
Did he (Calvin) have the mental capacity to enter into the contract when he agreed to let Billy sell the penny? What would he (Calvin) have to prove to show a court that he did not have the necessary mental capacity when he authorized Billy to sell the penny?

Unit 4 Case Study

Calvin had been an avid coin collector for many years, and the most valuable coin in his collection was an uncirculated, mint condition, 1943 Lincoln penny made of copper (most pennies made during World War II were made of zinc because copper was needed in the war effort). That penny had a value of between $60,000 and $95,000.
In August of 2017, Calvin had a serious stroke that left him unable to speak or walk, but his doctor assured his family that Calvin would recover over time with intensive therapy.
Calvin was a widower and did not have any children, but he had several nephews who visited him from time to time as he recovered. None of the nephews had any real interest in Calvin’s coin collection. One of Calvin’s nephews, Billy, who visited Calvin more often than the other nephews, sometimes listened to Calvin talk (talking was a part of Calvin’s therapy) about his mounting medical bills and his coin collection, but Billy never showed much interest in the medical bills or the coin collection.
In October, as Calvin’s recovery progressed slowly, Billy visited Calvin and told Calvin that he had been reading about coin collecting, and he realized that Calvin’s collection, especially the 1943 Lincoln copper penny, was valuable, and Billy suggested that Calvin should consider selling the 1943 Lincoln copper penny and use the proceeds to pay his medical bills. Calvin resisted the idea at first, but Billy continued to urge Calvin to sell the penny so that he would not have to worry about the medical bills. Finally, when Billy told Calvin that he would arrange the sale of the penny for a commission of just 5% of the sale price of the penny, Calvin began to think that selling the coin might be a good idea. He was still a little confused about how the sale would work and what Billy would do to make sure that the penny would be sold for the best price. Calvin told Billy that he thought that the penny was worth almost $100,000, but Billy assured Calvin that the market had changed recently, and that the penny was now worth $40,000 to $45,000. Eventually, Calvin allowed Billy to sell the penny for the best price he could get and to take a 5% commission for arranging the sale of the penny. Billy then sold the penny to a friend for $40,000, took his 5% commission, and paid the remainder of the sale price to Calvin.
A few months later, as Calvin continued to recover, he read a story in a coin collecting magazine about how an uncirculated, mint condition, 1943 Lincoln penny made of copper had just sold at auction for more than $100,000, and Calvin began to wonder if Billy had taken advantage of him. Calvin consulted a lawyer and asked the two questions below.
Did he (Calvin) have the mental capacity to enter into the contract when he agreed to let Billy sell the penny? What would he (Calvin) have to prove to show a court that he did not have the necessary mental capacity when he authorized Billy to sell the penny?
Did Billy exert undue influence over Calvin to cause Calvin to enter into the contract that allowed Billy to sell the penny?
What do you think? Does Calvin have a case to set aside the contract with Billy on either of these theories?
Your case study should be at least two pages in length and include at least two outside sources. Be sure to use APA formatting for all citations and references.

Explain in detail how the sociological imagination is important to the scientific work of sociologists. For example, how is the sociological imagination used in sociological research?

Written assignment 2

The sociological imagination is a significant departure from so-called common sense understandings. Write a 2- to 3-page paper (500 to 825 words) in APA format focused on how sociological research applies key theoretical paradigms in understanding at least one important social problem. Cite and use at least one additional outside source for this paper.

Your paper must address the following:

Provide direct reference to our reading material and define the sociological imagination.

Explain in detail how the sociological imagination is important to the scientific work of sociologists. For example, how is the sociological imagination used in sociological research? Provide at least one example.

After doing your own independent research, analyze an important issue in society from the sociological imagination perspective and contrast this with a non-sociological analysis.

How would you allocate the funds to buy fresh vegetables and fruits for your students? Let’s assume that organic fruits and vegetables are 10% more expensive than traditionally (conventionally) grown foods.

5 536 Assign

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Data Program (PDP) monitors pesticide residues on agricultural commodities in the food supply, including commodities highly consumed by infants and children. PDP data allow the EPA to assess dietary pesticide residue exposures in the United States.

For this assignment, download a copy of the latest PDP annual summary. Carefully read the document, focusing on nontechnical information such as the executive summary, introduction (section I), sampling operations (section II), sample results and discussion (section V), and Appendices F, G, H, and I. Imagine you are the school district food service director and the district dietitian in your town. You have been thinking about whether or not to include organic vegetables and fruits in school menu. Because funds are limited for the district’s school lunch program, how would you allocate the funds to buy fresh vegetables and fruits for your students? Let’s assume that organic fruits and vegetables are 10% more expensive than traditionally (conventionally) grown foods.

For this assignment:

Your paper should be 3–4 pages in length (excluding cover page and reference page).
Reflect and support your decision of either providing organic or nonorganic food for the students in your school district.
Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed references and the latest PDP annual summary.
Use APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Your sources should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

Write a three-page paper about the overall plot, the characters, the scenery and costumes, etc. How did the actual production differ from the script?

Death of a Salesman

For this assignment, you will the script and the film Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, available at most bookstores and on videotape. You will write a three-page paper about the overall plot, the characters, the scenery and costumes, etc. How did the actual production differ from the script?

What similarities and differences did you find between Ortega y Gasset’s conception of mass society and Lenin’s view of a communist society? How would each address the concept of freedom within mass society?

Ortega y Gasset’s conception of mass society and Lenin’s view of a communist society.

1. What similarities and differences did you find between Ortega y Gasset’s conception of mass society and Lenin’s view of a communist society? How would each address the concept of freedom within mass society?

How do you think two crucial research events—the creation of the Nuremberg Code and the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis study at Tuskegee—influenced the role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) in the study design process?

5 535 Diss 

How do you think two crucial research events—the creation of the Nuremberg Code and the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis study at Tuskegee—influenced the role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) in the study design process?

What lessons or examples were new and prompted you to think how you could use those tactics in your own writing? What are the three specific and most important takeaways for you and why?

Freedman book

What did the Freedman book teach you about writing?
What impressed you and why?
What lessons or examples were new and prompted you to think how you could use those tactics in your own writing?
What are the three specific and most important takeaways for you and why?
Make this essay thoughtful; be analytical of your own work.
Cite specific pages in your essay.
What do you most want to remember and apply in your own writing?
Remember: Freedman is particularly good at writing about the use of people, keeping things simple, the suitcase theory, and the rule of threes. Those can be prompts for your essay, but be sure to add others of your own selection.

Do not simply praise or criticize the book—this is not a book report.
Do not waste a single word writing the title or Freedman’s name.
Be thoughtful and insightful about your own writing, and tell us what you think you learned.

What are your research questions? List and specify your dependent and independent variables

5 521 Diss

Now, it’s time to decide which statistical analyses to use to test the hypothesis that your independent variable is related to your dependent variable. For this discussion, provide the following:

What are your research questions? (Main hypotheses and goal of your study)
List and specify your dependent and independent variables
Your choice of statistical test, based on Chapter 7 (Hint: if you have a dependent variable that is ordinal, for this project you can run the statistical test that is appropriate if your dependent variable is continuous.)

What is the calculated mean for each group? What is the calculated F value? What is the p and critical F value? Is the p value significant? Is calculated F value greater than Critical F value? Conclusion?

5 521 Assign

Open the small Excel database that was provided to you in week 4. To run the test statistics you have to re-arrange your data.

With this database, you will:

Run a one-way ANOVA to compare three or more groups of people (specified by a categorical variable) on one continuous variable.
Write the null and alternate hypotheses.
What is the calculated mean for each group?
What is the calculated F value?
What is the p and critical F value?
Is the p value significant? Is calculated F value greater than Critical F value? Conclusion?
Run a chi-squared test to determine whether one group of people has higher rates of a given outcome relative to the other groups of people in the data set.
Write the null and alternate hypotheses.
What is the calculated chi-square value?
What is the p and critical value?
Is the p value significant? Is calculated chi-square value greater than Critical F value? Conclusion?

Do you agree with the ultimate outcome of the case or conclusion to the article? What would you have done differently? Are there any red flags that are raised in your mind? As a Christian, how should you respond to situations or arguments like these?

Turabian style is a must

The idea behind each Response Paper is for you to reflect on the case or article and to write a thoughtful, well-reasoned response to the situation or issue presented, incorporating any arguments or conclusions you may make in light of the other readings and presentations in the course. Your evaluation of the case should be based on the following questions: Do you agree with the ultimate outcome of the case or conclusion to the article? What would you have done differently? Are there any red flags that are raised in your mind? As a Christian, how should you respond to situations or arguments like these? The prompt for each Response Paper will present additional, specific questions for you to consider as you read the case. Each prompt will identify which questions you must address and which ones you may consider and optionally address in your response.


One thing to avoid is an emotional response. You may passionately disagree with the outcome or the views of the author(s) or judge(s); however, you must not turn your Response Paper into an emotional rant. Each paper must be a reflective, intellectual, academic response to the merits of the case or article. Also, be respectful of those involved. Do not insult them by calling them names or using other derogatory language. This will lose you points. You can disagree and be respectful about it.


You must write at least 500 words (about 2 pages) for each Response Paper. Your grade will be reduced if you go below the minimum. Each Response Paper must follow current Turabian format. You must submit each Response Paper as a Microsoft Word document using the submission link in Blackboard. Do not cut and paste your paper. Instead, attach it as a separate file.


Response Paper 4:Buck v. Bell (1927)” by Nathalie Antonios and Christina Raup (Embryo Project Encyclopedia)


Read the case summary and address the following questions:


  1. What 2 principles are in conflict in this case? Support your answer.
  2. What are some red flags you see in how the trial came about and the persons involved?
  3. Do you think forced sterilization of those deemed genetically inferior is an appropriate way to deal with the disease?


Questions to consider:


  1. How much do you think the decision to treat Carrie as “feebleminded” was based on a moral evaluation of her unwed pregnancy (and her mother’s moral background)? Do you think this raises questions about the other 60,000 institutionalized patients who were sterilized between 1927 and 1974?
  2. The court argued that forced sterilization as necessary for the public good was similar to forced vaccination. Do you think that argument is successful? In what ways are forced sterilization and forced vaccination analogous and disanalogous?