
Explain the balance of the positive and negative environmental impacts of the company’s main technological innovation

The balance of the positive and negative environmental impacts of the company’s main technological innovation

You are to pick one of the World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneer companies and then write a report. The topic of the report is the balance of the positive and negative environmental impacts of the company’s main technological innovation.

The Parts should be written in paragraph form in 12-point font, double-spaced throughout. All quoted or paraphrased material must have an in-text citation and a corresponding reference (APA style). The writing should be well-edited in a clear, logical, and appropriate style.

Complete your work as a formal research paper with an articulated statement and defense. In either case, you may support the law, policy, regulation or issue you choose, or disapprove it; but either way, you must give your related logic and evidence to support in support of your position in doing so.

Standford Act/Federal Regulation

Earning an MA degree requires you to master the literature, this final assignment is intended to familiarize you with Emergency Management theory and its associated literature. Thus, when completing this assignment, you are required to research that literature and complete a traditional term / research-based paper. For this course, the overall theme of the term paper will be your assessment of the history, present status, and future of some aspect of emergency and disaster management law that is significant to today’s world (in other words, a relevant issue) and that interests you.

You can choose some policy, law, or regulation that promotes or hinders sound emergency and disaster management. You can choose to present your work as a case study, presenting the issue with your analysis and predictions supported by illustrative (case) examples. Or you may complete your work as a formal research paper with an articulated statement and defense. In either case, you may support the law, policy, regulation or issue you choose, or disapprove it; but either way, you must give your related logic and evidence to support in support of your position in doing so.


Description and analysis of their respective marketing strategies by using the tools studied in class. Explanation of the reasons having led one of the companies to be sustainable whereas the other one went out of business.

Sustainable companies

Course Objective: Confront the marketing strategies from two competing companies, one of them having gone out of business and the other one being successful and sustainable in order to demonstrate that companies’ sustainability can rest on their marketing strategies.

The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to apply marketing knowledge you have gained in this and previous courses, as well as your field experience while developing the research skills needed to better understand the use of marketing in any industry. In teams, students will analyze an existing company while comparing it to a competitor from the same industry having gone out of business. The comparative analysis should highlight the marketing strategy and actions deployed by each company as one of the variables enabling companies to either exist for a longer time or to be beaten by their competitors.

This assignment requires a written report.

The report should feature the following sections:

Cover page
Table of contents
Presentation of both companies

Description and analysis of their respective marketing strategies by using the tools studied in class
Explanation of the reasons having led one of the companies to be sustainable whereas the other one went out of business

Discuss the importance of psychological contracting to change management. What is the relationship of psychological contracting to employee empowerment? What is the role of employee empowerment to change management?

Week 5 mgmt 619

Discuss the importance of psychological contracting to change management. What is the relationship of psychological contracting to employee empowerment? What is the role of employee empowerment to change management?

What do Global Ethics have to do with conscious capitalism as presented by your research? What Is It? Do We Need It? Does It Work? How would we use it?

Conscious Capitalism

10 slides plus Cover and Reference Slides
Graded on:
content, participation, and creativity.
Research summary and definitions
Application examples (How would we use it?)
Ethical and Social Justice implications, responsibilities
Offer an understanding of what Conscious Capitalism is. Include a summary of your research, any associated articles, examples, etc., which further define the team’s position.
Further investigate: What Is It? Do We Need It? Does It Work?
Also, What do Global Ethics have to do with conscious capitalism as presented by your research?

Mackey, John. Conscious capitalism: liberating the heroic spirit of business, by
John Mackey and Raj Sisodia.
Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.
344p index ISBN 9781422144206
“Conscious Capitalism definition from:

“We believe that business is good because it creates value, it is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange, it is noble because it can elevate our existence, and it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity. Free enterprise capitalism is the most powerful system for social cooperation and human progress ever conceived. It is one of the most compelling ideas we humans have ever had. But we can aspire to even more.

Conscious Capitalism is a way of thinking about capitalism and business that better reflects where we are in the human journey, the state of our world today, and the innate potential of business to make a positive impact on the world. Conscious businesses are galvanized by higher purposes that serve, align, and integrate the interests of all their major stakeholders. Their higher state of consciousness makes visible to them the interdependencies that exist across all stakeholders, allowing them to discover and harvest synergies from situations that otherwise seem replete with trade-offs. They have conscious leaders who are driven by service to the company’s purpose, all the people the business touches, and the planet we all share together. Conscious businesses have to trust, authentic, innovative, and caring cultures that make working there a source of both personal growth and professional fulfillment. They endeavor to create financial, intellectual, social, cultural, emotional, spiritual, physical, and ecological wealth for all their stakeholders.

Conscious businesses will help evolve our world so that billions of people can flourish, leading lives infused with passion, purpose, love, and creativity; a world of freedom, harmony, prosperity, and compassion.”

Explain the nature of the relationship between the various military and police organizations, as well as the impact that mass murder had on the men in question. Explain the varying degrees of German complicity with the mass murder, and identify those groups who appeared to have the most culpability.

Week 5 discussion hist 642

Block A

Explain the nature of the relationship between the various military and police organizations, as well as the impact that mass murder had on the men in question. Explain the varying degrees of German complicity with the mass murder, and identify those groups who appeared to have the most culpability. Analyze how Hitler organized his government, how the departments functioned, and how this method of control assisted in the development of the Final Solution. Describe and contrast and perceptions and attitudes of the participants within the German military. The more difficult question is: how was it humanly possible that ordinary men and women, loving fathers and husbands, could participate willingly in the murder of innocent men, women, and children?

Block B

One common observation made in regard to German policies of this nature is that had the Germans invaded the Soviet Union as “liberators”, to free the people from communism, they could well have caused the rapid collapse of the Soviet government, and gotten them the quick victory they desired. Why then did they come as exterminators rather than liberators? Given the nature of Hitler, the Nazi Party, and the German state was it even possible for the Germans to be “liberators” of the Soviet Union? Is this even a valid question – in other words, was there any conceivable set of circumstances under which Hitler, his Nazi Party, and the Wehrmacht would have invaded the USSR to “liberate” it rather than exterminate it?

Block C

Einsatzgruppen means “task forces.” The SS set up such units before they entered Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Soviet Union. The task of the Einsatzgruppen in Poland was to terrorize the local population and murder anyone whom the SS deemed undesirable. The most infamous Einsatzgruppen of all were formed before the invasion of the Soviet
Union in June 1941. Their primary task was to destroy what they regarded as the ideological infrastructure of the Soviet Union: political commissars, members of the Communist party, and above all, Jews. Which German units took part in the murder of the Jews? What were the gas vans? When and where were they used? What role did non-German civilians play in the murder of Jews? What happened at Babi Yar? How did the Nazis try to hide their atrocities?

What is the intended impact? Identify and explain groups that may be impacted by the technology. Describe the potential positive and negative impacts and consequences.

Week 5 Equity Impact Assessment

Provide a two- to three-sentence goal statement for your technology. What is the intended impact?
Identify and explain groups that may be impacted by the technology. This can include, but is not limited to, low income populations, communities of color, linguistic minorities, LGBTQA+ communities, and immigrant or refugee populations.
Identify and explain regions that may be impacted by the technology. This can include, but is not limited to, urban communities, rural communities, coastal communities, industrial communities, and ethnic enclave.
Analyze potential positive and negative impact(s) or unintended consequences for three identified populations. As part of your analysis, include the following for each of the three populations you select.
Identify the population.
Describe the potential positive and negative impacts and consequences.
Propose actions to mitigate negative impacts or enhance positive impacts.

Explain what personal consumer debt in America is. What kind of personal debt do Americans have?

American Consumer Debt

Compose an Academic Report that explains what personal consumer debt in America is. Answer this question: what kind of personal debt do Americans have? Think about the different categories of debt the average American experiences and report objective, reliable information that shows readers what this looks like in our current American

What does it mean to be color brave? Is there a difference in hiring for someone named Jamal versus someone named Greg Why? Respond to College Doesn’t Bridge the Racial Income Gap.

Forbes articles and the Meta-Study.


  1. Respond to the current events reading.


  1. What does it mean to be color brave?


  1. Respond to the Forbes articles and the Meta-Study.


  1. Is there a difference in hiring for someone named Jamal versus someone named Greg Why?


  1. Respond to College Doesn’t Bridge the Racial Income Gap.

Discussion of the relevance or usefulness of the article; how these references help an evaluator to understand aspects of the agency, treatment, etc.

Substance Treatment Annotated Bibliography


 These articles should be related to the focus of the agency (outpatient substance abuse treatment) , similar
programs or the population being serviced (persons aged 15 and up)

 APA format the reference for the article

 Follow the reference with a 150 word summary of the article

 The summary should include a discussion of the articles focus,
research methods, findings and recommendations for future research.

 Discussion of the relevance or usefulness of the article; how these references help an evaluator to understand aspects of the agency, treatment, etc.