
Why are there so few African Americans in executive positions in America? and why should there be more African American’s in positions of power in business?

Writing Sample Paper

Topic: Why are there so few African Americans in executive positions in America? and why should there be more African American’s in positions of power in business?

Instructions:You’ll want to submit a piece of writing that demonstrates your ability to analyze a topic in the same (or related) field to which you are applying.

Guidelines for Graduate Students.
1.State the goal of your paper explicitly, and state it early.
2.Use concrete examples.
3.Combat wordiness.
4.Avoid statistical prose.
5.Integrate the presentation of your results and their interpretation.
6.Add structure through consistent constructions.
7.Add structure through subheadings.General Formatting

The paper should be: typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins on all sides, Times New Roman, font size 12.
The paper has four main sections (Title page, abstract, main body, and reference list) and many possible sub-sections, such as the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections.

Explain how marketing helps business and address challenges in competitive markets. Identity marketing solutions to address a particular business challenge. Describe the impact of globalisation on competitive markets.

Introduction to marketing

This assignment involves producing a short report that seeks to develop your understanding and awareness of marketing and its component elements in use of the marketing mix to operate and manage key business objectives. By completing these tasks, you would be demonstrating your knowledge of marketing within a business context and some of the challenges or issues faced by businesses.

LO 1 Demonstrate an understanding of the marketing mix

LO 2 Explain how marketing helps business and address challenges in competitive markets

LO 3 Identity marketing solutions to address a particular business challenge

LO 4 Describe the impact of globalisation on competitive markets.

How is learning about this topic relevant to your life currently? What concept is relevant to your (or the subject’s) life in the future? How is learning about this topic relevant to your future goals? Why should someone should learn more about the topic or topics you chose?


The purpose of this assignment is to help you make connections between the material we are covering in SOCI 1101 and your life. For this assignment, I would like you to select two concepts or issues that were covered in the first half of the course. So far, we have covered the following topics in our class:
Sociological Theories
Research Methods
Society and Social Interaction
Groups and Organizations

You may choose any topic or issue covered within these chapters from Units 1 and 2. You will then write a 24 page essay or personal letter discussing the relevance of the concepts or issues to your own life OR to the life of a family member or close friend. Choose topics from above that are personally useful and meaningful to you. For your first topic, describe how learning about this topic is useful to your (or your subjects) life right now. Then choose a topic from above that is personally useful and meaningful to you (it may NOT be the same topic as before). Now, describe how learning about this topic will be beneficial to you (or a family member or close friend) in the future (e.g., education, career, daily life). Finally, explain why someone should learn more about the topics you chose. Be sure to connect the course material covered so far in the course to your life, both now and in the future. However, Am not asking you to summarize the material, just to elaborate on its relevance to your life.

This assignment will take approximately 4 hours to complete. You will need to allocate enough time to choose your concept(s), reflect on its meaning for you, and to write up your responses. Your assignment should answer the following questions:
What concept is relevant to your (or the subjects) life right now? Provide a thorough description. (10% of assignment grade)
How is learning about this topic relevant to your life currently? Answer this in detail. (30% of assignment grade)
What concept is relevant to your (or the subject’s) life in the future? Provide a thorough description. (10% of assignment grade)
How is learning about this topic relevant to your future goals? Answer this in detail. (30% of assignment grade)
Why should someone should learn more about the topic or topics you chose? (20% of assignment grade)

Be sure to think sociologically when answering the attached questions. You should incorporate concepts and ideas we have discussed in class when analyzing your experiences. You are also encouraged to incorporate information from the text as well as outside sources (although this is not required). If you choose to use information that is not your own, you MUST fully cite these ideas both within the text and on a separate reference page (see the “citation examples” section attached to this document for more information). You should clearly define your terms and cite the readings. This means you MUST draw on concepts from the reading, explain the concepts, and use the concepts to explain your responses. If you are not citing your text, you are not doing the assignment correctly!

Your written essay must be, at minimum, 2 full pages of text (doublespaced, 12pt Times New Roman
font, 1 inch margins) and no more than 4 full pages. You should also include a title page and reference
page (these do not count toward the page limit). This assignment will be graded out of 100 points and is
worth 15% of your final grade. Your paper MUST be attached as a .doc, .docx, .rtf (NOT .rtfd!) or .pdf
file. (Note: any document on a Mac can be turned into a .pdf by using File > Print. There are many free
.pdf converters for PCs.) DO NOT paste your essay into the text box in the D2L dropbox for ANY
reason. All submissions will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn for plagiarism detection when you
upload your file to the dropbox on D2L. 

Is it wrong to believe in something without truly knowing about it? It is always wrong to believe anything without sufficient evidence?

The Ethics of belief

Is it wrong to believe in something without truly knowing about it? W.K. Clifford believed so. It is always wrong to believe anything without sufficient evidence. A belief could hurt people around you. If a shipowner convinces himself that his unsteady ship is safe, he is in the wrong. Even if the ship sinks or not. If a belief without sufficient evidence is wrong, then to believe in a God with no proof is wrong.
William James does not agree with this claim. He argues that a person does not choose but just has beliefs. When a challenging option comes up, it is better to let our passional nature take over. Moral problems are answered from personal experience and proof of what one believes. Not every question or problem can have a sufficient reasoning and may be better to let your own beliefs take over.

Analyze the cinematography and/or mise-en-scene, making an argument that connects the formal elements to a deeper meaning of the film.

Moonlight: The Dinner Scene Analysis

Pick a single scene from ″Moonlight″ movie by Barry Jenkins. (Analyze the ending scene; the dinner scene between Chiron and Kevin.) Analyze the cinematography and/or mise-en-scene, making an argument that connects the formal elements to a deeper meaning of the film.
Use your own words to describe it. In case of using outside sources make citations in MLS format

Explain your position including any of the given perspectives that support your position Give an example that supports your position and explain how the example supports your position

Has Technology changed.your everyday lifestyle

Essay Outline
Introduction (Paragraph 1)
Hook – Question, Stat, Hypothetical Situation, etc
Topic summary – Paraphrase the prompt
Introduce your perspective
Include how the other two contrast your perspective.
Body (Paragraphs 2) – Assertion
Start with a transition/topic sentence that discusses YOUR POSITION on the central issue
Explain your position including any of the given perspectives that support your position
Give an example that supports your position and explain how the example supports your position
End the paragraph by summarizing the paragraph
Refutation (Paragraphs 3)


Start with a transition/topic sentence that discusses the OPPOSING SIDE of your argument
Discuss the given perspective(s) that would support the opposing argument


Explain why you disagree with the opposing perspective
Discuss flaws in reasoning
Give a specific example that could be used to support the opposing perspective
Be sure to discuss how the opposing logic doesn’t work when compared to your position.

Conclusion (Paragraph 4)
Recap your discussion
Restate your perspective and arguments
Provide a final overarching thought on the topic

Does his family have it?   Is it hidden?  Does he have hidden assets overseas?  Does he have confederates here in the United States who have it?  How did he spend the money?

Bernie Madoff essay.  Where is the Money?

Times New Roman 12 Inch Type/ double space/ No more than 30% Turn it in.


For this essay, please consider what Madoff did with the billions of dollars that he stole.  Where is it?  Some of the money has been recovered, but most of it has not.  Look at the facts and come to a logical conclusion of three  ways he used the money, and where all of it went.  For example:  Does his family have it?   Is it hidden?  Does he have hidden assets overseas?  Does he have confederates here in the United States who have it?  How did he spend the money?  Your logic is just as valid as another’s logic.  Think about it.

If you wish to arrange the paragraphs differently you may do so, but you must have and introduction and conclusion.    You cannot just say the money is gone.  I want you to think about it.  Develop you paragraphs.  Two sentences are not a paragraph.  You must have parentheses with documentation.  Example ( or (Encyclopedia

  1. Introduction  = Background of Madoff and what he did before he started his investment firm.  Define and describe a Ponzi Scheme.  This must be documented.
  2. Paragraph II   =  What people and institutions did he get money from?  How Much Money Did Madoff Embezzle?  Give specific examples of people and institutions  document

III.  Paragraph  III = What  did  Madoff do  with the money that we know about and can document.  For example, where did he live?  What did he buy?  (document)

  1. Where is the remainder of the money.  Give specific example of where you think the money is now.  Madoff is in prison, but they have not recovered all the money
  2. Summarize the four paragraphs, and then explain where you think the money is and why you think it is there?  This is a supposition.  No one really knows so far.
  3. Works Cited Page.  This must match your in-text citations.  If you have only two sources, then you can only have two in your works cited page.  This is a separate page.

Words You must use  in the essay:


Con Man

Ponzi Scheme

Hedge Fund



what kind of personal debt do Americans have? Think about the different categories of debt the average American experiences and report objective.

American Consumer Debt

Compose an Academic Report that explains what personal consumer debt in America is. Answer this question: what kind of personal debt do Americans have? Think about the different categories of debt the average American experiences and report objective, reliable information that shows readers what this looks like in our current American

Decide your own topic about Environmental Design, Policy, and Planning on Long Island in the NY State.

Environmental Design, Policy, and Planning on Long Island

Decide your own topic about Environmental Design, Policy, and Planning on Long Island in the NY State.

Do you agree that allowing a poor person to sell an organ is an exploitative practice? Why or why not? What documented examples from real-life organ donors can you provide to help you demonstrate how a regulated human organ trade would (or would not) be exploitative?

It’s the poor person who sell

Dr. Francis Delmonico believes that even a regulated human organ trade would be exploitative because “it’s the poor person who sells” (Meckler, 2007). Answer the following questions:

Do you agree that allowing a poor person to sell an organ is an exploitative practice? Why or why not?
What documented examples from real-life organ donors can you provide to help you demonstrate how a regulated human organ trade would (or would not) be exploitative?
If you were writing your definition essay on the term exploitative, how would you define it?