
What is being measured (the variables)? What are the relationships among the variables? What are the trends in the data? How can the data be applied in the business context?

Interpreting Graphical Representations of Data

You have been invited to present at a departmental meeting with employees from all levels within the organization. You have been allotted 6-10 minutes to speak.

Your Role
The purpose of your speech is to explain the business context as well as two charts or tables that you have evaluated as a business analyst of the organization.

Your business report to the group will be a slide presentation with speaker notes and appropriate citations and references.

Use this article below for this presentation, specifically the video embedded in the article needs to be used as it has graphs. find the attached graphs and include that in the presentation.
Complete the following:

include at least two data graphs or tables.
The graphs should depict or represent data using pie charts, bar charts, tables, scatter plots, trend lines, et cetera.

Read the article (link above) and identify the business context. Business context includes organizational history, mission, product and services, environment, competitive advantage, competition, et cetera. You can also determine business context from additional sources (and you should).
The company or organizational background information should help explain why the data are relevant. This will be the introductory information for your business report, presentation, or assessment.
Interpret your chosen data representations in the context of the business situation. The following are typical questions an analyst would use to interpret the data:
What is being measured (the variables)?
What are the relationships among the variables?
What are the trends in the data?
How can the data be applied in the business context?

Was Reconstruction a failure or success? Explain point of view with 4-5 examples that prove your prospective.

Was Reconstruction a failure or success?

2 primary sources
3 secondary sources
Title page
Introduction, body, & conclusion
Last page needs to be a reference page
In-text citations
Explain point of view with 4-5 examples that prove your prospective

How can we tie this imagery to how commemorative performance has historically developed? What does commemoration look like today?


How can we tie this imagery to how commemorative performance has historically developed? What does commemoration look like today?

What ritualistic symbols do you see present in this performance that could be commemorative of a particular culture or practice?

The Ritual performance

After watching the ritual performance Video. What ritualistic symbols do you see present in this performance that could be commemorative of a particular culture or practice?

Write a response for each topic listed (two topics) one page each using the notes and references from the leadership conferences attached.

Discuss Conference Materials on Strategic Leadership

Write a response for each topic listed (two topics) one page each using the notes and references from the leadership conferences attached. Use Centene Corporation as the organization.

Do second language users understand more in a lingua franca situation than that of speaking to a native? If so, why? Is standardised English the way forward for second language teaching?


Do second language users understand more in a lingua franca situation than that of speaking to a native? If so, why?

Is standardised English the way forward for second language teaching?

Has the global standard of media English implicated the authenticity of Standard English teaching?

Analyze the relationships among culture, diversity, and self by investigating their influence on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession. Explain how issues of diversity affect modern societies in both personal and professional contexts.

Critical Analysis Portfolio

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Analyze the relationships among culture, diversity, and self by investigating their influence on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession

 Integrate interdisciplinary approaches for determining how issues of diversity affect modern societies in both personal and professional contexts

 Recommend strategies for overcoming obstacles in diversity to meet personal and professional goals

 Assess the challenges of overcoming issues in diversity through the incorporation of diverse perspectives and viewpoints informed by relevant literature and peer experiences.

Write one page describing the company and what makes this company innovative: related to culture, environment, mindset, process, employees, etc.

Netflix company

Choose any Innovative company from around the world, write one page describing the company and what makes this company innovative: related to culture, environment, mindset, process, employees, etc.

How do songs like Yankee Doodle operate as community building artefacts?

Yankee Doodle

How do songs like Yankee Doodle operate as community building artefacts?

Discuss the notion of vision, dream, sleep, allegories and dark romanticism as manifested in Young Goodman Browne.

Young Goodman Browne

Discuss the notion of vision, dream, sleep, allegories and dark romanticism as manifested in Young Goodman Browne.