
What is being factually presented? What are the facts that are supposed to sway the audience into watching the film? How many facts are offered and what about them seem important?

Murder in the First

Look over the three posters. You might find it helpful to do some brainstorming. What do you see in the images that is designed to get an emotional reaction? What sort of logic or facts are being presented? What sort of ethos is being created?

You have to decide which one relies most on which line of argument. This may not be easy; you might want to argue all three as pathos, or two as ethos. But you need to designate each one as a different line of argument. You cannot use one poster for more than one line of argument.

For help finding the lines of argument:


Pathos/ emotions are often the easiest to see, but keep in mind that your personal reaction can be based on your own bias. What sort of feeling(s) is the image supposed to create in the audience? Why would this feeling compel them to see the film?


Logos is based on facts and reason. What is being factually presented? What are the facts that are supposed to sway the audience into watching the film? How many facts are offered and what about them seem important?


Ethos / character can be the trickiest part of this. Ethos depends on credibility and authority, so you might look at these images to see how those things are being represented. What type of person is being shown? How should you react to this person? How much do you trust the image to be representing the material clearly and fairly?

What would you want to keep and what would you want to change about yourself as a learner, reader, and writer after this experience?

The Beauty of Breaking in Michele Harper.

Use the questions below to develop an essay that reflects on your learning and experience. You need not answer each question but choose the topics where you can write the most effective letter. Topics get progressively challenging as you move toward the bottom of the list.

What has this first part of the semester taught you about reading and yourself as a reader?
What has this first part of the semester taught you about writing and yourself as a writer?
What would you want to keep and what would you want to change about yourself as a learner, reader, and writer after this experience?
What have you learned from reading the memoir itself? How has reading this book helped you to “see through someone else’s eyes”? Discuss a previous experience with an acquaintance, co-worker, friend, or family member and how you might approach the experience differently after reading this memoir and learning what you have learned from it.
What have you learned about rhetoric? How has examining the memoir through the lens of rhetoric helped you to better understand and make use or rhetorical ideas?
How has reading this memoir helped you better understand the current challenges the country faces with regards to racism, white supremacy, violence, and economic disparity?

Explain how the piece relates to and/or reflects the cultural and philosophical issues studied throughout the semester and address how the piece contributes to the field of mass communication.

Critical Analysis Essay

For this assignment, you will write a two-page critical analysis of a piece of media, such as a book, television show or series, movie or record album. Pick a piece of media that provides sufficient material to write about and analyze. Be sure to write about a specific piece a media (a TV series, an album, a video game) and not the genre.
In the paper, you should discuss whether the piece of media achieves its purposes and what qualities or characteristics of the piece help the piece achieve its goals. Explain how the piece relates to and/or reflects the cultural and philosophical issues studied throughout the semester and address how the piece contributes to the field of mass communication. Finally, you should describe your personal responses to the chosen piece of media, its strengths and weaknesses and its overall impact. You may use quotes or paraphrases from outside sources (critics, reviewers, etc.) as well as the text or lecture notes, but you must cite your sources within the body of your essay and include a bibliography in either MLA or APA style. You are not required to cite outside sources but if you refer to ideas or comments that are not your original thoughts, be sure to cite sources in order to avoid plagiarizing.

Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.

Contemporary Nursing Practice

The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750‐1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following:

Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.

Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an associate and baccalaureate education in nursing. Explain how scope of practice changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse.

Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care, or approaches to decision‐making, differ between the BSN‐prepared nurse and the ADN nurse.

Discuss the significance of applying evidence‐based practice to nursing care and explain how the academic preparation of the RN‐BSN nurse supports its application.

Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective patient outcomes.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Describe a significant landscape from your own experience. How does this landscape reflect both local cultural values and its environmental context?

Key concepts in Geography

Describe a significant landscape from your own experience. How does this landscape reflect both local cultural values and its environmental context?

What distortions do you see in the Gall-Peters projection? Why would someone use this projection?

Describe how the theory conceptualizes and explains relational life and the central role communication plays in our interpersonal relationships.

Relationship development

Read Chapters 9-13, “Relationship Development”. The goal of the six theories discussed in this unit is to unravel the reasons why we continue to be part of other peoples’ lives and why they stay with us. Name each theory and, in one sentence, describe how the theory conceptualizes and explains relational life and the central role communication plays in our interpersonal relationships. Then discuss the following question I asked above, namely, “Why do we continue to be part of other peoples’ lives and why do they stay with us?” Pay attention to the following topics as you read: uncertainty, rewards, depth, and breadth, tensions, privacy, and motivation.

What methods of training would be appropriate for your audience? Which training methods would you actually use based on the objectives? What activities will you use to engage your audience?

Training Design and Objectives Part 2

You are to develop a training plan. Each student will identify an organization, You will then identify a training need of that organization (e.g. new system, new product, upskilling, customer service, etc.). This training must address an area in which the participants’ KSAs are at a lower than the desired level. It also must be an area in which the participants have at least a moderate desire to develop their KSAs. After you have identified the training need (Training Topic) you will answer these 7 questions. The organization identified is OFFICE DEPOT and The training Need identified is strategic problem solving (can add more details under this topic)


1. What might be some organizational constraints?

2. What is the overall budget for the training? Show the different line items. This might change as you go through with your project, that is fine.

3. What are the objectives of the training? Make sure they are specific and include behaviors, conditions, and standards.

4. What methods of training would be appropriate for your audience?

5. Which training methods would you actually use based on the objectives?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the training method(s) you will be using?

7. What activities will you use to engage your audience?

I’ve attached a document below to help with these questions from part 2

How does effective coaching contribute to improved outcomes in your organization? Are the outcomes related to individual employees, teams or groups?

2.1 Discussion question

How does effective coaching contribute to improved outcomes in your organization? Are the outcomes related to individual employees, teams or groups? Ultimately, how does coaching impact patient outcomes? How do you know that coaching is making an impact? Substantiate your post using at least one research article.

How does the story of Adam and Eve reinforce patriarchal values by having Adam being created first, in God’s image, and woman being created as an afterthought from Adam’s rib?

Chapter 6

How does the story of Adam and Eve reinforce patriarchal values by having Adam being created first, in God’s image, and woman being created as an afterthought from Adam’s rib?

2. If you are a man, consider at least one way you might change your everyday life in such a way that the consequences make your life better and enhance gender equality in relationships with others. If you are a woman, consider a man in your life (father, boyfriend, boss, husband etc.) and outline some changes in the way he acts in relationships that you believe would be good for him and for your relationship (you can decide whether you want to share these with him).

Summarize in a paragraph to show that you read the story. Then, discuss your own personal reaction to the story, as well as the point of view of the story, that is who is telling the story, and how does the story engage the issues of gender, race, and class.

What are the leading causes of the exploitation of BIPOC relating to student loans? What role does the type of institution attended by BIPOC play in discriminatory funding of student loans?

Student debt crisis has disproportionately affected Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

Sources/ References: Peer Review only between the years of 2018-2021.

Problem Statement: The problem to be addressed in this study is, the student debt crisis has disproportionately affected Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities due to racially biased funding in the United States

Purpose Statement: The purpose of this qualitative case study will be to investigate the drivers behind BIPOC student loan exploitation, institutional role in this exploitation, and possible recommendation to reduce this racially-based funding.

Research Questions:

What are the leading causes of the exploitation of BIPOC relating to student loans?


What role does the type of institution attended by BIPOC play in discriminatory funding of student loans?


What recommendation if adopted could reduce racially biased funding in the United States for BIPOC?

The template is attached that outlines the following directions. If the header is highlighted or strike through do not add or remove the writing under that header. Take a look at the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions and complete chapter one of my Dissertation.