
Why do you think a (choose 1 case) case indicates bias – or – why one doesn’t indicate bias? Discuss anything associated with implicit bias and “guerrilla bias”. Connect one of the case studies provides to your explanation.


Write two separate paragraphs for each part.
Part 1:
Use the case study and answer the question as follow:
Why do you think a (choose 1 case) case indicates bias – or – why one doesn’t indicate bias?
Part 2
Explain the following:
discuss anything associated with implicit bias and “guerrilla bias”. Connect one of the case studies provides to your explanation.

Identify and explain at least three research questions relating to the specific services offered to your agency’s client population, identify the changing needs of this client population

For students who are placed at an agency on-site or completing work remotely:

Begin research on this agency. Present a detailed outline (not an essay) in PowerPoint of the major topics you will address in your in final project. Identify and explain at least three research questions relating to the specific services offered to your agency’s client population, identify the changing needs of this client population; explore ethical issues and dilemmas your agency and its workers may face, identify other agencies that offer similar services, identify ineffective policies of your agency, and explore recommendations.

Agency name is GoodWill Industries in New york/New Jersey

What moral guidelines should we use when it comes to recently introduced healthcare technologies of any kind and social technologies of any kind?

Caring about feminism

Initial Post Instructions
In week three, we were looking at rights ethics with regards to Locke. As a reminder, Locke said we have inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. It is immoral to violate them. Many think we have more rights than those listed by Locke. Some even think we have a right to health care. That means it is the duty of the state to provide each citizen with their medical needs.

Rights theory says to respect the entitlements we have. If a right is inalienable, it cannot truly be violated ethically even with our consent. We have basic needs. Rights are something beyond needs. They are what we should be authorized to have. We are due what we have a right to. That is not always the case with need. For example, we need food, but people often go hungry. A need refers to something we need physically to exist. A right is a moral entitlement to something. Asking if we have a right to food is a moral question. Needs are determined by the requirements of the body and of material existence. Rights are determined by moral reflection, inquiry, an argument We have a right to own property. We do not need it to live. We could imaginably be allowed to use another’s. We have a right to own a home. We can rent.

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: Assess the moral solutions arrived at through “care” (care-based ethics) and “rights” ethics to social issues of ethical import such as poverty, drug use, and/or lack of health care,

That is, note any ethical problems that arise related to those particular issues. Then, say how both care-based and rights theory of ethics would solve those problems.

Are those solutions correct? Why or why not?

What is your own approach there?

Option 2: What moral guidelines should we use when it comes to recently introduced healthcare technologies of any kind (you will note and engage with your own examples) and social technologies of any kind (you will note and engage with your own examples)?

What are some of the benefits and drawbacks for not only the client, but also the community when using this type of treatment method?


In thinking about these medications methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, and suboxone,  summarize how aid the treatment of addiction in terms of mind, body, and spirit? What are some of the benefits and drawbacks for not only the client, but also the community when using this type of treatment method?

Write a one page paper summarizing the article and identify key features of the decision you find in your search.

The Baypoint Group (TBG),

You are employed by The Baypoint Group (TBG), a company of 50 consultants that assists organizations and businesses with issues involving network planning, design, implementation,and problem solving. You have recently been hired by TBG to work with one of their new clients, Vincent Medical Center (VMC), a large health care facility, concerning their wireless needs.

Each day, VMC doctors and nurses throughout the facility attend to thousands of patients, update medical records, issue prescriptions, and order medical exams. VMC deployed a sophisticated suite of medical software that stores all patient records, exam results, and diagnoses. The system is also fully integrated with VMC’s pharmacy and can process purchase orders,payments,and receipts as well as inventory and shipments. However,all data entry and processing currently requires that a staff member be at a nursing station or office to access the application and central VMC database.

1. VMC is interested in learning about the possibilities of upgrading all of its infrastructure and deploying a wireless network to allow doctors, nurses, and all staff to access information from anywhere within the entire medical facility (two buildings). VMC does not want to spend money installing additional network cabling connections to every patient room. VMC has asked you to make a presentation to its administrator regarding the use of a WLAN.

Create a presentation to deliver to the staff about WLANs. Be sure to cover the following points:
* Greater mobility for doctors and nurses
* Ease and cost of installation
* Easier network modifications
* Increased network reliability
* Radio signal interference
* Security

Part 2. (1-page/3 Sources)

Search the Internet for articles on computer crime prosecution. Write a one page paper summarizing the article and identify key features of the decision you find in your search.

As a result, more and more individuals are becoming addicted to prescription medications. What are your thoughts on psychopharmacology for addictions in American society?

DB 5

Thinking about American society, why do you think that using medication is the “answer” to addiction? What do you think that this says about American society? As a result, more and more individuals are becoming addicted to prescription medications. What are your thoughts on psychopharmacology for addictions in American society? To use or not to use is the question!

What was it like for you to complete this worksheet? Was there anything particularly difficult? Was there anything that was easy? How do you think a client would benefit from completing this worksheet?

Psychology of intervention

Read pages 151- 160 in the DBT Skills Training Manual and then complete the Mindfulness Worksheet 2 (it is on page 20 of the Worksheet PDF- you will need to look at the top of the PDF to find the page numbers). After completing the worksheet, answer the following questions:

1) What was it like for you to complete this worksheet? Was there anything particularly difficult? Was there anything that was easy?

2) How do you think a client would benefit from completing this worksheet?

How effective would risk management be if you simply identify the risk and then walked away from them?

Responding to risk wk6dy3

How effective would risk management be if you simply identify the risk and then walked away from them?

1,000-word reflection on your practice, you are asked to discuss your own development of culturally competent practice.

Social work degree- reflection on my Practice

1,000-word reflection on your practice, where you are asked to discuss your own development of culturally competent practice.

Ensure this is done to a very high standards. Ensure all the text is cited with a reference like this (Green, 2015).

You must critical analyse and not just describe everything. It must be arguments for and against ,, comparing and contrasting

Use a reflection model .

Ensure all learning outcomes are met

No bullet points or short paragraphs!


Identify a company that lost and then regained its social license to operate. Explain why a company of your choice lost its social license to operate and how it regained it.

Ethics & Sustainability Initiatives

Assess how different ethical philosophies might influence how managers make decisions when it comes to sustainability initiatives. Please identify, examine and contrast the motives behind sustainability initiatives at two different companies of your choice.

Identify a company that lost and then regained its social license to operate. Explain why a company of your choice lost its social license to operate and how it regained it.