
How can managers best use the principles of effective negotiation and conflict management to resolve power struggles within health care settings, and what types of power struggles in health care settings do you believe are most amenable to using negotiation and conflict management techniques?

Effective Negotiation and Conflict Managemen

Write a 3-page minimum response to the following question. Remember that cover sheets, reiterating the assignment, and reference pages do not count. APA style is required and you should have a minimum of 3 references.

How can managers best use the principles of effective negotiation and conflict management to resolve power struggles within health care settings, and what types of power struggles in health care settings do you believe are most amenable to using negotiation and conflict management techniques?
What are specific ways to limit the potential for power abuse in health care organizations?
What specific human resource strategies and transparency mechanisms could be created within hospitals or physician practices, for example, that would help prevent any stakeholder, particularly the top leaders of an organization, from pursuing self-interested goals in suspect ways?

Why makes this play a tragedy? How would you describe Hamlet’s central conflict in this play? Do you think Hamlet is relevant today? If yes, how so? If no, please explain.

A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen.

For your Hamlet response paper, here are the prompts:

1. Why makes this play a tragedy?

2. How would you describe Hamlet’s central conflict in this play?

3. Do you think Hamlet is relevant today? If yes, how so? If no, please explain.

What do you think is the main conflict in Lysistrata? Why is this play considered a ‘comedy’? 3. Although this play was first performed in 411 B.C., why do you think it is still relevant?

Here is the pdf for Hamlet.

Guiding questions for “Lysistrata” response paper:

1. What do you think is the main conflict in Lysistrata?

2. Why is this play considered a ‘comedy’?

3. Although this play was first performed in 411 B.C., why do you think it is still relevant?

Describe what the transition from employee to supervisor will be like for you, and what are some of the changes you will have to make.


Describe what the transition from employee to supervisor will be like for you, and what are some of the changes you will have to make.

Discuss how the Eastern market will potentially view new hire orientation, and then discuss two to three ways to tailor the new hire orientation to this market.

Training and Development

Cultural Considerations in Learning and Development

You are currently the head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer. The organization has decided to expand its operations into the Eastern market such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The vice president of human resources has asked that you create a proposal outlining your plans for a new hire orientation program for the Eastern market. In your proposal, include the elements listed below.

Discuss how the Eastern market will potentially view new hire orientation, and then discuss two to three ways to tailor the new hire orientation to this market.

Discuss how the Eastern market perceives the relationship between the learner and trainer.

Discuss who will be responsible for giving the new hire orientation to the Eastern employees and how the orientation will be delivered. For example, will a local who is familiar with the language deliver a live orientation training session, or will it be a remote training session with a translator? Will it be some other delivery method? Once the method is chosen, discuss why this method is appropriate for the given market.

Your completed assignment must be at least two pages in length and use at least two outside sources. Adhere to APA guidelines when constructing this assignment, and include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

What is enzyme specificity? Describe the metabolic pathways and mechanisms that regulate them. Identify some of the environmental effects on enzyme activity. How do cells use electron transport chains?

Final research

  • Explain the relationship between reactants and products
    • Describe why chemical bonds hold energy (potential and kinetic)
    • Use the first and second laws of thermodynamics to explain energy available to do work
    • What is activation energy and how do cells store and retrieve energy from organic molecules?
  • Identify the function and aspects of enzymes within metabolic pathways
    • What is enzyme specificity?
    • Describe the metabolic pathways and mechanisms that regulate them.
      • Identify some of the environmental effects on enzyme activity.
    • How do cells use electron transport chains?
    • What is ATP?
  • Compare and contrast the processes and cellular mechanisms of substance movement across cell membranes
    • Diffusion and factors that influence rate and direction of diffusion
      • Concentration gradient
    • Selective permeability in terms of lipid bilayers
    • Osmosis and turgor pressure in cells
      • Solution Concentrations (hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic)
    • The purpose of transport proteins
      • Passive and Active Transport (ATP)
      • Endocytosis and Exocytosis







Discuss and describe about the Brain islet axis (the knowns and the unknowns).

Brain islet axis

Discuss and describe about the Brain islet axis (the knowns and the unknowns)

What specific steps would the chosen organisation take to deliver this strategy/approach? How would the chosen organisation ensure the approach stays on track? What else would they need to consider? Who else could they learn from?

Operation management (MBA-essay)

Prior Reading
As background information, familiarise yourself with the EFQM model (the PDF is also available within the Assessment Instructions section). The questions and assessment criteria for Coursework A assessment are outlined below.

Overall Task

1. Apply the EFQM Business Excellence model, using relevant theory and concepts learnt on the module, to one organisation of your choice in the food industry. Draw on your analysis to identify and capture strengths and areas for improvement to the chosen organisation (40%):

Criterion 3: Engaging Stakeholders

Discuss how the sustainable relationships with partners & suppliers (3.5) build within the company.

Criterion 4 – Creating Sustainable Value

Critically evaluate the key processes required to deliver the value (4.3).

Criterion 5 – Driving Performance & Transformation

Analyse how the company develops new product and evaluate whether the company utilises technology (5.3)?

2. Based on your analysis, recommend one Operations OR Supply Chain Management strategy that the chosen organisation could pursue to drive business excellence. Apply RADAR framework to your recommendation (40%).

Marks will be awarded for structure, presentation (including executive summary), and quality of references (10%).

Note: You should draw on relevant theory, concepts and principles learnt on the module throughout the report.

Some advice on developing your strategy in Q2
You may wish to use the RADAR elements to help you address questions 2. This may also influence the key points raised in your executive summary.

Radar Element



What would success look like from this strategy?


Describe what the strategy looks like in terms of an approach or approaches?


What specific steps would the chosen organisation take to deliver this strategy/approach?

Assessment & Refinement

How would the chosen organisation ensure the approach stays on track? What else would they need to consider? Who else could they learn from?

Advice on the practical application of theory
There is an expectation that you go beyond learning gained on the BMHPO module. This includes a need to conduct your own research into the key themes underpinning the questions above using the academic literature (e.g. journal articles and other credible sources).

You will need to briefly introduce your chosen organisation to familiarise the reader with the appropriate context. There are no marks for detailed background to the company. You are being assessed on your reflections, interpretation, and application of theory in practice and analytical reasoning using accepted academic practice and literature.

Guidance notes

This report is worth 45% of your total grade for this module. An essential feature of the report is to illustrate how theoretical constructs or models can be critically analysed and applied to organisations in practice.
You are advised to read widely. In fact, unless you have read and referenced at least 10 discrete references, it is unlikely that you have done sufficient reading (you need to go beyond this to achieve higher marks).
This component is an academic assignment and should be written in an appropriate style (e.g. using 3rd person).
You are required to present your report using a clear coherent structure. A typical format will include an introduction, conclusion, recommendations, full reference list, and any appropriate appendices. You may use headings and subheadings.

Discuss a partition wall in a building that you are familiar with or have visited and provide a photo of the wall. Within your discussion, provide the details of how the wall is being used in the space.

Discussion Forum 7

Paper detalis:

Construction management 1112 – Construction Materials and Methods I course discussion forum

1. A wide variety of panelized metal wall system are available. Each system must be specially adapted to its intended building use. Discuss a metal wall system that you’ve investigated and how it is specifically used in the construction of a building. Provide a photograph of your wall system.

2. Partition walls are vertical dividers which are used to separate internal spaces into rooms. Discuss a partition wall in a building that you are familiar with or have visited and provide a photo of the wall. Within your discussion, provide the details of how the wall is being used in the space.

What behaviors by leaders are most effective for teams and what responsibilities does the leader have to meet team needs?

Model of Team Ledership

Describe the Hill Model for Team Leadership found in Chapter 16. What is a leader’s mental model? What behaviors by leaders are most effective for teams and what responsibilities does the leader have to meet team needs? Give a personal example that you observed or personally performed in a group setting that was provided to meet team members’ needs.