
Differentiate the common classes of organic functional groups and identify the appropriate common or IUPAC names, applications, and chemical structures for simple organic compounds,

How vitamins and minerals/trace elements affect health/human body (CO 3)

Apply the scientific method to propose a hypothesis and set up an experiment including positive and negative controls and appropriate units of measurement.

Predict the numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons given the atomic symbol or limited information for a specific isotope of an element and relate them to atomic mass and charge.

Determine chemical names and/or chemical formula for diatomic or simple polyatomic compounds and draw a Lewis structure, construct a molecular geometry and determine the polarity for a covalent compound.

Balance chemical equations, calculate the molar mass of all compounds in the reaction and demonstrate how mole ratios play a role in stoichiometry.

Predict how a change in one or more of the parameters of a gas alters dependent gas parameters such as pressure, volume or temperature.

Calculate the concentration and volume of a solution given solute and solvent parameters.

Predict the properties of and identify reduction and oxidation agents as well as acids and bases by analysis of chemical formulas, chemical reactions, and solution pH values.

Differentiate the common classes of organic functional groups and identify the appropriate common or IUPAC names, applications, and chemical structures for simple organic compounds,

Differentiate between the types of radio-active decay at the subatomic level and provide real-world applications, sources, and risks.

Contrast the synthesis, composition, structure and functions of major biological macromolecules and Illustrate the process of flow of genetic information.

Write in the format set up in most word processing programs with double-spaced typewritten pages, explaining NASA and the Space Shuttle Disaster.

NASA and the Space Shuttle Disaster (Whistle-blowing)

1. The paper should be written in the format set up in most word processing programs with double-spaced typewritten pages, with a minimum of 70 characters per line and fonts no greater than 12 points. Margins must be no more than 1 inch both top and bottom and both sides. (This page is written in 12-point font).

2. The paper should be five to seven fully typewritten pages. This does not count the title page and a bibliography or Works Cited pages. You should use outside sources not counting your textbook, which can also be used as a source. You must cite your sources within your paper and provide a “Works Cited” page. No grade to any paper that does not cite your sources within the written work. Further, students in the lecture classes need to turn in all your research that you have printed out.

3. You should use the format taught in English Composition using MLA or APA format. A FREE web site for information on MLA is at

4. The subject matter and topic may be from the topics listed on the next page of this Pass Out. If there is another ethical problem or topic that especially interests you, simply confer with me first and get my approval. No approval is needed for topics  listed. It is not sufficient for you to simply turn in a paper you have written for another class. This exercise is designed as a learning experience and for the students to demonstrate their ability to do research and creative writing. Papers must be over the subject of BUSINESS ETHICS.

5. Topics which are not acceptable are subjects we have spent a considerable time on in the textbook such as sexual harassment and affirmative action. Other topics that are not acceptable are organ donation, welfare fraud, women suffrage, underage drinking, violence and teenagers, inmate’s rights, dying decisions and other general ethical questions. This paper must be Business Ethics in nature.

6. The Term Research Paper will account for a minimum of 10% of your final grade (or 100 points), which is a full letter grade. If you do not prepare a term paper, your final average will drop by one full letter grade.

. Your instructor will submit your paper to a search on the Internet to make sure that your work is original, and that plagiarism has not occurred. This has become very easy through Google and other academic searches now available to teachers. Therefore, make sure you properly cite all words and thoughts of other persons. A zero will be awarded for any paper where there is plagiarism.

Do my activities achieve or contribute to this curriculum outcome? Does my lesson demonstrate my dance content knowledge? Does my lesson demonstrate the teaching standards? Does my lesson cater for a range of students’ needs?

Dance Lesson Plan

Assessment 2 AG
ATTACHED FILES: o Assessment 2 Q&A.m4a (95.672 MB) 0 Lesson Plan Guide.docx AG (22.285 KB)
Things to ask yourself when planning:
1. What curriculum outcome am I trying to address?

2. Do my activities achieve or contribute to this curriculum outcome?

3. Does my lesson demonstrate my dance content knowledge?

4. Does my lesson demonstrate the teaching standards?

5. Does my lesson cater for a range of students’ needs?

6. Does my lesson (activities, teaching strategies, teaching models) promote engagement and inclusion and learning?

7. Would I be proud for current teachers and students to see and use the resources I created?

8. Could a teacher other than me conduct the lesson using my plan and the resources provided?

Choose a topic that requires an argument to support your position on the chosen topic, acceptable references and citations are, of course, required.


Research Paper Instructions.

The Research Paper is due at the end of Week 7. APA writing style is required for this paper.

The research paper should be constructed and then saved in MS Word, PDF, or as a Web page. The paper should be 5-7 (double-spaced) pages long, excluding pages associated with title pages, appendices, or bibliography. In other words the body of the paper should be 5-7 pages (1 inch margins – 12 pt. font – (Times New Roman or Arial).

The paper should be documented and include at least 6 reliable sources in addition to the text of the course. The paper should address a contemporary important aspect of the concepts you are learning in this class. The student must choose his or her topic. The topic choice is part of the assignment and it must be approved by your instructor by the end of Week Three. A good place to look for interesting topics is in the material covered in your textbook.

The final paper is not due until the 7th week of class, however, it is a good idea to begin the paper now. The paper may be turned in early, as well as by the due date. Papers turned in late will be graded zero. The paper should not simply be a review printed material. The focus should be on synthesizing and reporting the research information you have found. At least 25% of the text MUST be your own words and your own work.

This percentage will be checked by your professor through the Website. Remember, large cut-and pasted sections and/or personal, unsupported opinions are not acceptable in this professional paper. Research Topics for the Research Paper due in Week Seven are due to be submitted for approval by week three.

Topics should be emailed to your Professor, using the email inside this class Health Care topics can be a matter of opinion, so, it is important to note that should you choose a topic that requires an argument to support your position on the chosen topic, acceptable references and citations are, of course, required. In addition, the opposing argument must also be posed and supported using acceptable references and citations. Failure to do this will result in a serious reduction

Examine the responsibilities of process improvement, risk management, patient safety, and quality improvement in a healthcare organization from a business case perspective.

Risk Management, Quality Improvement, and Patient Safety

Case Scenario Analysis: you have been hired in the CAO’s newly created position (Chief Administrative Officer) for a regional medical center. The responsibilities have been broken away from the COO (Chief Operational Officer) to focus primarily on all business and revenue generation activities.

You are a member of the hospital’s executive management team (Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operational Officer, Chief of the Clinical Staff (medical and nursing), Chief Information Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, and Chief Quality and Risk Management Officer, and legal counsel.

The hospital is a nonprofit. The services provided within the hospital include cardiac rehabilitation, emergency department, radiology, pediatrics, same-day surgery, a retail pharmacy, ophthalmology and optical, oncology, limited physical rehabilitation, and physical therapy, patient education, substance abuse, renal dialysis, and obstetrics. The Joint Commission accredits the hospital with recertification in 2 years.

In your initial and informal strategic assessment, you felt several areas warranted further review, both under the Chief Compliance Officer. You were not because of any dereliction of responsibilities by the Chief Compliance Officer. The foundation discussed was exclusively business and fiscally based:

1. The separated responsibilities of risk management, patient safety, and quality improvement from a business perspective.

2. The limited or defined methods and practices to minimize medical malpractice within the organization. Of specific concern were medical errors, adverse events, and hospital infections, even though there was no medical malpractice claim filed against the organization or any clinical provider.

In your discussion with the CEO, she asked for an inclusive memorandum of record back to her to address the following from a business case assessment. You have been there long enough to know the CEO is thorough and bases her decisions on collaboration, data, facts, and legal authority with the two primary objectives of high quality of care minimizing risk to the organization. Hence, she expects your proposal to utilize supporting evidence.

1. Examine the responsibilities of process improvement, risk management, patient safety, and quality improvement in a healthcare organization from a business case perspective. The CEO is explicitly asking, since there is a Chief Compliance Officer, how these responsibilities could be (or should be) the responsibility of both members of the C-suite or remain under the Chief Compliance Officer.

2. Propose specific risk reduction strategies to mitigate medical malpractice, medical errors, and healthcare-associated infections (HAI’s) from a business assessment. Again, use supporting evidence in your proposal to the CEO.

3. Knowing that these two responsibilities are multidisciplinary, recommend a C-suite and upper management ad hoc team by hospital positions to exam the items above for recommendations for process improvement teams. Support your recommendations with justification for industry standards or best practices.

While a memorandum can be in any professional format, it is expected that content is original, founded in best practices, and scopes of care with all external authors had APA citation to the sources in the body and on the last page with an APA reference list.

Grading Criteria
Student writing should be at the academic level, unbiased language in the third person, and proper healthcare and legal vernacular. Assigned papers will require APA formatting (most current edition), including the title and reference pages. If you are unsure how to format using APA style, please see the Writing Center: or Learning APA Style:

Excluding the APA title and reference pages, the papers should be between 1,000 – 1500 words in the body. The word count requires the substance to be concise, robust, logical, and demonstrate complete knowledge of the weekly content. Although not in proper APA formatting, include the word count for the paper’s body at the very bottom of the title page.

The body of the paper should include first level APA headings for all content or topics when required. Having the required content as first-level headings will help students meet the content requirements and the paper’s focus on the required subjects. Students are welcome to add subheadings at the second or third levels, but the first level is required. The APA Citation Guide can assist with formatting, including headings:

All sources used within the paper’s body (directly and paraphrased) must be cited in the paper’s body and on the required reference page per APA requirements and should not exceed 20%. Content from other sources that exceed 20% could indicate a lack of originality or possibly plagiarism and will be addressed following the Academic Integrity Policy noted below.

Third-party plagiarism software, such as Turnitin, may be used to assess the originality of a student’s work in any assignment, papers, and quizzes, or exams to rule out plagiarism. The quality of the content will be assessed using the attached rubric. All criteria in the category must be met to earn the full points. See attached rubric.

Write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?

Everyday Women and Gender Studies Bodies

Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?

What do Right to Work laws mean? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? Does your state have a Right to Work law? What are your personal opinions on RTW?

Right to Work laws

1. What do Right to Work laws mean? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? Does your state have a Right to Work law? What are your personal opinions on RTW?

2. Summarize the Janus case. Who were the parties? What was in dispute? How did the court rule? What is the effect of the decision on unions?

Integrate the weekly lessons, readings, and resources into your answer. Full citations are not required, but informal attribution is necessary. For example, “as noted in the e-text” would suffice for content attributed to the e-text sections assigned.

Discuss the social justice and equity issues related to the treatment of Curtis Flowers from a criminal and civil law perspective

The symbol of Justice

The symbol of Justice is traditionally Lady Justice blindfolded and holding a set of weighing scales dangling on her left hand, and a double-edged sword on her right. The scales depict the unbiased judgment in measuring the merits of the case and the opposition. The sword is the symbol of power of the decision of Justice over the case.

However, African-Americans, especially men, and other people of color have often been treated more harshly both as the accused and as victims in our American justice system,

Discuss the social justice and equity issues related to the treatment of Curtis Flowers from a criminal and civil law perspective. Review one or more of the videos and articles below for ideas.  Your post must be 300 to 500 words.

. Identify and explain the role rhetorical appeals and the rhetorical triangle can play in non-fiction print and/or multimodal texts. What rhetorical appeals are used (ethos, logos, and pathos)?

How environmental background affects financial stability.

1. Identify and explain the role rhetorical appeals and the rhetorical triangle can play in non-fiction print and/or multimodal texts.

4. Locate, accurately cite (through summary, paraphrasing, and quoting) and critically evaluate primary and secondary sources.

5. Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process, including consideration of peer and/or instructor feedback, in one or more pieces of writing from initial draft to final revision.

So far, we have discussed and analyzed rhetorical appeals in the context of both textual and visual rhetoric. This essay asks you to apply those skills to two argumentative texts of your choosing about your research topic, and to make an argument about how your selected texts communicate rhetorically to appeal to their intended audiences. Not only will this assignment help you hone your analytical and close reading skills, but it will also help you think about the importance of considering context and audience in your own writing. One of the first major steps in building on your skills as a writer is becoming conscious and aware of how arguments are made and what makes them persuasive. This will help you improve your ability to deliberately incorporate effective rhetoric into your own writing.

For this 1000-1250-word assignment, choose two argumentative pieces of rhetoric relevant to your research question. One source should be a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article and one source should be a long-form magazine article (e.g. an article published in the Atlantic or a New York Times editorial). Analyze how well their components work together to persuade or move their audiences. Rather than engaging heavily with the content of the chosen pieces, this assignment asks you to focus on how the authors are making the arguments. To successfully complete this task, please use the following questions as your guidance:

Think about the rhetorical situation of the articles: What is the rhetorical situation of each piece? Where is it published? What audiences are addressed?
Think about the argument in each piece: Are the arguments timely and exigent? What rhetorical appeals are used (ethos, logos, and pathos)?

The audience for this piece is, at the same time, similar to and different from your previous assignment. While your text will be read by your classmates and the instructor for feedback and learning purposes, you should also picture your essay as a part of an academic conversation, which means it will be of interest to other participants in that conversation. Your academic audience is interested not only in the issue addressed by your chosen texts, but also in the implications of the rhetorical strategies used by individuals who argue about that issue. As academics, they value close, insightful analysis. Additionally, while they expect a certain level of formality and structure, they are interested in reading lively, personable essays.

Write a 750-1000 statement briefly summarizing a problem, situation or ‘observation-in-need-of-scientific-explanation’ and brief description of the population or group to which the problem applies.

Effects of trauma on perceived levels of stress

This is an assignment for my Experimental psychology class.

Write a 750-1000 statement briefly summarizing a problem, situation or ‘observation-in-need-of-scientific-explanation’ and brief description of the population or group to which the problem applies.

My topic is about the “effects of trauma on perceived levels of stress” and the population/group I need to focus on is “college students”. Explain why this topic needs more scientific observation/explanation and awareness.