
Do you think that our foreign policy was driven primarily by considerations of morality and high-minded ideologyor by pragmatic economic and strategic considerations based on American self-interest?

American Foreign Policy between 1890 and 1920

The essay should be approximately 1000-1500 words. Please use one inch margins and double-space or space and a half. Make sure the title of your essay clearly refers to the specific question you’re addressing. In writing the essay make sure you have a clear introduction, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Make sure that you support all main points with specific examples.
Write an essay discussing American foreign policy in the period between 1890 and 1920. Do you think that our foreign policy was driven primarily by considerations of morality and high-minded ideology (i.e. the desire to help others and spread democracy and freedom) or by pragmatic economic and strategic considerations based on American self-interest? Use specific examples regarding American policy in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

Identifies the best solution for the core problem. Provides supporting rationale. Identifies the best solution for the secondary problem. Provides supporting rationale.

TWO-DECADES OF LEADERSHIP: JACK WELCH – Implementation of Best Solution

Thoroughly: -Identifies the best solution for the core problem. Provides supporting rationale. – Identifies the best solution for the secondary problem. Provides supporting rationale.

Identify the fictional company and product you’ll write your class assignments for this term, identify a real-world competitor to your company and its product, and introduce yourself to us all personally.

Technical Writing

Discussion 1 asks us to do four things at once: It asks us to do some research about technical writing in the school library, identify the fictional company and product you’ll write your class assignments for this term, identify a real-world competitor to your company and its product, and introduce yourself to us all personally.

Follow these FOUR steps, then, as you complete Discussion 1:

Step 1:

Find an article in the APUS Trefry Library that pertains to the role of technical writing in companies; read it and make note of its author, title, and publication information so you can use it in your initial forum post. Report out to the group what you’ve learned about technical writing from this article.

Tech Writing Treasure Hunt Note: There is no textbook for this class! Class readings come from the library, instead. You’ll be responsible for researching articles relevant to the week’s writing objectives and reporting on them to your peers in class discussion forums. Doing this will give you some good practice using the AMU / APUS Trefry Library and will familiarize you with academic technical writing journals. The class will basically conduct a technical writing treasure hunt each week, then, instead of looking at a traditional textbook.

Step 2:

Choose the fictional company name, company details, and a web hosting service for the class company you’ll be developing this term. Tell us the name of your company, the name of your product, and the URL of the website (this website can be hosted via a free service like Wix or WordPress and so on) you’ll be building for the company.

Step 3:

Find the website and / or app of a real-world competitor for your class product and critique it. This will be the 3rd paragraph of your post. Answer some of these questions in your critique (you do not need to answer them all):

Describe the interaction between the company and its customers. How active is each social media page? Does the company respond to complaints? What sort of posts are made to their Facebook page, for example? Are the social media pages easy to use, useful, and does the writing style reflect the needs of customers who use these platforms?

If the company has an app, what are its features? Is it easy to use? What information does the app provide for customers? Do they offer coupons? Sales ads? In what ways can the consumer interact with the app features?

Does the company’s site and / or app fit well on a smartphone or tablet screen? Describe the content, presentation and links, color, graphics, and writing style of the website. Is it easy to navigate?

Who is the company’s target audience? How do they appeal to this audience on their sites and app?

Step 4:

Your current understanding of technical writing, as informed by the library article you read.

Your chosen company name, along with any other relevant details you think we should know about it.

Describe the expected normal findings for a child of the same age as the one you performed the screening on. Describe the findings of the screening you performed.

Completing Denver Developmental Screening test on a 4,5, or-6yro child and three page paper.


DDST Form is attached

Complete a Denver Developmental Screening Test on a 4, 5, or-6yro child in the clinical setting. Complete the screening form and include in the uploaded submission. Write a 3-page paper discussing the findings of your screening. Use the rubric to guide the development of the paper. Make sure to compare the DDST to another screening tool used in the clinical setting.

The following course-level learning outcome will be met by completing this assessment

Demonstrate the ability to screen children for developmental delays utilizing appropriate evidence-based tools.


1. DDST form.

Complete the DDST form. Scan and include in the upload to the assignment link.

2. Explanation of Screening

Provide a description of the DDST including how it was developed, why it is used, and normal or expected findings for the age of the child you are screening.

3. DDST Examination

Provide a summary of your findings under each category of the examination. Describe the expected normal findings for a child of the same age as the one you performed the screening on. Describe the findings of the screening you performed.

4. APA

Proper use of current edition APA formatting, spelling, grammar. Paper should include a separate title and reference page. An abstract is not needed. Must include references and in-text citations.

How many of us learned about George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, and his being unable to lie about it?

W1: Myths of American History

Frankly, many popular stories and grade-school lessons about U.S. History are myths that Americans have perpetuated throughout the centuries. In some cases, they may be half-truths, while in others, they just never happened. How many of us learned about George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, and his being unable to lie about it? It is possible that some of these stories have remained fixed in our culture because they produce good citizens, while in others, we relieve our guilt for real or perceived past transgressions. Whatever the case, these myths exist in great measure.

For this discussion, you will need to Google “U.S. history myths” and choose a particular myth. Try to mix it up a little bit — if your peers have examined George Washington’s teeth a number of times, choose something different. Introduce your myth and the reality, then explain why you think this it has been immortalized in the American consciousness. For this last part, there is no wrong or right answer. More than anything, I am looking for your opinion.

Please, no myths past the timeframe of HIST 101 (i.e. past the year 1877). Also, try to avoid conspiracy theories, such as those involving the Freemasons, the Illuminati, or “Jewish space lasers.” History relies on facts.

You are allowed to use any of the citation formats in this course (APA, MLA, Chicago), but for those of you new to the Chicago Style citation format, I wanted to share a couple of references where you can learn more about when and how to cite, using the Chicago Style format. It is different from MLA and APA, so please take the time to review the rules and requirements. The biggest structure is that you use inline numerical citations where you need to give credit to a reference, and then include a corresponding footnote on the same page as the citation.

This first site gives a total breakdown of when and how to use Chicago Style cites:

This second site provides a quick, easy to review chart of the Chicago Style format:

And also:

Explain how the legal definition of rape has evolved in the past century. Why will the prosecutor have issues proving that a sexual offense has transpired? How can the prosecutor prevail in proving that a sexual offense has transpired?

 Sex Offenses

This assessment will require you to research sex offenses. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with at least three (3) credible resources, which may include the class textbook as well as journal articles or periodicals from the Internet or from the KU Library.

Comprise a minimum 2-page essay, and please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA 7 format. For this assessment, the content should address the following questions presented:

Explain how the legal definition of rape has evolved in the past century.

Additionally, please address one (1) of the following hypothetical scenarios:

A male or female is accused of sexually assaulting his/her spouse.

A male or female customer is accused of sexually assaulting a male or female prostitute.

In the scenario, which you chose:

Why will the prosecutor have issues proving that a sexual offense has transpired?

How can the prosecutor prevail in proving that a sexual offense has transpired?

Upload your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Describe at least 3-5 unique stressors that police officers deal with on a regular basis in relation to their job duties. Explain at least 2-3 officer wellness programs that are common in some police departments.

Managing Officer Stress

This assignment will require you to conduct research. You can use the following resources: textbook, Internet, local police department or KU library database. Conduct research on police officer stress and how police departments help to manage their officer’s stress.

Write an APA, full two-page paper, that addresses the following topics:

Describe at least 3-5 unique stressors that police officers deal with on a regular basis in relation to their job duties.

Explain at least 2-3 officer wellness programs that are common in some police departments.

Evaluate the effectiveness of officer wellness programs.

Create at least three recommendations on how police leaders can improve their officer wellness programs, so they are more effective, productive and efficient.

Upload your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document, two-page minimum, APA format.

Describe the dangers and hazards that arise as police officers perform their duties. Explain the meaning of officer wellness, and the steps for developing an agency wellness campaign.

Officer Wellness

Unit 6 DQ: Officer Wellness (Graded)

Describe the dangers and hazards that arise as police officers perform their duties. Then, Explain the meaning of officer wellness, and the steps for developing an agency wellness campaign. Next, explain how police agency culture must often be changed to accommodate a wellness program.

Lastly, create 3 suggestions on how police leaders can improve the health and wellness of their officers.

What were the corporation’s net sales, cost of goods sold, and gross profit? What was the corporate tax rate? What is the account and the amount of the bottom line item on the Statement of Comprehensive Income?


What were the corporation’s net sales, cost of goods sold, and gross profit?
What was the corporate tax rate? This should be an item in the notes to the financial statement. Required disclosure usually explains the federal statutory rate and a reconciliation to the actual tax rate of the company each year.
Read the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Notice the first line is the net income from the Income Statement. Accumulated other comprehensive net income (or net loss) is an item in the Statement of Owners’ Equity section and in the Balance Sheet. Post the value from the Balance Sheet and comment on whether this item is increasing or decreasing (take care with the concept of change and net income or net loss).
What items appear under Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)?
What is the account and the amount of the bottom line item on the Statement (or Consolidated Statement) of Comprehensive Income?

Use this only reference no other references
Its is for Apple, Inc

Explain in your own words what is simple justice and whether the effort to transform public discourse regarding separate but equal amounted to simple justice or evolved complex sense of right and wrong.

Simple Justice

Based on the movie “Simple Justice”, or the book by Richard Kluger “Simple Justice”

Evaluate Richard Kluger thesis that the notion that “Separate but Equal” can never be equal is a matter of simple justice. Whether you agree or disagree with his thesis, trace the efforts (court cases and activism) of the NAACP as well as the legal campaign between 1930-1954 and beyond in trying to convince the country that segregation can never be equal regardless of the efforts by the state governments to provide equal but separate facilities to African Americans.

In the Thesis: You need to explain in your own words what is simple justice and whether the effort to transform public discourse (attitude) regarding separate but equal amounted to simple justice or evolved complex sense of right and wrong.

In the body paragraph, you tell the story of the NAACP civil rights agenda and changes in attitudes of the Supreme Court and other state courts, Black and white public opinion. In other words you tell the story.

Conclusion: Was it simple or evolved. As always, there is no right answer. It’s a persuasive essay.