
Describe how you would verify that the putative virulence factors identified by your method are indeed involved in pathogenesis. 

Gene Therapy

Chapter questions about microbiology

The Power of Bacteria

The genomes of a number of bacterial pathogens have now been completely sequenced. How might the availability of this information affect the definition of virulence factors?

Why are in vivo expression technologies continuing to turn up housekeeping genes rather than the “virulence genes” the researchers who developed these methods originally envisioned?

If you have the genome sequence of a bacterial pathogen, would you still need to clone genes or does cloning become obsolete?

Suppose you perform an RNA-Seq experiment comparing RNA samples prepared from a bacterium isolated from the blood of an infected animal to that grown in rich tissue culture medium in vitro. You detect changes in the relative transcript amounts of several genes for the bacterium grown in blood versus culture medium.  How would you interpret the results?  What does it tell you about the virulence of this bacterium?

Solving Problems in Bacterial Pathogenesis

You are a researcher working for the USDA. After two years of effort, you have isolated in pure culture a new, highly virulent bacterium from duck feces that is responsible for several major outbreaks of death in mammalian wildlife from contaminated pond water in the South.

Based on 16S rRNA sequence comparison, you have determined that this new bacterium is distantly related to the Gram-negative bacterium, Vibrio cholerae and you have named this strain Vibrio birdsii.  You have subsequently determined that V. birdsii is sensitive to tetracycline (i.e., it cannot grow in its presence). But is resistant to ampicillin.  You obtained a Vibrio plasmid that you then used to construct a suitable E. coli. shuttle vector for V. birdsii which you could use for genetic manipulation in E. coli and then transfer into V. birdsii by transformation.

You have also determined that guinea pigs which have good, innate immune systems, are an excellent animal model for the disease, which results primarily from uptake through drinking contaminated water, followed by colonization of the gut and bloody diarrhea, followed by invasion of intestinal cells with spreading to lymph nodes and the spleen, and then death by dehydration and/or organ failure.

You are interested in identifying virulence factors associated with disease in guinea pigs.  You have decided to use Tn-Seq as a strategy to identify these virulence factors.  After infection and harvesting of the intestines, spleen, and lymph nodes of the guinea pigs, you have identified 10 genes that are likely involved in growth and another 6 that are likely involved in virulence.


Draw a diagram of the shuttle vector and transposon that you constructed.  Be sure to label all the key features (genes, promoters, etc.) that are necessary for them to work for V. birdsii in order to use in your studies.

How do you interpret the results from the initial screen?

Describe how you would verify that the putative virulence factors identified by your method are indeed involved in pathogenesis.  Be sure to state what specific criteria must be satisfied.

From infected rabbits, you have isolated a new, highly virulent Gram-positive bacterium related to Listeria monocytogenes, which you have named Listeria leporine. Pathogenic findings are most prominent in the intestine and spleen.  Clinical signs are generally mild or absent in adult, healthy animals, but you find that young and old animals have symptoms of increased thickness of the lining of the gut due to proliferation of epithelial cells and swelling of the lymph nodes and spleen.  Those animals often succumb to systemic infection, including brain lesions and death in about 70% of cases.

You wish to better understand the pathogenesis of the disease and to identify potential virulence factors of L. leporine.  But, because the results are rather urgent, you decide to use the available genome sequence of the related L. monocytogenes to conduct a comparative genome analysis.  Describe how you would go about conducting this study.  Be sure to include all of the reagents and steps you would need to accomplish this task.

From your comparative genome analysis, you identified seven genes encoding putative virulence factors, which have been named llp1 through llp7.  Two of the genes (llp1 and llp2) were found adjacent to each other on a two-gene operon, the genes llp3 and llp4 were part of an operon containing four genes, the gene llp5 was part of an operon containing five genes, and the other two genes (llp6 and llp7) were found on separate single-gene operons. Describe in detail how you would verify using a young rabbit infection model that those seven encode actual virulence factors.  Be sure to state the criteria that would need to be satisfied.

Be sure to include a description of all the reagents, conditions, and experimental procedures you would need to use, as well as your rationale.

You would like to know at which point during the in vivo infection process each of these putative virulence genes gets turned on.  Describe an experiment that you would perform to determine this.

How do I feel about its importance? What kinds of choices do they make? What types of play do you see? What developmental areas are served in their play?

Journal 2: The Children

Read Ch.3 (attachments of text will be added) For this journal, your focus is the children.(How do I feel about its importance?) Remember to cite three references from your text. Also, give specific examples of how the children interact with the environment. What kinds of choices do they make? What types of play do you see? What developmental areas are served in their play? Give specific examples. Remember to write your journal in essay form 3-5 pages. Your response should include at least 3 references to the text. Here are the questions, answer all of them in essay form.

1) Describe what the children are doing in the classroom.

2) Record and describe at least 5 specific scenarios of their play in detail.

3) What experiences, knowledge and skills are they building on? List cues that let you know a child is learning.

4) What do you think about the importance of play?

5) Are there opportunities for children to a) play alone, b) participate in small groups, c) participate in a large group? Describe/explain.

6) Are children encouraged to learn from one another? How?

7) Can you identify the developmental areas that are supported in their play (social, emotional, physical, cognitive/language, and creative)?

8) How do you see this happening? How does this relate to the concept of the “Whole Child”?

9) Describe the range of ability you observe among the children.

10) Are there children with special needs in the classroom? How are they served?

11) Focus on two same age children. What makes them different? Similar? Describe.

Provide details about this in your post. If faced with a mandated reporter issue, what are the steps in reporting the issue? Create a mandated reporter scenario and post it.

Texas state’s mandated reporter statute.

Review Texas state’s mandated reporter statute. Provide details about this in your post. If faced with a mandated reporter issue, what are the steps in reporting the issue? Create a mandated reporter scenario and post it.

Provide one specific, real-life example of how either financial accounting helps external stakeholders make informed decisions or how managerial accounting helps managers to improve operational and financial performance.

Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting

Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting. Provide one specific, real-life example of how either financial accounting helps external stakeholders make informed decisions or how managerial accounting helps managers to improve operational and financial performance.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA 6th edition guidelines, and you need to use at least three external references. Save your file as “LastnameFirstinitial-ACCT105-8.”

Submit your work by midnight ET on Day 7 (Sunday).

Note that your attached paper will automatically be submitted to Turnitin, and an Originality Report should be sent back to the classroom within around 15 minutes. The Originality report does not actually recommend changes. It does point out where you may need to add a citation or quotation marks (if not already cited). Once you use it a few times, you will appreciate this tool, as it will assist you in improving quality and content, as well as avoid plagiarism. Your goal is to keep direct quotations to a minimum and to make sure that you do not just cut and paste material. Ensure that all your references are cited. A report with a similarity index less than 25% is acceptable for undergraduate level work.

Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.

Health organization

Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.). Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade.

Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following:

Describe the health care organization or network.

Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.

Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction.

Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.

Propose a theory or model that could be used to support implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.

What social, political, or economic trends influence change in higher education? • What are the primary factors that inhibit or promote change in higher education? How might an educational leader keep up to date on relevant external and internal triggers?

EDD643 Mod 1- CASE

Higher education institutions undergo change on a regular basis for a variety of reasons. Use the peer-reviewed journal articles provided in the background readings to respond to the following questions:

• What social, political, or economic trends influence change in higher education?

• What are the primary factors that inhibit or promote change in higher education?

Next, discuss the triggers to organizational change (Dawson, 2003, p. 15) and the impact of both external and internal triggers on effective change management. How might an educational leader keep up to date on relevant external and internal triggers?

In conclusion, describe how the module readings contribute to or alter, your perspective on change management in higher education.

Attached: Read Chapter 2: Dimensions of Change in:

Dawson, P. (2003). Understanding Organizational Change: The Contemporary Experience of People at Work. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Kezar, A. (2009, Nov). Change in higher education: Not enough, or too much? Change, 41, 18-23.

How could this project impact your professional practice? What else would have been helpful? More data? Better resources?

Week 6 Assignment: Direct Care Project Part 4: Evaluating the Project (Graded)

Directions for Part 4
View the Direct Care Project Part 4 Tutorial (Click here to view) (Links to an external site.).
Download the Direct Care Part 4: Evaluating the Project template below.
Gather the information from the surveys and attendance form.
Complete the template with the following:
Attendance form data
Include names, titles, and organization
Tables of results
PRE-Survey and POST-Survey results in numerical form
Interpretation of results
Summarize data in the tables
Include any positive or negative changes
Overall experience
Summary of outcomes from the pre and post surveys
Gaps in project (Examples: What else would have been helpful? More data? Better resources?)
Barriers to the project (Examples: participant interest, time, limited resources, willingness for change)
Implications for future practice
How could this project impact your professional practice?
Submit the Direct Care Part 4: Evaluating the Project template and the attendance form. The attendance form will be a separate submission in the grades area.

What would you do to prevent Zika virus infection in your town? If you decide to use an insecticide to kill mosquitoes, what type or class of insecticide would you use? Why?

5 536 Diss

Zika virus infection among pregnant women can cause birth defects such as microcephaly in the newborn child. Imagine you are the mayor of a small suburban town in Florida in which mosquitoes are known to carry Zika virus. What would you do to prevent Zika virus infection in your town? If you decide to use an insecticide to kill mosquitoes, what type or class of insecticide would you use? Why?

Explain the business risks associated with prioritizing, planning, and resourcing each initiative and how these risks will be considered and monitored. Describe how changes to the requirements and scope would impact timelines, budget, and risk.

7-2 Project


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Recommend operations management methods and techniques to increase value for customers
Evaluate how operations management generates value for an organization
Explain local, national, and global sustainability in relation to functional areas of business


You work as the chief supply-chain officer at the large international corporation, NationaliTeas. NationaliTeas manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Its motto is “Keeping people and their taste buds awake (when they want to be awake).” Its mission is “Make the world more awake through rejuvenating and refreshing beverages and sustainable practices that uplift workers, communities, and souls.” Its vision is “to be the most respected tea manufacturer across at least three continents for our tea and our actions, which will be driven by a commitment ethical sourcing, minimal waste, and empowerment of our employees.”

You would like to establish an operational goal of having your corporation apply for a B Corp Certification within the next two years. You believe this would add value to the organization and help it to prioritize a stronger focus on sustainable operational practices. You have conducted a preassesment based on the recommendations for applying for B Corp Certification, and you’ve evaluated the corporation’s current strengths and areas for improvement.

Now you need to develop a proposal for the board of directors that explains why prioritizing the triple bottom line (TBL) through working toward B Corp Certification has organizational value. You must also propose three high-impact initiatives to help strengthen the corporation’s commitment to people, planet, and profit based on your evaluations.

Part One: Justification of Benefits: Justify the value of working toward more intentionally incorporating the TBL framework into organizational decision making, specifically how ethical business practices regarding people, planet, and profit can benefit society, the environment, and the company’s profit. Specifically, address the following:
Key Components: Explain the three key components of the TBL framework and how each component benefits businesses and society.
Organizational Value: Provide a justification regarding the value and benefits of using the TBL framework to inform corporate decision making, and explain connections between the organizational mission and the organizational vision.
B Corporation Benefits: Briefly describe the organizational benefits of attaining B Corp Certification.

Part Two: Operational Recommendations: Read through the Preassessment Evaluation Summary (located in the Supporting Materials section) for each aspect of the TBL (people, profit, and planet). You will need to provide a detailed description of the initiatives that will create the needed improvement. You should note the organizational and societal value of the initiative along with the operational management techniques recommended to plan and complete each initiative. For each of your three initiatives, address the following:
Organizational Impacts: Describe the organizational benefits of each initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Examples of positive impacts include better alignment to the organization’s mission, vision, and culture statements; increased amounts of funds or resources saved; and improvements to the organization’s brand.
Societal Impacts: Describe the societal benefits of each initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Examples of positive impacts include increased community building and positive environmental impact.
Customer Impacts: Describe the consumer benefits of each selected initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Examples of positive impacts include increased alignment to target markets, improved product access and availability, and improved customer satisfaction.
Business Risks: Explain the business risks associated with prioritizing, planning, and resourcing each initiative and how these risks will be considered and monitored.
Operational Management Techniques: Recommend an operational management strategy or technique (e.g., project management, lean manufacturing, or Six Sigma) that is appropriate to implement for each selected initiative, and explain why.
Defining Requirements and Scope: Define the requirements for the successful implantation of each selected initiative as well as the scope of each. Describe how changes to the requirements and scope would impact timelines, budget, and risk.
Roles and Responsibilities: Explain the key internal and external stakeholders who would be involved in planning and implementing each selected initiative, as well as why each identified stakeholder is needed to successfully implement the initiatives.

What is your first impression or feelings about any of the episode that you heard? What stood out to you as interesting or important? Why does it matter that people understand that they have implicit biases?

Implicit Bias

This assignment is likely to be different than most others you’ve had. I am asking you to listen to an episode of the radio program called ‘This American Life’ that discusses different aspects of life around the U.S. This particular episode covers the very important issue of race and policing, and gives us the opportunity to hear from real life experiences of people using or learning about implicit bias.

We haven’t covered the criminal justice system yet, but you have had several weeks of learning about the sociological perspective and chances are good that you have had lots of exposure to conversations about race and/or the criminal justice system.


Your job is to listen to the program, taking notes as you listen, and then answer the following questions:

What is your first impression or feelings about any of the episode that you heard? What stood out to you as interesting or important?
Consider the agents of socialization: family, peers, sports, religion, school, toys/games, the media. Choose 2 of those to discuss how implicit biases become a part of each of us. Do you think that we can un-learn or re-learn the messages that have created implicit biases? How?
Why does it matter that people understand that they have implicit biases?
What are some positive consequences to knowing that implicit biases exist? What are some negative consequences?

The Media Education Lab is a source of good definitions to guide us in this discussion:

Implicit Attitudes – Settled ways of thinking and feeling (about different objects, people, and phenomena) that we are not aware of.
Implicit Biases – Unconscious prejudice in favor or against certain kinds of people.
Stereotypes – Mental shortcut; generalized and simplified understanding of a particular type of person or thing.

While planning your week, keep in mind that the episode is 1 hour long. If possible, don’t multi-task while listening – it makes writing about it so much harder! When you get to the website to click and listen, you will also see that there is a transcript available if you need it.


Your finished paper does not have to be written in formal essay format, but should be at least 500 words.