
How did it start? How does it affect human interaction? The rise of Facebook? The history of AIDS? What is HIV? Where did AIDS come from?

Research Narrative

1. Facebook

How did it start? How does it affect human interaction? The rise of Facebook?


The history of AIDS? What is HIV? Where did AIDS come from?

Call Of The Assignment
Write an interesting, informative paper about a person, an event, a political, technical, or medical development, or a social movement based on research. This paper does not require you to take sides, nor to draw conclusions: report on something affected by time, or which develops through time. Try to be accurate in your writing, and interesting in your presentation. Tell a chronological story.

One way to find a subject is to read in sources about the year and month of your birth to get an idea of what was going on, and what has had some lasting influence. Another way is to research anything from the past you are interested in. If you pursue an interest, research is easier and the resulting paper is usually better. This paper needs to be 1500 words, and will have parenthetical citations, and a works cited page of between 5 and 8 sources. However, In order to find enough material to write on, it may be necessary to find more.
To get started, look to Facts on File, or Wikipedia, which will give you a rough idea of when something in the past has happened. But remember these are not sources that you can cite in a college essay (Edit: You can use Facts on File).
When you have settled on a story you wish to tell, go to the databases. LexisNexis is a good place to start because it will give you access to articles written at the time you are researching. But you may also wish to look at Academic Search Premier, and SIRS.
When you have a source, review it to see if is worth printing off. But remember that you may need to take notes, because it is easier to write a paper from notes than it is from separate articles with marginal comments and highlighted passages.
Don’t print off articles that repeat information you already have—you are showing some kind of chronological development, not collecting all the available information on a subject. You will begin to know when you are done researching when your sources begin to repeat themselves.
Remember that writing the paper is important. At some time you have to get to it.
Look closely at the MLA conventions in your handbook or online. Remember that you will need to know, if your article is signed, the author’s name, its title, where and when it was published, and the page number the information you used came from.

Explain the concept of “the Other.” What is the relationship of “the Other” to what Edward Said called “Orientalism”? How does visibility function as a form of power in the concept of “panopticism”?

2 Questions

1. Explain the concept of “the Other.” What is the relationship of “the Other” to what Edward Said called “Orientalism”?

2. How does visibility function as a form of power in the concept of “panopticism”?


What are you trying to do with the paper? What are the core ideas? How will you organize this paper? What will you discuss in the different sections? What you think are the strongest parts of the draft and what you are struggling with?


Format: 5 pages, double-spaced, 1inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font. Right at the beginning on the first page of the first draft, briefly answer these questions. This will help you organize your paper. (if you find it easier, answer these questions once you have written the draft and BEFORE you submit it on HuskyCT):
What are you trying to do with the paper? What are the core ideas?
How will you organize this paper? What will you discuss in the different sections?
What you think are the strongest parts of the draft and what you are struggling with
Priorities for revising and things you want to work on
Things you are proud of in the paper

How does the reading extend and complicate your previous understanding of the institutional racism and colonialism within English studies, including creative writing? What did you learn from the readings and how might you carry those lessons forward?

Discussion Wk 6

In an initial post of 300+ words discuss two or more of the Week 6 readings, taking care to be specific in your treatment of the readings by including short quotations and supporting in-text citations. Respond to one of the following prompts, keeping in mind that you may adapt or veer away from the prompt if so doing enables you to discuss your thinking about the readings more effectively and dynamically.

> How do the readings help you identify challenges to or the challenges of scholarly work that you have not before considered? Or, how does the reading extend and complicate your previous understanding of the institutional racism and colonialism within English studies, including creative writing?

> What did you learn from the readings and how might you carry those lessons forward?

Explain 5 lab safety procedures. Write about any EIGHT parts of a microscope explaining the function of each part. Write about any FOUR features found on an animal cell membrane.

Biology Lab Assigment #01

Assignment Content

FALL 2021

ASSIGNMENT #01 LABS 1>5 10% of your

(1.1) Explain 5 lab safety procedures 1 point

(1.2) State 5 lab hazardous signs 1 point

(2) State with examples 4 types of FOOD MACROMOLECULES 2 points





(3) Write about any EIGHT parts of a microscope explaining the function of each part: 2

(4) Write about any FOUR features found on an animal cell membrane: 2 points

(5) What is the function of the following: 2 points

(5.1) Mitochondria:

(5.2) mRNA:

(5.3) Centrioles:
(5.4) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum:

Where might this be most prevalent? What trends did you notice in your research? For example, does the kind of incident you experienced or observed seem to be an increasing problem, or is it declining over time?

Personal cultural diversity encounter.

Understanding cultural diversity from a sociological perspective first requires understanding the concepts and theoretical frameworks that guide sociological thinking. Cultural diversity encompasses a variety of social categories, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, social class, age, and physical or mental disability. Sociologists examine these categories at both the micro level (how they affect or are affected by individuals) and at the macro level (how they impact society as a whole).

In this assessment, you practice making connections between the micro and macro levels by examining how your personal experiences or observations connect to broader issues related to diversity in American culture. For example, if you have observed or experienced firsthand a situation involving prejudice, stereotypes, or discrimination in the workplace, consider not only how that situation relates to broader patterns or trends in the workplace but also to specific theories of diversity within the field of sociology. By placing your personal observations and experience in the context of the society in which you live, you will be thinking like a sociologist and practicing your sociological imagination.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1.:
Describe theoretical ideas of power in relation to policy.
Connects a personal experience to sociological concepts of power and includes mention of specific theories.
Competency 3: Analyzes data to make valid sociological inferences and cites specific instances of data to support them..
Competency 4: Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class.
Analyze how laws or policies are applied to a diversity issue.
Competency 5: Apply diversity strategies in professional, educational, and personal contexts.
Analyzes personal characteristics or experiences that might account for feelings or reactions involving a diversity issue.
Competency 6: Communicate effectively.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Reflect on an instance when you or someone else were unfairly excluded, discriminated against, or otherwise neglected or treated inappropriately due to race, ethnicity, age, gender, social class, sexuality, disability, or other category related to diversity. Depending on the setting in which the incident occurred, consider whether any laws or policies were violated, either those established by an organization, such as a business or school, or state or federal antidiscrimination policies.

Write an essay in which you complete each of the following:

Part 1 – Describe your experience:
Describe the event and the underlying diversity issues at play.
Describe your opinions, feelings, actions, and what you learned from the event.
Part 2 – Examine your experience:
Discuss experiences from your personal background that might account for your feelings or reactions. Consider areas such as your ethnicity, history, upbringing, local mores, recent events, et cetera.
Connect your experience to at least three sociological concepts and/or issues. For example, if you are writing about what if feels like to be an outsider, you could connect your discussion to the concept of power or social structure, or the broader issue of relationships between dominant and minority groups.
Examples of other concepts you could include are prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes, cultural pluralism, assimilation, structural mobility, social distance, and modern racism.
Examples of theories include functional or conflict theory, Marx’s and Weber’s theories of inequality, Park’s race relations cycle, Gordon’s theory of assimilation, human capital theory, scapegoat hypothesis, and the theory of authoritarian personality.
Incorporate research on the broader issue that your experience illustrates. For example, if the incident you describe involves discrimination in the workplace, research workplace discrimination and find data on the prevalence or nature of this problem. If the incident involves bullying at school, locate data on how extensive this issue is. Questions to consider include:
Is the type of incident you describe commonplace?
Where might this be most prevalent?
Among what groups is it most likely to occur?
What trends did you notice in your research? For example, does the kind of incident you experienced or observed seem to be an increasing problem, or is it declining over time?
Analyze how relevant laws or policies might be applied to this situation. These may be civil or criminal laws or, perhaps, policies established in the workplace or schools.
Consider whether any laws or policies were violated and how those laws or policies might be changed or better enforced to address the situation you describe.
Part 3 – Reflect on your experience:
Based on your reflections of the event and the research you have now done, share personal strategies that are useful for informing the interactions or relationships between the involved parties, as well as your own understanding or perspectives.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Length: 5–7 pages, not including title and reference pages.
Format: Include a title page and reference page, and format the paper and your citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Sources: Cite at least two scholarly sources.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

What are the steps involved in tissue repair? Explain the process of tissue repair. Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very well and explain why it does.

Tissue Concept Map

Create a concept map of your choice; you can do this on a word document, PowerPoint, Adobe, Paint, or Hand-drawn. If you are unsure ask your instructor for other options if applicable. There is an example of a concept map at the end of this document for reference.
The concept map needs to include:
The four primary tissue types
The function of each primary tissue type
All subtypes of each primary tissue
The function of each subtype
An example of where you would find each subtype in the body
A histological image or drawing of each subtype –
A histological image is what the tissue type would look like under a microscope.
In addition to the concept map answer the following questions:
What are the steps involved in tissue repair? Explain the process of tissue repair.
Some tissues in the body regenerate or repair very well whereas others do not regenerate at all.
Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very well and explain why it does.
Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very poorly and explain why it does not regenerate well.
Complete additional research on the topic as necessary, ensuring to cite and reference all material in APA format.

Describe the purpose of a Behavior Matrix and when you would utilize one in your classroom. Also discuss the importance of collaboration of key stakeholders regarding the Behavior Matrix. Design a Behavior Matrix. For examples see Module 3 Learning Objects.

Developing a Behavioral Matrix

Implementation of the Behavioral Matrix is important to support students with behavioral issues. In the Module 3 Application, you will design a behavior matrix for your school or for a future school.

At the graduate level, it is appropriate to include a brief introduction to set the stage for what follows in the body of the document.
Step 1: Describe the purpose of a Behavior Matrix and when you would utilize one in your classroom. Also discuss the importance of collaboration of key stakeholders regarding the Behavior Matrix.
Step 2: Design a Behavior Matrix. For examples see Module 3 Learning Objects.
Step 3: Discuss the benefits and challenges of implementing a Behavior Matrix in your classroom.
As expected of all graduate-level APA documents, it is appropriate to address conclusions drawn from the experience of considering these topics.
At the graduate level, all documents should include appropriate in-text citations and references to support the relationship between research and application. These reference entries belong at the end of the document in appropriate APA format.

How do sociability, dominance, and openness contribute to coaching effectiveness? How sociable, dominant, and open should a healthcare manager be in order to best coach employees for improved performance?

Coaching Assessment Critique

Part one of this week’s paper.
Complete the “Should You Be a Coach” and “The Coaching Scale” self-assessments below. Upon completion, critique the assessments based on their applicability and contribution to your own coaching readiness and skill. How do sociability, dominance, and openness contribute to coaching effectiveness? How sociable, dominant, and open should a healthcare manager be in order to best coach employees for improved performance?
Part two of this week’s paper.
Identify and clearly describe an experience you have had where you have coached someone or you were coached for improved performance at work. If you have never had a coaching experience, how do you think this may have impacted your performance? Critique this experience (or lack of) with regard to how the coaching was (or was not) provided.

In the video for this week,
( ) several traits of effective coaches were discussed. How were these traits demonstrated in your example, if any? Critique the experience and provide suggestions of how you or the manager might have ensured a more positive outcome.
Minimum 4-5 pages of content – not including the title page, references or appendices.
APA format is required. Minimum of 2 academic and/or professional references.

Why might it be important for a researcher to predict the findings and show the variables’ expected relationship in this manner? What purpose does the hypothesis serve?

Literature Review II / Developing the Research Hypothesis

Discussion: The Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis typically states the anticipated relationship between variables in a quantitative study. Oftentimes, these variables are labeled as dependent and independent, with the independent variable meaning the intervention, treatment, or other change that is introduced. The researcher then wishes to measure the impact of that change on the dependent variable.

Why might it be important for a researcher to predict the findings and show the variables’ expected relationship in this manner? What purpose does the hypothesis serve? In this Discussion, you answer these questions and generate a hypothesis for your own proposed study.