
What are developmental “ages and stages”? What is meant by the phrase “whole child”? How do these inform your practices when working with young children?

Journal: Developmental “Ages and Stages


The purpose of the reflective journal is for you to reflect on your values, perceptions, and beliefs about caring for young children.


These journal entries should be at least 1 paragraph in length. You will be graded on the depth of your responses to each question. There is no right or wrong answer. Just your thoughts. I will provide feedback in the form of questions that may ask you to dig deeper. These assignments are eligible for resubmission and should be a minimum of 500 words.

Reflective Prompt

Based on the readings and classroom discussions, please complete Portfolio Worksheet 5 questions.

What are developmental “ages and stages”?
What is meant by the phrase “whole child”?
How do these inform your practices when working with young children?
What resource(s) would you recommend? (books, websites, articles,…)

Choose any disorder pertaining to a specific infancy/childhood/ adolescent psychological disorder included in the DSM and provide a full description that includes a discussion on how it presents itself in the individual, all possible symptoms associated with this disorder and an open ended discussion on the disorder.

Communication Disorders- Stuttering

The written assignment is worth 20% of course grade. It is to be 3 to 5 pages, double-spaced typed. You must use 12 font size only. Students are to choose any disorder pertaining to a specific infancy/childhood/ adolescent psychological disorder included in the DSM and provide a full description that includes a discussion on how it presents itself in the individual, all possible symptoms associated with this disorder and an open ended discussion on the disorder. Your open ended discussion can be either a discussion of treatments, or it can be a discussion on a case study (no one personal in your life- it has to come from a clinical manual if you do a case study) or it can be a discussion of your own opinion and thoughts on the disorder. You can get information from your textbook, from the DSM V manual, from APA.ORG or from the college library website page. Search through psychological journals and get your information that way. There will be a library lesson scheduled to assist students in this process.

If your assignments are handed in late, they will be penalized one third of a letter grade for each day they are late. That means if you earned an A, but the assignment was 1 day late, you get an A-. If it’s 2 days late, it’s a B+, etc. Assignments handed in after 7 days will not be accepted. No student shall be permitted to email his/her paper to me on or after the due date in lieu of handing it in during the class meeting it is due. This means that if I don’t receive your assignment in hard copy form during the class meeting the date it is due, it will be considered a late submission.

Write a letter to an ally promoting the regional and global goals of an empire.

Write a letter to an ally promoting the regional and global goals of an empire

For this unit project, you will be stepping back in time and taking on the role of a representative of one of the following empires; the Persian Empire, the Roman Empire, or the Assyrian Empire. In this role, you will write a letter to an ally promoting the regional and global goals of your empire. You should use this assignment to think from the perspective of a historical empire and to discuss the situation of your empire at that moment in time. This should be at least 400 words in length and include historical details that demonstrate your understanding of that empire and its relationships with the outside world.

Your letter should do the following:

  • Be addressed to a legitimate historical empire that your empire would have interacted with
  • Discuss the strengths of your empire and provide general information about it
  • Discuss which empires you trade with or interact with regularly
  • Explain which empires you see as rivals and why
  • Explain the current challenges that your empire faces (invasion, famine, plague etc.)
  • Make plans for the continued success of your empire
  • Be signed with the name of the historical empire you are representing

In what ways did Japanese internment during World War II encourage a continued policy of formal and informal racialization that may resonate in our Post- 9/11 America still today with other people groups and immigrants more generally.

Asian Americans Discussion

In what ways did Japanese internment during World War II encourage a continued policy of formal and informal racialization that may resonate in our Post- 9/11 America still today with other people groups and immigrants more generally.

Your initial post needs to include references to course material and/or outside research as well as citations.

Why Ryan’s brain was disorganized and non-functional? What situations he experienced during infancy and childhood years? What is “gene expression”? Discuss the role of the so called “gene expression”in childhood development.

Homework 6

Read this book: “Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential– and Endangered” by Bruce D. Perry

Read Chapter 6 ” No Mecy” and answer the following:

1.Why Ryan’s brain was disorganized and non-functional? What situations he experienced during infancy and childhood years?

2. What is “gene expression”? Discuss the role of the so called “gene expression”in childhood development.

3. Why neglected children who suffer from attachment disruption are harder to soothe and to teach?

4. Describe how the chapter explain the difference of a child fostered by high-licking mother from low-licking mother.

5. Why the rule breaking behavior of an individual, just like the case of Ryan, are ignored and tolerated by the school and the community?

Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into—and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last?

MGT301-Organizational Behavior

Case Study: –


Read the case “DELTA” from Chapter 6 “Motivation Page: – 186 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed).  by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

  1. Which motivational theories does Delta appear to be leveraging in its approach to motivation? (03 Marks) (Min words 150-200)
  2. Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into—and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last? (03 Marks) (Min words 200-300)
  3. Which do you think is most motivational for Delta’s employees? Their high base pay, their generous profit sharing, or a CEO who is so accessible and communicative? (03 Marks) (Min words 200)


Discussion questions: Please read Chapter 4 & 5 Job Satisfaction & Stress carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

  1. Consider the five core job characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback). Do you think that any one of those characteristics is more important than the other four? Is it possible to have too much of some job characteristics? (03 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)
  2. If you managed people in an organization in which there were lots of hindrance stressors, what actions would you take to help ensure that your employees coped with the stressors using a problem-focused (as opposed to emotion-focused) strategy? (03 Marks ) (Min words 200-300)

Write an APA paper on it in 6-8 pages (4 -6 content, 1 cover page, 1 reference page) on the topic of serial killers. Use Journal articles through the library 4-6 references is good (Journal Articles).

 Serial killers

Write an APA paper on it in 6-8 pages (4 -6 content, 1 cover page, 1 reference page) on the topic of serial killers. Use Journal articles through the library 4-6 references is good (Journal Articles). No Abstract needed. No running head needed.

In other words, what are the qualities of these two competencies that present themselves as more prominent than the others and why? In addition, identify and discuss the one competency listed in the textbook that would be more challenging for you to develop.

Psychology question

There were several multicultural competencies discussed in the textbook (see the Appendix in your textbook titled “Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies”), and each of the competencies are important for counselor multicultural development. Of the competencies listed, elaborate as to which two stand out as the most significant or most important to you. In other words, what are the qualities of these two competencies that present themselves as more prominent than the others and why? In addition, identify and discuss the one competency listed in the textbook that would be more challenging for you to develop. Share your thoughts as to why this one would be more challenging. As part of your material review for the week, you heard Dr. Moitinho elaborate on some characteristics of culturally competent counselors from a Christian perspective. What additional Christian principle would you add to his presentation? Share your rationale for this additional principle.

Write a 5-10 minute persuasive presentation on how the Civil Rights movement affected literature.


Write a 5-10 minute persuasive presentation on how the Civil Rights movement affected literature.

Provide an overview of your chosen company and what issues they faced in the organizational development (OD) process. Discuss the data collection methods used and why these methods were chosen over other data collection methods.


Marriot, Tata Motors, and Sony are three major companies that have gone through a complete restructuring in some area of their organization. For this PowerPoint presentation, you will choose one of these companies to research.

The company is SONY.

For your research, you will discover what data collection methods were used in order to have the necessary data for the restructuring process. In addition, you will research what types of data were collected. Finally, you will research how the data was used in the restructuring process. Specifically, your submission should include the elements listed below:
1. Provide an overview of your chosen company and what issues they faced in the organizational development (OD) process.
2. Discuss the data collection methods used and why these methods were chosen over other data collection methods.
3. Discuss the data that was collected and how this data was used in the OD process.
4. Include a summary of how the restructuring process has impacted the organization, and provide recommendations for what you would have done differently in the data collection process.

Your presentation submission should be a minimum of 10 content slides and include at least two scholarly sources. Your
presentation should also include speaker notes for each slide. APA Style should be used throughout the presentation.

Textbook Link:

Assessment and Diagnosis for Organization Development:[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3DA001cover]!/4[cover.xhtml]/2/2%4052:39