
Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational.

Statement of Purpose

A document of no more than two pages outlining your objectives for pursuing this degree program (FIU’s Master of Science in Human Resource Management (MSHRM) program)(choose one of the following):

Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational.

Of FIU’s core values [creativity, rigor, diversity, team, integrity, and global community], which value resonates most with you and why?

Do violent video games and television impact childhood development? Are they more likely to be violent than children that are not exposed to it? Why is this topic important?

Your research question.

1.Do violent video games and television impact childhood development? Are they more likely to be violent than children that are not exposed to it? Why is this topic important?

2. A summary of current research on the topic (minimum of 3 sources).

3. Your own observations — what have you observed in your own experiences related to this topic? You may interview someone who has experience or insights, conduct a survey or do a naturalistic observation related to the topic.

4. How do your own observations and experiences fit in with what the research shows?

5. What stood out to you? What did you learn from doing this?

6. This should be a minimum of 5 pages or 1250 words and include a thesis statement.

Write an essay about various ways companies monitor employee use of computing resources, including access to the Internet and email.

Employer Monitoring

Write an essay about various ways companies monitor employee use of computing resources, including access to the Internet and email.
Sources should be typed on a separate page “Works Cited”.

Write a Research Report for all study elements in the Article Deconstruction Worksheet Click for more options Article Deconstruction Worksheet.

Experimental and functional food research

Write a Research Report for all study elements in the Article Deconstruction Worksheet Click for more options Article Deconstruction Worksheet – Alternative Formats for each article, instead of re-summarizing the abstracts. Provide specific details and support each assertion with evidence. Your Research Report should be in 2 sections. Do not combine the articles into one deconstruction:
Highlighting Primary Research Article 1
Highlighting Primary Research Article 2
Note: The section headings for the two sections are the only two sections of the Research Report. The Research Report should not have an introduction or conclusion. You should not be summarizing the authors introductions either – jump right into the studies by starting with the study objective and go from there. Review the grading rubric here Click for more options grading rubric here – Alternative Formats .
Create a Microsoft Word document using the following formatting guidelines:
Cover sheet with the topic of the Research Report, your name, and the course name (NHM 454)
3 full pages minimum, 4 pages maximum, not including references or cover sheet. I will not grade any work that exceeds the fourth page.
Apply AMA style including in text citations, references, and page numbers.

What are the steps involved in tissue repair? Explain the process of tissue repair. Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very poorly and explain why it does not regenerate well.

Tissue Concept Map

Create a concept map of your choice; you can do this on a word document, PowerPoint, Adobe, Paint, or Hand-drawn. If you are unsure ask your instructor for other options if applicable. There is an example of a concept map at the end of this document for reference.
The concept map needs to include:
The four primary tissue types
The function of each primary tissue type
All subtypes of each primary tissue
The function of each subtype
An example of where you would find each subtype in the body
A histological image or drawing of each subtype –
A histological image is what the tissue type would look like under a microscope.
In addition to the concept map answer the following questions:
What are the steps involved in tissue repair? Explain the process of tissue repair.
Some tissues in the body regenerate or repair very well whereas others do not regenerate at all.
Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very well and explain why it does.
Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very poorly and explain why it does not regenerate well.
Complete additional research on the topic as necessary, ensuring to cite and reference all material in APA format.

Explain the relationship between privacy concerns and online information disclosure. Analyze how different reasons for internet privacy circumstances influence online information disclosure behavior.

Privacy Concerns and Trust Entities in Online Information Disclosure in China

The paper will examine the interaction between possible causes and results of internet usage and internet privacy concern through trust entities in China. It will analyze how different reasons for internet privacy circumstances influence online information disclosure behavior. The theory of planned behavior is adapted to explain the relationship between privacy concerns and online information disclosure. We will collect data from internet users in China with different nationalities. The results will confirm that online privacy concerns vary across various factors such as trust entities, past internet experience, previous internet knowledge, and online shopping. Furthermore, the significance of the link between privacy concerns and attitudes toward trust will be tested.

Describe the purpose of a Behavior Matrix and when you would utilize one in your classroom. Also discuss the importance of collaboration of key stakeholders regarding the Behavior Matrix.

Developing a Behavioral Matrix

Implementation of the Behavioral Matrix is important to support students with behavioral issues. In the Module 3 Application, you will design a behavior matrix for your school or for a future school.
At the graduate level, it is appropriate to include a brief introduction to set the stage for what follows in the body of the document.
Step 1: Describe the purpose of a Behavior Matrix and when you would utilize one in your classroom. Also discuss the importance of collaboration of key stakeholders regarding the Behavior Matrix.
Step 2: Design a Behavior Matrix. For examples see Module 3 Learning Objects.
Step 3: Discuss the benefits and challenges of implementing a Behavior Matrix in your classroom.
As expected of all graduate-level APA documents, it is appropriate to address conclusions drawn from the experience of considering these topics.
At the graduate level, all documents should include appropriate in-text citations and references to support the relationship between research and application. These reference entries belong at the end of the document in appropriate APA format.

How does the topic the death of Jesus connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible?

Signature Assignment – God’s Story Research Paper | Part 1 – Project Plan

The death of Jesus
Part 1: Submit a Project Plan, to include the following:
Topic – the death of jesus
Thesis – what is the central message/argument of the paper?
Outline – organize the outline to address the following four assignment questions. Include two or more subpoints and supporting quotations for each main idea.

Main Idea #1: How does the topic the death of Jesus connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible?

Main Idea #2: What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surrounding this person or concept?

Main Idea #3: What was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this person/people within Luke/Acts?

Main Idea #4: What insights gained could be meaningful for our context today?

Resources – include an APA-formatted References list with at least the following sources:
The Drama of Scripture;
the accompanying topic article found in the course (i.e the article about Mary, costly discipleship, the death of Jesus, the kingdom of God, or the Gentiles);
two additional sources from the APU Library; see the APU Writing Center’s Research Tips and ResourcesOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader for suggestions about finding good resources.
NOTE: While you will likely reference the Bible, it does not count toward one of your four required sources. Also, in APA style, classical works – including the Bible – are not listed in the References page. Embed biblical citations within the text as follows: “Then Jesus called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal” (Luke 9:12, NRSV). Only indicate the Bible version in the first citation; it is not necessary to identify each citation as NRSV.
Note: This assignment will be checked for plagiarism. Always review the University’s Academic Integrity Policy statement regarding plagiarism.

Identify the key positions, titles, and assigned responsibilities in the organization. Discuss and illustrate the individual pressures faced and how the issues were handled or delegated to another position.

Ethical Analysis

Select a work-related ethical scenario that you (or someone close to you) have experienced. Organizations and names should be changed when identifying references in the assignment. Compose an essay that addresses the following requirements:

  • Identify the key positions, titles, and assigned responsibilities in the organization.
  • Discuss and illustrate the individual pressures faced and how the issues were handled or delegated to another position.
  • Describe how changing attitudes and behaviors evolved as the incidents occurred.
  • Compare and contrast the behaviors in the scenario with the philosophical theories of ethical decision-making that are referenced in Unit II. Examples may include Utilitarianism or Deontology application.
  • Illustrate any mishandling of the decision-making process that resulted in lessons learned.
  • Summarize what you have learned from an analysis of this event.

Your response should be at least 500 words in length (not including the references page) in APA style. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citation.


Who can we hold accountable here besides Kip? Why do you think he resorted to violence? Was he a naturally violent child or did his childhood experiences in some way shape him to become this way?

Reflection 6

Although this event and story are almost 22 years old, the memories and significance of this will remain and continue to be significant in our understanding of mass shootings and violence. I would like for you to consider the question:
Who can we hold accountable here besides Kip? Why do you think he resorted to violence? Was he a naturally violent child or did his childhood experiences in some way shape him to become this way?