
Explain how that initiative shifts the focus from the individual person to population health. Explain why understanding and incorporating a focus on social determinants of health is vital to affecting population health.

Shifting Toward Population Health

Healthcare administrators direct and coordinate medical services in facilities such as hospitals, public health agencies, and managed care organizations. In order to accomplish this directive, healthcare administrators need to be current on mandates, health initiatives, and population health programs. This requires the exploration of a variety of resources on health initiatives and public health programs.

The term population health was introduced in 2003 by Dave Kindig and Greg Stoddart who defined the term as “the health outcome of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2018, para. 1). Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, Clarke, and Horowitz (2016) argue that the only way to improve the total health of the United States is to shift our focus from healthcare that is reactive to healthcare that proactive and promotes health and wellness. We spend a lot of time treating and focusing on a patient’s disease/illness and spend little time focusing on the conditions that contribute to the disease/illness. For that reason, it is important to understand social determinants of health (SDOH) and how they factor into the comprehensive picture of population health (Zangerle, 2016).

Post a single 3- or 4-paragraph response that addresses the following prompts (your Instructor will notify you of the due date):

Choose a federal or state initiative that focuses on population health – choose a topic that interests you
Explain how that initiative shifts the focus from the individual person to population health
Evaluate the importance of shifting from individual health to population health
Consider discussing how you, as an administrator, could collaborate with other healthcare disciplines to ensure the success of the initiative you selected
Explain why understanding and incorporating a focus on social determinants of health is vital to affecting population health.

In the Verrazano source, what is the author describing? What does it reveal about that particular historical moment?

Voyages of Giovanna da Verrazzano

Fall 2021 – Essay One Assignment
The Primary Source Analysis Essay

Purpose: This essay is designed to help the student evaluate and interpret primary sources to better understand a historical moment.
Materials: One Primary Source (provided by the professor), a secondary source (your textbook or notes from lectures), Primary Source Analysis Worksheet (to help the analysis process)
Assignment: Each student should use the Primary Source Analysis Worksheet and their notes from class to analyze the document provided in class by answering (in the form of an essay) the question posed by the professor for the assignment. This essay should be 750-1000 words. Quote the primary source at least once in the essay. The essay must be submitted on Ga View as a word document (no PDFs). The essay should be composed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font and double spaced. The essay should contain citations (an essay without citations will have a 10 point automatic penalty). These citations should be in the form of Chicago Style Citations. Do NOT use the First Person in the essay (no use if I, me, we, you).

Primary Source: Voyages of Giovanni Da Verrazano (located under Content – Week Three in Ga View)

Question: In the Verrazano source, what is the author describing? What does it reveal about that particular historical moment?

Human primates have the longest period of childhood dependency of any species. How do Hrdy and Small describe the biological needs of human youngsters?

Books needed to answer questions below

Hrdy, S. B. (2009). Mothers and others: The evolutionary origins of mutual understanding . Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-03299-6

Small, M. F. (1998). Our babies, ourselves: How biology and culture shape the way we parent . Anchor Books/Random House. ISBN: 0385483627\

Survival of a species is important. Human primates have the longest period of childhood dependency of any species. How do Hrdy and Small describe the biological needs of human youngsters? Both authors focus on the relationship between mother and infant. Compare and contrast how each of them portrays what in human families makes nurturing human infants successful and what makes it less successful. How does their portraits of family relationships compare to the findings of attachment research? What is the relationship between human fathers and their children according to Hrdy and Small? What are the strengths and/or limitations of their treatment of the roles of human fathers? According to Hrdy, Small and you, what are the contributions of other family members and those outside the family to the survival and development of human children? What have you learned about raising babies from these authors, and where do you think their work is biased and/or incomplete?

How can businesses protect their intellectual property in the United States? How does a business protect itself from patent, trademark, or copyright infringement by individuals or companies in the United States?

question 1

What is a duty that managers owe to the corporation? Discuss an example of a positive way in which the manager may uphold that duty. Provide an example of an act or omission that depicts a manager violating the duty. In addition, identify the federal or state departments or agencies that have established the rules or enforce rules for fulfillment of the duties of a manager, director, or officer of the corporation.

question 2

How can businesses protect their intellectual property in the United States? How does a business protect itself from patent, trademark, or copyright infringement by individuals or companies in the United States? In foreign countries? Find a recent example of an infringement action taken by a business to protect its intellectual property and discuss the outcome in your response.

question 3

How do licensing agreements help artists earn money from their music? What are the various licensing arrangements? With the advent of technology and applications such as Spotify and Pandora, many songwriters and recording artists are questioning the loss of royalties and profits from their music because of the way monies paid by such music providers are siphoned through the music companies. Conduct research and discuss the legal and ethical issues faced by such entities. Address questions such as should artists and songwriters be entitled to a greater share of the monies paid by Spotify and Pandora, or are these entities compensating artists and songwriters fairly through promoting their music, which ultimately leads to profits generated by tour ticket and merchandise sales?

Explain the significance of the quotation for understanding how natural history was done; how naturalists were trained; and how knowledge was produced.

Summarizing each readings

1. Make an argument, and support it with evidence.

2. Choose one of three paragraph-length excerpts from Lettsom’s Naturalist’s and Traveller’s Companion to analyze.

3. Explain the significance of the quotation for understanding how natural history was done; how naturalists were trained; and how knowledge was produced.

Provide relevant background and rhetorical information about the text. Identify the text’s central claims and evidence given to support those claims.

From Outside, In

Establish a central theme that grows out of an issue raised by “From Outside, In” and provide a title indicating that theme
Demonstrate understanding of the text by providing a clear, logically-structured, and thorough summary of the text’s content
Provide relevant background and rhetorical information about the text
Identify the text’s central claims and evidence given to support those claims
Integrate and cite direct and indirect passages in accordance with the conventions of academic research
Meet academic expectations for clarity, cohesion, organization, paragraph structure, grammar, and mechanics
Use Times New Roman, black pt. 12 font, double-spaced, and indent paragraphs
Meet a minimum length of 750 words of revised, polished writing (three pages)
Explain the writer’s connection to an issue raised in the text
Pose critical questions for further research that grow out of the text and that encourage complex, debatable answers or are otherwise suitable for academic inquiry

Explain how gender impacts the social institution. Identify a form of gender inequality associated with the social institution and use theoretical perspectives to explain the social behaviors that perpetuate the inequality.

Write a 750-1,000-word analysis on social stratification regarding gender.

Choose a social institution (Education) to describe and analyze the effect that the stratification elements of gender have on that social institution. Include the following in your analysis:

Explain how gender impacts the social institution.
Identify a form of gender inequality associated with the social institution and use theoretical perspectives to explain the social behaviors that perpetuate the inequality.
Suggest measures for the social institution to implement to help alleviate the gender inequality you identified.
Provide a minimum of three to five scholarly sources to support your analysis and conclusion. Additionally, you will need to include statistical data of the expression of stratification regarding gender within the social institution.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

y. What do you think about this part of his process? Would it be helpful to you? Does it link to any of the readings in the course?

The Writer’s Creative Process

Paragraph 3 that starts with “Grisham’s writing technique”
Comment from professor:
This paragraph seems to only contain summary — make sure to focus on analysis throughout the essay. What do you think about this part of his process? Would it be helpful to you? Does it link to any of the readings in the course?

Paragraph 4 that starts with “Grisham’s creative process”
Comment from professor:
Same here — focus a little more on analysis than on the summary.

Paragraph 6 that starts with “Grisham’s process highlights”
Comment from professor:
The paragraphs on this page are excellent! Consider incorporating your analysis throughout the paragraphs on the last page, rather than separating them into summary paragraphs and analysis paragraphs.

The areas that need revision are on papers one, two, and three if this description is confusing.

Overall, my professor says “Samantha, you have a great start on this analysis! You chose a creator and have learned more about his creative process, you analyze that process, and you also incorporate the readings from the course. You might consider changing the organization a bit and perhaps making a connection to your own creative/writing process.”

Describe Netflix’s strategy process over time. What approach to the strategy process does Netflix follow? What works well with this approach? What are some challenges with this process, especially as Netflix continues to grow fast?

Netflix, Inc. Case Study

Each question requires a thorough and detailed response, and should be a minimum of 1 page. The final critical assignment must be a minimum of 6 pages.

Students must use current APA formatting and incorporate the minimum number of required sources: 3 citations from the Harvard Business Review (HBR) text, 3 citations from the Rothaermel text, and 3 citations from the peer-reviewed sources (students must use 3 different sources).

1. Describe Netflix’s strategy process over time. What approach to the strategy process does Netflix follow? What works well with this approach? What are some challenges with this process, especially as Netflix continues to grow fast?

2. How was Netflix able to disrupt the U.S. home entertainment industry? Describe Netflix’s innovation strategy over time. Also, how did Netflix’s business change over time? How did its business model innovation support its technology strategy?

3. What are Netflix’s core competencies? How can they help Netflix to sustain its competitive advantage? How must its core competencies be honed and modified?

4. Netflix growth in the United States Netflix.seems to be maturing. How could Netflix increase demand for its services in the United States? What other services could Netflix offer to drive future growth?

5. International expansion appears to be a major growth opportunity for Netflix. What challenges does Netflix face by going beyond the U.S. market? What can Netflix do to address some of the challenges encountered when going internationally? And which international markets should Netflix focus on, and why?

Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected disorder. Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.

Controversy Associated with Personality and Paraphilic Disorders: Narcissistic personality disorder

Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide on assessing, diagnosing, and treating personality and paraphilic disorders.
Select a specific personality or paraphilic disorder from the DSM-5 to use for this Assignment.
Use the Walden Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations.
The Assignment
In 2–3 pages:

Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected disorder.
Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a patient that may present with this disorder.
Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to this disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.