
Analyse a business by reviewing how operational strategy links to corporate goals and the importance of customer satisfaction.

Introduction to Project and Operations Management

Complete Part 1 of the assignment

Analyse a business by reviewing how operational strategy links to corporate goals and the importance of customer satisfaction.

Business – Nike

If you have ever come close to committing nursing negligence, what would your advice be for others? If you haven’t, have you ever seen someone commit negligence, and if so, what is the lesson in it?

Discussion 2

Read the article (link offered in the Discussion assignment): Austin, S. (2011). Stay out of court with proper documentation. Nursing, 41(4), 24-30.

Of the four elements that must be proven to determine negligence, do you think that any of them is harder to prove than others? (be sure to explain your reasoning)

If you have ever come close to committing nursing negligence, what would your advice be for others? If you haven’t, have you ever seen someone commit negligence, and if so, what is the lesson in it? If no for each, make up a scenario to share your professional advice.

Choose scenario 1, 2, or 3 in the article. Summarize the lesson to be learned, and what you would have done to avoid the error.

Demonstrates consistent themes developed throughout Francis Bacon’s career: distortion, intense color, and violent mood.

Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion (1944)

Francis Bacon’s breakout work, Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion (1944), demonstrates consistent themes developed throughout his career: distortion, intense color, and violent mood.

The text of your paper must be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 double-spaced typewritten pages (approx. 1250 – 2000 words), using 11- or 12- point font (Arial, Calibri, Garamond, Times New Roman) and 1-inch margins on all sides of the paper. (Neither the footnotes, nor the bibliography, nor the illustrations, nor the title page count towards the page length).

what kind of personal debt do Americans have? Think about the different categories of debt the average American experiences and report objective, reliable information that shows readers what this looks like in our current American society.

American Consumer Debt

Compose an Academic Report that explains what personal consumer debt in America is. Answer this question: what kind of personal debt do Americans have? Think about the different categories of debt the average American experiences and report objective, reliable information that shows readers what this looks like in our current American

Describe how transformational leadership style may influence the process of investigating this professional nurse colleague that reports to one of your unit managers.

Evaluate leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice

You have recently started a position as a department director with five managers reporting to you. Earlier today, one of your managers reports that a client expired on her unit. She suspects that a factor that may have contributed to the client’s demise may be related to the actions of a nurse on her unit. This nurse has several notes in her personnel file that reflect potential client abuse. You and the nurse manager both have concerns that this sentinel event must be investigated.

Later in the day, the Chief Nursing Officer asks you to speak to new nurse managers to share attributes of leadership with the plan of enhancing their leadership skills. You see an opportunity to combine the situation of the client with a bad outcome, due to the alleged influence of one of the nurses, while building information to share this real-life situation with new nurse leaders.


As a follow up to the investigation of the client’s unexpected death, generate an internal memo to your managers to reflect leadership and management attributes and include steps taken to investigate this unfortunate situation. As you create this memo, keep in mind that you should include:

At least five leadership and/or management attributes for nurse leaders, as well as how they can improve client outcomes.

Steps you would take to ensure the collection of data regarding this incident.

Describe how transformational leadership style may influence the process of investigating this professional nurse colleague that reports to one of your unit managers.

Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.

What are the car companies developing? Tesla v. Toyota v. something else. Are you thinking about personal cars or commercial vehicles.

Annotated Bibliography

Battery Operated Vehicles, Electrics cars. MUST USE Galileo! 9 SOURCES TOTOAL -4 scholarly/peer-reviewed/academic sources from Galileo -2 books from Gil or Galileo -2 “other” Galileo sources -1 CREDIBLE internet search engine source Annotations should include: Type of Source Credibility of author/source Summary of the source topic How you plan to use the source Possible Quotes (Be sure to use quotation marks and provide in-text citations including page numbers) try: ABI/INFORM – a business database (“electronic vehicle” market, or brand names like Prius, hybrid, etc.) GreenFILE – an environmental science database (“electronic vehicle” benefits. I think they will give two different perspectives. for additional keywords: infrastructure (like charging stations) perception benefits (environment) Are you thinking about personal cars or commercial vehicles (shipping, tractor trailers, etc) The infrastructure (charging stations, etc.) Perception and market share (What are the car companies developing? Tesla v. Toyota v. something else) government policies and or other market incentives

Provide a detailed financial analysis of the wind turbines and an accompanying report that explains and justifies methodology, summarises findings and recommends an appropriate subsidy for local government to contribute, and highlights limitations with the analysis and recommendations.

Capital Budgeting Report and Analysis

Provide a detailed financial analysis of the wind turbines and an accompanying report that explains and justifies methodology, summarises findings and recommends an appropriate subsidy for local government to contribute, and highlights limitations with the analysis and recommendations. To complete this task, your manager has requested the following:
– The financial analysis is to be completed in Excel. The file is to be easily adjustable for different scenarios and all inputs must be in the one sheet called ‘Assumptions’.

– The report is to be short (600 words + 20% tolerance) and written for a person with a basic understanding of financial analytical tools as the investment team will provide the report to local government and the Port of Brisbane. The report should have the following sections:

o Summary: Brief outline of task, methodology and recommendation.

o Methodology: Explains and justifies the selected evaluation metric.

o Recommendations: Summarises the economic viability of the wind turbines without the subsidy and recommends a minimum annual subsidy required to ensure the project’s economic viability. The analysis is to be completed for the project with a 20-year and 40-year life, where the 40-year life includes an overhaul of the wind turbines after 20 years.

o Limitations: Highlights the key limitations with the analysis and recommends additional analysis to alleviate these limitations where appropriate

Do you think that COVID-19 case-fatality rates and mortality rates have been clearly communicated to the general public?


Write a post addressing the following prompts:

Pick a location (local, state, U.S., or other country) and identify the COVID-19 mortality and case fatality rates for that area.
Do you think that COVID-19 case-fatality rates and mortality rates have been clearly communicated to the general public?
Assume you are working for a large healthcare system or public health department in the area that you picked for this discussion. Write a short statement that you would give to the media to accurately describe the COVID-19 case fatality rate and mortality rate in your area. Tell the public what this means—is it significant compared to other diseases?

What is your mission as a health care manager? Why do you want to be part of this profession? How will you accomplish this mission?

Role of ethics in the actual practice of healthcare management

Introduction (20 points)
What is your mission as a health care manager?
Why do you want to be part of this profession?
How will you accomplish this mission?
Application of Ethics Principles (60 points)
Summarize management functions (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Influencing, Controlling)
Identify at least 3 ethics challenges for each function
Application of Ethics Principles (Autonomy, Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Justice)-how will you apply these principles in your interactions with co-workers, outside vendors, patients, etc.
Application to Career (20 points)
How does what you learned apply to your mission as a health care manager?
What is the importance of understanding the role of ethics in the actual practice of healthcare management?

Why should school lunches be free to all students?

School lunches should be free to all students

Persuasive Research Paper: write a final paper of at least five pages (These five pages do not include the title page, abstract, or reference pages. These elements must be part of the position paper, but are not included in the page count.). The paper must be developed as a position statement on an important topic/issue to the field of early childhood education. Possible topics, directions, and examples of how position papers make a clear statement, and how a position paper is supported by research will be discussed in class. Participants are required to use APA style guide, 7th edition, to format and cite sources.