being adequately served in the area where you work?
4. What kinds of things would you like to see happen differently for children with hearing loss where you work?
5. If you are familiar with the speech and language services that children with hearing loss receive in your school or community, do you think that these services are meeting the needs of the students? Why do you think this?
6. If you are aware of the hearing related services that children with hearing loss are receiving in the schools or community where you are, do you think that these services are meeting the needs of the students? Why do you think this?
7. Do you have anything that you would like to see done differently by people who work with kids with hearing loss? (e.g. programs, funding, devices, etc..

What are the advantages of having several officers search a crime scene? What are the disadvantages? What factors are considered in the legal search of a PERSON, a private DWELLING, ABANDONED PROPERTY, a BUSINESS, a MOTOR VEHICLE, etc.?

Assignment 2

This week’s ASSIGNMENT is to answer a series of questions. Your answers should be comprehensive, detailed and written in narrative form. Proper spelling, grammar and punctuation are mandatory. Officers and Detectives write lots of reports and they must be concise and professional with no room for slang, poor spelling and grammar.
#1 – What are the advantages of having several officers search a crime scene? What are the disadvantages?
#2 – Many court decisions regarding police involve the question of legal searches. What factors are considered in the legal search of a PERSON, a private DWELLING, ABANDONED PROPERTY, a BUSINESS, a MOTOR VEHICLE, etc.?
#3 – Do you think notes should be retained or destroyed after a report has been written and why
#4 – Police officers frequently stop vehicles for traffic violations. Under the PLAIN-VIEW doctrine, what evidence may be taken during such a stop? May the officers search the vehicle? The driver? The occupants? Be detailed in your answers.

Find one scholarly article (in an academic journal that is peer reviewed and that is available in full text) that discusses the impact of “heredity” on the development of the traits of the human personality.

Heredity and/or Environment

A. Find one scholarly article (in an academic journal that is peer reviewed and that is available in full text) that discusses the impact of “heredity” on the development of the traits of the human personality. Prepare a brief synopsis of the information contained in this article in APA Style with relevant in-text citations (about 250 words) in which you include information about which traits the authors believe are most influenced by the individual’s heredity. [10.00]

B. Find one scholarly article (in an academic journal that is peer reviewed and that is available in full text) that discusses the impact of “environment” on the development of the traits of the human personality. Prepare a brief synopsis of the information contained in this article in APA Style with relevant in-text citations (about 250 words) in which you include information about which traits the authors believe are most influenced by the environment in which an individual is raised. [10.00]

C. Prepare a solid paragraph (250 words) in which you compare and contrast the information contained in the two articles (above). Remember to provide relevant in-text citations with page numbers. [9.00]

How did these journalists think that “making sense out of chaos” could be achieved in their coverage of Puerto Rico? What is the role of a journalist in times of disaster? How did the US mainstream news coverage of the post-Maria story serve to expand understanding and comprehension?

La Tormenta, The Truth and Making Sense

After watching the panel discussion on “La Tormenta, The Truth and Making Sense”
1. How was the truth served (or not served) by the type of journalism that followed Hurricane Maria?

These are other questions that could be helpful in order to write your answer:

1. How did these journalists think that “making sense out of chaos” could be achieved in their coverage of Puerto Rico?

2. What is the role of a journalist in times of disaster?

3. How did the US mainstream news coverage of the post-Maria story serve (or not serve) to expand understanding and comprehension?

4. What did the panelists have to say about truth and subjectivity? About racism? About colonialism?

Explain the differences and assess which ‘Europe’ better reflects the reality of the European Union

The European Union

The European Commission and the European Council have been framed as a ‘Europe of Officials’ and a ‘Europe of States’. Explain the differences and assess which ‘Europe’ better reflects the reality of the European Union

Develop and record an 8-10-slide, asynchronous, audiovisual presentation to executive leaders of your plan for implementing the proposed educational technology change detailed in the needs assessment and impact statement you completed in Assessments.

Implementing new educational technology

Develop and record an 8-10-slide, asynchronous, audiovisual presentation to executive leaders of your plan for implementing the proposed educational technology change detailed in the needs assessment and impact statement you completed in Assessments 1 and 2. In addition, develop a detailed outline of your implementation plan, as a supplement to your presentation.

Use the speaker’s notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and cite your sources, as appropriate.


Identify, discuss, and evaluate the feasibility of one evidence base-practice recommendation from SAMHSA’s Resource Center that can be incorporated at the ES Unit.

SAMHSA Website: Evidence Base Assignment

Visit Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Evidence Based Practices Resource Center Website Site at

Identify, discuss, and evaluate the feasibility of one evidence base-practice recommendation from SAMHSA’s Resource Center that can be incorporated at the ES Unit

What are your current thoughts on the recommendation for incremental or discontinuous innovation? What are your thoughts on the risks and benefits of each option? How do you think the company from the course scenario will be able to compete in the marketplace? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of both incremental and discontinuous innovation.


What are your current thoughts on the recommendation for incremental or discontinuous innovation?

What are your thoughts on the risks and benefits of each option?

How do you think the company from the course scenario will be able to compete in the marketplace?

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of both incremental and discontinuous innovation.

How will the costs related to each option differ?

How will the marketing approach for each option differ?

How do you determine if a resource is a quality resource or not? Although peer-reviewed resources are often considered quality, what factors might make a peer-reviewed resource a less than optimal source for a research project?

Peer reviewed sources

How do you determine if a resource is a quality resource or not? Although peer-reviewed resources are often considered quality, what factors might make a peer-reviewed resource a less than optimal source for a research project? Also, explain how you will ensure any information you retrieved from the internet is scientifically accurate.