
According to the theory you selected, how could Q Corp. have implemented the 20% raise without causing feelings of inequity/unfairness in the old employees? In your professional opinion, what can be done to remedy the issues you have described?

Discussion 8: Motivation

For this week’s discussion you will be responding to a case study using a Justice theory of your choice. Read the following case carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

Case: Q Corp. Motivation

All employees at Q Corp. perform the same exact job. About six months ago, upper management gave all employees hired after January 2013 a 20% increase in base pay. All employees who were hired prior to January 2013 were not given a raise.

Recently, upper management has been noting some differences in performance among the employees. You have been hired to help uncover the problem, explain why the change affected employee behavior to upper management and develop a solution.

In your post, please address the following:

Use equity theory or fairness theory (distributive justice, procedural justice) to uncover and describe the problem. How have these changes affected the employee’s (both new and old) motivation according to the theory you selected? How would you explain this to management?
According to the theory you selected, how could Q Corp. have implemented the 20% raise without causing feelings of inequity/unfairness in the old employees?
In your professional opinion, what can be done to remedy the issues you have described?
Be sure to cite course material (important terms, etc.) in your post to demonstrate your understanding of the particular theory you selected.

Can you recall and instance of this happening to you or someone you know? If so, explain what happened? Do you think this type of bias can be avoided? If so, what can be done?

Discussion 6: Performance Appraisal

For discussion this week, we will be discussing rater bias. Students and employees sometimes complain that ratings of performance are affected by the relationship between the supervisor and rate (in positive or negative ways), and data support this complaint.

Can you recall and instance of this happening to you or someone you know? If so, please explain. What happened? What type of error do you think was made (e.g., halo, severity, leniency, etc.)
Do you think this type of bias can be avoided? If so, what can be done?
Of the methods we discussed in class, which do you think would be the most effective in controlling bias? Why?

Explain the potential outcomes of the situation using what you know about job satisfaction outcomes. What is likely to occur if the sources of low job satisfaction are not addressed?

Discussion 9: Job Satisfaction

This week we will be discussing the cause and potential effects of a recent drop in federal worker’s job satisfaction.

First, read the article “Survey: Federal worker’s job satisfaction drops”. You can either view the article on The Washington Post’s website: Survey – Federal workers’ job satisfaction drops (Links to an external site.) or download a PDF version of the article: Job Satisfaction Article

For your post, I would like you to touch on the following:

Which aspects of job satisfaction do the workers seem most dissatisfied with? Think of the nine common job satisfaction facets to identify the source(s) of low job satisfaction (Table 9.1 on page 217 in your book).
Explain what job satisfaction antecedents you think are responsible for the current low job satisfaction.
Explain the potential outcomes of the situation using what you know about job satisfaction outcomes. What is likely to occur if the sources of low job satisfaction are not addressed?
Feel free to bring in any other relevant comments or observations you made during your review of the article (e.g., workers’ level of organizational/occupational commitment, etc.).

What could the organization or individual have done differently to avoid the accident? Did the accident lead to any changes in organizational policies and procedures? If the individual survived, did he or she behave differently thereafter?

Discussion 10: OHP

This week we will be discussing accidents at work. Address the following in your post:

Briefly explain an accident you have experienced or observed at work. If you haven’t experienced or observed any, find a news article that discusses a workplace accident.

What could the organization or individual have done differently to avoid the accident?

Did the accident lead to any changes in organizational policies and procedures? If the individual survived, did he or she behave differently thereafter?

Which motivational techniques can organizations use to ensure that employees follow safety procedures and use safety equipment?

What do your employees need to know? What skills are needed? How well-informed and skilled do they need to be before you open? What kind of training method(s) would work best in your opinion?

Discussion 7: Training

For this week’s discussion, you will be responding to a case study. Read the following case and respond to the questions carefully.

You’ve just bought a SuperWok franchise that you will manage yourself. The restaurant is ready to open, but the only employees you could hire for what you pay are inexperienced. None of them has ever made Chinese food or worked in a restaurant. How will you train them?

In your discussion post, describe what steps you would take. Be sure to bring in what you learned this week to address the following:

What do your employees need to know? What skills are needed? How well-informed and skilled do they need to be before you open?
What kind of training method(s) would work best in your opinion?
How will you know the training worked? What level(s) of evaluation criteria would you uses to determine its effectiveness and why?

You have been asked to design a smart home device for patients with dementia. Describe in details/drawing the conceptual design and identify the type of interface it would be.

Interactive design for healthcare

Sample Exam Question (1)

  1. You have been asked to design a smart home device for patients with dementia. Dementia is defined by the WHO as a syndrome in which there is deterioration in memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities. The device has the potential to control any other smart devices in the home. ◦ Describe in details/drawing the conceptual design and identify the type of interface it would be. ◦ Taking user-centered design approach describe the prototyping methods you would select

Create a data table or chart on the information retrieved from the resources and notes you created. The table/chart can be organized in any way you choose and should include the following information for each stratum layer of the skin.

Epidermis data quest

DIRECTIONS: Review end utilize the following resources listed to complete a data table on the stratum Layers of the epidermis.

Step 1: Review each of the resources listed below, both the video and the readings.

Step 2: Take a rough draft of notes on the informatkm given in the resources on the Epidermis and the layers that make it up.

Step: 3 Create a data table or chart on the information retrieved from the resources and notes you created. The table/chart can be organized in any way you choose and should include the following information for each stratum layer of the skin.

Information to be Included In the tabie/chart: • Name of each layer • Number of layers of cells for each layer • Structural description of each layer include all unique and specific characteristics of each layer. • Specific additional structures found in each layer and the function of those specific structures as it applies to the skin.

‘Resources to be used:
– Crash Course video on the skin: Qtr…191.61baraduilex.taitztwns – Additional Reading Resource htto:lioperi .4) reD pit.- I a te.ed neat ion/ aa rid-oh:hap te ris- 1- 1 ayers-of-th e-s ki n/
in the above additional reading resource, be sure to only read the section on the Epidermis and its Stratum La) ers. DO NOT READ THE SECTION ON THE DE.RMIS4-*
The table/chart you create of yxnir information should be done on a Gougle Doc

How long does it take approximately (in years) for Supercomputer Fugaku to complete a LU factorization for a square matrix with n = 108? How about n = 109, n = 1010?

Finish 3 math question

Instructions: For proof-based questions, write your answers on your own papers. For pro-gramming questions, submit your codes using MATLAB Grader. Hand in your homework (written part) on Wednesday, October 6 in class.

1. Write a MATLAB function to perform the LU factorization (without pivoting). Your input should be a nonsingular n×n matrix A. Your output should be a lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U such that A = LU. See detailed description in MATLAB Grader.

2. We discussed in class that Gaussian Elimination/LU factorization is an O(n3) algorithm. This means that for a n ×n matrix, LU factorization needs approximately n3 flops. The top supercomputer today is Supercomputer Fugaku in Japan. This machine can execute, theoretically, 4.42 ×1017 flops per second.

a. How long does it take approximately (in years) for Supercomputer Fugaku to complete a LU factorization for a square matrix with n = 108? How about n = 109, n = 1010?

b. Suppose we have an O(n) algorithm to solve the linear system Ax = b, how long does it take for Supercomputer Fugaku to solve the system with size n = 108? How about n = 109, n = 1010? Remark 1. From the results you should see why we need fast algorithms.

3. (Pivoting) In class, we find the LUP factorization of the following matrix

In other words, we have PA = LU.
Use this LUP factorization to solve the system Ax = b by hand where b =

Remark 2. You need to use forward substitution and back substitution.

4. (Vector Norms)
a. Let x =

Compute the norms ‖x‖1 and ‖x‖2.

b. Define a vector ∞-norm ‖x‖∞ for any x ∈Rnas follows,‖x‖∞ = maxk|xk|.
Prove the following properties for ‖·‖∞:
1. ‖x‖∞ ≥0. ‖x‖∞ = 0 if and only if x = 0.
2. ‖αx‖∞ = |α|‖x‖∞, where α ∈R.
3. ‖x + y‖∞ ≤‖x‖∞ + ‖y‖∞.

Does Barbie make girls want to be thin? The effect of experimental exposure to images of dolls on the body image of 5- to 8-year-old girls.

The effect of experimental exposure to images of dolls on the body image of 5- to 8-year-old girls.

Instructions: Written Assignment 2 (Asmt2)Instructions: Written Assignment 2 (Asmt2)

Step One: Use the SAME article you used for Assignment 1.

Step Two: Read/Review the Methods section(s) of your article.

Most articles have more than one study/experiment conducted in them. Read/review EACH ONE.

Step Three: Answer the following questions for EACH study/experiment in your article.

First, label each Study (1,2, 3…). For EACH one (label the question#),

Describe the participants. (10 pt)

Describe any measures/questionnaires/materials used. (30 pts)

What was the procedure? What did they do and how did they do it? (60 pts)

To answer these questions sufficiently, your responses will require a minimum total of 400 words (but probably will be longer). Provide plenty of detail!!!

Step Four: Submit your paper to the Dropbox (Asmt2).

Clearly label each question (1,2,3,4). (-5 points)

Give your submission a title with a few key words from your article’s topic (i.e., “Barbie,” “ Piercings,” “Bullying,” “Poaching,” “Touch,” “Video Games.”). YOU LOSE POINTS IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS! (-10 point)

You need to paraphrase (rewrite it in your own words) all of your answers. Any non-original work should be re-written in your own words. Significant copying is subject to point deductions.


Submission Title without Key Words (-10 point)

Clearly label each question (1,2,3,4,5). (-5 points)

Reference for each source: (-5)

APA format/errors: (-5)

Spelling and grammar check (If it is so confusing, it is hard to understand) (btw -5 to -10)

Minimum word requirement (btw -10 to -20)

Explain the impact on specific populations. You might even recount a specific story of someone adversely impacted by the problem, and explain how the policy as it exists does not help them.

Presenting Proposals

To Prepare:

Review Chapter 9 of the Jansson text. Focus on “Combative Persuasion in Step 5 and Step 6.”

Develop a list of strategies you can use to persuade others who might not share the same concerns about your issues or your policy proposals.

Develop a list of talking points for defending your Social Advocacy Proposal. Consider the following areas of your proposal:

Identification of the problem

Overview of existing policy

History of existing policy

Policy impacts on populations

Plan for social advocacy, or goals for change

Consider the audience for your Social Advocacy Proposal.

Through which group or legislative process did the original policy receive approval?

How has the group or process changed since the original policy was approved?


Post in which you communicate the needs of vulnerable populations to policymakers who may not share your views about the need for services. Include:

Hook: Introduce yourself using professional disclosure. How do any personal facts about you or your audience relate to the policy and impact? This can help grab your audience’s attention.

Describe the Problem: Present the problem and issues with the current policy that attempts to address the problem. Explain the impact on specific populations. You might even recount a specific story of someone adversely impacted by the problem, and explain how the policy as it exists does not help them.

Call to Action: Inspire your audience to support your goals for change. Why should they care?