
What are your areas of strength and weakness in emotional intelligence from the profile compared to what you thought were your strengths and weaknesses? What did you learn about yourself that was new to you?


Complete an emotional intelligence (EI) quotient profile. You may use the EI test from the Emotional Intelligence 2.0 textbook —link and code in the back of the textbook—or any other assessment you find available online. Write a paper discussing your opinion of the assessment accuracy as well as the topics that are listed below.

What are your areas of strength and weakness in emotional intelligence from the profile compared to what you thought were your strengths and weaknesses?
What did you learn about yourself that was new to you?
How can you use the assessment results in your current position and in future leadership roles?
Can coaching behaviors mirror emotional intelligence skills? If so, how?
Based on your emotional intelligence quotient profile, prepare an action plan that you can use to improve your EI in the future. Discuss how you can keep yourself accountable when working to improve your EI.

Your completed assignment must be at least two pages in length. You must at least cite and reference the EI test that you take and one other scholarly source. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Text Book Link:

Emotional Intelligence:[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dhtml-cover-page]!/4/2/4[cover_image]%4050:76

What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes thorn appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices?

Research investigation Progress Check 2

Overview: Throughout Modules Three and Four, you have been guided through continuing your work on Project One (a research investigation), which you will continue to work on and formally submit to your instructor at the end of Module Five. This assignment provides you with an important opportunity to get valuable instructor feedback on the progress you are making and to ensure you are on the right track for your later submission.

Prompt: Throughout Modules Three and Four, you have had opportunities to fine-tune your selected social sciences issue and begin exploring academic sources that can support your continued research on your issue. As you complete this work throughout Modules Three and Four, you should continue to build from the previous work you completed and submitted in Research Investigation Progress Check 1. Specifically, in this assignment, you will submit the Project One elements listed below for review by your instructor.

In Module Four: Performing the Research Investigation (Continued), learning block 4-2 (page 1), you completed the following work, building from your work in Modules One and Two:
I. Introduction

  • A. Describe the Issue in the social sciences that you have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant?

In Module Four: Performing the Research Investigation (Continued), learning block 4-2 (page 3), you completed the following work:
I. Introduction

  • B. Describe at least three social science resources that you could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for the Issue. In your description, consider questions such as these: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes thorn appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices?

In Module Two: Exploring Social Science Issues (Continued), learning block 2-3 (page 2), you completed the following work:

II. Body

  • A. Identify the social science principles that apply to your issue. In other words, which principles of social science apply to the Issue you selected?
  • B. Explain how the principles you identified apply to your issue. In other words, how are the social science principles you identified relevant to your Issue?

In Module Four: Performing the Research Investigation (Continued), learning block 4-3 (page 3), you completed the following work:

III. Conclusion

  • A Based on your investigation, develop a research question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know mom about? B Explain how a social scientist would go about investigating the research question you developed. In other words, what would the next steps be if a social scientist were to continue researching your question?

In Module Three: Performing the Research Investigation, learning block 3-3 (page 3); and Module Four, learning block 4-1 (page 3) and learning block 4-2 (page 3), you began working on the following section of the prompt:

  • IV. Provide a reference list that includes all of the social science resources you used to investigate your issue and question. Ensure that your list is formatted according to current APA guidelines (or another format with instructor permission).

Note that the numbering included above directly aligns with the numbering of these elements as they are presented in the Project One Guidelines and Rubric document.

Consider the skills you have developed in the process of doing critical analysis as strategies for understanding your goals. How might those skills be used to better understand popular culture? How could they be used to address the day-to-day responsibilities or questions faced by yourself as well as practitioners in your field or discipline?

4-2 Activity: Critical Analysis: Engage

Module Four Activity


For this activity, you will consider how your popular culture example could expand our understanding of different cultures and people. You will also suggest ways that critical analysis can be used to meet personal and professional goals. This activity contributes to your draft of the critical analysis section of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate into your project submission.


In this activity, you will work on the second part of the critical analysis of your example within an area of popular culture. You should consider the feedback from your instructor on the previous activities to inform this assignment. Throughout the writing process, you will support your analysis with reliable evidence from varied sources. You should continue to gather the sources you will integrate into your project. These sources will include two resources from the module resources sections of this course and two resources that you find through your own research using the Shapiro Library. It may be beneficial to identify more than the number of sources required for the project so that you can eventually choose the most useful and credible ones. For this activity, you will assess how the popular culture example you chose could broaden an outsider’s understanding of the cultures or people that engage with it. You will also describe how an element of your chosen example reflects your field of study or profession. Finally, you will recommend strategies for using critical analysis skills for meeting personal and professional goals.

You are not required to address each item below the rubric criteria, but you may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.

  • A. It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis, which is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
  • B. Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself. Citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
  • C. You will be evaluated on both criteria.

2. Assess how the example you chose could broaden an outsider’s understanding of the cultures or societies depicted in it or the people who engage with its popular culture area.

  • A. An “outsider” is someone who is not part of a culture or society connected to a particular area of popular culture.
  • B. Consider how the example you chose could contribute to understanding others in productive ways that do not reinforce negative representations of other people.

3. Describe how the example you chose reflects an aspect of your field of study or profession.

4. Recommend strategies for using this kind of critical analysis for meeting your personal and professional goals.

  • A. Consider the skills you have developed in the process of doing critical analysis as strategies for understanding your goals. How might those skills be used to better understand popular culture? How could they be used to address the day-to-day responsibilities or questions faced by yourself as well as practitioners in your field or discipline?

Based on your assessment and analysis of the companies in Milestones One and Two, you will create and deliver a PowerPoint Presentation for senior management’s review and analysis.

9-1 Project Submission: Acquisition Proposal

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Prepare and present internal and external reports.
Monitor and evaluate performance.
Recommend opportunities for performance improvements.

You are a former Navy officer and fighter pilot, and you are now the controller of a division of TransGlobal Airlines, a large organization that operates a fleet of corporate jets for charter at several airports in the southeast part of the United States. Your division’s private charter clients include several Fortune 500 companies in the region. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has informed you that the company is considering the acquisition of two smaller aviation firms in the region specializing in chartered flights for luxury vacations using light aircraft (60 passengers or less). The CFO has tasked you with assessing the organizational benefits of acquiring these aviation firms. The CFO intends to develop a new business plan for the organization if your analysis recommends moving forward with the acquisition.

After an initial assessment, the company has shortlisted two airlines, Company A and Company B, to examine further for acquisition. To understand all aspects of the two airlines under consideration, you have visited each proposed site to assess their performance. The assessment included creating a balanced scorecard for each airline with all four components, financial, internal processes, customers/market, and learning and growth, that will impact the acquisition of each firm.

The CFO has asked you to generate two scenarios for the proposed acquisition based on your analysis and governing or predictive assumptions. They include a worst-case scenario that considers the most serious outcomes that could occur if anticipated targets and assumptions are dramatically wrong; and a best-case scenario if anticipated targets and assumptions significantly exceed forecasts.

Based on your assessment and analysis of the companies in Milestones One and Two, you will create and deliver a PowerPoint Presentation for senior management’s review and analysis. You will also write an executive summary with your recommendations for the leadership team.

Part 1: Presentation

Record and submit a narrated PowerPoint presentation to share your analysis and recommendations for the proposed acquisitions. Use your data and analysis, along with feedback received from the milestone assignments, to complete your presentation. Note: Remember to use both on-screen text and narration in your PowerPoint slides to convey your information effectively. For example, you can use brief bulleted lists on the slide and include detailed explanations in your narration. A resource is provided under Supporting Materials to help you record your presentation. If you are unable to submit a presentation with narration, be sure to include detailed speaker notes with your submission.

Situation Analysis of TransGlobal Airlines (parent company). Use the information from the Supporting Materials section to highlight the parent company’s current business environment.
Internal environment: culture, leadership, internal processes, human resources, operations, and financial performance
External environment: competitive, market, regulatory, customers, suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders
Acquisition Rationale: Explain why your company is planning to acquire these airlines. What strategic objectives will the acquisition meet? How might the acquisition support the bigger picture goals of TransGlobal?

Proposed Acquisitions: Using the resources provided in the Supporting Materials section, provide an overview of the two companies under consideration to be acquired. Include the following information for each company:

  • Location, size, and age of the firm
  • Customer segment and target market
  • Major competitors
  • Company leadership
  • Current financial and market status

Analysis of Company A. Present your data and analysis of Company A. Include the following in your analysis:
Balanced scorecard data: Share the balanced scorecard for Company A. Copy and paste the relevant sections from your Milestone One spreadsheet. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:
Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most impactful key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Internal processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Customers/market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Learning and growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Balanced scorecard analysis: Describe your analysis of Company A’s performance based on its balanced scorecard components. Perform a cost-benefit-risk analysis to explain whether the benefits justify the costs of acquisition.

Opportunity cost: What will it cost to move forward with this opportunity?
Risk: Identify and explain the magnitude (low, medium, or high) of the risks this acquisition poses to the parent company related to its market, financial, cultural, and operational environments.

Analysis of Company B. Present your data and analysis of Company B. Include the following in your analysis:
Balanced Scorecard Data: Share the balanced scorecard of Company B and highlight some key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share. Copy and paste the relevant sections from your Milestone One spreadsheet. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:

Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most impactful key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Internal processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Customers/market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant two key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Learning and growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Balanced scorecard analysis: Perform a cost-benefit-risk analysis for Company B based on its balanced scorecard components to explain whether the benefits justify the costs of acquisition.
Opportunity cost: What will it cost to move forward with this opportunity?
Risk: Identify and explain the magnitude (low, medium, or high) of the risks this acquisition poses to the parent company as related to its market, financial, cultural, and operational environments.
Recommendation: Recommend whether TransGlobal Airlines should acquire one or both companies.
Rationale: Justify how your recommendation supports the company’s strategic objectives. This includes one or more of its financial, market, competitive, and cultural objectives.
Assumptions: Explain how your acquisition recommendation will impact the company’s success in different scenarios:
A worst-case scenario that considers the most serious outcomes that could occur if anticipated targets and assumptions are dramatically wrong; and
A best-case scenario that considers outcomes that significantly exceed anticipated targets and assumptions.

Part 2: Executive Summary
Submit a Word document summarizing your analysis and recommendations for both companies.

Situation assessment: Briefly summarize your company’s current internal and external business environments and the rationale for acquisition.
Data and analysis: Provide a brief overview of the two airlines under consideration, including your findings and analysis from your balanced scorecards.
Recommendation: Justify your recommendation for the acquisition and explain how it supports the company’s objectives.

According to Phu Hoang, what is the fundamental difference between “sustainable” and “resilient” architecture? Which would you advocate for? Choose two contemporary architectural projects (of the last 10 years): one that you think exemplies “sustainablity” and one that exemplifies “resiliency.” Argue on behalf of one over the other using one of the readings as your “gospel.”


According to Phu Hoang, what is the fundamental difference between “sustainable” and “resilient” architecture? Which would you advocate for? Choose two contemporary architectural projects (of the last 10 years): one that you think exemplies “sustainablity” and one that exemplifies “resiliency.” Argue on behalf of one over the other using one of the readings as your “gospel.”

How does the new structure support innovation? How will your recommended changes make the enterprise more responsive to market demand? Explain how organizational changes support a culture of innovation.

9-1 Project Submission: Organizational Structure and Culture

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Evaluate creative and innovative organizational structures
Recommend alternative innovations to solve an internal or market need
Implement creative and innovative processes within an organization

You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks.

The chief technology officer (CTO) of the company from the course scenario has been watching new technology developments that the company could integrate into its vehicles to enhance the usefulness of and access to the data acquired by the many digital sensors that have been integrated into vehicle subsystems over the past 20–30 years. The technology trend of particular interest is the internet of things (IoT)—the interconnection of embedded devices, such as sensors and computers, over the internet. By taking advantage of this trend, the CTO believes the company can seize an opportunity to provide better service and predictive maintenance to its customers, improving customer satisfaction and adding additional revenue streams.

Based on briefings by the CTO, senior management has decided to implement IoT in its product line. Your CTO has asked you to lead a cross-functional team to take this initiative forward. Your first task is to make a recommendation for how the company should approach this business problem. Do you recommend using incremental or discontinuous (that is, slow or fast) innovation? Specifically:

Should the company…

Design a completely new product line, based on the new technology (discontinuous innovation)


Add new technology features into one model and then incrementally into the broader product line (incremental innovation)

The recommendation you and your team make is an important first step in pursuing this new technology.

In Milestone One, you and your team defined what that innovation looked like: would it be disruptive (new product line) or incremental (new features in one existing product)?

In Milestone Two, you developed a strategy plan and a high-level business model. You’ve shared these with various stakeholders, and they are in agreement with your assessment of how best to get to market with this IoT innovation, which will allow the company to be competitive.

Now, the CTO has asked you to come up with a proposed organizational structure that will support the innovation implementation. In this way, you will be assisting in making the innovation sustainable for the company from the course scenario. Companies that are innovative must make sure they have structured the organization in a way that supports innovation, and a key component of innovation is keeping track of what their customers want in terms of products and services.

Complete each of the three parts of this project. Use your slides from Milestone One, your document from Milestone Two, and feedback on Milestone One and Milestone Two to complete the first two parts of your presentation. You can use the resources in the Supporting Materials section (below) for any other information you will need to complete your project.

Part One: Innovation Approach
In this section, share your revised slides from Milestone One and make your recommendation for the innovation approach you think the company should pursue. Ensure this section includes the following information:

Explain potential risks and benefits for options A and B.
Overview (1 slide): Present the business problem and options A and B.
Option A (1–2 slides): Explain at least two potential risks and benefits for option A.
Option B (1–2 slides): Explain at least two potential risks and benefits for option B.
Compare your competition’s products and services.
Competitors: (3–4 slides): Evaluate the competitors’ current products and services.
What are your competitors’ current products and services?
Are your competitors expanding in the current market? Explain how this impacts their market strength.
Analyze your company’s capability to pursue the innovation.
Complete a partial gap analysis (2 slides):
Does the company own the technology, or does it need to be purchased?
How is the technology currently being used in today’s products and services?
What type of technology is available to purchase?
Recommend the innovation approach your company should pursue.
Innovation Approach (2 slides): Explain which innovation approach you are recommending and why.
Consider the different stakeholders (research and development [R&D], marketing, finance) while communicating your recommendations.
Include a description of the incremental or discontinuous product that you are recommending for R&D.
Include the sales forecasts for marketing.
Include a financial snapshot for finance.


Part Two: Strategic Plan
In this section, share your revised paper from Milestone Two, which provides an overview of your competitors’ position in the marketplace, the available and future marketplace, and a plan for how to address a change in business conditions. Ensure this section includes the following information.

Analyze the competitors’ relative strengths in the marketplace. Use Power BI to create charts on the growth rates.
What is the growth rate of each competitor?
How much of the market does each competitor now own? Do you see a trend of gaining or losing market share?
Determine each competitor’s market strength by looking at the financials for each competitor.
Explain how your company’s market share compares to your competitors’. Use Power BI to create charts on your and your competitors’ market share.
Is your company gaining or losing market share?
What is your company’s growth potential in the industry?
How do your company’s financials look compared to your competitors’?
Identify future potential total available market (TAM) and growth for chosen product/service and technology.
What is the TAM for cars and light trucks?
What is the TAM for IoT-connected cars and light trucks?
What is the projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for cars and light trucks?
What is the CAGR for IoT-connected cars and light trucks?
Identify ways to adjust if business conditions change.
What can you do if your customers are slow to respond (buy) the innovation?
What can you do if one competitor is overtaking all the others, including you?
Describe the steps your company needs to take from concept outline to launch.
What is the size of development that will be required?
Will you require additional capital and personnel?
How would you approach determining the timeline from the beginning of development until initial product launch?


Part Three: Organizational Structure and Culture Report
Based on your analysis of the organization’s structure and culture, share recommendations for changing its structure and culture to be more conducive to innovation.

Describe the current organizational structure’s impact on innovation.
How does your company’s organizational structure support innovation?
How effective is the current structure in addressing changes in market demand?
Recommend changes to the current organizational structure.
How does the new structure support innovation?
How will your recommended changes make the enterprise more responsive to market demand?
Explain how organizational changes support a culture of innovation.
In what ways does the current culture work against innovation?
How does the new structure support a culture of innovation?

In an MLA-formatted Word document, prepare an annotated bibliography that includes the primary source and any secondary sources (at least two) for the story you have chosen to research.

Annotated Bibliography

In an MLA-formatted Word document, prepare an annotated bibliography that includes the primary source and any secondary sources (at least two) for the story you have chosen to research.

Write each annotation directly under the corresponding citation, in order to keep track of sources and corresponding notes and evaluations. Annotations should not be overly short. They should be written in language that is appropriate for a final essay.

Write an essay providing how to treat pathogens and what type of disease they are.


Write an essay providing how to treat pathogens and what type of disease they are.

Provides an elaborate description of the educational gaps on the medication or vaccine on the population previously mentioned. Describes how the educational gaps have impacted the population.


The Health Literacy Project is to help develop your critical thinking skills as a BSN prepared nurse. As a bachelor prepared nurse you must be able to effectively communicate, assess reliable data and advocate for the patients you serve. A poster presentation (1 powerpoint slide) with APA 7 format. Must be able to demonstrate all keep points of the rubric.

Health Literacy Project
Health Literacy Project
Criteria Ratings Pts

Demonstrates the Need

Demonstrates a medication or immunization need within your community      5 pts

Exceeds Expectations
Provides a compelling description of why the medication or vaccine is needed within their community. Data clearly establishes the significant need of the medication or vaccine within the community.
3 pts

Meets Expectations
Identifies the need of a medication or immunization within their community. Provides sufficient data and statistically fosters the increase need to have the topic advocated within the community.  1 pts

Below Expectations
Fails to identify a medication or vaccine need within their community. Fails to or provides incomplete data regarding the need of the medication or vaccine within their community.   5 pts

Outcome Population

Describes the population the medication or immunization serves   5 pts

Exceeds Expectations
Provides an elaborate description of the population the medication or immunization would serve or benefit. Displays age groups or medical condition(s) at risk. Properly uses reliable data resources to describe the population.   3 pts

Meets Expectations
Provides sufficient description of the population the medication or immunization would serve or benefit. Displays age groups, or medical condition(s) at risk. Provides reliable data resources to describe the population.   1 pts

Below Expectations
Fails to describe or provides partial description of the population the medication or immunization would serve or benefit.   5 pts

Educational Gaps

Identifies possible educational gaps to the population previously mentioned    5 pts

Exceeds Expectations
Provides an elaborate description of the educational gaps on the medication or vaccine on the population previously mentioned. Describes how the educational gaps have impacted the population. Uses reliable data resources to emphasize the educational gaps.   3 pts

Meets Expectations
Identifies potential educational gaps on the medication or vaccine on the population previously mentioned. Uses reliable data resources to emphasize the educational gaps and how it relates to the population.   1 pts

Below Expectations
Lacks or does not fully identify possible educational gaps on the medication or immunization on the population previously mentioned.   5 pts

Outcome Importance

Identifies the importance of the medication or immunization and ways to improve literacy within the population   5 pts

Exceeds Expectations
Identifies the importance of the medication or immunization by using significant data and provides different or multiple avenues to improve literacy within the population. Uses reliable data to demonstrate a clear linkage on the importance of improving literacy within the population.   3 pts

Meets Expectations
Provides sufficient description of the importance the medication or immunization and how to improve literacy within the population. Uses reliable data to display clear analysis of how it can improve literacy.  1 pts

Below Expectations
Lacks or fails to express the importance the importance of the medication or immunization and the how to improve literacy within the population previously described.  5 pts

Develop a logistic regression, decision tree and neural network models that will identify whether stores will perform well or poorly.

Machine learning

Your Task:
You must develop logistic regression, decision tree and neural network models that will identify whether stores will perform well or poorly. You can use Orange, Python, R, or any data mining package of your choice. The data for the assignment is in a file storedata.csv, which you can download from the same place you found this document. The data dictionary is given at the end of this document. You must follow the correct methodology to use the data to build and test your models.

What to Submit:
You must submit a single page infographic poster showing the results of your analysis. Create the poster using a word processor (like Word) or a presentation package (like PowerPoint). Set the page size to A3 and use a 12pt font. You can choose the layout, but you must include:
1. Put your student number (not your name) at the top of the poster
2. A list of the steps you took to carry out the project, including details of the train / validate / test split that you chose;
3. A table showing which variables you used and whether your model treats them as numeric (continuous or discrete) or categorical. Explain one consequence of your choices;
4. A single example of how you used a histogram to detect an error in the data and what you did to fix that error. State the data cleaning operation you carried out;
5. A table showing the different models and hyper parameters you trained, along with the correct metric for each; Add a sentence on how you chose the hyper parameter values.
6. A justification of the choice of the final model and a confusion matrix showing its results