
Is it appropriate to use inoculation to protect his children against future outbreaks of smallpox, even though there is not an active outbreak right now?

Appropriate ways to treat disease.

For as long as there have been doctors, there have been debates about the most appropriate ways to treat disease. Doctors and patients always struggle to evaluate the expected risks and benefits of different remedies. The debates have often been most vigorous with epidemic diseases because the decisions affect not just individual patients, but also everyone that the patients encounter.

The debates about inoculation for smallpox in the 18th century was especially interesting, because of both the danger of smallpox and the danger of the technique (deliberate infection with smallpox). The debates became even more complex after the epidemics receded.

The year is 1796. Cambridge and Boston have been free of smallpox for twenty years. Everyone knows, however, that it is just a matter of time before smallpox appears again. Your brother has two children, both born after the epidemic. He knows that they will be susceptible whenever the next outbreak occurs and wants to find some way to protect them. Inspired by stories your grandfather used to tell about the inoculation debates in the 1720s, he pulls a copy of Domestic Medicine off the shelf and reads about inoculation. He decides to try the technique and contacts a local doctor, Benjamin Waterhouse.

Dr. Waterhouse says that he would be willing to provide the procedure, but worried about provoking another controversy. “It’s one thing to inoculate in the midst of an epidemic, when the risk is real and present, but I think the public would be outraged if we started to inoculate now. We could spread the disease to others.”

Your brother asks you for advice. Is it appropriate to use inoculation to protect his children against future outbreaks of smallpox, even though there is not an active outbreak right now? Based on what you have learned, how would you answer? What are the arguments on both sides of the debate, whether medical, religious, or public health? What would be the best solution?

You hope to publish your advice in a local paper, so keep your discussion brief (between 150-200 words).

Debates about immunization continue vigorously today, so there are clearly good arguments on both sides.

If you mention specific material from the text, or use quotations, please provide page numbers.

Describe the experience including who was present, what was happening, who you were engaged with, and what you were thinking, doing, and saying. Include background information as appropriate.

Patterns of Knowing

In syllabus, page 7 and 8, you can find the instructions for the paper. Must use references from healthy people 2030 and textbook Theoretical basis for nursing (5th edition).

Syllabus pasted below:

Patterns of Knowing Paper (20%): Three (3) pages excluding title page and references. No abstract required. Upload the paper including the title page and reference page(s) into Blackboard. Review the directions regarding Safe Assign on Blackboard. Minimum of three (3) references including the text and Healthy People 2030 website.

Reflect on your practice and select an experience that you had with a patient or family and explore the five fundamental patterns of knowing (ethical, personal, aesthetic, empirical, emancipatory) exemplified with the experience. Develop a paper that includes the following:

Introduction (15 points) – Briefly introduce the paper ending the introduction with a purpose statement (The purpose of this paper is to…)

Description of the experience (20 points) – In one paragraph, describe the experience including who was present, what was happening, who you were engaged with, and what you were thinking, doing, and saying. Include background information as appropriate.

Patterns of Knowing (50 points) – Briefly define each pattern of knowing (sentence or two). Explain how each pattern was evident in the experience. If any of the patterns were not evident (for example, if the Emancipatory Pattern of Knowing was not evident) state that it was not evident and propose what could have happened in the experience for it to be evident.

Social Determinants of Health Problem (5 points) – Identify a Social Determinants of Health problem that was evident in the experience or could have been part of the experience and propose a solution to it. It is important for nurses to examine and address social justice issues for populations that are underserved or poorly served by the healthcare community.

Conclusions (10 points) – Completely summarize your thoughts without introducing new content.

APA – This paper must be presented in an organized and scholarly fashion following APA 7th edition guidelines. Up to seven (7) points can be deducted for the following:


Identity of Business. What does the firm do? What is its business model? How does it make money? Who are its target customers? What is the competitive landscape? How hard or easy is it for a new competitor to enter?

How Amazon Wins: By Steamrolling Rivals and Partners by Dana Mattioli

A. Identity of Business. What does the firm do? What is its business model? How does it make money? Who are its target customers? What is the competitive landscape? How hard or easy is it for a new competitor to enter?

B. Problem What needs to be adjusted or improved? What are the obstacles to better business performance? If the business is having difficulties what are the sources of the problems? (Consider – internal management shortcomings, aggressive competitors, change in preferences of target customers, new technology, …) If the business is doing fine what threats can you identify that management should pay attention to?

C. Recommendations What is your advice to top management? Be sure to support your advice with logical arguments. What are the alternatives to your recommendations and why are they not so good?

Special Question 1.S In the world of business it is common for companies to make similar copies of their rivals’ products. That is how firms compete with one another. Amazon also employs this tactic. To what extent is this an acceptable practice? What, if anything, is not acceptable? Explain your reasoning.

Special Question 2. Be a consultant for a small manufacturing company. Advise the company on how it can defend itself against Amazon competition. What tangible steps should it take?

What Is A Problem Statement?: Write & submit your Problem Statement for your Proposal. Submit as a Microsoft Word Doc..

writing Assignment #5 via Assignment 5 Dropbox:

3. Complete & Submit Writing Assignment #5 via Assignment 5 Dropbox:

Writing Assignment 5: Write and Submit your Problem statement

Use Text Chapter 16 and resources provided to Write & submit your Problem Statement for your Proposal. Submit as a Microsoft Word Doc..

What Is A Problem Statement? (Links to an external site.)

What Is A Problem Statement?: Writing The Problem Statement

(Links to an external site.)

How has globalization impacted indigenous peoples? How has globalization impacted specifically on women and gender roles? Discuss the origins and consequences of the privatization of water as a result of globalization.

 Globalization Blog

In this assignment, you will think critically about global issues within a cultural context by exploring an area of interest to you and sharing your research via a Blog. Beyond the class context, this assignment is important because, in today’s world, there is a demand in business and industry to hire people who can work with people of other nations and cultures and, if need be, can travel independently internationally to promote their business or industry. In addition, the world faces global challenges that will take interdisciplinary groups to solve; providing access to clean water for everyone on this planet and making clean, renewable energy affordable, to name a few. These global challenges will need to be solved by gathering and sharing knowledge across disciplines, institutions, and on a global scale.

This assignment provides opportunities to use/practice these learning outcomes:

Demonstrate an understanding of global interconnectedness and critically examine your own positions in these global processes.

Evaluate and apply knowledge and skills of cultural anthropology to cultural practices, real-world issues, and current global processes.

Demonstrate the ability to engage with literature in an objective manner, support arguments with research, critically examine the views of others, and produce coherent conclusions regarding globalization.

Steps to complete the assignment:

Select your topic. It is supposed to be current, so please do not go back more than 1 year.

We spent the last two weeks discussing anthropology, culture, and globalization. What piqued your interest? What are you interested in exploring in more detail? Depending on your chosen topic, you will want to be specific in terms of location. For example, if I am interested in learning more about how renewable energy projects impact indigenous societies, rather than looking at renewable energy in a broad sense, I would explore how solar energy impacts the Quechan Tribe.

It is not enough to simply report about an issue you read. You need to dig deep and discuss the cultural impacts the society is facing as a result of your chosen topic.

How has globalization impacted indigenous peoples?

How has globalization impacted specifically on women and gender roles?

Discuss the origins and consequences of the privatization of water as a result of globalization.

What is the relationship between globalization and the rise of militarism?

How are college students using their clout to fight for social justice? What current initiatives have captured the attention of college students today?

Explore NGOs and discuss how they are helping local communities in their fight against globalization.

What is the connection between the World Bank and IMF policies and the increase in political repression and militarization in the developing world?

2. Research your topic. You will be required to have four sources. Please remember that internet sources can be quite unreliable. If you find an online article that provides relevant information for your research topic, you should take care to investigate the source to make sure it is valid and reliable. Some things to consider when researching your topic on the internet:

a. If the information is linked to an organization, try to determine the reliability of the sponsoring organization. One tip is the URL ending.

If the site name ends with .edu, it is most likely an educational institution. Even so, you should be aware of political bias.

If a site ends in .gov, it is most likely a reliable government website. Government sites are usually good sources for statistics and objective reports.

Sites that end in .org are usually non-profit organizations. They can be very good sources or very poor sources, so you will have to take care to research their possible agendas or political biases if they exist.

Other sites with the .org ending are advocacy groups that are highly political. While it is entirely possible to find reliable information from a site like this, be mindful of the political slant and acknowledge this in your work.

A reputable journal or magazine should contain a bibliography for every article. The list of sources within that bibliography should be pretty extensive, and it should include scholarly non-Internet sources. Check for statistics and data within the article to back up the claims made by the author. Does the writer provide evidence to support his statements? Look for citations of recent studies, perhaps with footnotes, and see if there are primary quotes from other relevant experts in the field.

Every television and print news source has a website. To some extent, you can rely on the most trusted news sources such as CNN and the BBC, but you should not rely on them exclusively. After all, network and cable news stations are involved in entertainment. Think of them as a stepping stone to more reliable sources.



A parent asks you which grammatical morphemes are typically developed by age 3, what would you tell them? A child who is using the following word combinations is demonstrating which two-word semantic relations?

Infant and PreK Review & Activity

2. Familiarize yourself with the tables from pages 176-180 and then refer to them as you answer the following questions: (3 points)

a. A child has an MLU of 2.7. According to the Stages of Mean Length of Utterance Development—See the stages in this table that apply to the other tables adapted from (Brown, 1973), approximately how old would you estimate the child to be?

b. A child who is using the following word combinations is demonstrating which two-word semantic relations? more milk

mommy hat

that kitty

c. A parent asks you which grammatical morphemes are typically developed by age 3 (Stage III), what would you tell them?

d. A child using words like could and might is most likely at or beyond which stage?

e. The sentence “She is not swimming.” is in which MLU stage of development?

f. Provide an example of a question form that that is demonstrated in stage III-IV.


3. Watch the three Hanen Centre videos provided in the section on Videos/Additional resources. Write a short paragraph (no more than 3-4 sentences) summarizing the main points from each video. You will write a total of three paragraphs for this answer. (3 points)

What is its title? What, if any, significance is given to the title? Who was the artist? Does it still exist? What are its dimensions? Where is it currently located? What is its condition? When was it composed? What does it look like?

Sculpture Analysis Essay

DESCRIPTION: (Identify and name)

What is its title? What, if any, significance is given to the title? Who was the artist? Does it still exist? What are its dimensions? Where is it currently located? What is its condition?
When was it composed? What does it look like? What process was used to make it? What type of sculpture is it (relief/free-standing)? What material(s) is it made of (medium/media)?
Describe the formal elements of art as they are used in this piece: line, shape, form, space, color, value, and texture.
ANALYSIS: (Address the relationships among the elements and principles used in the sculpture. How do they work together to create an affect? Instead of describing the elements – which you should have done above – here you focus on the effect the elements create.)

Dimensionality: What is the dimensionality of the work? How does it contribute to the work’s overall design and effect?
Method of execution: What method of execution has the artist employed? How does the material used by the artist in this work relate to the method of execution the artist has chosen?
Mass: In what ways does the mass of the work contribute to its overall appearance and appeal?
Line and form: How has the artist utilized line and form? How do the line and form of the work contribute to the overall composition and appeal of the work?
Texture: In what ways does the texture of the work create an intellectual or emotional appeal to the viewer?
Repetition: How do rhythm, harmony, and variety contribute to the overall composition of this work?
Articulation: How has the artist articulated the various parts of the work to create eye movement from one element to another?
Focal Area: What elements has the artist utilized to create areas of interest?

INTERPRETATION: (Meaning – Use the evidence you gathered for the categories of Description and Analysis to figure out a meaning of the sculpture to you.)

What do you think the artist wants you to think about? Why?
What is the meaning of the work? What is its content, as opposed to its subject matter?
What is the mood of the piece (calm, violent, sad, joyful, angry, hopeful, etc.)? Why?
What is the artist saying? Does the work seem to have personal meaning to the artist—that is, is it biographical? Is the work a political or social commentary?
Why do you think that / What are your reasons for that interpretation?
What was the sculpture’s purpose? Is there some larger philosophical, historical, or social context that informs the work?
To what extent does the sculpture reflect the artistic style of the period in which it was constructed? How do you know this?

JUDGMENT: (Forming an evaluation/opinion.)

Is it a quality piece of art? Why? What makes this an effective sculpture (or not)? What do you think and why?
How does it compare to similar works?
What is the best part of the work? What are its strengths? Why?
What are the weaknesses of the piece? Why?
Would different people view the work differently? How so? Why?
Is the artist successful? Why?
Is it saying what the artist intended it to say? Is the work successful? Do you like it?

Investigate the legal implications and practicalities for the UK becoming an EU member state again or to reach a status like EEA standards or a close relation like in the Benelux agreement.

legal implications and practicalities for the UK becoming an EU member.

The UK and the EU member states face significant issues as no refined trade agreements had been set up before the UK left the European Union. In fact, it is now important to know if trade agreements with important EU member state trade partners can be done despite the legal implications. Additionally, it should be explored which legal implications and practicalities for the UK becoming an EU member state again really are.

What practical steps would you take to build a friendship with a follower of this worldview who might be a co-worker, neighbor, etc.? What do’s and don’ts would you apply when preparing to share the gospel with them?

Discussion Board

You can share the gospel with anyone. But if you build an authentic friendship first, it can be easier to share your faith with them. Through those relationships, you may be asked about your faith. That is when 1 Peter 3:15 should be applied to your conversation. If you love them and believe there is a heaven and a hell, you will want to share the gospel with them. Based on the content of the course, choose 1 of the following worldviews (i.e., Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam) and answer the following questions. These questions must be answered in separate paragraphs.

What practical steps would you take to build a friendship with a follower of this worldview who might be a co-worker, neighbor, etc.?
What do’s and don’ts would you apply when preparing to share the gospel with them?
What are some beliefs/reasons a person from this worldview might have that would hinder them from accepting Christ as their Savior?
What personal challenges might you have with presenting the gospel?

Make sure to include Biblical sources from the Bible as well as another scholarly source. Please include links in the references page to those sources.

Why in the world might someone want to transform his or her bicycle from a multi-geared bike, to a bike with a single gear and without the capacity to coast? What are the benefits to completing your set of instructions?

Instructions, Draft 1

Assignment Purpose
This assignment gives you experience in writing a set Instructions for a non-specialist audience. Instructions spell out the steps necessary to complete a task or set of tasks.

This assignment also offers you the opportunity to develop the following:

Written Communication Skills
In writing for a non-specialist audience, you will practice many of the features of good writing that we have identified as a class:

Organization, including visual organization
1. Decide on a task or set of tasks to write instructions for. Previous WR 320 students have written about:

Inserting an acupuncture needle into a trigger point
planning a character strategy in a computer game
soldering fine metals for jewelry
trailering a horse
parsing a string of hexadecimal characters to decimal numbers
The task should be one your are very familiar with and sufficiently complex to require detailed instructions.

2. Plan your draft by reviewing the criteria for success and one or two sets of instructions that you have personally found helpful in the past.

3. Draft your instructions. About 800 words.

Divide the task into two or three major sections and title them. The more specific your title is, the more helpful it will be to the reader.
Working from the titled sections, draft out as many steps as necessary for each. You may want to bullet or number the steps in each section. Anticipate as best you can what a non-specialist might need to know in order to follow your instructions. Consider whether visual aids are necessary and what hazards might need to be avoided along the way.
Write an introduction. This is the place to provide background information and also an
explanation as to why someone might want to perform the task in the first place. For instance, why in the world might someone want to transform his or her bicycle from a multi-geared bike, to a bike with a single gear and without the capacity to coast? What are the benefits to completing your set of instructions?
Some considerations:

You will be testing your instructions with your base group. As you write your instructions, be sure to notice terms or words your audience wouldn’t know and define them. You will also need to describe an equipment necessary to follow your instructions.

As single-spaced instructions are easier to follow, you may single space for this assignment. In fact, you may experiment more broadly with page designs that you think organize and present your instructions in the most usable fashion. You might also use images that you create to guide your audience through the task.

Criteria for Evaluation
This assignment is considered complete when you have submitted document to this assignment that is about 800 words and attempts all of the following elements:

Clear and limiting title that accurately defines the task at hand
Introduction: Provide background and explain the benefits of performing the task
Logically ordered steps: usually chronological order
Division of complex tasks into sections with sub-steps
Appropriate level of detail
Hazard notes and warnings
Language of instruction: imperative mood, direct address, and active verbs
Page design and text layout that lends itself to rapid comprehension
Includes 2-3 major sections with enough
Includes an introduction that provides a logical and compelling reason someone might need your instructions
Is ready for audience testing in class