
Does the author clearly state goals and achieve them? What are the goals? Is the work sound scholarship? How does the work contribute or add to the field? What is the significance of the book to the field?

Book Review


In addition to the sources assigned to the class, you are required to write a critical review ( examination) of one other book (you must find a book). Your choice must be approved by the end of week 2, please send a message with your book choice for my approval. Critical book review IS NOT a summary of the book. In that review, you should look at the author’s background, purpose for writing the book, the argument of the book, organization of the book (topical versus chronological), a brief summary of the book, sources and evidence, and critical analyze if the author(s) succeed in making the argument. The book review is due by the end of week 5.
My suggestion is to review one of the books used for your research paper. Your paper should be a Word document, in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and structured according to Turabian or Chicago style rules. The maximum length of the paper is 2 pages.

Assignment Guidelines:

Book Review Guidelines: Historians often contribute to the scholarly discourse in the form of a book review, which I strongly encourage you to do. The guidelines for book reviews for this course closely follow those of the Journal of Military History. When writing a professional book review, following guidelines is essential for success, so these guidelines are important; Use them for evaluation of the book review for the course.Also include a successful sample book review. Recommend you choose and read the books for your review as early as possible since a good review might require more than one close reading of the book.

I. Appraisal: Keep the scholarly interests of the reading audience in mind as you write the review.

· Does the author clearly state goals and achieve them?

· What are the goals?

· Is the work sound scholarship?

· How does the work contribute or add to the field?

· What is the significance of the book to the field?

· Is the writing clear and free of jargon?

· Is the book worth buying? Reading? By whom?

II. Tone: Scholarly disputation is best handled in a courteous manner. Criticism, both positive and negative, must be substantiated. Personal attacks on the author, as opposed to strong disagreement with the book, are always inappropriate and will not be published.

III. Footnotes: Do Not Use. Indicate exact pagination for direct quotes as in the following example: “The military genius of Napoleon is best demonstrated in his capacity for situational flexibility” (p. 323). If it is necessary to translate a foreign-language quotation, include the original on a separate sheet. Quoted material, especially lengthy ones, are not a good idea, though.

IV. Names: Give the full names of persons you mention in the review.

V. Minor Errors: Unless errors or fact, typography, or spelling and grammar detract in a major way from the quality of the book, it is hoped that the limited number of words in the review can best be expended more profitably in other ways.

Why might a child misbehave and how might this impact on their learning. How could pastoral care be of help?

How pastoral care be of help to children

The essay should include an introduction with some contextual details and definitions if needed and outlines the intention of the assignment. The main body which addresses the question. A summary of the key points made and concluding points.

The following criteria that are specific to this module will be used:

• Ideas and comments that draw on the relevant literature

• Evidence of sustained critical thinking

• Appropriate use of theories

• Evidence of substantial and critical reading

• Clear, well organised work based on an appropriate selection of material

• An integration of theory and practice

The work must be word-processed using a standard font and size Times New Roman 12 pt.

• The assignment title, and the total word count (excluding the reference list) must be at the top of the first page (only).

• Double space the lines.

• Appendices are not required for these short assignments.

• Pictures and diagrams may only be used when integral to the assignment and they are very rarely, if ever, needed in these assignments.

• References, citations and quotations including the reference list must be in accordance with the Harvard referencing system


Use population statistics and journal articles as evidence to support your rationale and evidence for these barriers. How you plan on implementing it with rationale

Assessment 2 — Part A, B, C

The assignments are to be based on the One policy.

You have been given 6 policies to choose from.

You can choose whichever policy you want to prepare the assignments on.

Part A — Use population statistics and journal articles as evidence to support your rationale and evidence for these barriers.

Part B — How you plan on implementing it with rationale

Part C — Use the evidence you have in part A and the ideas you shared in part B and create a poster!

This poster unlike parts A and B is for the general population and will go towards initiating change a paradigm shift.

Consider stigma, sensitivity, morals, and ethics.


What is the general approach(s)/orientation the evaluator uses in the evaluation of this program? What would you use? What are the criteria and standard, implicit or stated, and the key evaluation questions addressed? Are the questions descriptive or causal?

65 speed limit implications paper

Review the attached article. Your paper should be no more than 4 page long, double spaced. It should specifically address the following issue and question:

– A brief description of the program, the problem(s), the theory and activities to address the problem(s). Identify key stakeholders.

– What is the general approach(s)/orientation the evaluator uses in the evaluation of this program? What would you use?

– What are the criteria and standard, implicit or stated, and the key evaluation questions addressed? Are the questions descriptive or causal?

– A brief summary of the research design(s). Does it fit the evaluation question(s) well, why?

What health care technology is involved in the situation?What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there?

Health-care-based ethics

Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty.

Your scenario must be original to you and this assignment. It cannot be from the discussion boards in this class or any other previous forum.

Articulate (and then assess) the ethical solutions that can found using “care” (care-based ethics) and “rights” ethics to those problems.

Assessment must ask if the solutions are flawed, practicable, persuasive, etc.

What health care technology is involved in the situation?What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Explore such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics.

Say how social technologies such as blogs, crowdfunding, online encyclopedias can be used in either case. What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Develop such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics.

What kind of sources you will need to find? How will you go about researching the topic? write about anything that might make the topic difficult.

English writing

For this assignment, you are going to brainstorm a possible topic for your final paper. This will not be like a traditional essay, and it will be an opportunity for you to figure out what you want to write about and have backups in case your first choice doesn’t work out as a good paper topic.Follow the instructions closely.

You will create a list of five possible topics related to the medical field or the nursing profession. For each topic, you need to write at least 200 words that cover each of the following items:

the argument for the paper

what kind of sources you will need to find

how will you go about researching the topic

anything that might make the topic difficult to write about

You will include an APA cover page

Everything you write must be original. If you gather any sources, you must cite them properly and include a reference page.

How would you use “The 5 Whys” in this situation? What are the advantages in using this technique? What are the disadvantages, if any? Why is it important to identify the root cause of a problem?

The Five Whys

Discussion Board Post
This week you read about “The Five Whys”. Watch the following videos for more information on this technique:

In this discussion, explain how you would use “The Five Whys” in the following scenario:

Last month, the Electronic Health Records system was down for over 12 hours. This lead to many departments getting behind on their work and many performance goals NOT being met. As CEO of Hospital XYZ you have a one-on-one meeting with the IT Director and his staff. How would you use “The 5 Whys” in this situation? Include the questions you would ask in the meeting. What are the advantages in using this technique? What are the disadvantages, if any? Why is it important to identify the root cause of a problem?

Explain what the ‘last-mile’ delivery market is, and why it has become so large and important. What recommendations would you offer to Goodyear to help them gain success with the SightLine technology?

Discussion Question

Smart Tires Hit the Road


Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. and Bridgestone Corp. are rolling out new intelligent tire features that use sensors and artificial intelligence for vehicles delivering packages from e-commerce sites such as Inc. Goodyear’s new technology, announced Wednesday, is called SightLine and includes a sensor and proprietary machine-learning algorithms that can predict flat tires or other issues days ahead of time, by measuring tire wear, pressure, road-surface conditions and many other factors.


1. Explain what the ‘last-mile’ delivery market is, and why it has become so large and important.

2. What recommendations would you offer to Goodyear to help them gain success with the SightLine technology? Offer at least three suggestions.

How has eCommerce changed the overall modal-mix from pre-2020?

For the future of eCommerce, what do you think is the most important transformation that needs to happen in transportation (either in a single mode or integrated with multiple modes)?

What is the value of net private domestic investment? Compute the GDP using the expenditures approach. Compute the GDP using the income (value added) approach.

Principles of Economics

All figures in billions of dollars
Net income payments to the rest of the world.$0 Personal consumption expenditures $ 11,650 Government purchases ..3,150 Depreciation allowances 2,650 Personal taxes • 1,610 Rents 600 Imports 2,800 Exports 2,300 Taxes on production and imports 1,150 Net interest. 450 Proprietors’ income 1,300 Gross private domestic investment 2,850 Employee compensation 8,900 Corporate profits.. 2,100
Note: There-may be information in the table that is not used in this problem.

1. Compute the GDP using the expenditures approach. Clearly shov■i hmti you arrived at your answer in the space below:
2. Compute the GDP using the income (value added) approach.
Clearly show how you arrived at your answer in the space below:
3. What is the value of net private domestic investment?

Do you notice any increase of Cyber attacks during COVID-19? What is your prediction for future cyber security landscape beyond COVID-19?

Reflective paper

Reflect on Cyber attacks on the aftermath of COVID-19

a. Do you notice any increase of Cyber attacks during COVID-19?

b. What is your prediction for future cyber security landscape beyond COVID-19?