
Prepare an Analysis Report using data and information from studies on leadership styles and characteristics derived from empirical research, and explain how the information applies to successful leaders in the profession.

Criminal justice leaders.

Prepare an Analysis Report using data and information from studies on leadership styles and characteristics derived from empirical research, and explain how the information applies to successful leaders in the profession. Cite specific examples of criminal justice leaders who embody the concepts learned from the literature. Analyze the findings and make or state at least three (3) conclusions based on, or derived from, the research in your report that could benefit criminal justice leaders.

Why did Athens wait so long to put Socrates on trial? What factors– personal, political, cultural, global- influenced his trial in 399 BCE?


Why did Athens wait so long to put Socrates on trial? What factors– personal, political, cultural, global- influenced his trial in 399 BCE?

Does illegal immigration promote terrorism? Europe: security for or against the displaced?

Illegal immigration

Does illegal immigration promote terrorism? Europe: security for or against the displaced?

Discuss the given perspective(s) that would support the opposing argument. Explain why you disagree with the opposing perspective Discuss flaws in reasoning. Give a specific example that could be used to support the opposing perspective. Discuss how the opposing logic doesn’t work when compared to your position.

Has Technology changed.your everyday lifestyle

Introduce your perspective
Include how the other two contrast your perspective.
Body (Paragraphs 2) – Assertion
Start with a transition/topic sentence that discusses YOUR POSITION on the central issue
Explain your position including any of the given perspectives that support your position
Give an example that supports your position and explain how the example supports your position
End the paragraph by summarizing the paragraph
Refutation (Paragraphs 3)
Concession: Start with a transition/topic sentence that discusses the OPPOSING SIDE of your argument
Discuss the given perspective(s) that would support the opposing argument
Counter: Explain why you disagree with the opposing perspective
Discuss flaws in reasoning
Give a specific example that could be used to support the opposing perspective
Be sure to discuss how the opposing logic doesn’t work when compared to your position.
Conclusion (Paragraph 4)
Recap your discussion
Restate your perspective and arguments
Provide a final overarching thought on the topic

Some European settlers used the term “savage” to describe the indigenous peoples of North America. Choose three different American Indian peoples and show how this label is untrue and unju

Choosing an appropriate topic.

Gathering information, summarizing sources.
Analyzing and evaluating sources.
Defining key terms.
Synthesizing information, comparing and contrasting sources.
Making a historical argument, using refutation.
Amassing support for a position.
Documenting sources.

Because this may be a longer paper than you have written before and a complex process is involved, it is recommended that you complete this paper using the following steps:

Choose a topic related to chapters covered in The American Yawp, (Chapters 1-15) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind.

Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.

Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source.

Primary sources are contemporary to the times under investigation.
An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your paper.

What is the intended impact? Identify and explain groups that may be impacted by the technology. Describe the potential positive and negative impacts and consequences.

Week 5 Equity Impact Assessment

Your equity assessment must address the following.

Provide a two- to three-sentence goal statement for your technology. What is the intended impact?
Identify and explain groups that may be impacted by the technology. This can include, but is not limited to, low income populations, communities of color, linguistic minorities, LGBTQA+ communities, and immigrant or refugee populations.
Identify and explain regions that may be impacted by the technology. This can include, but is not limited to, urban communities, rural communities, coastal communities, industrial communities, and ethnic enclave.
Analyze potential positive and negative impact(s) or unintended consequences for three identified populations. As part of your analysis, include the following for each of the three populations you select.
Identify the population.
Describe the potential positive and negative impacts and consequences.
Propose actions to mitigate negative impacts or enhance positive impacts.

What relevant commonalities and differences can be drawn from the two case studies mentioned above and related to the exploitation of specific natural resources in Peru and Nauru? What are the lessons learned?

Peru: The Curse of the Inca Gold

After viewing the documentaries: “Peru: The Curse of the Inca Gold” (6 min, 06 sec) (Links to an external site.) and “Paradise Lost – Nauru” (19 min, 45 sec), (Links to an external site.) answer the following questions.

What relevant commonalities and differences can be drawn from the two case studies mentioned above and related to the exploitation of specific natural resources in Peru and Nauru?
What are the lessons learned?

Do all these technologies that appear to be great and advertise themselves to make the life of law enforcement more efficient?

CCJ5078- Discussion #4 classmates response

Technology is a vital part to modern day policing. I have just gotten back from a Crime Analyst Conference where there were endless booths of different companies selling variations of technology stating that they will help prevent and solve crime. I have yet to have seen a department that doesn’t use some sort of mapping software for their crime intelligence or Compstat meetings. Every year, there seems to be further advances in policing technology that states that it will be the next best thing to solving crime. From these point-of-views, it seems that we are upon another technological revolution in policing. According to Byrne and Marx (2011), the first technological revolution for policing came with the telephone, two-way radio, and the vehicle. We are in the beginning stages of a second technological revolution that involves mobile data centers (MDCs), online records management systems, computer-aided dispatch (CAD), automatic fingerprinting, license plate readers, and facial recognition. While all these technologies appear to be great and advertise themselves to make the life of law enforcement more efficient, do they? One of the most important issues when it comes to policing technology is that there is no one who is empirically assessing if it is even successful in preventing or solving crime. There is limited evidence on the success of the more popular technological tools in research. Police departments are allowing the novelty of new technology sway their adoption of crime prevention techniques instead of turning to empirical research (Byrne & Marx, 2011). Technology does allow officers to become more efficient and predictable in their actions. The spread of McDonalization has reached into the criminal justice sector with the implementing of new technology (Bohm, 2007). While being more efficient isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it requires trust in the technology and if that technology hasn’t been tested then how does anyone know it will truly work? For instance, in my department, with the implementation of license plate readers (LPR), officers have reduced the amount of vehicle plates they run to check to see if the car is stolen. The assumption is that the LPR will catch the plate of the stolen vehicle and send an alert to the officers. While this may appear to be more efficient way of catching stolen vehicles, there is limited research in how effective that method is at obtaining stolen vehicles and if the LPR is consistent with its plate reads.


Solve for the allocation of labor which would equate WC= WE, solve for the equilibrium weekly wage rate, and show your results on a labor allocation diagram.

Coursework 1

Consider a standard Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade between the United States and the European Union, in which the only resources are capital (K) and labor (L), and the only goods are chemicals (C) and electronics (E), both produced under perfect competition, with constant returns to scale, diminishing marginal returns, identical technologies, and identical preferences, and no transportation costs.  The US is relatively capital abundant, and chemical production is relatively capital-intensive.

    1. Use an Edgeworth allocation box, with chemical production in the southwest origin and labor on the horizontal axis, to show that unless the isoquants are tangent – and explain what this means in economic terms – that any allocation is not Pareto optimal.
    2. In the Edgeworth allocation box, show how the movement from autarky to free trade affects the allocation of capital and labor in the long run between sectors, and how this affects both the wage-rental rate and the capital-labor ratios in each sector.
    3. In the above Edgeworth allocation box, show that if labor moves is mobile but capital is not then the resulting allocation is not Pareto Optimal in the long run.
    4. Use an Edgeworth distribution box, with the United States’ PPF in the southwest origin and the quantity of chemicals on the horizontal axis, to show how Pareto optimal distributions require that relative marginal costs equal relative prices equal relative marginal utilities, not just within a country but across countries.
    5. Does international trade cause faster economic growth and higher per-capita incomes, is it the other was around, or is there no significant correlation? Review the journal articles I attached. What are the main arguments for and against the causal connection between international trade, per-capita income, and economic growth? What does the research on the actual evidence, e.g., the meta-analysis by Lewer & van den Berg, prove or imply?

III. Consider the labor allocation problem for the specific factors model in the medium run. Assume that PC = $120, PE = $60, MPLC = 500 – LC/10, MPLE = 400 – LE/20, and LC + LE = 4000 persons per week.

  1. Solve for the allocation of labor which would equate WCWE, solve for the equilibrium weekly wage rate, and show your results on a labor allocation diagram.
  2. Using the area method for the labor allocation graph, solve for the total gross profits (i.e., returns to capital) in each sector. Check your answers by solving for output of each (taking the integral of the MPL), multiply by price to get revenue, and subtract total wages to get profit.
  3. Suppose that PCfalls by half, to $60. Show this on your diagram.
  4. Assume that in the very short-run, after PCfalls, labor is immobile. How will wages change in each sector?
  5. Assume instead that wages are sticky in the very short-run, after PC What will happen to employment in each sector? What will be the temporary unemployment rate, as a percentage of the total labor endowment?
  6. Now assume that nominal wages are flexible and labor is mobile. Solve for the new labor allocation after PCfalls, and then solve for the new equilibrium wage rate, and the new amounts of total gross profits in each sector. By what percentage did each change, and how does this compare to the change in PC?


Who do you admire the most and why? Help us to understand who has played a pivotal role in shaping you to be the person you are or the person you aspire to be.

Essay Question

Who do you admire the most and why? Help us to understand who has played a pivotal role in shaping you to be the person you are or the person you aspire to be. Please provide specific examples of how they have shaped or inspired you. (word limit 300 max)