
Write a 5 page research paper on the topic that you choose from the list provided below.

Research Paper

You will choose one topic from the list provided below and write a 5 page research paper on the topic. This paper should have the appropriate number of references to support the paper but no less than the following: 2 websites, 2 texts, 3 professional journal articles, & integration of Scripture. The topics you can choose from are:

1. The Importance of Cross-Cultural Research
2. How Does Culture Influence Human Behavior?
3. Cross-Cultural Research: Lessons and Challenges
4. Enculturation and Socialization
5. Cross-Cultural Look at Peer Relationships
6. Multicultural Views of Education
7. Parenting Practices in Different Cultures
8. Culture and Temperament
9. Culture and Attachment
10. Cross-Cultural Cognitive Development
11. Moral Reasoning Among Different Cultures
12. Culture, Attention, Sensation and Perception
13. Culture and Thinking
14. Culture and Intelligence
15. Cultural Differences in Defining Health
16. Genetic and Psychosocial Influences on Health
17. Cross-Cultural Differences in Physical Health
18. Differences in Health Care and Medical Delivery
19. Cultural Regulation of the Basic Emotion System
20. Cultural Beliefs about Emotional Experiences
21. The Development of Language in Culture
22. Cultural Influences on Verbal Language
23. Cultural Influences on Nonverbal Communication
24. Intracultural and Intercultural Communication
25. Bilinguism and Culture
26. Cross-Cultural Studies on Personality Traits
27. Cultural Perspectives on Identity
28. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Psychopathology
29. Cultural Limitations of Psychotherapy
30. Psychotherapy in Diverse Cultural Settings
31. Cultural Competence within Psychotherapy
32. Blending Indigenous Healing and Psychotherapy
33. Cross-Cultural Perspectives of Self-Esteem
34. Culture and Identity
35. Love, Sex, and Marriage across Cultures
36. Culture and Intergroup Relations
37. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Work

How does Adam II live a redeemed life? How do Adam I/II differ in their outlook on marriage and relationships with others?

Jewish study

“On the one hand we feel valuable when we are productive and exerting mastery over environment. On the other hand, we feel the need to acknowledge the existential value of simply being alive regardless of anything we can do or accomplish. The motto of our creative side is ‘I work, therefore I am – and therefore I am valuable’. But our sacred side is not satisfied with the existence where personal value depends upon what we do in relation to the outside world. Our sacred side boldly asserts, ‘G-d is, therefore I am – and therefore I am valuable.’ It informs us that our value will not be determined or measured by our accomplishments in the world but by our intrinsic worth of our soul as part of G-d. Then we are truly a “someone” – some of the One. And to experience that truth we must celebrate our connection with G-d.”

Answer the following questions:

1) How does Adam II live a redeemed life?

2) Rav Soloveitchik presents a paradox: We are able to find G-d in every aspect of nature -the sky is “מספרים כבוד קל” – yet the closer we get to the Divine the further away we feel from fully comprehending Hashem and His greatness. Explain/elaborate on what this means to you. Provide an example to further clarify in either history or your own experience.

3) How do Adam I/II differ in their outlook on marriage and relationships with others?

4) Take a look at this article by Rabbi David Aaron ( it’s a good summary and ads more of a modern spin to the Rav). Especially notice this paragraph on p. 46)

Was the resource helpful? How will it support your research study? Did your thinking change after reading the resource?

Ethical Concerns of Facial Recognition Systems and Software

Use EBSCOhost’s Academic Search Premier database if possible. If not any database will do to search for articles on ethical issues raised by Facial Recognition Systems and Software. Locate at least four scholarly sources to support your analysis.

Develop an annotated bibliography, providing a 150-word summary (main points and ethical issues), assessment (reliability, bias, and goal of each reference), and reflection (Was the resource helpful? How will it support your research study? Did your thinking change after reading the resource?) for each source. You may use MLA format for your references. See the Purdue OWL website for information on developing an annotated bibliography.

Explain how educating African Americans within a faith-based community on signs of depression will help increase mental health awareness.

signs of depression

Educating African Americans within a faith-based community on signs of depression to increase mental health awareness.

With reference to phrases and lines from this song, compose an extended or long form essay. Your essay must incorporate dominant ideas of Self, Solitude , Isolation and Society from the pieces of American Literature by Emerson, Whitman and Emily Dickenson


Listen carefully (headphones recommended) to the above song.

With reference to phrases and lines from this song, compose an extended or long form essay within the range of 750-1000 words.

Watch this trailer (2.35minutes)

Your essay must incorporate dominant ideas of Self, Solitude , Isolation and Society from the pieces of American Literature by Emerson, Whitman and Emily Dickenson

Mrs. M had a perforating sigmoid colon? What does this mean? How could she have ended up with this condition? Left untreated, this condition leads to peritonitis. What is that and how can it be treated? According to the arterial blood gas results, has Mrs. M. improved at discharge? Defend your answer using blood gases.

Respiratory Case Study

1. Discuss the etiology of COPD. What risk factors for COPD does Mrs. M have? What lifestyle restrictions does the patient face?

2. Define lobectomy and tracheotomy. Why are these medical procedures indicated for this patient?

3. Mrs. M had a perforating sigmoid colon? What does this mean? How could she have ended up with this condition? Left untreated, this condition leads to peritonitis. What is that and how can it be treated?
According to the arterial blood gas results, has Mrs. M. improved at discharge? Defend your answer using blood gases.

4. Mrs. M is diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma. Define this medical condition. What diagnostics are used to confirm this condition? What interventions are prescribed to treat this condition?

5. Identify Mrs. M’s nursing problems. What outcomes are appropriate for her in view of her end-stage respiratory failure?

Why do you want to be a nurse? What makes you think you would be a good nurse?


Write a one-page APA-format essay, with an APA-format title page (so total two pages which includes the title), on the following questions:

Why do you want to be a nurse? What makes you think you would be a good nurse?

How large was the sample? Is the study reliable? Are there alternative explanations for the findings? Have other researchers been able to duplicate the results? Does the researcher claim that the study proves more than it was designed to prove?

Diestler’s Beoming a Critical Thinker

Use Academic One File as your research database.

Think of a research topic related to video games that would be interesting digging deeper into. Your query must include “video games” in the search. Your other search word/keywords are up to you. Some ideas are: violence, depression, autism, obesity, neuorscience, brain function, motor skills, medicine, education, augmented reality, virtual reality…
Follow these questions to guide you through a detailed, and thorough evaluation of your chose research article:
Begin with an explanation of the article you chose and why: what was particularly appealing or interesting about the study? Insert the title and make sure you use proper MLA citations including in-text citations throughout your written evaluation.

Follow the 8 questions outlined on page 75 in Diestler’s Beoming a Critical Thinker (Criteria for Evaluating Research Findings) to evaluate your research. Please use the 8 bold-face questions within the textbook to evaluate and organize your analysis. Use examples from your article and use proper citations. Be critical and detailed.
Your final paper should be at least a couple of pages long if you are effectively and thoroughly answering the 8 questions.
Lastly, conclude with a reflection: Why does good science and good research matter? What has this Module and the course taught you thus far about how we should debate, form opinions and make judgements about controversial and consequential topics in our society?

These are the eight questions that need to be answered within the text:
How large was the sample?
Is the study reliable?
Are there alternative explanations for the findings?
Have other researchers been able to duplicate the results?
Does the researcher claim that the study proves more than it was designed to prove?
Are the results statistically significant?
Has the research been done by a respected institution?
Are the researchers biased?

Discuss the potential disease processes and signs and symptoms related to the disease process that Jose may be exhibiting? How would you provide multidimensional care to include cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs for Jose?

Male reproductive disorders and the impact on the patient’s life.

Jose is a 55-year-old Hispanic, male, migrant worker who speaks limited English. He presented to the emergency room with complaints of edema of the scrotum, urinary retention, and hematuria. He does not have any pertinent past medical history. He is married and has five young children. He states he has been having problems for a while but delayed seeing the doctor because of his work schedule and limited money. The doctor performs a digital rectal examination in the office and finds that Jose’s prostate is enlarged.

Initial Post

Male reproductive disorders can make a great impact on the patient’s life. Based on the case study, answer the following questions in your discussion post.

  1. Discuss the potential disease processes and signs and symptoms related to the disease process that Jose may be exhibiting?
  2. How would you provide multidimensional care to include cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs for Jose?

Reply Post

  1. Discuss three potential barriers that you would anticipate when providing care to Jose based on his age and culture.
  2. Provide an example of how you would overcome each of the three barriers through the implementation of multidimensional care strategies


List and describe the set of distinct characteristics for an IT environment to be classified as an effective cloud. Describe the multitenancy characteristic in relation to IT resources allocation. what is their effectiveness?

Each question should have a sub-heading and be explained distinctly. You must cite your sources in-text and provide your references at the bottom using the APA format. Each question should have a minimum of one page. 12-point font size, Arial, double line spacing throughout.

1. List and describe the set of distinct characteristics for an IT environment to be classified as an effective cloud. (you must sub-head each characteristic when explaining)

2. Describe the ubiquitous access characteristic. of what importance are these to cloud computing

3. Describe the multitenancy characteristic in relation to IT resources allocation. what is their effectiveness?

4. Describe the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud delivery model and it relates to the provisioning of raw, infrastructure-centric IT resources. Explain also how cloud consumers gain a high level of operational governance control with IaaS.