
What’s the “rule of law” vis “rule by law”? What legal changes have taken place in post-Mao China? To what extent such changes have affected the nature of the legal system? Has post-Mao China established “rule of law”? Why?

Chinese History

1. Discuss how these factors, such as Confucian culture, a century of foreign invasions and historical trauma, influence of the Russian communist revolution, Marxist-Leninist ideological totalism, and the May 4th Movement, contribute to the rise of communism in modern China?

2. Chinese political development has demonstrated a pattern dominated by power, ideology, and organization. What are the nature and characteristics of power, ideology, and organization in traditional China (under imperial rule) and contemporary China (under the CCP rule)? In this essay, you are asked to compare and contrast similarities and differences in power, ideology, and organization between traditional China and contemporary China, i.e., imperial power vs. totalitarian power, Confucianism vs. Communism, bureaucratic state vs. Leninist party state.

3. Since the late 1970s, some considerable changes have taken place in post-Mao China. Has the post-Mao regime moved away from communist state or continued to retain the hard core of ideas and institutions of communist state. In other words, is it change of regime or change within the regime? Your work must first briefly define the Leninist party-state, and change of regime vs. change within the regime, which is used as the basic criteria for evaluation, and show careful development of your logical arguments, using clearly defined theoretical criteria of communist party state as the reference points for the evaluation and drawing upon empirical evidence from the textbook chapters to support your arguments. Your analysis must be conducted along two major empirical dimensions of China’s political development: ideological and political (do not talk about economy, society, culture, etc. but only on the ideology and political institutions)

4. What’s the “rule of law” vis “rule by law”? What legal changes have taken place in post-Mao China? To what extent such changes have affected the nature of the legal system? Has post-Mao China established “rule of law”? Why?

Please answer each of the sub-questions

Please only use the source provided

Define power and influence in the negotiation process. Describe at least 2 sources of power and influence in negotiations. Discuss options and alternatives to agreements. Discuss 2–3 tough or hardball negotiation tactics.

Cost Analysis and Ethical Considerations Research

Write a discussion of 800–1,200 words about the following topics:

Sources of power (400 words) (What leverage or power can people apply to achieve their goals?)

Power and influence

Define power and influence in the negotiation process.

Describe at least 2 sources of power and influence in negotiations.

Walk-away alternative (400 words)

Best alternative to negotiated agreement (BATNA)

Discuss options and alternatives to agreements.

Discuss 2–3 tough or hardball negotiation tactics.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

With respect to your wider reading in Dracula – Bram Stoker and Frankenstein Mary Shelley, Compare how the writers reveal the theme of Monstrosity

English A Level Edexcel

Title : With respect to your wider reading in Dracula – Bram Stoker and Frankenstein Mary Shelley, Compare how the writers reveal the theme of Monstrosity


Who is the man? Who is the monster?

Mention Quote, Critiques and monstrosity as a theme and how they compare , the main argument is that shelley and

( Please use as a guide already written essays of Frankenstein and dracula with regards to monstrosity)

Main body

P.E.A.L paragraphs X5


Evidence – Texts from the book

Analysis – contextual evidence and multiple interpretation also add literary critiques

Explain and link to the text

Each PEAL paragraph needs context to the period so “Victorian era had such and such there for explaining so and so”

Focus on strength of the PEAL

Analysis needs close language analysis what effect is the writer trying to give to the reader

Somehow tie that to the critic


Final opinion talk abt critique and give final answer to the arguement


Identify the top threats to a school’s systems and network. Analyze port and vulnerability scan data to understand the security risks and threats to an organization, and explain them to management.

Threat and Vulnerability Analysis, and Incident Response

Part of being a security official is analyzing the current situation and preparing an action plan for risk assessment, prevention, and post incident response. The purpose of this project is to step into the role of a security analyst and give a recommendation to the situation provided.
Required Source Information and Tools
The following tools and resources will be needed to complete this project:
Course textbook
Access to the Internet
Scan Output: Zenmap Intense Scan Results
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
You will be able to:
Identify the top threats to a school’s systems and network.
Analyze port and vulnerability scan data to understand the security risks and threats to an organization, and explain them to management.
Use incident response data to explain the attacks and the methods of an exploit.
Given all of the above, prepare an incident response plan to address keeping the company functional should there be a problem.
Overall Project Scenario
Aim Higher College is a fictitious institution located in the United States. The college offers undergraduate and graduate courses in domains, such as business management, information security, and nursing. Imagine that you have a new job at Aim Higher College as an information security analyst. Throughout this course, you will analyze the threats and vulnerabilities of Aim Higher College and recommend controls to secure the college’s information systems.
This project is divided into two parts, as follows:
Project Part 1: Current Security Threats
Project Part 2: Identify Vulnerabilities in IT Security
Submission Requirements
Format: Microsoft Word
Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-space
Citation Style: APA 6th edition

Why do you want to study Medicine? What have you done to learn about it? Why are you a great fit for Medicine? Why you want to be a Doctor

Personal statement to apply for medicine

— Why do you want to study Medicine?

— What have you done to learn about it?

— Why are you a great fit for Medicine?

Why you want to be a Doctor (motivation)

Work experience – and what you learnt from it (exploration)

Volunteering (exploration)

Wider Reading and study (exploration)

Extracurricular (suitability)


What tye of prompt is this? What is your purpose? What are your parameters? What is the “Big Picture?

AP US History

Step #1 Read the question or prompt carefully: Read the question three times and be able to paraphrase the question and know the essential task demanded by it. Answering the question will be the central focus of your essay, and you want to be sure to ATFP!p What tye of prompt is this? What is your purpose? What are your parameters? Notice this prompt includes the phrase “the extent to which.” This means that your thesis must directly state the extent each impacted the relationship.

Step #2 Brainstorm on paper everything that comes to mind regarding the topic at hand. Aim for at least 6 specific things. What do you know about the topic? Put this down on paper to get your brain in gear for writing the essay. Once you have ample information, categorize it by theme. (ABC)

Step #3 Clarify your thesis/view and identify an opposing view. Make sure your thesis ATFP! Don’t restate the prompt!

Step #4 Write your introductory paragraph. USE THE FORMULA! Explain and Elaborate! ATFP!

The formula is in the attachment below. Follow it. Use it.

Plan your conclusion by completing the Broad and Other Contextualization for this prompt. Focus in on one theme and/or event that relates to your thesis/argument. Write in complete sentences!

a. Broad Context Why, How – What is the “Big Picture?” What is the theme?

b. Comparative/Other Context – Similar in Kind From a Different Time… compare the broad context to another event/era and explain how or why they are alike or different.

c. Using this analysis and your formula, write your conclusion!

Prompt: Analyze the extent to which politics, competition over resources, and colonial identity impacted the relationship between Great Britain and the 13 colonies from 1700-1775.

How will you build ethos, pathos and logos?

English Rhetorical

The excerpt below is from William Hazlitt’s “On the Pleasure of Hating” (1826). Read the excerpt carefully. Then write an essay that argues your position on the value—if any—of hatred.

[W]ithout something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. Life would turn to a stagnant pool, were it not ruffled by the jarring interests, the unruly passions of men. . . . Pure good soon grows insipid, wants variety and spirit. Pain is a bittersweet, which never surfeits. Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust: hatred alone is immortal.

In your one page response you should do the following:

Respond to the prompt with a thesis that you will expand upon and defend through the essay

Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation.

Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.

Step one before you write:

How will you build ethos, pathos and logos?

Explain in simple terms how cigarette smoking causes coronary artery disease. Explain in simple terms how second-hand smoke can cause an increase in ear infections in an infant.

Discussion 8.1: Minimizing Barriers for Low-Literacy Patients

Review the three patient scenarios on health promotion

Pick one of the following questions to answer using specific evidence-based strategies to promote health literacy.

*Explain in simple terms the effect of obesity on causing diabetes.

*Explain in simple terms how cigarette smoking causes coronary artery disease.

*Explain in simple terms how second-hand smoke can cause an increase in ear infections in an infant.

Use APA (7th edition) format for in-text citations and at least two scholarly references, preferably from provider-based or NP-based journals.

Did the effect stem directly from the event? Or was it simply a coincidence in time and place? Was the effect short term or long term? Which cause was most significant?

The War for Independence – AP US History

Historians often debate the causes and effects of events, because history is complex and filled with multiple variables. Some facts are facts: black and white. But most of history is gray: up for interpretation. When analyzing causation, we must remember that we are making a judgement and defending our viewpoint. And remember every viewpoint has opposing or differing viewpoint. Analyzing the effects of historical events requires similar skill. It is not only listing ways the event impacted the nation, for example, it is analyzing historical significance of those effects. Did the effect stem directly from the event? Or was it simply a coincidence in time and place? Was the effect short term or long term? Which cause was most significant? Which effect was most significant? Etc.

Was the economic and political vision behind the reform initiative known as the New International and Economic Order compatible with the prevailing Bretton Woods order?

New International and Economic Order and The Bretton Woods Order

Was the economic and political vision behind the reform initiative known as the New International and Economic Order compatible with the prevailing Bretton Woods order? Yes, or No? State why you agree or disagree.