
Which is one is more effective, traditional classes or online classes? Why? Which is more effective, a technical college or a university? Why? Which is more effective, a public school or a private school? Why?

Persuasive research essay

The goal of a persuasive essay is to sway your readers’ opinions on a debatable issue. The strongest tools you possess as a writer are ethos, pathos, and logos. We will learn how to effectively use these tools to form an argument.

Write a 3-5 page essay that directly responds to one of the prompts below. All essays are expected to follow the conventions of MLA format, including using Times New Roman 12 point font, one inch margins, and citing any outside sources you might reference. You will need to cite at least one relevant peer reviewed/scholarly source and one credible website to support your argument.See grading information below for additional considerations when writing this essay. This is not a personal narrative, so it should not contain any first person usage (I, me, my.) Formal essays should never contain second person usage (you, your.) All late essays will lose a letter grade for every day they are late. Essays will not be accepted over three days past the due date.

Option 1: Which is one is more effective, traditional classes or online classes? Why?
Option 2: Which is more effective, a technical college or a university? Why?
Option 3: Which is more effective, a public school or a private school? Why?

Create a PowerPoint presentation that demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study.

Ethics Case Study

Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides) that demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study. Analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools.


How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role? How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare? How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?

Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.

Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.

To Prepare:

Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.
Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.
The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
Describe the board for your specific region/area.
Who is on the board?
How does one become a member of the board?
Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
Include Speaker Notes on Each Slide (except on the title page and reference page)

How does Adam II live a redeemed life? How do Adam I/II differ in their outlook on marriage and relationships with others?

Jewish study

1) How does Adam II live a redeemed life?

2) Rav Soloveitchik presents a paradox: We are able to find G-d in every aspect of nature -the sky is “מספרים כבוד קל” – yet the closer we get to the Divine the further away we feel from fully comprehending Hashem and His greatness. Explain/elaborate on what this means to you. Provide an example to further clarify in either history or your own experience.

3) How do Adam I/II differ in their outlook on marriage and relationships with others?

4) Take a look at this article by Rabbi David Aaron ( it’s a good summary and ads more of a modern spin to the Rav). Especially notice this paragraph on p. 46)

“On the one hand we feel valuable when we are productive and exerting mastery over environment. On the other hand, we feel the need to acknowledge the existential value of simply being alive regardless of anything we can do or accomplish. The motto of our creative side is ‘I work, therefore I am – and therefore I am valuable’. But our sacred side is not satisfied with the existence where personal value depends upon what we do in relation to the outside world. Our sacred side boldly asserts, ‘G-d is, therefore I am – and therefore I am valuable.’ It informs us that our value will not be determined or measured by our accomplishments in the world but by our intrinsic worth of our soul as part of G-d. Then we are truly a “someone” – some of the One. And to experience that truth we must celebrate our connection with G-d.”

Were there and additional strategy you could use? What strategies have we learned that may have helped the project manager in this case?

Lesson 8 Discussion Man4584

Were there and additional strategy you could use?
What strategies have we learned that may have helped the project manager in this case?

Compare and contrast the portrayal of Jesus in Mark and Matthew? What are the similarities and differences that matter most?

Portrayal of Jesus in Mark and Matthew.

This short paper is an exercise in analysis, synthesis, explanation, and exposition. Students are arguing a thesis and then providing evidence from the text to support it. Key terms and ideas should be thoughtfully considered since not everything in Powell or other sources can be addressed or treated. Content for the paper is to be based on course texts and class lectures, course videos, the Bible, and Powell’s text. Outside sources, textual or the Internet are not required. It is also expected that proper citation in Chicago style is used. Please select one of the questions below and answer:


  1. Compare and contrast the portrayal of Jesus in Mark and Matthew? What are the similarities and differences that matter most?
  2. Do Mark and Matthew understand faith or discipleship the same way? Explain



  1. USM Learning Outcomes particular to TH 260 for assessment:


  1. Demonstrate the ability to investigate and assess information to develop knowledge.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to use, integrate, analyze, and interpret complex information and connect theory and practice to draw new and perceptive conclusions.
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate information from disparate sources, to transform information into meaningful knowledge to solve or accept complex issues.
  1. Demonstrate the ability to use English language conventions accurately to construct coherent written and oral arguments.


Define one or two findings for each section of the SWOT analysis that would be pertinent and specific to the outcome of the challenge identified during Week 2.

SWOT Analysis – Part THREE Capstone

When an organization is faced with a challenge, or perhaps a new opportunity, care must be taken to properly diagnose the issues at hand so that proper actions are developed to accomplish the task in the most effective manner possible. During Week 2, you clearly defined a challenge for your chosen organization. During Week 3, you will develop a SWOT analysis targeting specifics of the organization that will impact the potential outcomes of the challenge.

Prior to building the SWOT analysis, review the following web pages for ideas and guidance on developing proper questioning for the analysis:

LINKS in attachment

SWOT Analysis (Links to an external site.)

SWOT Analysis: How to Develop a Strategy for Success (Links to an external site.)

What is a SWOT Analysis, and How to Do It Right (With Examples) (Links to an external site.)

SWOT Analysis: What Is It and When To Use It (Links to an external site.)

Develop a SWOT analysis for the organization you are researching for your Final Paper. Define one or two findings for each section of the SWOT analysis that would be pertinent and specific to the outcome of the challenge identified during Week 2.

For each section of the SWOT:provide a definition for the section,

define a characteristic of the organization for the section, and use the defined questioning as the catalyst for the characteristic and then, tell why that finding is important to resolving the challenge.

EXAMPLE: Using scholarly research, define the letter S in SWOT. Then, through research, define a strength of the organization that is vital to resolving the challenge defined during Week 2. Include the reasoning as to why the strength is important and relate your findings to your SWOT questions. Continue this process for each letter of the SWOT analysis.

Conclude this section of the paper with a paragraph briefly discussing the importance of the findings and how they will help reach a logical solution to the challenge and the possible type of strategy that best fits the process.

Which steps of the writing process worked best for your (brainstorming, outlining, drafting, getting feedback, revising, proofreading)? Do you plan to go through any of these steps if you have to write essays in the future? 

What you learned about writing or language

Your final assignment is to reflect on anything you feel like you learned about writing or language this semester. respond to the following questions in 200 words or more.

Which steps of the writing process worked best for your (brainstorming, outlining, drafting, getting feedback, revising, proofreading)? Do you plan to go through any of these steps if you have to write essays in the future? 

Has your approach towards writing changed over the course of this class? Do you feel more comfortable with your writing? Do you find yourself doing less “bullshitting”?

Do you feel like you have a new or better understanding of any of the parts of essay writing like thesis, introduction, conclusion, or doing research?

Is there anything you feel like you can take away from this class that will help you with writing in the future?

Write the steps and Process and the important roles that are played in the process of each .

Movie Production

This paper is a 5 page paper talking about the process of Pre Production, Production, and Post Production when filming a movie or tv series. Write our steps and Process and the important roles that are played in the process of each .

Define the terms you introduce in your paper including the word communication offer an analysis of how this area of interest has changed over the years and the implications it has had on society reflect on the connection your area of interest has with biblical principles.

Christianity, Communication, and Military Public Affairs

In this paper, you will summarize in at least 8-10 pages the history and present state of your area of interest, in light of the field of communication.

As you present your findings, be sure to define the terms you introduce in your paper including the word communication
offer an analysis of how this area of interest has changed over the years and the implications it has had on society reflect on the connection your area of interest has with biblical principles (This is more than applying a Bible verse to the end of your paper. I will be looking for your ability to tie together the roots of your area of interest with biblical principles. For example, explaining how interpersonal communication is not a new sub-field in communication as it has been around since the Garden of Eden. You could then describe and detail events in Genesis that support the use of interpersonal communication.)

Include at least 8 academic references (not including your textbooks, the Bible, and Bible commentaries – although you should use these too)

Offer a conclusion to your capstone paper that offers practical ways that you plan on using your communication skills within your area of interest to influence and lead others based on what you have learned during your program at Regent.