
What changes would you make to your presentations, as to ensure that all students’ needs were met. Investigate the use of online communication/collaboration tools for engaging with students.

ICT & Education


Reports received from students, indicate that students are disgruntled with the quality of the presentations that teachers have been presenting to them. As a result, you as a teacher, have reflected and made the decision to review your presentations and identify ways in which you can make adjustments to make it more engaging.

Based on the above, please complete the following:
1. Please address the below questions:
Justify what changes you would make to your presentations, as to ensure that all students’ needs were met. Specify the various productivity and web tools which you would use, justifying using examples and references, as to where these tools have been used successfully in the past.
ii. Additionally, due to the rise of Covid-19, you have now been asked to investigate the use of online communication/collaboration tools for engaging with students. Justify which tool (s) you would use and why, speaking to areas where these tools have been used successfully in the past.


1. Identify the importance of ICT in Education
2. Recognize the significance of an educator in leadership being knowledgeable of ICT
3. Discuss critical issues regarding ICT in Education
4. Describe the learning environment for using ICT
5. Utilize strategies for managing the use of ICT in their institution
6. Evaluate the required ICT tools to be used in teaching and learning
7. Apply knowledge of productivity tools and web tools to teaching and learning
8. Assess the use of productivity tools and web tools in teaching and learning
Integrate various tools to meet the needs of diverse learners

Write about any EIGHT parts of a microscope explaining the function of each part. Write about any FOUR features found on an animal cell membrane. What is the function of Mitochondriaf

Biology Lab Assigment #01

Assignment Content
FALL 2021

ASSIGNMENT #01 LABS 1>5 10% of your

(1.1) Explain 5 lab safety procedures 1 point

(1.2) State 5 lab hazardous signs 1 point

(2) State with examples 4 types of FOOD MACROMOLECULES 2 points

(2.1) TYPE OF MACROMOLECULE:______________ EXAMPLE:__________________

(2.2) TYPE OF MACROMOLECULE:______________ EXAMPLE:__________________

(2.3) TYPE OF MACROMOLECULE:______________ EXAMPLE:__________________

(2.4) TYPE OF MACROMOLECULE:______________ EXAMPLE:__________________

(3) Write about any EIGHT parts of a microscope explaining the function of each part: 2

(4) Write about any FOUR features found on an animal cell membrane: 2 points

(5) What is the function of the following: 2 points

(5.1) Mitochondria:

(5.2) mRNA:

(5.3) Centrioles:
(5.4) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum:

Choose one of these pieces of writing for your textual analysis. Write a letter to someone who might be interested in the piece of writing you’ve chosen, explaining its main idea and describing in detail the strategies the author uses to convey this idea.

Textual Review

“‘Cure’ Me? No, Thanks” by Ben Mattlin [PDF]

“The NBA’s Secret Addiction” by Baxter Holmes [PDF]

“The Age of Rudeness” by Rachel Cusk [PDF]

“Why Does Hollywood Keep Equating Beauty with Virtue?” by Zachary Pincus-Roth [PDF]

Next, choose one of these pieces of writing for your textual analysis. Give this piece of writing some additional attention. Read it from top to bottom, making notes on its main idea, the various claims and subtopics that elaborate this idea, the details the author incorporates (including research, experts, quotations, anecdotes, personal stories, and other elements), and anything else that might offer clues as to the author’s purpose and how readers could interpret the piece. Then, start planning your textual analysis.

Your task is to write a letter to someone who might be interested in the piece of writing you’ve chosen, explaining its main idea and describing in detail the strategies the author uses to convey this idea. The person you’re writing to may be someone you personally know, but that’s not absolutely necessary—you can probably think of famous actors and directors who would be interested in Pincus-Roth’s argument about beauty and virtue, for example. What is necessary is that you think about your audience’s perspective as you’re drafting your letter. Consider your audience’s experiences and perspectives and reference these in your letter when possible so that your textual analysis becomes interesting and relevant to this person. Notice that the word “summary” hasn’t appeared anywhere in these instructions. The goal of the letter you’re writing isn’t primarily to summarize a piece of writing. Instead, it’s to explain how the author accomplishes a purpose—to identify the writerly “moves” he or she is making. Of course, you’ll have to summarize a little bit so that your audience understands the context for these “moves,” but your primary goal is to describe these techniques and provide illustrations of how the author uses them. That means you’ll be incorporating quite a few quotations, and perhaps a few paraphrases, into your letter. You’ll get some practice with quotations and paraphrases in the learning activities for this unit.

What risks are inherent for the college, with its reliance on its rapid shifts to implement new initiatives based on entrepreneurial demands? How might academic programming be impacted by the business ventures?

EDD643 Mod 1- SLP

The SLP assignments for this course ask you to review a case study from Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Leading Change by Eddy (2010).

Review the case study “New World College: Technology Community College,” located in Appendix B on pages 173 – 175. Respond to the following questions:

• What risks are inherent for the college, with its reliance on its rapid shifts to implement new initiatives based on entrepreneurial demands?

• How might academic programming be impacted by the business ventures?

• What needs to occur at the college to provide for the sustainability of programs when President Jones leaves?

• In conclusion, how might this case study reflect your own experience as an educational leader? Or discuss how consideration of this case is useful in your development as an educational leader.

Read Attached: Appendix B: Case Studies in Leadership – New World College: Technology Community College (p. 173 – 175) from:

Discuss the variables that contributed to health disparity in this situation, such as physical, cultural, social, economic, or educational determinants. Explain how the disparity impacts the alteration in health (GI or GU) experienced by the client.

Person-centered Strategies to Support Social Justice and Health Equity

Social justice and the pursuit of health equity are foundational values intended to shape healthcare policies, resources, and delivery. Unfortunately; even with intentional efforts to promote health and prevent disease, disparities and inequity are not uncommon.

Create a short case scenario regarding a client with an alteration in health involving one of the body systems (GI or GU- could be GERD). In the scenario, also describe at least one health disparity experienced by your fictitious client. Respond to the following:

– Present the case scenario, and explain the alteration in health (GI or GU) and the health disparities experienced by the fictitious client.

– Discuss the variables that contributed to health disparity in this situation, such as physical, cultural, social, economic, or educational determinants. Explain how the disparity impacts the alteration in health (GI or GU) experienced by the client.

– Prioritize two action steps for the MSN-prepared nurse to minimize disparity, support health equity, and address the alteration in health within your scenario.

You have been asked to help your best friend plan a wedding or a family reunion in another city; OR lead the family committee to plan an 85th birthday party for your grandmother.

Wedding or Reunion Work Breakdown Structure in Microsoft Project – WK 2

The following are MAJOR tasks for a wedding . Use TWO of the tasks to build a Work Breakdown Structure in Microsoft Project.

Each major task should have 2 sub-tasks. Each sub-task should have 2 sub-sub tasks. You may add more if you wish or have a need to add more to be sure the major task is complete.

The scenarios are these (please choose only one scenario): (1) You have been asked to help your best friend plan a wedding or a family reunion in another city; OR (2) Your mother has asked you to lead the family committee to plan an 85th birthday party for your grandmother. You have no concern for schedule or budget at the moment, only defining the work that needs to be done for the wedding or reunion to start on time and to be successful. There will be about 100 guests.

The major tasks are these (in no particular order… you may order them in a way that is logical to you… AND you may ADD major tasks as you see the need).:

What does the book do well? What doesn’t it do well? What message about the past is the writer trying to tell us? What does the book tell us about how people saw the world when it was written?

Aloha Betrayed Book Review

Book Review Assignment Sheet
This is a REVIEW not a report. Do not simply provide a summary, but provide your own analysis of the book. Focus on one or two things about the reading that piqued your interest, raised questions, etc., and use those as a jumping off point for ANALYZING the text. You should provide, at most, one short paragraph of summary; the rest should be analysis of the book itself and how it can be used both to tell history or as a part of history itself. You can also provide support for your argument with more in depth discussions of certain sections of the text.
You are allowed a bit more leeway than a formal paper because this is more of a personal response or reflection type of writing, but these responses must still demonstrate that you have done the reading and that you have THOUGHT about what you read and understand the readings. These are some example questions that can help you identify what to include in your review:
What does the book do well? What doesn’t it do well?
What message about the past is the writer trying to tell us?
What does the book tell us about how people saw the world when it was written?
Did you see any problems or weaknesses in the text.?
What questions were raised as you read the text?
As part of this you should do some quick research on the book’s author(s), and how their identity might affect the book’s portrayals as well.
YOU SHOULD HAVE A THESIS STATEMENT. You should be making some sort of argument in this thing, either about what the book did well, what it missed, what its most important themes are, etc. Your analysis of the book should support the thesis.
At the end of the day, it is a review. So the most important things are who would benefit from or enjoy reading this book and why, and who would not.

Discuss the different choices you have made, from the working on the thesis statement, the design of the interview guide, carrying out the interviews and analysis.

Qualitative and quantitative methods

Specification of contents and design
Length and disposition of the tasks
• Two separate tasks, one quantitative method and one qualitative method.
• Both tasks should be maximum 10 pages, EXCLUDING attachments (look at the bottom for specification of attachments)
• Write a separate introduction for each of the tasks, and since both tasks have the same topic you need to describe the common topic in both introductions.

Common for both tasks (quantitative and qualitative)
• Choose topic and design the thesis statement with basis in the chosen topic. The same topic should be explored both quantitative and qualitative, but it does not need to be the exact same thesis statement/research questions. It would be natural for a qualitative project to focus on other aspects than a quantitative project.
• The project need to be designed to be completed independently.

The quantitative task
• Choose one of the topics that are highlighted I “Levekårsundersøkelsen for Nordland 2014”, it is this dataset that will be used for the analysis. There are many topics to choose from : Political activity, worklife, leisure activities, social network/family, local society, well-being etc. Concretize the topic to a researchable thesis and formulate some concrete research questions that can either be formulated as questions or as assertions.
• The thesis statement/research questions does not need to reflect a regional issue, even though the dataset is from Nordland County.
• Choose variables you want to use in the analysis. Pick one or two effect variables, and some explanatory variables you can use to analyze variation in the effect variables. Think through what explanatory variables that can help with explaining. F.ex. is it reasonable to expect a difference between sex, age or rich-poor?
• Boxmodel or two that shows how you think the coherence between the variables are.
• Try to choose variables on different levels, so you show different statistical analysis.
• Discuss how you perceive the validity between your theoretical term (f.ex. social network or political activity) and the concrete questions that are asked in the question form.
• Carry out the statistical analysis and present the results in text and tables. Use both uni-variate, bi-variate and multivariate analysis (multivariate through multivariate crosstables or multivariate regression). Execute significance tests of the analysis. Present and interpret these tests. Only use the most important from the tables in the text, and put the ones that aren’t interpreted in text, as attachments (as long as they support the analysis, f.ex. if you have checked for something, but did not find any)
• Discuss if the analysis has answered the research questions (validity)
• USE METHOD CURRICULUM ACTIVELY when discussing choices made.

The qualitative task
• Formulate a limited thesis statement with base in the same topic as for the quantitative task
• Make an interview guide
• Create information writing in coherence with the demands for information in the personal data act.
• Recruit participants (2 people, no names)
• Datacollection (Interview)
• Transcribe the interviews
• Present the findings (show how you have coded, categorized and analyzed the material)
• Discuss if and how your findings from your study and the analysis of these can contribute to answer the thesis statement.
• Discuss the different choices you have made, from the working on the thesis statement, the design of the interview guide, carrying out the interviews and analysis. Also include discussions of what you eventually would have done different if you were to do it again.
• Use method curriculum in the discussion
Attachments that are required
The quantitive task
• Tables/analysis that you don’t wish to use directly in the text
The qualitative task
• Information writing
• Interview guide
• Section (2 pages) of coding schematics with transcribed text from the interviews and coding

How would the chosen organisation ensure the approach stays on track? What else would they need to consider? Who else could they learn from?

Operation management (MBA-essay)

Prior Reading
As background information, familiarise yourself with the EFQM model (the PDF is also available within the Assessment Instructions section). The questions and assessment criteria for Coursework A assessment are outlined below.

Overall Task

1. Apply the EFQM Business Excellence model, using relevant theory and concepts learnt on the module, to one organisation of your choice in the food industry. Draw on your analysis to identify and capture strengths and areas for improvement to the chosen organisation (40%):

Criterion 3: Engaging Stakeholders

Discuss how the sustainable relationships with partners & suppliers (3.5) build within the company.

Criterion 4 – Creating Sustainable Value

Critically evaluate the key processes required to deliver the value (4.3).

Criterion 5 – Driving Performance & Transformation

Analyse how the company develops new product and evaluate whether the company utilises technology (5.3)?

2. Based on your analysis, recommend one Operations OR Supply Chain Management strategy that the chosen organisation could pursue to drive business excellence. Apply RADAR framework to your recommendation (40%).

Marks will be awarded for structure, presentation (including executive summary), and quality of references (10%).

Note: You should draw on relevant theory, concepts and principles learnt on the module throughout the report.

Some advice on developing your strategy in Q2
You may wish to use the RADAR elements to help you address questions 2. This may also influence the key points raised in your executive summary.

Radar Element



What would success look like from this strategy?


Describe what the strategy looks like in terms of an approach or approaches?


What specific steps would the chosen organisation take to deliver this strategy/approach?

Assessment & Refinement

How would the chosen organisation ensure the approach stays on track? What else would they need to consider? Who else could they learn from?

Advice on the practical application of theory
There is an expectation that you go beyond learning gained on the BMHPO module. This includes a need to conduct your own research into the key themes underpinning the questions above using the academic literature (e.g. journal articles and other credible sources).

You will need to briefly introduce your chosen organisation to familiarise the reader with the appropriate context. There are no marks for detailed background to the company. You are being assessed on your reflections, interpretation, and application of theory in practice and analytical reasoning using accepted academic practice and literature.

What is the slope saying about the two variables? Write the equation that represents the line? What would predict saving to be at the $12,500 level of income?

Homework 1

The following table contained data on the relationship between saving and income:
Income Per Year Saving Per Year
$15,000 $1,000
0 – 500
10,000 500
5,000 0
20,000 1,500
a) Rearrange the data into a meaningful order (Hint start with 0 and – 500).
b) Graph them on a piece of paper.
c) Calculate the slope of the line that you have graphed.
d) What is the slope saying about the two variables?
e) Write the equation that represents the line.
f) What would predict saving to be at the $12,500 level of income