
Describe the circumstances that influenced the need for a policy to protect human research subjects. Identify three vulnerable populations and the special restrictions associated with human research among these groups.

5 535 Assign

Protecting human research participants is of utmost importance.

It is essential that all healthcare professionals, whether or not they are currently involved in research studies, remain aware of regulatory policies and updates such as the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, or Common Rule, that will take effect January 2019.

Review the Frequently Asked Questions on Requirements for Education at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) link here:

Download the PDF documents listed below. Read the detailed document by the NIH and then take the self-check quiz to check your understanding before completing this week’s assignment.

PHRP Materials


If you would like to review more information, you can go to the following link to view 12 recorded webinars related to Human Research Protection on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services YouTube channel:

Assignment Instructions: This week, reflect on what you learned from the NIH materials about protecting the rights of human research participants.

Discuss at least three of the following in your paper:

Describe the circumstances that influenced the need for a policy to protect human research subjects. Give examples of specific ways human research subjects can be harmed by researchers.
Identify three vulnerable populations and the special restrictions associated with human research among these groups. Evaluate the requirements and restrictions. Do you think they are adequate? Why or why not?
The Belmont Report summarizes the ethical principles and guidelines for research involving human subjects. Three core principles are identified: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Even though these principles are considered equal, prioritize them in order of importance to you. Explain your decisions.
Although you are not implementing a change project at this time, and you may not be directly involved in research as part of your professional responsibilities, explain the reasons why it is important for you to know about these rights and protections.

Describe why you made the connections you did and how they are relevant to each other.

Mind Map

Mind maps are visual, non-linear representations of ideas and relationships.

The main purpose of the map you are creating is to show the application of leadership theory and practice. The map is to be “free-form” or unconstrained in the structure allowing you to go where you want with the map. You will need to create a mind map.

There is a website listed in the instructions () and you can view examples at (

After the mind map is created, then you will need to Explain Your Mind Map – create a document that explains the concept map in detail. Describe why you made the connections you did and how (if applicable) they are relevant to each other (100-word minimum).

And lastly, Leadership Reflection – after you have created and described your mind map, reflect on all the theories and concepts you have learned about in this class and discuss ways in which you will consider applying the theories and concepts in practical ways in your own life (500-word minimum).

See attached chapters and assignment instructions. Also, a reference for the book is Northouse, P. G. (2017).

Defining Leadership. An Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (p. 7). SAGE Publications. No abstract is required but should have a title page, body, and reference page.

Discuss ethics in engineering. Discuss how classical ethics might aid in understanding the problem.

Ethics paper in civil engineering.

Discuss ethics in (or and) engineering. You have wide latitude to select a topic and focus. Just remember that it needs to be thoughtful, relevant, and of interest to real engineers. Your paper must investigate all sides of an issue, consider the stakes, as well as the relative harms and benefits for each stakeholder. The goal of this assignment is to arrive at a conclusion about the ethics of a situation, controversy, event, or problem, and make a recommendation about what we should do in the future, or how this problem can help us to understand broader, related problems in science, culture, and society. Your essay should include a consideration of any relevant ethical codes, or a discussion of how classical ethics (deontological, utilitarian, or Aristotelian) might aid in understanding the problem. You should have one central claim, and all assertions should be backed with evidence (which could take the form of logical argumentation, data, or quotations from credible sources). Your essay should be broad-minded and fair, while at the same time voicing a clear thesis: avoid logical fallacies, particularly straw man arguments. You will increase your ethos by demonstrating your willingness to consider others’ points of view.

 Include abstract.

 Include visual aids where appropriate.

 Suggest links to at least three related sites readers might be interested in.

 Include a list of terms and definitions for inclusion in a glossary, if appropriate.

Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs. Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others.

L3AET Qualification

Assignment 1 – Understand the Teaching Role and Responsibilities in Education and Training

1.1 Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training.

1.2 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating

to own role and responsibilities.

1.3 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity.

1.4 Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs.

2.1 Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment.

2.2 Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others.

3.1 Explain how the teaching role involves.

3.2 Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles.

3.3 Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners.

Assignment 2 – Understanding and Using inclusive Teaching and learning Approaches in Education and Training

1.1 Describe features of inclusive teaching and learning.

1.2 Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in own

area of specialism in relation to meeting individual learner needs.

1.3 Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for learners to develop their English,

mathematics, ICT and wider skills.

2.1 Explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment.

2.2 Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and

assessment methods to meet individual learner needs.

2.3 Explain ways to engage and motivate learners.

2.4 Summarise ways to establish ground rules with learners.

Assignment 3 – Understanding Assessment in Education and Training

1.1 Explain the purposes of types of assessment used in education and training.

1.2 Describe characteristics of different methods of assessment in education and training.


What are the id numbers of the events that were not mapped? Can you guess why the google geocoding engine struggled to locate these events by their description?

GIP and Crime Mapping

Application Exercise 4: GIS and Crime Mapping


Task 1: Geocoding


The number of crime events to be geocoded was:


The number of crime events successfully geocoded was:


The geocoding hit rate is hit rate is:   %


What are the id numbers of the events that were not mapped?


Can you guess why the google geocoding engine struggled to locate these events by their description?


Task 2: Patterns in Time


Write no more than a paragraph describing the high risk time(s) of the day.


Task 3: Pattern in Space


Write no more than a paragraph describing how crime clusters at particular locations. Add a screenshot of the map you created.



Task 4: Recommendations


Think about how the observed patterns might be combined to provide recommendations about operational practices, crime prevention or further analytical work.


Comments on geocoding:


Comments on space and time patterns:

What do the concepts of faith, spirituality, and social justice mean to you? Look above and use at least one Discussion prompt in relation to the assigned readings

Faith, Spirituality, Culture

In this Unit please use one of these choices as a framework to respond to the questions that are listed.

Employ one or more of these formats in your Discussion which should be one or two paragraphs. Make sure you give connections and examples from the readings and outside views. Make sure to include citations, especially if you bring in other readings, videos, etc.:

– Write arguments and counter arguments

– Acknowledge other perspectives

– Back the reasons with evidence

– Make a claim

– Refute counter arguments

– Make comparisons or connections

– Ask Questions

– Give an example to illustrate your point

Bring in expert opinions and quotes……explain them in your own analysis

Include personal stories, examples, anecdotes

These are the questions:

(1) What do the concepts of faith, spirituality, and social justice mean to you? Look above and use at least one Discussion prompt in relation to the assigned readings

Identify three editing techniques used in three specific scenes. Explain how the editing helped in the coherence, continuity, rhythm, transitions, emotional impact, tempo, time expansion or compression, or mise-en-scene.

Hacksaw Ridge Assignment Instruction

Film Evaluation Class

Subject: Editing, Image & Music

Film to be evaluated:  Hacksaw Ridge


John Gilbert won the Academy Award for best editing for the film Hacksaw Ridge in 2016. As you watch the film this week, identify three editing techniques used in three specific scenes. Explain how the editing helped in the coherence, continuity, rhythm, transitions, emotional impact, tempo, time expansion or compression, or mise-en-scene. You do not have to write a full essay but at least a full, descriptive paragraph. (no more than one page). Describe the scene and the technique used. Please prepare to discuss in class.



Film Link:



Book Link: The Art of Watching Film

Go to Page Overview:  Chapter 6 (Editing)




. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?

Challenges that facing you throughout high school

Essay question: Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?

What did you learn that was new to you, or brought new ideas on familiar topics to you (e.g., ethics codes you learned on the job and now in the course).

You will simply assess how what you have learned this week compares to what you knew previously, and how it might benefit you in your academic and career aspirations.  Please answer the following:

  • What did you learn that was new to you, or brought new ideas on familiar topics to you (e.g., ethics codes you learned on the job and now in the course; about your own experience with persons from different demographic backgrounds than yourself; times you had productive experiences within uncomfortable settings at first etc.)?
  • Drawing on your own personal and/or professional experiences, what value do you see in a diverse group setting? How have such settings improved group or personal experiences you have had, or not, as you see it or have experienced it?

In getting the blood sugar, what are its limitations? Is it always accurate? The Abg results are they 100% accurate? What are its limitations? The sats probe are they accurate in giving the accurate oxygen saturation of the patient?


A clinical scenario. We are to critically analyse the data supplied linking it to the patient. For example analysing blood pressure, what are its limitations? In getting the blood sugar, what are its limitations? Is it always accurate? The Abg results are they 100% accurate? What are its limitations? The sats probe are they accurate in giving the accurate oxygen saturation of the patient?