
Identify a local environmental challenge. Summarize the local environmental challenge. Support your summary with at least 2 sources from the University Library, reputable environmental groups, or government websites.

People, Science And The Environment

Assignment Content

  1. A local middle school science teacher is teaching students how information collected about the health of the environment can be used to positively change human behavior. The class wants to learn about a local environmental challenge and if there are any related local regulations or policies. They also want to know how they, individually, can make a difference. As a member of the community and a person interested in environmental science, you have volunteered to create a video presentation to share with the middle school science students to help. Keep in mind that middle school students are typically in grades 6–8 and are 11–14 years old. Your presentation must be comprehensive and at the appropriate level for your audience to understand.
    Consult the following resources to create a video:

    Note: A transcript for each video is available.
    Create a 3- to 4-minute video, with the transcript and References in a document file, about how the students can influence positive change on a local environmental challenge. Review the Influencing Environmental Change Transcript Example as you prepare to record your video content and for some ideas for how to talk about these sorts of ideas to a middle school audience. Please see the FAQ in Course Questions discussion for more help. Include the following components in your video:

    1. Identify a local environmental challenge.
    2. Summarize the local environmental challenge. Support your summary with at least 2 sources from the University Library, reputable environmental groups, or government websites.
    3. Explain why this challenge is relevant to the middle school class. Remember that while it is important to be honest with children about the realities of the health of the environment, be sure not to scare them. Focus on why it should be important to them, and that they can take action to help.
    4. Identify any local regulations or policies that have been created in response to this challenge. Remember, the purpose of this presentation is to help the students think about how they can change their behavior, not to teach them about regulations. Only mention the regulations so that students can understand how society has used regulations to change behavior. Do not spend too much time explaining details of the regulations to the students.
    5. Recommend 3 sustainable actions the middle school students can do in response to this challenge to help.

    Submit your assignment. Make sure your last name is included in your file name.

Was it a good play? Why? Discuss the elements of production you witnessed; the set, lights, sound, costumes and props. What messages, themes and points of view did the play express? Give examples.

Case study

See a performance of a live theatrical production! You are required to write a three-page DOUBLE SPACED paper. Your papers should be solidly constructed with proper sentence and paragraph structure as well as grammatical correctness. It is a completely subjective essay, and it should express your critical opinion on the play as you experienced it.

Consider the following:

  • a. Was it a good play? Why?
  • b. Discuss the elements of production you witnessed; the set, lights, sound, costumes and props.
  • c. What messages, themes and points of view did the play express? Give examples.

Remember the three key questions our textbook asks to define a good critique:

  • What was the production trying to achieve?
  • Was the attempt successful? Was it worthwhile?

Create a budget for a financial plan using Microsoft Excel, ensuring that the information is organized, accurate, and complete. Identify a personal savings goal and a time frame for reaching it.

Touchstone 2: Creating a Personal Financial Plan

SCENARIO: Imagine that you are in a position where you need to move – this could be because of a change in job, a need to modify your living arrangements, or something else. In addition to searching for different housing, you want to begin saving for a specific financial goal.

You will use the Assignment Template (an Excel file) to create a budget that satisfies the scenario. You’ll also answer reflection questions related to your goals.

ASSIGNMENT: This assignment has two parts. In part 1, you will create a financial plan based on the scenario described above. You’ll use your productivity skills to organize your plan, and you’ll use your problem solving skills to determine a reasonable rate of savings to reach your goals. Finally, you’ll apply your technology skills to ensure that your budget is balanced, and expenditures (like housing) don’t exceed your employment income.

In part 2, you will answer reflection questions about the decisions you made and the skills you leveraged while building your plan.

For this assignment, you will:

  • Create a budget for a financial plan using Microsoft Excel, ensuring that the information is organized, accurate, and complete.
  • Identify a personal savings goal and a time frame for reaching it.
  • Explain how your choice of housing will help you achieve your personal savings goal.
  • Align your expenditures to support your goal.
  • Reflect on how creating a step-by-step and organized approach to the assignment helps you adjust the financial priorities in your plan.

Select any consumer behavior concept for your topic. Examples of such concepts are: consumer vulnerability, trust, brand personality, self-efficacy, etc. Search a number of publications that reference the concept you are studying.

Marketing Question

For this assignment, select any consumer behavior concept for your topic. Examples of such concepts are: consumer vulnerability, trust, brand personality, self-efficacy, etc. Search a number of publications that reference the concept you are studying. Note definitions that are given. Also, study the ways in which the concept is measured (operationally defined). Note consistencies and differences in the ways the concept is presented and defined. Your report should table your findings and reference them. Provide your own descriptions of the concept, based on what you have learned

it is a systematic extended essay that integrates what is known in the literature about the concept, ie., variable definitions, measurement scales, research applications, etc. Your essay shows a comprehensive and thorough knowledge of the concept5 pages single spaced

What are sodalities? Does your society have them? Do you belong to any? why or why not ?

Writing question

What are sodalities? Does your society have them? Do you belong to any? why or why not ?

Based on your viewing of both documentaries, submit a paper that discusses how family members respond to having a child/sibling with a disability and how each of these three former Willowbrook residents, Patty, Luis, and Bernard, each adapted to being deinstitutionalized.

Sociology health and Illness

Unforgotten: Twenty-Five Years After Willowbrook – Full Movie

2) To gain an understanding of what family members described in the documentary “Unforgotten: 25 Years After Willowbrook” view “Willowbrook: The Last Disgrace” – Willowbrook This documentary vividly depicts the conditions within this New York State institution ca. 1972. Note this documentary depicts horrific and disturbing conditions found within the institution.

(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

This documentary vividly depicts the conditions within this New York State institution ca. 1972. Note this documentary depicts horrific and disturbing conditions found within the institution.

3) Based on your viewing of both documentaries, submit a paper that discusses

  • a) how family members respond to having a child/sibling with a disability and
  • b) how each of these three former Willowbrook residents, Patty, Luis, and Bernard, each adapted to being deinstitutionalized.

4) Your paper MUST have four (4) separate sections as per above: One section should discuss family members plus three separate sections. Each section MUST discuss each of the three former Willowbrook residents. (Worth 8 points)

5) Your paper must be at least two pages in length (Worth 1 point) and written using paragraphs. If you do not double space between paragraphs one point will be deducted. (Worth 1 point)

6) Your paper must reference (using APA format) relevant terms and concepts from the Weitz textbook chapters 5 and 6 which have been posted on Canvas under announcements. (Worth 1 point)

Provide the STATA output and STATA code needed for generating the results reported in Table A column 2 for the pretreatment characteristic years of education.

Statistics Question

This assignment is based on the 2019 paper of Arielle Bernhardt, Erica Field, Rohini Pande, and Natalia Rigol (henceforth BFPR) “Household matters: Re-visiting the returns to capital among female microentrepreneurs” published in AER: Insights. In their paper, BFPR make use of different field experiments run in India, Sri Lanka, and Ghana. The data file for this assignment is based on the Indian experiment and drawn from the data used in BFPR. The paper, data file, and answer sheet are now available for download at CANVAS. Before answering the questions, it is strongly recommended that you read the paper thoroughly. Please answer the questions as clearly and concisely as possible, and in accordance to the instructions. At the end of each question, the instructions are written in italics between brackets. Parts of answers that deviate from the requested format, or are difficult to decipher will reduce the grade.

The Indian experiment
BFPR evaluate an experiment among female microentrepreneurs in low-income neighborhoods who all received individual loans that ranged from Rs 4.000 up to Rs 10.000 (which is equivalent to e45 up to e112,5 at the 2023 exchange rate). These female microentrepreneurs were organized in microfinance groups of 5. All these groups had to attend a group-specific repayment meeting, in which repayment conditions were discussed. For the experiment, these groups were randomly assigned to different repayment conditions. One set of microfinance groups received a standard contract in which loan repayment was organized through bi-weekly loan installments starting two weeks after the microentrepreneurs received their loan (control groups). The other set of microfinance groups received a contract with a two-month grace period before they had to start repaying their loan through bi-weekly loan installments (treatment groups). Apart from the grace period, all other contract features were identical. The hypothesis is that microentrepreneurs who receive a grace period in their contract face weaker liquidity constraints and make, as a result of that, better business decision leading up to higher business profits.
As we already mentioned above, these female microentrepreneurs were organized in microfinance groups of 5. The randomization occurred within batches of 20 of such groups. There were in total 9 different batches. This means that treatment assignment is random within each batch (that is, treatment is random conditional upon a full set of batch group indicators).

Question 1
BFPR collected pre-treatment information of the female microentrepreneurs including their age, marital status (marriage 0/1), religion (muslim 0/1), house- hold size, whether they experienced some unexpected household event (house- hold shock 0/1), whether there is water nearby (no drain 0/1), whether they had financial control over their resources (financial control 0/1), years of education, whether they are homeowners (homeowner 0/1), the number of enterprises in the household, and 6 loan amount indicators for having a loan of Rs 4.000, Rs 5.000, Rs 6.000, Rs 8.000, Rs 9.000, and Rs 10.000, respectively. We refer to these pretreatment characteristics as Xihg (where i, h and g stand for female microentrepreneur i in household h in batch group g). In Online Appendix Table A1, BFPR report means and standard deviations for the pretreatment characteristics female microentrepreneurs assigned to the control groups. BFPR make a distinction between households with multiple enterprise owners (column 1) and household where only the female microentrepreneur owns enterprises (column 3).

1. Replicate the results of Online Appendix Table A1 (only column 1) and report all the results with 3 decimals for a selected set of pretreatement characteristics in Table A in the answer sheet.1 As example, we have already provided the first entry for the age of female microentrepreneurs 1Note that results expressed with 2 or 4 decimals will give zero points. With results expressed with 3 decimals, we mean the exact four numbers as depicted in the STATA output. If, for example, the output reads 34.02878 we want 34.028 and not 34.029. assigned to the control group in household with multiple enterprise owners, which equals 34.028 with standard deviation 7.322. [Complete Table A column 1 in the answer sheet].

2. Provide the STATA output and STATA code needed for generating the results reported in Table A column 1, that is, the means and standard deviations for pre-treatment characteristics of the female microentrepreneurs in families with multiple enterprise owners. [Take a screenshot of the STATA output of column 2, including the STATA command line responsible for the output, and paste it in the answer sheet]. The randomized experiment requires that the female entrepreneurs in treated and control groups are, on average, identical. To test this, BFPR estimate for each pretreatment characteristic in Xihg the following OLS regression Xihg = α0 + α1Gg + δ1Bg + ihg , (1) where Gg is the treatment indicator (which is 1 for those groups who received that grace period contract, and 0 otherwise), and Bg represent a set of dummy indicators for the different batch groups, and ihg is the error term. The coefficient α1 measures the difference between pretreatment characteristics between female entrepreneurs in treated and control groups. The term δ1 is a set of coefficients attached to the different batch group indicators. In this regression it is key to control for the batch group indicators (and not batch group number) because treatment assignment is randomly assigned within each batch group. Recall that the female microentrepreneurs were organized (and treated) in microfinance groups of 5. BFPR have clustered their standard errors at the microentrepreneurial group level. To get the correct standard errors, add the command at the end of your regression command: cluster(group). In Online Appendix Table A1, BFPR report these estimates for α1 in columns 2 and 4. Again, they make a distinction between households with multiple enterprise
owners (column 2) and household where only the female microentrepreneur owns enterprises (column 4).

3. Replicate the results of Online Appendix Table A1 (only column 2) and report the results with 3 decimals for the same set of pretreatment characteristics in Table A in the answer sheet.2 As example, we have al- ready provided the second entry for the estimated α1 for the age of female 2Note that results expressed with 2 or 4 decimals will give zero points. With results expressed with 3 decimals, we mean the exact four numbers as depicted in the STATA output. If, for example, the output reads 34.02878 we want 34.028 and not 34.029. microentrepreneurs in household with multiple enterprise owners, which equals -1.515 with standard error 0.946. [Complete Table A column 2 in the answer sheet.]

4. Provide the STATA output and STATA code needed for generating the results reported in Table A column 2 for the pretreatment characteristic years of education. [Take a screenshot of the STATA output of column 2, including the STATA command line responsible for the output, and paste it in the answer sheet].

5. The estimate attached to the Rs. 10.000 loan indicator is statistically significant, which suggests that female entrepreneurs in the treatment groups more often loaned the highest amount than female entrepreneurs in the control groups. Is this a concern? [Circle the correct answer in the answer

Question 2
BFPR estimate the effect of the grace period treatment on enterprise profits by OLS, estimating the following equation: Yihg = β0 + β1Gg + θ1Bg + γ1Xihg + μihg , (2) where Yihg are the weekly enterprise profits of female enterpreneur i in household h in batch group g. The variables Gg , Bg , Xihg are as defined earlier and μihg is the error term. The coefficient β1 is the average treatment effect of being assigned to the grace period contract. The coefficients θ1 and γ1 are attached the different batch group indicators and pretreatment characteristics. In Table 2, BFPR report the β1 estimates for female enterprise profits (column 1) and all household enterprise profits (column 2). In the notes of Table 2, BFGR indicate that they want to estimate their regressions on the largest sample possible. They therefore include all controls in Xihg (we list these characteristics in Question 1). In cases where a control variable (in Xihg ) is missing, they set its value to
zero and include a dummy for whether the variable is missing.

1. Replicate the main estimation results of Table 2 (columns 1 and 2) and report all the β1 estimates in 3 decimals in Table B in the answer sheet (together with the standard error). Do not forget to control for the dummies for whether the control variables are missing. As before, BFPR have clustered their standard errors at the microentrepreneurial group level. To get the correct standard errors, add the command at the end of your regression command: cluster(group). [Complete Table B in the answer sheet].

2. Provide the STATA output and STATA code needed for the average treatment effect estimates presented in columns 1. [Take a screenshot of the STATA regression results using the specification of column 1, including the STATA command line responsible for the output, and paste it in the answer sheet].

Question 3
In their experiment, BFGR measure pre-treatment characteristics in the baseline survey and profit measures in the follow-up survey. In between surveys, some of the enterprises under study got bankrupt. BFGR keep these enterprises in the analysis and code their profits as zero. Bankruptcy itself, however, is a relevant and interesting outcome to consider when estimating the effect of grace period treatment.

1. If you would focus on households where only the female microentrepreneur owns enterprises, what is the share of female enterprises that went bankrupt? [Report the bankruptcy share in 3 decimals in Table C in the answer sheet.]

2. What happens to the treatment effect estimate reported in Table 2 column 1 when you switch the left-hand side variables in (2) to a bankruptcy indicator and estimate the effect of the grace period treatment on enterprise bankruptcy by OLS?[Construct the bankruptcy indicator yourself based on female enterprise profits. Report the treatment effects estimate together with the standard error in 3 decimals in Table C in the answer sheet. Use the same right hand side specification as the one you used to replicate the estimation results of Table 2 (columns 1).]

3. Apart from liquidity constraints, female microentrepreneurs may experience difficulties running their enterprise when they have young children (under 6). Report the treatment effect estimates for bankruptcy (together with the standard error) with 3 decimals for female microentrepreneurs with and without young children (under 6). [Report the corresponding treatment effect estimates in Table C columns 2 and 3 in the answer sheet.]

4. According to these regression results, are female microentrepreneurs with young children more, less, or equally responsive to the grace period con- tract than female microentrepreneurs without young children. [Circle the correct answer in the answer sheet].

What are the tasks performed and the skills required in a given job?

Hr management

See the video above and answer the question that follow

3.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

What are the tasks performed and the skills required in a given job?

Make a tool for me for FanDuel App For IOS device.

Make a tool for me for FanDuel App For IOS device.

The tool should give me 100% accurate choices to bet on any sport and guaranteed win every single time. It should be that accurate that I win the sports bet every single time whether it is a parlay or just a bet slip. This tool should give me the upper hand when deciding on what option to bet and get it 100% accurate. It should tell me daily, which sport or team or a player to bet on to win every single time. It should most of the times go against the odds and make me win over a thousand ever single time. in the end, could you show me how to use it on the app from my phone.

The HR departments exist in all healthcare organizations for hiring, onboarding, and training staff. Discuss how the HR activities differ in a typical healthcare facility (like hospital) than the ordinary business organizations. Is it more complex than the business organizations? Why background checks are more important for hiring staff for healthcare facilities than the ordinary business organizations?

Discussion post

1. Watch the

“Google” video posted in this week’s folder before participation in the discussion forum. Based on viewing the video, comment on the benefits offered by Google to its employees and explain what impact those benefits have on employees’ morale, productivity, and retention. What, if any, of these benefits would appeal to you personally (from an employee point of view)? Why? What recommendation would you provide Healthcare organizations when making decisions regarding the overall compensation and benefits package provided to their employees? End your post with a question to your classmates.

Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references

2. The HR departments exist in all healthcare organizations for hiring, onboarding, and training staff. Discuss how the HR activities differ in a typical healthcare facility (like hospital) than the ordinary business organizations. Is it more complex than the business organizations? Why background checks are more important for hiring staff for healthcare facilities than the ordinary business organizations?

Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references