
Describe what you see as the most important impediment that must be overcome to take better advantage of technological advances to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system.

CCJ5078 Discussion 4

This week’s readings introduce several issues related to the increased use of information technology in the criminal justice system, and the many challenges that criminal justice agencies face in implementing them and adapting to the rapidly advancing world of information technology. Describe what you see as the most important impediment that must be overcome to take better advantage of technological advances to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Then, describe one strategy we might follow to overcome this challenge. Finally, discuss whether you believe this will be successful. Why or why not?

Identify a social group, organization or industry. Drawing on insights and examples from the readings, describe how its activities may contribute to deviance.

CCJ6920-W6 DB

Will email readings. Use the below text as your reference.

Adler, Patricia A., and Peter. 2016. Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction. 8th edition.Boston, MA: Cengage.ISBN-13: 978-1305093546.

Question: Identify a social group (e.g., hacker subculture), organization (e.g., an association, company, or governmental agency), or industry (e.g., oil, agriculture, manufacturing). Drawing on insights and examples from the readings, describe how its activities may contribute to deviance.

Do nurses who receive burnout management technaique training compared to those who do not receive this training, state they have fewer burnout symptoms via a likert scale after training a 10-week time frame?

C11 Topic 3: Development of EBP Change Proposal I (PICOT QUESTION PAPER)

Please use 7th edition APA format

-No older than 5years for references (only peer-reviewed articles)

*Important word count range must be between 500-750 words from the start of 1st paragraph to the end of last paragraph or deductions will occur*


When caring for Adult patients, do nurses who receive burnout management technaique training
compared to those who do not receive this training, state they have fewer burnout symptoms via a likert scale after training a 10-week time frame?

The population is the group that benefits from the intended outcome

(Key concerns):

1. No communication or support between home health agency or doctors with home health nurses

2. Home health nurse Nurse left to figure things out there own, Ex. wound care

3. Lots of patients to see w/not enough one-on-one time

4. Leads to nurse burnout and nurse shortage

Please follow instructions from

-C11 Topic 3 PICOT Question Paper

-Wk 3- Assignment explanations

You will use the

-Wk 3-PICOT Statement TEMPLATE 9-2017

to write the paper just delete the yellow as you complete each section.


-Week 3 (PICOT information)

contains the research and data for the PICOT assignment

What is the nature of human uniqueness? What makes human similar and/or different from other species, and the role of culture in evolution.

So Human, So Chimp

The goal of this activity is to reflect on human nature, what makes human similar and/or different from other species, and the role of culture in evolution.

Step 1. Watch the video (16 min) “So Human, So Chimp” It is a segment of a three-part PBS series titled “What is the nature of human uniqueness?” In this segment, Alan Alda discusses this question with several scientists. You will also see examples or reenactments of experiments shedding light on this question.

Step 2. In the discussion board share your thoughts on what this kind of evidence suggests regarding human nature, what makes human similar and/or different from other species, and the role of culture in evolution. As much as possible, try also to tie your comments to concepts and material covered in this module.

Your initial post to the discussion question must be a thoughtful response to this prompt provided. A 200-word minimum is required for the initial response. Professional language and writing are required. Connect your response back to the video, citing the evidence to support your position wherever possible.

What are the various cognitive, emotional, and environmental causes of narcissistic personality disorders? Why do the diagnostic features of narcissistic personality disorder fall on a spectrum?

6-1 Discussion: Personality Disorders

In this module, you will explore the concept of personality disorders.

Often, figures in the public eye are deemed by non-experts to be narcissistic. How would you explain to a friend the difference between high self-esteem, narcissism, and narcissistic personality disorder?

For your initial post, review The Three Subtypes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

and The Psychology of Narcissism.

Hooley J. M., Nock M. K., & Butcher J. N. (2019). Abnormal Psychology. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from

Then choose a historical figure or a character from TV or a movie to answer the following questions:

In what way does this person exhibit grandiosity and self-importance?

Based on the article, which of the narcissism types most accurately reflects the character of this person?

What are the various cognitive, emotional, and environmental causes of narcissistic personality disorders?

Why do the diagnostic features of narcissistic personality disorder fall on a spectrum?

How does the concept of personality disorders apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes document.
Social justice
Emotional intelligence
Career connections

How does this issue/event interact with the social sciences lens and impact social issues? • In what ways does the social science lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the social issue(s) that inform your issue/event?

Analyzing an Issue or Event in Diversity Through the Lenses of the Sciences and Social Sciences Previous Next

Analyzing an Issue or Event in Diversity Through the Lenses of the Natural and Applied Sciences and the Social Sciences
Overview: For the first part of your final project, the critical analysis portfolio, you will select an issue or event in diversity and critically analyze it through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences. By viewing the issue or event through these lenses, you will gain insight into how the intersectional nature of diversity affects society as well as both your own individual framework of perception and the choices, attitudes, and behaviors of others in the world around you.
For this fourth milestone, due in Module Six, you will analyze your issue/event in diversity through the lenses of the natural and applied sciences and the social sciences. Like Milestone Two, this task provides you with an opportunity to dive deeper into your analysis of the issue/event through these two lenses. This will provide you with a chance to practice analyzing your issue/event through these lenses and receive feedback on this practice attempt.
Prompt: First, review your work in Modules Five and Six, as well as the Four Lenses document from Module One.
Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences by exploring the following questions:
• How does this issue/event provide a social commentary through the natural and applied sciences? • In what ways can science help resolve or enhance your issue/event?
Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the social sciences, and address the following:
• How does this issue/event interact with the social sciences lens and impact social issues? • In what ways does the social science lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the social issue(s) that inform your issue/event?
Note: You are completing two separate analyses: one from the natural and applied sciences and one from the social sciences. You must submit two papers in a single Word document.
Be sure to use evidence from research to support your analysis. Refer to course resources, the LibGuide for this course, and any other pertinent resources to support your responses. Relevant current news sources may be used with instructor approval. Incorporate instructor feedback into Final Project Part One.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Lens Analysis: In this section of your assignment, you will analyze your issue/event through two of the four general education lenses.
A. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to support your analysis.
B. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of the social sciences for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to support your analysis.
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Four should be submitted as two papers in a single Word document. The entire submission should be 2 to 4 pages in length. Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Support your responses with at least two sources for each lens from the assigned course resources, or other scholarly sources located independently via the Shapiro Library. Cite your supporting sources in APA style.
Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identical to that of the final project. The Final Project Part One Rubric will include an additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final submission, as well as additional elements to address.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Lens Analysis: Natural and Applied Sciences Analyzes issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences for determining its impact on various institutions, using evidence from research to support analysis Analyzes issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences, but analysis is cursory or illogical, or supporting evidence is inappropriate or nonexistent Does not analyze issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences, using evidence from research to support analysis 40 Lens Analysis: Social Sciences Analyzes issue/event through the lens of the social sciences for determining its impact on various institutions, using evidence from research to support analysis Analyzes issue/event through the lens of the social sciences, but analysis is cursory or illogical, or supporting evidence is inappropriate or nonexistent Does not analyze issue/event through the lens of the social sciences, using evidence from research to support analysis 40 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 20 Total 100%

what lessons might believers learn today from the strengths and pitfalls too closely aligning the Church with culture and society?

The Church in the Middle Ages

Read Turning Points Chapters 5 and 6 by Noll. Read Exploring Christian Heritage pages 57-101 by Weaver & Roldan-Figueroa. Read uploaded Charts by Watson. Write a 400-word response for the following discussion question: (follow Turabian format)

Looking at European “Christendom” of the Middle Ages and considering the concept of “Christian America”, what lessons might believers learn today from the strengths and pitfalls too closely aligning the Church with culture and society?

Does the organization undertake investments related to corporate social responsibility or the natural environment and sustainability that go beyond its narrow economic self-interest? If so, what kind of investments has it made?

Organization Analysis #3

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (This one should approach a page in length). Based on the original company you chose in the company analysis #1 (company identification): Square, Inc.

How would you characterize the ethical climate of your company?
What evidence is there to support your conclusion?
If there have been any problems, try to determine whether this was due to the isolated actions of rogue managers or to more systemic, organization wide problems.
Does the organization undertake investments related to corporate social responsibility or the natural environment and sustainability that go beyond its narrow economic self-interest? If so, what kind of investments has it made?

When you submit the answers for each analysis, it must be cited and grammatically correct, as well as have proper APA style references at the end. The questions should be answered in one or two paragraphs (no more than a half page) total and double-spaced.

Identify some of the director’s most important films. What honors and awards did the director receive? Provide a sampling of critical opinion about the director’s work.

Tim burton

The final paper, with its bibliography, is to be turned in before the end of week eight.  The coversheet, bibliography, and any graphs or images, or appendix does not count toward paper length.  The body of the paper should have a one inch margin on all four sides, be doubled-space, and use a standard font style (such as Times New Roman, Courier, or Arial) and font size (11 or 12).

Your assignment is to write a 5-7 page research paper on one of the following: (a) an important film director, (b) a specific film, or (c) the development of a particular element of film making.  The description of each of these options is below.


(a)   You should select a director who was active (directed more than 3 movies) during the time period of 1950 – 2000.  In your term paper, give me the basic details of the director’s life and career. Identify some of the director’s most important films. What honors and awards did the director receive? Provide a sampling of critical opinion about the director’s work (i.e. film reviews or articles). View at least two films by your director and comment on them (one of them can be a film you would have watch previously for the class). Do not summarize any plots. Write about how this director used the following in these films: Editing (montage), Sound and Music, Cinematography, Special Camera Work (steady cam, hand held, optical effects), Special Effects (this can include stunt work).

How are college students using their clout to fight for social justice? What current initiatives have captured the attention of college students today?

Globalization Blog

In this assignment, you will think critically about global issues within a cultural context by exploring an area of interest to you and sharing your research via a Blog. Beyond the class context, this assignment is important because, in today’s world, there is a demand in business and industry to hire people who can work with people of other nations and cultures and, if need be, can travel independently internationally to promote their business or industry. In addition, the world faces global challenges that will take interdisciplinary groups to solve; providing access to clean water for everyone on this planet and making clean, renewable energy affordable, to name a few. These global challenges will need to be solved by gathering and sharing knowledge across disciplines, institutions, and on a global scale.

This assignment provides opportunities to use/practice these learning outcomes:

Demonstrate an understanding of global interconnectedness and critically examine your own positions in these global processes.

Evaluate and apply knowledge and skills of cultural anthropology to cultural practices, real-world issues, and current global processes.

Demonstrate the ability to engage with literature in an objective manner, support arguments with research, critically examine the views of others, and produce coherent conclusions regarding globalization.

Steps to complete the assignment:

Select your topic. It is supposed to be current, so please do not go back more than 1 year.

We spent the last two weeks discussing anthropology, culture, and globalization. What piqued your interest? What are you interested in exploring in more detail? Depending on your chosen topic, you will want to be specific in terms of location. For example, if I am interested in learning more about how renewable energy projects impact indigenous societies, rather than looking at renewable energy in a broad sense, I would explore how solar energy impacts the Quechan Tribe.

It is not enough to simply report about an issue you read. You need to dig deep and discuss the cultural impacts the society is facing as a result of your chosen topic.

I have provided a few questions below to help get you started.

How has globalization impacted indigenous peoples?

How has globalization impacted specifically on women and gender roles?

Discuss the origins and consequences of the privatization of water as a result of globalization.

What is the relationship between globalization and the rise of militarism?

How are college students using their clout to fight for social justice? What current initiatives have captured the attention of college students today?

Explore NGOs and discuss how they are helping local communities in their fight against globalization.

What is the connection between the World Bank and IMF policies and the increase in political repression and militarization in the developing world?

2. Research your topic. You will be required to have four sources. Please remember that internet sources can be quite unreliable. If you find an online article that provides relevant information for your research topic, you should take care to investigate the source to make sure it is valid and reliable. Some things to consider when researching your topic on the internet:

a. If the information is linked to an organization, try to determine the reliability of the sponsoring organization. One tip is the URL ending.

If the site name ends with .edu, it is most likely an educational institution. Even so, you should be aware of political bias.

If a site ends in .gov, it is most likely a reliable government website. Government sites are usually good sources for statistics and objective reports.

Sites that end in .org are usually non-profit organizations. They can be very good sources or very poor sources, so you will have to take care to research their possible agendas or political biases if they exist.

Other sites with the .org ending are advocacy groups that are highly political. While it is entirely possible to find reliable information from a site like this, be mindful of the political slant and acknowledge this in your work.

A reputable journal or magazine should contain a bibliography for every article. The list of sources within that bibliography should be pretty extensive, and it should include scholarly non-Internet sources. Check for statistics and data within the article to back up the claims made by the author. Does the writer provide evidence to support his statements? Look for citations of recent studies, perhaps with footnotes, and see if there are primary quotes from other relevant experts in the field.

Every television and print news source has a website. To some extent, you can rely on the most trusted news sources such as CNN and the BBC, but you should not rely on them exclusively. After all, network and cable news stations are involved in entertainment. Think of them as a stepping stone to more reliable sources.