
What do you think is important in using these types of medication successfully in the treatment of alcoholism?

DB 1

The medications used to treat alcoholism, what are some obstacles that an alcoholic might encounter in regard to the use, etc. of this medication? What do you think is important in using these types of medication successfully in the treatment of alcoholism?

Describe your experience with a situation that had an unfavorable outcome. How did you react, and how might you have responded differently? What did you learn about yourself?

Prompt q


  1. Lifelong learning is an essential process for continued professional development in physicians that includes reflection and being open and responsive to constructive feedback. Tell us about an area of intellectual exploration you are passionate about and have sustained over time. What means have you used to explore this area?


  1. During your career as a physician, you will potentially encounter many obstacles and be required to overcome many challenges. Resilience is a prerequisite for success in medical school and beyond. Describe your experience with a situation that had an unfavorable outcome. How did you react, and how might you have responded differently? What did you learn about yourself?

Compare and contrast these experiences. How do they each inform my pursuit of the other? Do these two represent two sides of my personality? What lessons do I take about life from these different forms of expression?

Two parts of my personality that manifest in my curricular and extracurricular interests

Playing in jazz band, refereeing soccer, both dynamic fast paced environments that allow me to be creative within approximate structures based on sport rules or music theory. Explain how the freedom makes me feel. Similarly golf, math, programming are similar in their solitary, meticulous and designed around the pursuit of perfection. Compare and contrast these experiences. How do they each inform my pursuit of the other? Do these two represent two sides of my personality? What lessons do I take about life from these different forms of expression?

Write a short essay (250 words or more) describing the key challenges and pitfall to virtual team performance.

virtual team performance.

FOR THIS WEEK’S INSTRUCTIONSWeek 1 assignment will be based on content taken from the course materials. These may be questions or a topic taken from this weeks reading.   All arguments must be supported by course materials, research or experience based examples.


– Write a short essay (250 words or more) describing the key challenges and pitfall to virtual team performance.
Submission Instructions:
Your completed essay must be submitted as an MS word attachment to this assignment no later than Sunday 11:00 PM EST.

Identify at least two policy recommendations that follow logically from your chosen theoretical perspective. Evaluate the pros and cons of the theory you have chosen.

Policy Brief

In this assignment, you are being asked to prepare a 5-page, double-spaced paper that critically engages with course materials by applying international relations theory to a contemporary policy scenario. The objective is to “bridge the gap” between the academic theories we are studying and the policy questions that they can help inform.

For the purposes of this assignment, students should feel free to write in a format that best suits them—whether that means writing this assignment as a traditional academic essay or as an actual hypothetical policy brief for government officials. But regardless of the format you choose, please keep the following in mind: you want to

(i) Provide a concise summary of your chosen theory;

(ii) Help your reader understand the implications of emerging multipolarity from the perspective of that theory;

(iii) Identify at least two policy recommendations that follow logically from your chosen theoretical perspective;

(iv) Evaluate the pros and cons of the theory you have chosen. Keep an eye on the relative weighting of the different components of the assignment; that should guide how much space you devote to each.

Write a paper (3-5 pages) on how Human Resource plays a strategic role in an organization.

Human Resource Management

Write a paper (3-5 pages) on how HR plays a strategic role in an organization. Charter Oak requires all papers be written in APA format (Title Page, Body of Paper, References Page)

In the context of an organisation of your choice, discuss the contribution of the performance management process and the role of line managers in succeeding the performance management process for the organisation.

Evaluate and improve own performance in a business environment

Assignment Brief

  • In the context of an organisation of your choice, discuss the contribution of the performance management process and the role of line managers in succeeding the performance management process for the organisation. (1000 words)


  • Bring out the complexity of high-performance working (HPW) and its contribution to sustainable organisational performance. (1500 words)

Explain how this experience with teacher made me interact differently with human/social topics or technical topics and how that enriched my life.

Curiosity and Skepticism

I like to learn about all sorts of things and chase down more knowledge with questions. I had an experience with a teacher that made me think about the topics/people I regarded with skepticism and those that I don’t. I am skeptical about human/social things like politics, but trusting of topics and people related to technical topics like math or programming. Explain how this experience with teacher made me interact differently with human/social topics or technical topics and how that enriched my life. Than not everything can be perfectly logical.

. How did the artist or designer use these elements of forms and/or content to convey spiritual meaning? Use at least two examples of specific, contextual evidence to explain why light was used to convey spiritual meaning.

Chartres Cathedral of Notre-Dame

In Chartres Cathedral of Notre-Dame (Figs. 17-4 through 17-11), light is used to convey spiritual meaning. In a 1-2 page essay, describe at least two elements of form and/or content (materials, iconography, composition) that use light to convey spiritual meaning. How did the artist or designer use these elements of forms and/or content to convey spiritual meaning? Then, use at least two examples of specific, contextual evidence (site, intended audience, historical and cultural environment) to explain why light was used to convey spiritual meaning.

Discuss the benefits of VDC Virtual design and construction in the construction.

Discuss the benefits of VDC in construction

Please write a 2-paragraph (minimum) original post (cite sources) responding to the following topic.

Discuss the benefits of VDC Virtual design and construction in the construction.

End your post with a question or statement that would assist your colleagues with providing a response post to your original post.

* Provide support/justification for any opinions made and argue your position

note, there is a difference between VDC and BIM “Building information modeling “