
Describe the purpose of a Behavior Matrix and when you would utilize one in your classroom. Also discuss the importance of collaboration of key stakeholders regarding the Behavior Matrix.

Developing a Behavioral Matrix

Implementation of the Behavioral Matrix is important to support students with behavioral issues. In the Module 3 Application, you will design a behavior matrix for your school or for a future school.
At the graduate level, it is appropriate to include a brief introduction to set the stage for what follows in the body of the document.
Step 1: Describe the purpose of a Behavior Matrix and when you would utilize one in your classroom. Also discuss the importance of collaboration of key stakeholders regarding the Behavior Matrix.
Step 2: Design a Behavior Matrix. For examples see Module 3 Learning Objects.
Step 3: Discuss the benefits and challenges of implementing a Behavior Matrix in your classroom.
As expected of all graduate-level APA documents, it is appropriate to address conclusions drawn from the experience of considering these topics.
At the graduate level, all documents should include appropriate in-text citations and references to support the relationship between research and application. These reference entries belong at the end of the document in appropriate APA format.

What did you learn from the film? What did you already know? What new aspect of government did you observe? Did this change any of your perspectives?

Movie review

Select one of the following movies to review and write a review on. These are graded extremely intensely, as I am aware that you can google the details. I actually want you to watch these political films. Each of these will provide insight into different areas of government and politics that we may not have time to fully cover within this course. Consider a couple of things in your writing. What did you learn from the film? What did you already know? What new aspect of government did you observe? Did this change any of your perspectives? Give a few unique and detailed examples of information you felt was useful once you viewed the film. Give your assessment. Do consider that many of these films are PG13/R rated films.

You may complete this assignment once for every due date, watching different films, and submitting under each due date (once per due date). You cannot repeat films from 2305 OR from previous submissions. Here is the list of currently approved films:

The American President
Iron Jawed Angels
Lions for Lambs
The Post
Thank you for Smoking
Thirteen Days

How did Frederick Douglass use emotional appeal to persuade his audience of his point of view?

The Narrative of Frederick Douglass by W.W.Norton 2nd Edition

This is an analytic essay assignment. It is based off of the book “The Narrative of Frederick Douglass by W.W.Norton 2nd Edition <-

The essay is based around the question “How did Frederick Douglass use emotional appeal to persuade his audience of his point of view?”. Can only use direct quote or paraphrasing. Must be 6 paragraphs and 1000 words.

Why should the investment decision be separate from the financing decision? What error would businesses make if they did not separate these type of decisions? Why is it sometimes difficult to separate these decision?

Investment decision vs Finacing decision

Why should the investment decision be separate from the financing decision? What error would businesses make if they did not separate these type of decisions? Why is it sometimes difficult to separate these decision?

Who is your target user? How does your application work? What strategies will you use in your advertisement? Do you have an idea of how you could add a little bit of humour to your advertisement?

Advertisement futuristic description of omni touch in French

!If Portfolio item: Brainstorming help you conceive of your advertisement and find some good idea iswer the following questions in French. They will help you ainstorm.

Identify the product or service that you are offering: the name of ft application, its price, and its exact function. Who is your target user? How does your application work? Write three to five instructions k explain how to use your application. What are the advantages and qualities of your application? Why should your target user buy it? What strategies will you use in your advertisement? Do you have an idea of how you could add a little bit of humour to your advertisement?

Write your answers to these questions in a document and save it in kir Portfolio. You will use these ideas and these answers to write th :ript of your advertisement in this lesson’s Assessment of Learning.

What is the state of immigration there? Are there populations seeking asylum inside its borders, or are there people fleeing to other countries? 

PEW Research Mini-Course Debrief

Country of Choice – AFGHANISTAN

Consider the country you have chosen. What is the state of immigration there? Are there populations seeking asylum inside its borders, or are there people fleeing to other countries?

Read about the political, economic, religious, and social aspects of the country that play into the current situation and status of refugees. Include information about potential or actual health and health disparity related issues.

How does apps track and sell users data? How does your cell phones listen to you and then make advertisements specifically for you? Is it an invasion of privacy and does it effects the market

Your data

How apps track and sell users data. How your cell phones listen to you and then make advertisements specifically for you. How it’s an invasion of privacy and how it effects the market.

What issue is this piece discussing? What claim is this piece making? What evidence does the author use to support the claim? Who do you believe is the audience for this piece?

Silicon Valley Sharknado

Assignment Requirements
In this paper, discuss the following:

What issue is this piece discussing?
What claim is this piece making?
What evidence does the author use to support the claim?
Who do you believe is the audience for this piece?
What assumptions does the author make?

Arguing About Literature Chapter 1 defines argument and explains the major elements of argument. For this paper, you will be identifying the above elements of argument and explaining how the chosen piece uses those elements of argument. Note that you are not arguing for or against the claim made in the piece, you are objectively identifying and assessing the elements of argument present.

Make sure to discuss the required topics in detail, using detailed descriptions and examples from the text. Remember to outline your thoughts before writing the first draft and include complete introduction and conclusion paragraphs. The submission for this assignment must be a formal, academic paper written in MLA Style and using all of the requirements of formal, academic writing learned both in ENC1101 and in this course.

Write a critical thinking and research paper on a contemporary issue involving the current Legal and Illegal Drugs and Pharmaceuticals debate.

Legal and Illegal Drugs and Pharmaceuticals

Write a critical thinking and research paper on a contemporary issue involving the current Legal and Illegal Drugs and Pharmaceuticals debate. Use course textbook “1984” and “Thinking for Yourself” as well as at least four outside sources from your own research. Use relevant quotes from course book “1984” looking at the similarities and differences between our culture and society of the novel. Also refer back to Chapters 1-4 in “thinking for Yourself” and discuss how well the sources incorporate observation, word precision, facts, and inferences.

Example topics we can use but are not limited to these topics:
– Legalization of illegal drugs
– Addiction to illegal drugs
– Addiction to legal or prescription drugs
– Illegal drug trafficking
– Crime and drugs (legal and illegal)
– Pharmaceutical company monopolies